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Individualized Weight Loss Plan

3 things you should know about our individualized weight loss plan

Hoping to finally lose weight and keep it off? Have you made that same resolution every year for countless years now? Maybe what you need is an individualized weight loss plan, something exactly tailored and fine-tuned to address your needs.

Our natural medicine clinic in Milwaukee creates a customized plan that finds and addresses the issues that are causing your weight gain, as well as any health issues that you are dealing with as a result of your weight gain.

We would like you to know three important things that make our individualized weight loss plan unique.

  1. We offer supplemental support as part of our individualized weight loss plan. Our individualized weight loss plan includes the support of members of our integrative medicine team. After consulting with you and doing our evaluation, we may suggest nutritional therapy or special supplements. Some people may benefit from our many alternative therapies, such as hypnotherapy or massage therapy. We will help you in every possible way.
  2. Our natural medicine clinic in Milwaukee also offers behavior modification. You may benefit from adding a behavioral modification component to your individualized weight loss plan. This helps you identify and change the behaviors that are causing your weight gain and preventing you from losing weight.
  3. Our bariatric program evaluates health issues that may be affecting your health. Our natural medicine clinic in Milwaukee addresses emotional, behavioral and health issues when devising your individualized weight loss plan. This includes an evaluation of important numbers such as your cholesterol and blood sugar. We may decide that you would benefit from a sleep study to see if sleep apnea could be causing problems with your weight loss.

Our individualized weight loss plans are much more than a simple diet plan

At our natural medicine clinic in Milwaukee, we take your health and weight loss very seriously. We believe in treating the whole person – mind and body – and our individualized weight loss plans reflect this approach. If you are ready to make a change in the way you approach nutrition, weight loss and life choices, contact us today.

Vitamin D and Bladder Cancer

Linking low levels of vitamin D and bladder cancer

Many people know that they get vitamin D from milk and being outside in the sun, but what many people do not know is the potential health hazards of low levels of vitamin D in your body. At our natural medicine clinic in Milwaukee, we are proponents of nutritional health, so we were very interested in a recent study* that linked low vitamin D and bladder cancer.

The study found that vitamin D may help stimulate an immune response to bladder cancer

Researchers at the University of Warwick reviewed seven studies that investigated the role that vitamin D plays in bladder cancer. Five of the seven studies they reviewed did show a link to low levels of vitamin D and bladder cancer.

The researchers also conducted their own experiment investigating the cells that line the bladder, known as transitional epithelial cells. Their experiment showed that the transitional epithelial cells activated and responded to vitamin D. They believe that this response can stimulate an immune response.

This immune system response could potentially play an important role in cancer prevention. If the system can identify abnormal cells before they become cancer cells, it could prevent bladder cancer.

Vitamin D and bladder cancer – what’s the solution?

While researchers acknowledge that more studies need to be conducted before they can conclusively connect low levels of vitamin D and bladder cancer, they agree that the potential for vitamin D to prevent cancer is very promising and exciting, especially since vitamin D is inexpensive and readily available to the general public.

Vitamin D is an important vitamin that you can obtain through food sources, sunlight or supplements. Here are a few of the important roles that vitamin D plays in the body.

  • Vital for bone growth and strength
  • Helps the body properly absorb calcium
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Helps modulate cell growth

The integrative medicine team at our natural medicine clinic in Milwaukee can help you achieve your best health. For more information about low vitamin D levels and an increased risk of bladder cancer, contact us.


All Detox Diets Are Not Equal

Detox diets are trendy today.

While each fad diet varies, typical characteristics are fasting followed by a strict diet of raw vegetables, fruits and water. Some detox diets also include colon cleansing and supplements. We’re constantly bombarded with novel detox diets and products in the media.

Like most fad diets, there is little evidence that unsupervised detox diets work. Fad diets aren’t the same as a medically supervised metabolic detox diet. It’s important to understand the difference and benefits between the two.

A metabolic detox diet, supervised by a medical professional, focuses on transporting toxins in your body to the liver or kidneys. Then, the body can eliminate the toxins by excreting them. This filtering process typically involves the digestive tract, lungs, liver and kidneys.

Some of the typical toxins eliminated from your body are:

  • Excess hormones
  • Inflammatory molecules
  • Prescription drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Fat-soluble substances

Many chronic illnesses build up over time with few, if any, symptoms in the early phases. Diseases such as arthritis, heart and lung disease, diabetes and high blood pressure are often attributed to toxins in the body. A medically supervised detoxification diet can flush out chemicals and toxins. Eliminating these toxins can help reduce or reverse the effects of many chronic illnesses without additional medications.

You shouldn’t undertake a strict detoxification diet on your own. Assessing and managing underlying health conditions are critical. Issues such as diabetes, blood pressure, anxiety, heart disease and other chronic illnesses must be monitored by a health professional.

The more you and your medical professional knows about your body, the better your detox diet will work. At Serenity Health Care Center, we offer a professional detox approach to help our patients improve health. Call us today to find out more about how a metabolic detoxification diet can put you on the pathway to wellness.

Gluten Sensitivity Questions

Gluten causes health issues for people who are sensitive to foods containing gluten. If you have gastrointestinal problems or irritable bowel syndrome, gluten could be your problem. In fact, research shows that a gluten-free diet may improve many symptoms in a variety of illnesses, including multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Gluten Sensitivity Questions
Gluten Sensitivity Questions

Is gluten causing your health problems? Here are some questions to help you find out if it is contributing to your poor health. If you answer yes to 4 or fewer, it’s unlikely that gluten is causing you problems. If you answer yes to 5 or more of these questions, gluten sensitivity is likely contributing to your health issues.

  1. Unintentional weight gain
  2. Unexplained fatigue
  3. Difficulty relaxing or feeling
  4. Unexplained digestive problems
  5. Female hormone imbalances
  6. PMS or menopausal symptoms
  7. Muscle or joint pain or stiffness of unknown cause
  8. Migraine or severe headaches
  9. Food allergies or sensitivities
  10. Difficulty digesting dairy products
  11. Tendency to consume too much alcohol
  12. Excessive sensitivity to physical & emotional pain
  13. Cravings for sweets, bread, carbohydrates
  14. Abdominal pain or cramping
  15. Abdominal bloating or distention
  16. Intestinal gas
  17. Craving specific foods
  18. Eat when upset or to relax
  19. Constipation or diarrhea of unknown cause
  20. Unexplained skin problems and rashes

If you answered yes to 9 or more of the above questions, I recommend that you make an appointment with your health care provider to discuss a potential sensitivity. Due to the cross-contamination of many foods, setting up a gluten-free diet on your own is challenging. Your health care practitioner or a professional that he/she recommends can help you implement a diet that is packed with nutrition and taste.

If you are looking for gluten-free recipes, check out Serenity Health Kitchen. Identifying allergies and sensitivities is one of our specialties at Serenity Health Care Center. Schedule an appointment to find out how a different diet can make you feel like a new person.

Leptin Called Obesity Hormone

Leptin, often called the obesity hormone, plays a significant role in regulating appetite and body weight. As weight decreases, leptin falls to stimulate your appetite. When body weight increases, levels should decrease to suppress appetite. If your levels are abnormal, it has a negative effect on your weight and overall health.

Learn about leptin and optimizing leptin levels in Dr. Muth’s video.

A disorder could mean that your body is making a lot of leptin that doesn’t work. Your brain doesn’t listen. Thus, there is no decrease in appetite or increase in metabolism. This means your eat more, you gain weight… eat more, you gain weight. This cycle must be broken to regain your appetite signals.

Check out the video or call Serenity Health Care Center for a consultation to find out more about how you can optimize your health.

5 Diet Changes that Can Improve Your Life

For most of us, food is a focal point in our lives. Not only do we eat to live, but we celebrate and socialize with food. Research shows that eating the right foods can help us live longer and healthier lives. Foods can prevent and/or control many chronic illnesses. Here are five diet changes that can improve your life. Isn’t it time that you start eating for your health.

  • Diet Changes: Limit processed and red meats

You consume less saturated fat and eat more vegetables when you limit the amount of processed and red meat in your diet. Replacing red meat with fish makes it less noticeable. Or, enjoy a meatless dinner by choosing some vegetables that you really enjoy. This is especially easy when you eat what is in season.

  • Diet Changes: Add Nuts and Oils

Generous quantities of olive oil, nuts and avocados can help reduce your risk of plaque build-up in your arteries. Foods high in monounsaturated fats are good for you.

  • Diet Changes: Eat some berries

Berries are lauded as superfoods for a reason. These nutrient-rich morsels are packed full of antioxidants. Studies show that berries may help lower blood pressure, improve blood vessel function and slow mental decline and aging. Add an assortment of blue and red berries to your diet—from cranberries to strawberries to blueberries and more.

  • Diet Changes: Include a variety of fruits and vegetables

Studies show that people who consume a range of fruits and vegetables daily have a reduced risk of many chronic diseases. These foods are rich in vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Choose a variety of colors for maximum benefits—dark leafy greens, reds, yellows and orange vegetables and fruits can add up to boost your health.

  • Diet Changes: Consider a Mediterranean diet

Strong research is showing that the Mediterranean diet is an excellent way to eat healthier. This tasty food is easy to prepare. Check out our recipe to see for yourself. Join one of Coach Pam’s affordable classes to learn more about Mediterranean food and healthy eating.

Watch for our health eating events. Classes are small and informal, so they are a fun way to learn about foods. If you have questions on nutrition and its impact on your life, call Serenity Health Care Center for a consultation.

Eating Gluten Free

Serenity Health Care Center – It’s back to school time and parents often struggle to find a healthy alternative to school lunch as if this isn’t hard enough, finding gluten-free options are even more challenging. Eating gluten free is often a goal. Many parents do this by choice, for others it is a must because their child has Celiac Disease, an autoimmune disease that damages the lining of the intestinal tract when exposed to wheat gluten.

Eating Gluten Free

There are many gluten-free options in stores today. Some of these options are healthier than others. Many of the grocery stores even have gluten-free sections to make it easier. You still must read the label because ingredients change frequently.

Dr. Muth says the best choices for all kids, including those with Celiac Disease, are fruits and vegetables. Those are all gluten-free. Dried whole fruit slices are good alternatives to fruit roll ups.  Granola and cereal bars that are labeled “gluten-free” are also great choices for kids. There is also gluten-free bread if you want to make a sandwich for your child. Our favorite is Udi’s brand breads and buns.

If you child has Celiac Disease, you need to be extra careful about eating gluten free. Notify the school so that they can assist in keeping the eating environment clean and clear of gluten. The staff will need to be educated because many people do not realize what gluten is and all the hidden sources it is found in. Place your child’s food in a separate plastic container. Advise your child to keep their food away from other food, even crumbs that contain gluten. The slightest amount of gluten can cause a severe reaction in some children.

Plastic containers should never be frozen or heated in so teach your children to warm in paper or use glass containers for warming. Use the food containers as a plate to protect their food. This will prevent their food from coming into contact with contaminated tables.

Exposure to gluten in a child that is intolerant can lead to cramping and abdominal pain, fatigue and even behavioral problems. These symptoms can be so debilitating that they cannot return to class. Education is key when it comes to eating gluten free.

For more information read our other articles on Celiac disease  and browse Serenity’s Kitchen for our favorite gluten free recipes.

Does diet affect neurological disorders: Autism, Attention Deficit, Tourette’s and anger disorders?

Does diet affect neurological disorders such as Autism, Attention Deficit, Tourette’s and anger disorders?

There has been a great deal of talk around diet and how it affects neurological disorders. The question is does it work- does diet affect neurological disorders?

The truth is that there is a great deal of research that indicates diets high in sugar, high processed foods and foods that contain dyes increase the symptoms of neurological disorders. People who have taken on the challenge of changing their diets and eliminating these foods from their families diet have seen significant changes.

There are instances that these changes are made but do not see the results they were hoping for and become frustrated, so they give up. It may be that the only thing that is missing is proper balance in the types of foods that are being consumed.

There is a genotype called Apo E that has been linked to heart disease, neurological and metabolically disorders. If you or your child has a variant of this genotype following a gene specific diet may provide you with the results you have been looking for.

Dramatic results have been seen in children that have followed this gene specific diet. We have seen children who could not speak begin talking, anger outbursts have declined and/or completely resolved sometimes in as little as 3 weeks. Does diet affect neurological disorders? This shows that the answer is yes.

Why do some children respond so well to cleaning up the diet? Certain genotypes prevent the body from clearing toxins. Now most people think they do not have toxic exposure but we all do everyday. Nutritionally the traditional American diet is highly toxic. If one is eating an American diet then you are getting toxins from; highly processed, inflammatory diet such as large amounts of chips, candy bars laden with inflammatory trans fats, antibiotics, high-fructose corn syrup, exogenous sex hormones from dairy products and synthetic hormones, pesticides, and herbicides.

If we do not know that the body has an inability to clear toxins coming from processed foods, fast foods, food dyes and high amounts of animal protein this could be contributing to the neurological symptoms that the child is experiencing. It appears that when the genotype is being filled with toxins the neurological system cannot develop well enough to express normal speech, behavior, and sleep patterns; and interact appropriately with parents, sibling’s, or playmates.

I feel it is important for patients facing these medical issues chose an integrative medical approach to reverse the neurological symptoms that they and their children are facing.

Can diet affect neurological disorders? Yes, it can. Call Serenity Health Care Center today to discuss having your genotype testing 262-522-8640.

Do you know if your food is NON-GMO?

How do you know if the food you feed your family is GMO (genetically modified organism)?

These are important questions to ask and answers to have if you want to prevent disease and illness in your family. Foods that are GMO (genetically modified organism) are not naturally grown. 

They are a result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. The foreign genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. Because this involves the transfer of genes, GMOs are also known as “transgenic” organisms. This process can be called either genetic engineering or genetically modified.

Where are they in your food?

GMO was first introduced into the food supply in the mid-1990s; GMOs are now present in the vast majority of processed foods in the US. Europe has banned GMO food ingredients but the FDA does not even require the labeling of GMOs in food ingredient lists in the US.

Common foods that are GMO; include oils from all four, soy protein, soy lecithin, cornstarch, corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup among others.

Why should you care about genetically modified foods?

These foods have been linked to toxic and allergic reactions, sick, sterile, and even dead livestock. The effects on humans of consuming these new combinations of proteins produced in GMOs are unknown and have not been studied. You need to know if your food is non-GMO.

It is the belief of many integrative providers that US government regulators have largely ignored the impact of GMO food on health, but medical studies show serious problems.

After reviewing more than 600 scientific journals, world-renowned biologist Pushpa M. Bhargava concludes that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are a major contributor to the sharply deteriorating health of America.

Make it your business to know if your food is non-GMO.

Tension or the Essence of Health and Vitality

There appears to be a new disease called Tension! 

Many Americans suffer from this condition, feeling tense, anxious, nervous, and frustrated.  Do you suffer from dry mouth, or feel like you are suffocating?  Does your stomach feel like it’s in knots or spasms? Are chronic muscle cramps part of your daily routine?

One possible culprit causing tension is a mineral deficiency;  the simple cure may be mineral nutrition.  Minerals function as a major controller for the nervous system.  

Potassium and magnesium are the main two alkaline minerals, which come primarily from greens. These minerals support the parasympathetic nervous system, helping you remain calm, and slowing down the body and mind. They can reduce tension.

Acid minerals come primarily from grains, part of the typical American diet. The predominant acid mineral is phosphorus. Acid minerals support the sympathetic nervous system, helping you to keep going. A balanced nervous system provides plenty of energy, yet allows one to be calm, rested, and peaceful.

Many people in our country experience tension and anxiety.  We eat too many grains and too few vegetables.

The typical American diet supplies excess acid minerals and inadequate amounts of alkaline minerals, leading to tense, spastic, dried out, and cramping.