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You May Need Allergy Testing if You Have These Symptoms

If you’re not sure whether or not allergy testing is right for you, Serenity Health Care Center is here to help. Our team puts the focus where it fully belongs: on full health and wellness as well as tried-and-true holistic methods that help the body to heal itself. Allergies pose a problem for a considerable segment of the population and can seriously hamper your quality of life.

Getting tested for allergies can be the difference between living a full life and one that is overshadowed by common allergy symptoms.

Do You Have These Symptoms?


Hives look a bit like blisters and can form on any part of your body as part of an allergic reaction. Often they are painless, but they can be itchy and appear rapidly out of nowhere. Hives are a very common symptom of allergic reactions. They generally go away themselves after a certain period of time.


Like hives, rashes are common side-effects of your body coming into contact with an allergen. Rashes are sometimes itchy and raised and other times are flush to the skin.


Food allergies often manifest themselves in mouth tingles, and you might find that your tongue or lips are itchy and feel funny after coming into contact with an offending food.


Allergic reactions can make parts of your body swell up. If you notice swelling, be on the lookout for shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, or dizziness. These could be signs of anaphylaxis, a life-threatening reaction that you must seek immediate medical care for.

Anaphylaxis Can Be Life-Threatening

Anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock, is a serious reaction to an allergen and requires medical care and often hospitalization. Your body is trying to fight off the allergen and shutting down in the process. If you experience any of the following symptoms, call emergency services right away:

  • Extreme dizziness or fading in and out of consciousness
  • Trouble breathing
  • Rapid heartbeat

People with severe allergies often carry around Epi-Pens to administer emergency care to themselves. Understanding how to use an Epi-Pen properly and understanding your allergies save lives, which is why it’s essential that you get allergy testing.

Things That People Are Commonly Allergic To

Although you can be allergic to a whole host of different things, there are few elements that people are typically allergic to. Understanding your allergens and triggers will better equip you to be able to live a happy and fulfilled life.


Many people have insect allergies, and most don’t even know it until they have been stung. Common insect offenders include bees, hornets, and wasps, although you can be allergic to virtually any different type of stinging insect. Many people with insect allergies carry around Epi-Pens because they never know what the severity of their allergy may be.


Unfortunately, there are plenty of people out there who are allergic to our best friends in the animal kingdom; cats and dogs. If you get the sniffles around common household animals, you most likely have some kind of allergy. The good news is that there are hypoallergenic dogs and cats that allergic animal-lovers can adopt.


Shellfish, peanuts, milk, wheat, and soy are common foods that people are allergic to. The degree of the allergy will differ from person to person, but it can strengthen over time. That’s why it’s essential to understand if you have an allergy to any foods.

The Danger of Untreated Allergies

Untreated allergies can cause more than just discomfort. If left to their own devices, allergies can cause chronic problems like skin rashes, breathing difficulties, or other ailments. Additionally, some allergies can get worse as time goes on, making them much more dangerous in the long run. It’s better to identify and deal with the allergy instead of brushing it under the rug. It will only exacerbate the situation and become more irritating and potentially harmful as time goes on.

Allergy Tests Are Easy, Quick, and Painless

A fifth of the population deals with allergies. They are, by far, one of the most significant chronic complaints in the country. Fortunately, testing is quick and painless and can usually be done in a matter of a few minutes. Our expert team at Serenity Health Care Center can test you for multiple allergens without taking up too much of your time or putting your body under undue stress. There is no downside to getting an allergy test, but they can improve your life in meaningful ways.

Once you are diagnosed with an allergy, you can start to treat it properly. Knowledge is half the battle. There are plenty of different medications that you can take to combat the allergy, and you can start to avoid encountering it. If your allergy is severe, you can get an Epi-Pen to prepare for the worst-case scenario of anaphylactic shock. Allergy tests can make your life far easier and more comfortable. In some cases, they might even be able to save it.

Natural Allergy Testing

Our expert team embraces the power of natural medicine and employs body-friendly testing as part of our care plan. We use a treatment called intradermal testing to thoroughly vet your body and find out precisely what is causing the allergic reaction. The test is virtually painless and merely requires a short and concise injection right below the first layer of the skin.

You will get your results within ten minutes. Unlike many other types of allergy tests, our version is exceptionally accurate and will give you a clear picture of your health right away. Since the treatment is so rapid, you will be able to get back to your life almost immediately after your appointment. Most people find the treatment to be nearly painless, and there is no recovery time needed whatsoever.

Personal Care and Consultation

We treat every single one of our patients with personal care and consultation. After the allergy testing is completed, we will sit down with you and deliver the results of your diagnosis. Most people develop allergic symptoms right away, but sometimes our patients have adverse effects to the allergens after they get home. If you experience any such symptoms, we encourage you to consult a member of our staff, and we can help you address the problem and adjust your diagnosis accordingly.

If you have any questions before, after, or during your appointment, we are here to help you. Our goal is to increase your quality of life and help you enjoy an allergy-free existence.

Enjoy a Better Quality of Life Today

With allergy testing, you can enjoy a better quality of life today. There’s no reason why you should suffer from headaches, hives, or itchy skin. Learn more about your body’s reactions and take control of your life now. You will wish that you had gotten your testing done sooner and be amazed by how much richer your life can be. Contact Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, Wisconsin today!

ADHD Treatment FAQs: What Are Your Options?

At Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI, our team of integrative medicine providers specializes in ADHD treatment for children. Traditional pharmaceuticals can be ineffective and often cause side effects that make life miserable. We combine conventional medicine with biomedical treatment to treat your entire child.

FAQ About Pediatric ADHD Treatment

What Are My Child’s Options? 

The appropriate ADHD treatment for your child will depend on her unique needs. Just as your child is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for ADHD. We offer several treatment options for ADHD, including biomedical treatment, nutritional therapy, and other alternative treatments.

What Is Biomedical Treatment? 

Biomedical treatment is the first step in treating your child for ADHD. It allows us to identify any underlying medical issues that her pediatrician may have missed. Such missing pieces of critical information can help us identify the cause of the ADHD. In turn, we can treat your child more effectively while treating the underlying conditions making her life more difficult.

How Is ADHD Diagnosed? 

Before we can identify the appropriate ADHD treatment methods, we must diagnose the type of ADHD your child has. During the diagnostic consultation, we will speak with you and your child. To speed the process up, bring any notes your child’s teachers have sent home to you.

Besides evaluating the character traits of your child, such as forgetfulness, rowdiness, or rudeness, we will also review your child’s social history, medical history, family history, and educational history.

What Do the Other Evaluations Reveal? 

Your child’s social history describes how she acts in daily life and how she functions. This identifies the most important areas we need to work on, such as drawing quietly during art class. Your child’s medical history will reveal any medical issues, such as thyroid disorders or sleep disorders, that can present symptoms that are similar to ADHD symptoms.

Your child’s family history is one of the most important diagnostic tools we have. One in two children with ADHD has an immediate family member with ADHD. If you ever found your mom’s keys in the freezer or your husband can’t find his wallet if it’s not on his nightstand, ADHD may have been passed on to your child genetically.

How Does Nutritional Therapy Improve ADHD? 

While a poor diet may not cause ADHD, eating processed foods certainly exacerbates the condition. To reduce the symptoms of your child’s ADHD, make sure she is getting all the micronutrients her brain needs for optimal functioning, such as choline and omega-3 fatty acids. If your child has special dietary needs, give her a nutritional supplement.

Furthermore, it’s important that you minimize the number of processed foods your child eats. Watch out for saturated fats, quick carbs, preservatives, and artificial colors. Easily digestible carbohydrates should be consumed in moderation. When consumed, they should be part of a well-balanced meal with plenty of protein and vegetables.

What Other Alternative Treatments Do You Offer? 

The most effective alternative treatment we offer for ADHD is hypnotherapy. At Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI, we offer clinical hypnosis performed by a trained hypnotist. While some people may perform hypnosis as a party trick, hypnosis performed by medical professionals can actually change your child’s life.

If your child is susceptible to hypnotherapy, one of our hypnotherapists can help her manage her emotions. For example, he can encourage her subconscious to accept her differences. The more your child accepts herself, the less frustrated she will feel. The calmer she feels, the fewer emotional outbursts she will have.

Why Does My Child Have Emotional Outbursts? 

There are several reasons why a child with ADHD may have emotional outbursts. Some children with ADHD cry because they feel lost, isolated, and different from their peers. Others act out aggressively by headbutting walls and punching doors because they are so confused and angry as to why they can’t perform in school like other children.

Sometimes, cognitive behavioral therapy is necessary to help a child work through emotional issues. However, treatment for ADHD may be enough to prevent emotional outbursts as the treatment helps a child feel more normal and connected to her peers.

What Type of ADHD Does My Child Have? 

The only way to know for sure what type of ADHD your child has is to bring her in for an evaluation. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), there are three known types of ADHD disorders. These are inattentive-only, hyperactive/impulsive, and combined inattentive/hyperactive/impulsive ADHD.

What Is Inattentive-Only ADHD? 

Inattentive-Only ADHD is the form of ADHD previously known as ADD. It is the most common form of ADHD in females and often presents itself as making frequent careless mistakes. These mistakes aren’t made because your child doesn’t understand instructions.

Children with inattentive-only ADHD make mistakes because they focus on several external stimuli at once. For example, a child without inattentive only ADHD can focus solely on detailed instructions. A child with inattentive-only ADHD will hear and understand the instructions while also noticing the squirrel outside the window and the sound of pens scratching paper.

What Are the Nine Most Common Symptoms of Inattentive Only ADHD? 

The nine most common symptoms of inattentive only ADHD are:

  • Forgetting to do chores or schoolwork
  • Losing things required for daily activities, like planners 
  • Avoiding schoolwork or games that require sustained attention
  • Struggling to manage sequential tasks
  • Failing to comply with instructions
  • Failing to pay attention to details, like meeting school deadlines
  • Failing to listen when spoken to directly
  • Failing to sustain attention during dinner, family game night or homework
  • Making careless mistakes

What Is Hyperactive/Impulsive ADHD? 

Hyperactive/impulsive ADHD is characterized by interrupting others when they are speaking, making disruptive noises, fidgeting while watching TV, getting up frequently at the dinner table and talking at inappropriate times, such as during religious services. Children with this type of ADHD often benefit greatly from changes to their diet.

What Are the Nine Most Common Symptoms of Hyperactive/Impulsive ADHD? 

The nine most common symptoms of hyperactive/impulsive ADHD are as follows:

  • Fidgeting, tapping and squirming
  • Getting up when expected to remain seated
  • Running, climbing and exhibiting other restless behavior
  • Failing to play quietly
  • Failing to sit still at restaurants or in the classroom
  • Finishing teachers’ sentences
  • Cutting lines
  • Talking over classmates
  • Feeling uncomfortable when forced to sit still

What Is Combined Inattentive/Hyperactive/Impulsive ADHD? 

Combined inattentive/hyperactive/impulsive ADHD describes the condition formerly known as ADHD. To be diagnosed with combined inattentive/hyperactive/impulsive ADHD, a child must present with at least six symptoms of inattentive ADHD and six symptoms of hyperactive/impulsive ADHD.

Learn More About How to Improve Your Child’s Quality of Life Today

Living without ADHD treatment is overwhelming. Depending on the type of ADHD your child has, she may feel confused, frustrated, disconnected, out of control, or angry. With conventional and biomedical treatment at Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI, your child can excel at everything she puts her mind to.

The only way to know which type of ADHD your child has is to bring her in for a diagnostic appointment. To learn more about your child’s special needs or ADHD treatment options, please contact us today at Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI to book an appointment.

Can You Test for APOE4?

As technology continues to make incredible advancements, we have new ways to help you identify potential risks to your health in the future. One of these novel discoveries is the ability to test for APOE4, a gene that is linked to Alzheimer’s Disease. At Serenity Health Care Center of Waukesha, WI, we can test for this gene and many others as part of a complete genetic evaluation.

But what is APOE4, and should you consider getting tested for it? Find out if a genetic evaluation is right for you.

What Is APOE4?

APOE stands for Apolipoprotein E: a protein that performs multiple roles in the body. Most importantly, it is responsible for lipid (fat) transport in the blood and brain.

Studies have shown that when this protein does not operate correctly that it may affect nutrient transfer to the brain, which in turn could lead to late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease. However, there are multiple variants of this gene, and only one is associated with a higher risk of the disease.

Understanding Alleles

If you can recall your science classes in high school, you might remember discussing genes and making Punnett Squares. Alleles are variations of a single gene. You inherit one copy from your father and another from your mother.

With APOE, there are 3 common variants: E2, E3, and E4. That last one is strongly associated with a higher risk of late-onset Alzheimer’s.

Your Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease

The general population has about a 10% general chance of developing late-onset Alzheimers, and early-onset Alzheimer’s rates are between 1-5%. If you have a family history of Alzheimer’s, your risk doubles.

But your APOE allele has a significant impact on your risk. Individuals who do not have the E4 allele run a 9% risk of getting Alzheimer’s. A single copy of the E4 allele, from one parent, doubles your risk, while those with two copies of the E4 allele may have as much as a 25% (male) or 45% (female) risk of developing the late-onset version of the disease.  

Can You Test for APOE4?

As the cost of gene sequencing and testing has dropped dramatically in recent years, more and more testing options have opened up to everyday people. Scientists have been able to experiment and discover more associations between genes and disorders. As a result, today there is a highly accurate way to test your APOE alleles.

Testing Methods

Testing for APOE4 is quite simple. It can be done via a blood sample or a buccal swab. Both of these methods provide a sufficient amount of DNA to process. Most tests will require two samples, one of which is kept on hand for verification if the results are positive. This ensures that the samples were not tampered with or contaminated.

If both samples are tested and the results are different, then you would need to send new samples to determine which result was correct. However, in practice, this is uncommon as testing has become extremely accurate.

Who Should Get Tested?

Generally, doctors recommend waiting until you are older to get this test. For younger people, the test may actually complicate life, as a positive result for the E4 allele could have implications on your insurance coverage. It also can be stressful to receive results you can do little about if you’re too young.

Individuals in their 50s who are concerned about getting Alzheimer’s, however, and especially those who have noticed a mild cognitive decline, may want to learn more about their genetic profile.

What Do Your Test Results Mean?

If you choose to have a test to determine your APOE alleles, what should you expect from your results? How can you interpret this information? While there is still much to learn about Alzheimer’s Disease, you can get a better understanding of your risk by looking at your results.

Testing Positive for the E4 Allele

Since there are three alleles and you have two parents, there are 6 possible combinations that you can test for. These are E2/E2, E2/E3, E2/E4, E3/E3, E3/E4, and E4/E4. If you have one copy of the E4 allele, then your risk for late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease is increased compared to the general population.

If you have two copies of the E4 allele, a highly uncommon situation, you have a much higher risk of developing the disease. 50-70% of late-onset Alzheimer’s patients have at least one copy of the E4 allele.

Testing Negative for the E4 Allele

What if you don’t have any E4 alleles in your body at all? Are you totally safe? Not so fast. Approximately 30-50% of all Alzheimer’s patients do not have any E4 alleles at all!

However, if you test positive for the E2 variant, which is actually the rarest of the three, you may have a reduced risk of developing AD. It turns out that E2 has been associated with a lower risk, and it may even help to prevent the disease.

Regardless of your test results, you should consider taking steps to reduce your risk even further.

Ways of Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

Is it possible to prevent Alzheimer’s disease? While studies are still ongoing, some have shown that there are indeed ways to reduce your risk. Even if you have APOE4, you can make decisions and adjustments to your lifestyle that can actually keep certain genes from expressing themselves.

Taking good care of your body and brain are ways to reduce your risk. So let’s look at some of the most successful methods.

Diet and Exercise

The National Institute of Health recommends the MIND diet, which incorporates a large number of plant-based foods. Leafy green vegetables, berries, nuts, beans, and olive oil are highly recommended. When it comes to meat, go easy on the red meat and opt instead of poultry or fish.

High levels of saturated fats are discouraged, so stay away from fast food, deep-fried anything, and heavy servings of transfats.

The Power of Exercise

The Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation has shown that regular physical exercise can actually reduce your risk by 50% regardless of your APOE makeup. Exercise improves blood flow to all parts of the body, including the brain.

Staying physically active is a surefire way to keep your mind sharper for longer. Sedentary lifestyles often become boring as well, leading to a lack of mental stimulation.

Mental Stimulation

Exercising your body is only half the battle. Research has found that mentally challenging activities like crossword puzzles, Sudoku and other types of brainteasers reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s Disease.

When you put your brain to work, you stimulate new neural connections and improve your brain’s plasticity, or its ability to learn new information and adapt. This fights the decay that we witness in Alzheimer’s patients, and can even prevent further cognitive decline.

Book a Consultation Today

If you would like to learn more about how a genetic evaluation can benefit you, contact Serenity Health Care Center of Waukesha, Wisconsin. Not only can we test for APOE4 and other genes that may affect your long term health, but we can also show you how to adjust your lifestyle to prevent those problems from emerging. What’s more, we’ll help you unlock your genetic potential in order to activate the good genes that you have. All that and more is available when you book a consultation at Serenity Health Care Center.

How Quickly Does Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Work?

As we age, the production of vital hormones in our bodies gradually slows down. Estrogen, the primary female sex hormone, is vital in the sexual and reproductive development in women. Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, is responsible for the development of reproductive tissues and secondary sexual characteristics in men. When estrogen and testosterone levels drop, several physical and mental functions are negatively affected. To reverse the effects of testosterone and estrogen deficiency, Serenity Health Care Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, offers bioidentical hormone therapy.

What Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment process that helps to boost hormone levels in our bodies. Hormone levels can drop naturally with age. Sometimes, hormone levels can drop because of an underlying health condition that affects the testes or the ovaries.

Also known as natural hormone therapy, bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT) is a form of hormone replacement therapy that replenishes depleted hormones with plant-derived hormones that are chemically identical to those produced in the body.

How Quickly Does Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Work?

Reaction to bioidentical hormone therapy varies from patient to patient. However, anxiety and insomnia usually reduce a week after the first treatment session. Women experience relief from vaginal symptoms and hot flashes after 2 weeks. Men and women notice a boost in energy levels and an improvement in cognitive skills after the third week. After 6 to 8 weeks, most patients experience relief from 80% of the symptoms associated with hormone deficiency.

Am I a Good Candidate for Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

BHT is ideal for men and women experiencing the negative effects of testosterone and estrogen deficiency, respectively. Although you need to visit a doctor for an accurate hormone deficiency diagnosis, there are several signs that show you might need BHT.

Signs of Low Testosterone (Low T)

Erectile Dysfunction

Since testosterone plays a crucial role in male sexual functions, men with low testosterone struggle to achieve and maintain an erection that is firm enough for satisfactory sex. Men with Low T might also notice that the spontaneous erections that used to appear while they were sleeping or early in the morning are no longer there.

Hair Loss

Testosterone controls secondary sexual characteristics, such as hair growth. When testosterone levels drop, men might lose body and facial hair. Low T is also known to accelerate the balding process.

Low Sex Drive

Although the appetite for sex dips naturally as we approach old age, the dip is more drastic in men suffering from low testosterone. Testosterone controls libido in men. Therefore, when testosterone levels drop, so does their libido.

Reduced Bone Mass

Testosterone is vital in the maintenance of bone volume and the development of bone tissue. Therefore, when the body is not producing enough testosterone, men become more susceptible to conditions that affect bones, such as Osteoporosis.

Reduced Muscle Mass

Testosterone plays a crucial role in the formation and growth of muscles. When levels drop, many men notice that their muscle mass reduces significantly. Fortunately, reduced muscle mass does not affect strength and function.

Increased Body Fat

While testosterone is the dominant sex hormone in men, their bodies also produce estrogen, but in smaller amounts. When testosterone levels drop, a hormonal imbalance occurs. This hormonal imbalance makes men more vulnerable to gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is the enlargement of the male breast tissue.


Men with Low T are always tired despite having enough sleep and rest. They also lose interest in activities they previously loved. Tasks that took them some minutes to complete can take hours. Constant fatigue is one of the significant signs of low testosterone. When testosterone levels drop, the male body produces less energy, leaving the man fatigued.

Smaller Testicle Size

As we have mentioned above, testosterone plays a vital role in the development of reproductive tissues, such as the penis and the testicles. Although other factors can contribute to smaller-than-normal penis and testicle size, health professionals believe men with Low T are more likely to be affected by this condition. Their scrotum might also feel softer than usual.

Trouble Sleeping

Men with Low T struggle to fall and remain asleep. They are also more vulnerable to sleeping disorders, such as sleep apnea and night sweats. People with sleep apnea stop breathing momentarily while asleep. Sleep disorders can affect the quality of your sleep and general wellbeing.

Mood Swings and Changes

Besides controlling and regulating several essential physical functions, testosterone is also a vital part of some cognitive functions. Scientific research shows that men with Low T are more likely to suffer from depression, irritability, and poor focus.

Affected Memory

One of the signs of old age is poor memory. However, men with Low T experience memory problems earlier than men of the same age with normal levels of testosterone.

Causes of Low Testosterone

  • Noonan syndrome
  • Klinefelter syndrome
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Damaged testicles
  • Removed testicles because of a health condition, such as cancer
  • Aging
  • Infection
  • Radiation and chemotherapy
  • Pituitary gland disease
  • Obesity
  • Antidepressant and narcotic pain medications

Signs of Low Estrogen

Irregular or Absent Periods

Typically, the menstrual cycle lasts between 21 to 35. However, around 25% of women experience irregular periods. Female health experts describe irregular periods as periods that are heavier or lighter than usual or periods that are longer or shorter than usual. Irregular periods can prevent ovulation or cause abnormal cramping.

Frequent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Low estrogen makes the lining of the urethra thinner. This allows unhealthy bacteria to infect the urinary tract. Besides causing frequent UTIs, low estrogen can also make women more susceptible to other complications, such as urinary incontinence.

Painful Sex

When estrogen levels drop, the vagina might dry up. Women who suffer from vaginal dryness might experience discomfort and sometimes pain during sex.


Estrogen plays an important role in metabolism. When estrogen levels drop, women experience a significant dip in energy levels. Such women are unmotivated to complete routine tasks or engage in other physical activities, such as morning runs or cycling.

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

Women with hormonal imbalance are more likely to experience hot flashes and night sweats. Hot flashes are sudden waves of heat that hit your face, neck, arms, or back, causing reddening or flushing. Hot flashes vary in intensity and duration. They last between 30 seconds to 10 minutes. Night sweats are hot flashes that occur at night.

Mood Swings

Estrogen plays a vital role in the production of serotonin, a chemical that boosts moods. Therefore, a drop in estrogen levels interferes with the production of serotonin. This causes mood swings and increases the risk of developing mental disorders, such as depression.

Other signs

Additional signs of low estrogen include sleep apnea, reduced bone mass, trouble concentrating, regular headaches, and difficulty getting pregnant.

Causes of Low Estrogen

  • Excessive exercise
  • Eating disorders
  • Aging
  • Kidney disease
  • Pituitary gland disease
  • Turner syndrome
  • Premature ovarian failure

Diagnosis of Testosterone and Estrogen Deficiency

Since the signs of hormonal deficiency can be easily associated with other health conditions, it is common for a misdiagnosis to happen. To avoid this, you should visit a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. The doctor will carry out a physical exam and review your medical history. They may also order further tests to determine the cause of the deficiency.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

BHT boosts hormone levels in the body, offering relief from the signs and symptoms of hormonal deficiency. BHT can be administered in several forms. Available options include skin patches, injections, gels, creams, and oral medications.

We Can Help

Are you suffering from any symptoms we have mentioned above? If the answer is yes, it could a sign of hormone deficiency syndrome. To regain control of physical and mental health through bioidentical hormone therapy, contact Serenity Health Care Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin!

5 Ways Environmental Medicine Can Help You Get Healthier Than Ever

Many people find themselves dealing with chronic pain, fatigue, respiration problems, or other health issues even after being treated with medication. Everyone deserves to achieve the best level of health possible, and the path to feeling better involves cultivating a more holistic approach to your overall health. There are many factors that contribute to your wellness, and environmental medicine can provide a focus that will bring you greater control over how you feel.

Too often individuals fall into a pattern of tolerating rather than eliminating health concerns. Everyone deserves to get more out of their life than mere survival. With the proper guidance and planning, you can embrace a lifestyle that improves how you feel both physically and mentally.

5 Ways Environmental Medicine Can Help You Get Healthier Than Ever

Our society operates at a breakneck pace, and often individual health is seen as an inconvenience instead of a fundamental quality of life issue. Symptoms are treated instead of underlying issues in a rush to return employees to the workforce. Unfortunately, the underlying causes tend to linger, which forces the individual to live with chronic pain and discomfort. Environmental medicine is a multidisciplinary field that seeks to identify underlying contributing factors to all health issues and help every individual identify the changes that can result in a superior quality of life.

Environmental medicine casts a wide net in its quest to determine the best possible conditions for health and well-being. It includes considerations over air quality, air pollution, food contamination, auto-immune enhancement, water quality, chemical contamination, and many other factors. Everything in your environment contributes to your health, and this can even include the stress of your workplace. There is no reason to endure unhealthy situations when the right focus can show you how to surround yourself with an environment more conducive to your health needs.

Helping the Immune System

One of the most important objectives of health care is to assist the body in curing itself. The human immune system is one of the most astounding creations in all of nature. It is capable of fending off disease and infection and restoring the body to superior health. However, as miraculous as the immune system is, it sometimes becomes overworked. It is always in our best interests to take our immune system into consideration and provide your body with the best possible environment to allow you to feel better than ever.

Toxins can remain in tissues and cartilage even after patients have completed the course of their medications. Also, your immune system requires certain raw materials in the form of vitamins, amino acids, and minerals to combat health issues. Part of the focus of environmental medicine is to comprehend the whole picture of individual well-being. There are many avenues by which the immune system can be compromised, and it’s up to your care provider to attend to the areas of weakness so the patient can enjoy the greatest benefit.

Dietary Considerations

Your diet is probably the single greatest contributing factor to your overall health. Where your food comes from and how it is prepared can have a huge impact on your general state of wellbeing. Foods high in saturated fats or refined sugars can lead to weight gain, lack of energy, and a sensation of crashing at inopportune moments in the day. A healthier diet allows clients to enjoy greater energy, less fatigue, and can even boost memory response. Food contamination can also lead to illness or delay recuperation time from other health concerns.

Every person is different, and their bodies all have varying deficiencies. Many people believe they don’t have the time to evaluate their nutrition, but the investment pays off exponentially in the long run. We can help you determine what your body is lacking and provide you with a simple dietary strategy that will allow you to enjoy all the benefits of a healthy, superior diet that works for you.

Stress Management

Many people mistakenly believe that stress is an unavoidable consequence of adult responsibilities. Although it is very difficult to eliminate stress completely from your life, it is possible to manage your stress to assist your overall health. Stress evaluation is also important to determine if the stress you are enduring as part of your normal, daily routine is normal or if it indicates you are subjecting yourself to one or more unhealthy environments. Stress has a detrimental impact on your immune system and can be an obstacle to the level of health you deserve.

We have had great success managing stress through a variety of treatment options. These options include massage therapy, therapeutic massage, and our Serenity Cares signature massages. Reiki/Craniosacral treatments are also available, and we also offer hypnotherapy sessions to explore and unlock deeper levels of well being. These and additional tactics can be combined with other treatment methods to help flush toxins and achieve superior results when fending off a variety of maladies.

Air Quality

The air you breathe is an even larger health factor than the food you eat. Your eating is restricted to meals and snacks, but your breathing is regular and constant. Airborne pathogens are a constant concern that can lead to very serious health issues. Other dangerous elements to the air include toxic mold, food particles, pet allergies, and seasonal pollens. If you have a chronic breathing problem, for example, you may be surprised to discover that the condition is exacerbated by a contaminant in a piece of furniture you’ve owned your whole life.

We use the La Cross method to get a better overall picture of the response of our clients to various airborne allergens. The protocol involves an investigation of the patient’s symptoms and past health history. We examine your family history along with the environments where you work, live, and play. We also conduct allergy testing to see if there are any hidden ailments that might be affecting your quality of life. Once we have finished the evaluation, we will be in a position to provide a reasonable treatment schedule that takes your whole life into account.

Dehydration and Water Quality

Proper hydration is another very convenient way to boost your overall health and increase your energy levels. Consider how your vehicle struggles when it is low on oil and you’ll get a basic idea of the stress you subject your body to when you are dehydrated. The quality of your water source is also an important consideration. Pure, clean water prevents the introduction of contamination into your body and helps keep your immune system strong enough to fight off other attacks. If you suffer from chronic health issues, your water supply could play a major contributing factor in your overall health.

A Complete Approach for Better Health

Our society has largely conditioned our citizens to only seek out medical advice in emergency situations. We’d like to emphasize that there is nothing wrong with a patient coming into the doctor simply to ask how they can feel better. Taking proactive action to ensure that every component of your environment has been leveraged to the benefit of your immune system helps ensure you stay happy, healthy, and physically fit. Contact the Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, Wisconsin to learn more about how environmental medicine can have a dramatic effect on your overall health.

Lyme Disease Treatment That Actually Works

Lyme disease is commonly spread by ticks in the Northern Hemisphere, which can have a debilitating effect on your life. Many patients who are diagnosed with Lyme disease experience symptoms for months and struggle to return the strength and energy levels they had prior to infection. At Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI, we pride ourselves on a holistic Lyme disease treatment that helps the body heal and ensures that the disease is completely flushed from your system. Read on to learn more about our Lyme disease treatment that actually works.

A Lyme Disease Treatment That Works

Lyme disease is caused by the Borrelia burgdoferi bacterium. Individuals contract the disease via a tick bite, but because of its similarities to other illnesses, Lyme disease can be difficult to diagnose. The first sign is a red rash that manifests within about a week and is located around the area of the tick bite. The rash sometimes consists of a central spot with an outer ring giving it a bullseye appearance.

Symptoms can include fever, headaches, and general fatigue. If left untreated, these symptoms can worsen to include facial paralysis, joint pains, migraines, neck stiffness, heart palpitations, heart complications, and memory loss. In order to maintain a healthy, quality lifestyle, it is important that anyone who suspects he or she might have contracted Lyme disease seek treatment immediately. We have had tremendous success treating Lyme disease, and all patients deserve to be restored to their prior level of health.


Antibiotics are a critical component of Lyme disease treatment, but they need to be supplemented with other treatment methods in order to aid complete recovery. Antibiotics are most effective in the early stages of Lyme disease. This can be problematic for patients who have had their Lyme disease misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. In many cases, patients who only receive antibiotic treatments continue to have problems even after their treatment cycle has ended.

This is not meant to diminish the importance of antibiotics as part of the treatment schedule. Borrelia burgdoferi is a bacterium, and it must be eliminated in order to combat the disease. However, killing the microbe also releases toxins into the body, which in turn, require their own treatment. An effective Lyme disease treatment provides the body with the support and supplies it needs to achieve a superior state of health.

Lyme Disease Detox

Even when the bacteria is killed, endotoxins can be present in the patient’s cells, brain tissues, and cartilage. The bacteria can also have a detrimental effect on the patient’s immune system. The weakened immune system slow’s the body’s ability to heal and can leave the patient susceptible to other infections. Therefore, the best practice is to assist in restoring the immune system and allow the body to resume operating at peak healing capacity. This helps to prevent or eliminate additional infections that can prevent or delay complete healing.

IV nutritional therapy

IV nutritional therapy helps provide patients with the boost they need to allow their immune system to restore itself. Patients will receive an IV containing vital nutrients during a session that lasts between thirty minutes and several hours. An IV allows the nutrients to bypass the gastrointestinal system to ensure full absorption and allow for higher doses.

By absorbing critical vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and other critical supplements, patients will experience improved metabolism, energy boost, and enhanced immune support. Damage to the gastrointestinal system that can develop as a result of Lyme disease makes it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients. IV treatments bypass this problem and accelerate recovery.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy helps to relieve the chronic pain that often develops along with Lyme disease. Massage therapy can help to improve immune system functioning, assist with detox by removing waste products from muscles, and improve circulation. Massage also helps with the joint and muscle soreness that is sometimes associated with Lyme disease. It can even provide improvement if you are dealing with flexibility issues.

Bio Terrain Therapy

Bio terrain therapy is a schedule of treatments designed to target and improve a multitude of critical body functions. A biological terrain assessment takes measurements of the patient’s urine, blood, and saliva to get more information on the metabolic processes taking place within the body. Bio terrain therapy is appropriate for patients of any ages and is a non-invasive treatment that is implemented over a 14-day schedule and continues to yield results over a three-month timeframe.

The treatment consists of bio-magnetic pairing, Sacral Occipital technique blocking, Ondamed treatment, cranial sacral work, detoxification, and dietary recommendations. Each of the six sessions takes between twenty and ninety minutes. Many of our clients have expressed that bio terrain therapy had a miraculous effect in restoring a feeling of youth after Lyme diseases had made them feel like old men.

Herbal Supplements

Just as a carpenter requires access to raw materials to build a house, the body’s auto-immune system requires access to raw materials to fight off the debilitating effects of Lyme disease. The proper supplements give your body the tools it needs to aid in rapid recovery. All supplements are not created equal, and we are happy to offer our preferences and expertise to provide you with the most effective supplement schedule.

As with other medications, vitamins lose their potency as they age. We recommend certain lines of supplements that have shown to have superior production methods. Prothera, Medi-Herb, Pure Encapsulations, and Wellevate, are some of our preferences for our clients. Young Living Essential Oils have also proven highly effective for the specialized needs of patients suffering from Lyme disease.

IV Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy uses ozone gas to kill bacteria, disrupt unhealthy body processes, and provide a boost to the immune system. Ozone is a commonly occurring colorless gas made up of three oxygen atoms. It has commonly been used to disinfect medical items and is safe and painless to use. Ozone therapy helps flush out infected cells allowing the body to replace them with new, healthy cells.

Ozone therapy can be administered in several ways. The ozone can be applied directly to the tissue, intravenously, or intramuscularly. For the intravenous method, blood is drawn, mixed with ozone, and then returned to the body. For the intramuscular method, the ozone is mixed into your blood or sterile water and injected into the treatment area.

A Complete Lyme Disease Treatment

There is no reason for a patient to live with chronic pain, fatigue, or the mental fog that often comes as a result of Lyme disease. With an effective Lyme disease treatment, all patients should be able to defeat the bacteria and be restored to the level of health they enjoyed prior to contracting the disease. Antibiotics are a foundational component for battling Lyme disease, but antibiotics alone have proven to be ineffective at providing patients with a complete recovery. When other treatment methods are combined for a full recovery schedule, patients are allowed to recuperate their high quality of life.

It is scary how something so small as a tick bite can cause lasting, detrimental effects to so many people. Contact the Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI to learn more about how you can enjoy the benefits of a complete Lyme disease treatment that works.

Allergy and Immunology: 8 Types of Allergies You Should Know

Are you suffering from congestion, coughing, watery eyes, or dark circles? Do certain foods cause your mouth to feel tingly or parts of your face to swell? If you experience adverse reactions to harmless substances, you could benefit from allergy treatment. Many people don’t realize that their symptoms are the result of allergies, or they believe that allergies are just part of life. At Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI, we provide educational resources on allergy and immunology. Our testing and treatments can help you overcome an allergic response. Here are 8 common allergies that you should know about.

First, Why Do We Suffer From Allergies?

Allergens Trigger Your Immune System

Allergens are foreign substances that your body believes are harmful. Normally, your immune system does a good job of keeping you safe from poisons, toxins, viruses, fungi, and bacteria. While the allergens themselves are harmless, they trigger immune responses that can cause you to feel unwell.

Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Antibodies Cause Your Symptoms

When your body’s defense system encounters an allergen, it releases immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to put up a strong fight. They send signals that trigger responses such as coughing or hives. While we evolved so that these reactions could help us in the face of real danger, the cure is sometimes worse than the disease. In the case of allergies, your body is sounding a false alarm. Unfortunately, this can cause anything from mild discomfort to a life-threatening situation.
Many people experience:

  • Runny nose and congestion
  • Cough
  • Rashes, hives, and itchy skin
  • Itchy eyes that water and swell
  • Dark undereye circles
  • Tingling in the mouth or tongue
  • Low blood pressure
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling in the face, throat, tongue, or lips
  • Digestive problems including upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Behavioral problems

The Good News About Allergy and Immunology

We Can Treat Allergies

While some people have extremely dangerous allergic reactions and need to monitor their conditions carefully, others only feel mildly inconvenienced. Individuals with less severe reactions sometimes think that they need to live with their allergies, either because they are not aware that treatment is available or because they don’t recognize the symptoms for what they are. The problem is that feeling out of sorts impacts your quality of life. Fortunately, whether your symptoms are mild or serious, allergy, and immunology treatments can improve the situation.

Allergy Drops Provide Lasting Relief

We treat allergies with sublingual liquid extracts that our patients take at home. This method provides controlled exposure to the allergen. First, the patient starts with a very light dose that is too small to trigger an allergic response. Over time, we ramp up the concentration. Doing so teaches the body that the allergen is not dangerous.

8 Types of Allergies You Should Know About

1. Pollen Allergies

Pollen is a dust-like substance produced by plants as part of their reproductive process. It is the number one cause of allergy symptoms among people. Hay fever, for example, is a pollen allergy. The pollen can come from many sources, including trees, flowers, grass, weeds, and other types of plants. It often triggers a seasonal allergic response that repeats annually, when the plant in question produces it.

While a common strategy is to avoid the allergen, this is difficult in the case of pollen because it is so prevalent at certain times of year. You could choose to limit your outdoor activities, but that would mean missing out on a lot of fun. Treating a pollen allergy with drops offers a better solution.

2. Dust Allergies

Even inside, you cannot be free of allergens. Dust can become trapped in pillowcases, carpets, and curtains. It can even build up on hard surfaces. In addition to giving you allergies, dust can aggravate chronic conditions like asthma. If you suffer from a dust allergy, airing out your house and cleaning frequently is a must.

3. Pet Allergies

If you are experiencing allergy symptoms, it can be heartbreaking to realize when they are triggered by your pet. Unfortunately, the dander and saliva of almost all domestic animals can irritate some people’s immune systems. You might be allergic to certain animals and not others. For example, some people cough and get itchy skin around cats, but are ok with having a dog. Many people with pet allergies choose not to get an animal. However, if you already have one, giving it up can be difficult. Allergy drops can treat you and allow you to keep your furry friend.

4. Mold Allergies

Mold and mildew can pose serious problems for people, especially if they are toxic. Mold allergies are more prevalent in the fall, when decomposing vegetation and piles of leaves are present. In your home, mold can grow in the basement, the bathroom, and the walls. If you think your home has a mold problem, you should have it inspected and take steps to remove the spores.

5. Nut Allergies

Food allergies are a huge category, and nut allergies are among the most common types. In particular, many people are allergic to peanuts, and their immune response can be very dangerous. Sublingual therapy can cure a nut allergy over time, possibly removing a serious source of danger. Otherwise, it is necessary to practice extreme avoidance of peanuts, even if that includes some social isolation at meals.

People who are at risk for anaphylaxis need to carry an EpiPen at all times. Even if you don’t have a life-threatening response to nuts, the milder symptoms can have a negative impact on your life. They include swelling, dizziness, digestive problems, and hives.

6. Milk Allergies

Another common food allergen is milk. Dairy products, in general, can also be problematic, including cheese, ice cream, and yogurt. Interestingly, some people who are allergic to other dairy products do not have an issue with butter. People who test positive for a milk allergy can choose to consume non-dairy substitutes, such as almond milk or coconut milk. This assumes, of course, that the person is not also allergic to almonds or coconut.

7. Shellfish Allergies

Like peanuts, a shellfish allergy can be very dangerous. Triggers include shrimp, lobster, squid, scallops, and other marine animals. In its extreme state, an allergic reaction to shellfish can induce anaphylaxis. Other symptoms include fainting, dizziness, hives, eczema, vomiting, trouble, breathing, and swelling.

8. Other Kinds of Food Allergies

Many kinds of foods can induce an allergic reaction. We test for over 50 of the most common triggers. In addition to the ones mentioned above, many people learn that they are allergic to:

  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Eggs

Finding out that you have a food allergy is an important step towards feeling better and possibly saving your life.

We Provide Expert Care in the Field of Allergy and Immunology

It can be surprising to learn that your symptoms are triggered by something that is harmless to many people, such as dust or eggs. However, advances in the field of allergy and immunology make it possible for us to test you for your triggers and provide lasting relief. Understanding your allergies and taking control can greatly improve the quality of your life and possibly help you avoid dangerous situations.

Contact Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI, for more information on how we can test and treat your allergies. We can help your immune system work for your body instead of against it.

How to Correct Gut Dysbiosis

Our gastrointestinal (GI) systems are among the most sophisticated networks in our bodies. The work that’s done by our “gut” goes far beyond digestion and is powered in part by naturally-occurring bacteria that must remain in balance in order to work efficiently. An imbalance in these “flora” is called gut dysbiosis, which can trigger a myriad of health issues. Serenity Health Care Center, in Waukesha, WI, can help you achieve GI balance and lead a healthier, happier life.

Your Second Brain

We all know the expressions “my gut tells me,” or “I have a gut feeling.” There’s more going on here than just words. The gut and the brain are connected to each other with a dizzyingly complex network of neurons and chemicals called the “brain-gut axis.” This axis puts the GI system not only in direct, constant communication with the brain, but also with our central nervous system, which is run by the brain and the spinal cord.

In fact, our enteric nervous system — enteric is the clinical term that relates to the intestines — is frequently thought of as our “second brain” by medical professionals. This intelligence in the gut is so powerful that it can even operate independently of the central nervous system. Processes like digestion, signals regarding hunger, and continence are communicated automatically and independently in our bodies, thanks to the enteric nervous system. Their work is as involuntary as our breathing and heartbeat.

A Garden of Physiological Delights

The GI tract can not only be compared to a brain—it can also be thought of as a garden. More than 100 trillion microscopic organisms live in this GI garden. They have plenty of living room; the GI tract covers more than 200 times the surface area of the skin, which is the largest organ in our body. Collectively, these organisms are referred to as “microflora.” There are more than 400 strains of flora in our GI tract.

In order to maintain healthy bodily processes, our microflora must maintain a critical population balance, just as any garden requires, to remain productive and to sustain. It’s a tough act to achieve. Some flora are responsible for allowing wanted energy into the body, such as nutrients from food. Others are responsible for keeping bad things out of our system, such as harmful pollutants and substances from the outside world. Still, others collectively send signals to the brain that have a tremendous impact on mood, sleep, fatigue, and anxiety.

What Is Gut Dysbiosis?

Gut Dysbiosis is the clinical term for an imbalance in the GI tract’s microflora. For reasons that are usually instigated by outside factors, such as diet, stress, or physical environment, the fragile ecosystem of the microflora becomes compromised. When that happens, a broad range of health problems is the potential result. These problems can manifest themselves immediately, such as a temporary stomach ache, or begin a damaging process of decline in our immune systems.

In mild cases, like a bout of minor food poisoning, the body’s microflora can quickly re-adjust themselves to a normal balance. In more drawn-out circumstances, brought on by outside factors such as poor dietary habits or unhealthy lifestyle choices, dysbiosis has a more gradual, though no less harmful, effect.

In addition to tangible “stomach” problems, the GI tract sends distress signals to the rest of the body. These neuro-electro-chemical alarms can have a profound effect on our physical and mental state. At best, they compromise wellness; at worst, they can lead to serious disease.

More Than Just GI Health

Good gastrointestinal health has both immediate and indirect impact on our bodies. Most obviously, our GI system’s ability to properly digest food and absorb nutrients, and its ability to eliminate waste and toxicity are something we (hopefully) experience every day.

Good abilities here make up two of the four pillars of GI health. The other two pillars may be more subtle but are just as critical to our well-being. They are the balance of microflora in the GI system, and the “gut integrity” of the barrier membrane that protects the GI system from harmful substances that enter the body.

Naturally, these four pillars are responsible for the healthy workings of our nutrition, digestion, and elimination. However, because the GI system is so finely attuned and so deeply connected to the brain and the central nervous system, any aberrations in one of the four pillars can cause health problems that seemingly have nothing to do with the “stomach.” Most notably, they can affect our immune system, which has the huge task of continually fighting off disease and keeping the entire body healthy.

What Are the Effects?

An imbalance of microflora has an outsized effect on GI health and our overall well-being. When microflora populations become compromised, the problems usually show up first in the logical regions of the digestive system. Frequently seen diseases include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and Crohn’s Disease, among others.

Other health issues that have been linked to gut dysbiosis include:

  • Mood disorders
  • Skin diseases
  • Allergies
  • Migraines
  • Asthma
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Too many others to name…

What’s the Remedy?

The most immediate treatment goal for gut dysbiosis is to correct the populations of the different microflora in the GI system. This can be accomplished through changes in diet or by dietary supplements. Your care professional can best advise which way is best for you, but both methods will involve two ideas that are essential for GI health:


Probiotics are “good bacteria” that can restore order and consistency to the microflora in the GI system. Probiotics are found naturally in fermented foods. Some common foods that people find helpful for probiotic purposes include yogurt, pickled vegetables (pickles, sauerkraut, kimchee), kefir, and kombucha. Some (though not all) cheeses, such as cheddar, gouda, and mozzarella can also serve probiotic functions.


Prebiotics are a type of dietary fiber that not only help healthy digestion directly. They also encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria in the GI system. Prebiotics are often found in root vegetables, such as onions and chicory. Garlic also has powerful prebiotic qualities, as do vegetables such as asparagus and leeks, and fruits, such as bananas and apples. Whole grains, such as barley and oats, are also prebiotic boosters.

Your care professional will discuss your condition, your diet, and your lifestyle before making recommendations on how to combat gut dysbiosis and restore microflora balance, including dietary modifications and/or supplemental pills.

How Can I Get Started?

The first medical theorizing on the value of probiotics is over 100 years old, and was focused on Bulgarian peasants who lived exceptionally long, healthy lives — eating fermented foods. Modern research on the gut-brain axis is relatively new but extremely compelling. Science has now proven that maintaining good GI health is among the strongest steps a person can take toward overall health and prevention or mitigation of disease.

It’s important to have expert guidance when determining a course for these steps. Many people who’ve heard something about probiotics run to the drug store for a bottle of pills, take the wrong dosage, have a bad digestive experience, and then shelve the idea of probiotics — to their own disadvantage.

For experienced, knowledgeable hands that can help you optimize your GI system, contact the Serenity Health Care Center, in Waukesha, WI, for a consultation.

6 Signs You Should Get Stool Testing

It can be scary and stressful not to feel well—especially if you don’t know the cause. Something as simple as checking for a fever can provide you with confirmation that you are experiencing a health issue that needs to be addressed. Blood work and other tests can help us assess your health with hard, empirical data. Stool testing is one of the most important ways to learn about what is happening in your body. It allows you to put aside your worry, identify your specific health problem, and begin appropriate treatment. Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI, offers stool testing to ensure your optimal health.

6 Signs You Should Get Stool Testing

Unfortunately, many people decide to let minor health problems linger rather than approach a doctor for help in identifying and resolving the issue. Many people are under the mistaken impression that they have to live with certain uncomfortable symptoms, when the reality is that convenient and affordable treatments might help them feel younger, stronger, and better. Our professional mission is to put you on a path to a quick recovery, and we take pride in treating our patients like family.

Stool testing allows us to get an accurate picture of your entire gastrointestinal health. The testing provides critical information about the good and bad bacteria living in your body. Testing also allows experts to see immune markers and signs of inflammation. Your gastrointestinal system is the number one cause of systemic illness. Here are some indicators that stool testing might provide us with critical information to put you on the path to a happier, healthier life:

1. Frequent Diarrhea

If you have frequent diarrhea that exists for longer than can be expected for seasonal illness, you should consult with us about testing. Diarrhea is embarrassing and uncomfortable, and it also could be a sign of serious health issues. Nobody likes to live with the sensation of not being able to enjoy themselves because they constantly have to be on the lookout for a bathroom. Frequent diarrhea can leave you dehydrated, nauseated, and fearful of participating in social gatherings.

There are many health concerns that can contribute to frequent diarrhea, and it’s important to get on a treatment plan as quickly as possible. We can suggest anything from a dietary change to medication, and the results can be life-changing. You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel and how your personal relationships improve when you get on the path to overall wellness. Imagine never having to worry about your proximity to a bathroom and feeling free to embrace the precious time you have with family and friends.

2. Mucus or Blood in Your Stool

With mucus or blood in your stool, you should come in and see us immediately. Mucus or blood can be a sign of infections, anal fissures, bowel obstructions, or other causes. Also, keep in mind that there might be microscopic blood or mucus particles that are not visible to the naked eye. The earlier we can identify and treat these potentially serious issues, the sooner you can get back to living your life.

3. Nausea or Vomiting

Persistent nausea and vomiting can be a sign of gastrointestinal issues, which might reveal a cause in your stool. The human body is a very complex organism, and sometimes the symptoms of an underlying issue manifest in a different part of the body. We often think of nausea and vomiting as symptoms of something that we ate, but the problem could have its roots in your gastronomic tract.

Infections caused by parasites, viruses, and bacteria often result in nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are similar to frequent diarrhea in that they are detrimental to your ability to live a normal life. Patients who suffer from these symptoms are often incapable of enjoying precious social gatherings for fear that they will be overcome by their illness. If you have had persistent nausea and vomiting, you should come in for treatment immediately.

4. Abdominal Pain

Stool tests are often used in concert with other diagnostic tests to form a complete picture of what is going on inside you. X-rays can offer us an insight or indicate the presence of dangerous obstructions or foreign objects which might be causing you discomfort or pain. Testing your stool can provide a report that can maximize the effectiveness of other tests. Sometimes we can gather information that can guide us as to where to look. The more information that we have about the inner workings of your body, the better equipped we are to put you on the path to recovery.

5. General Fatigue

Consider a situation where you strictly adhere to a healthy diet, but you continue to feel an overall sense of fatigue. This can be an enormously frustrating situation because it makes many clients feel powerless over their ability to improve their own health. A stool test can indicate whether your body might be blocked from absorbing healthy nutrients, and we can resolve the issue and restore your sense of self-control.

Many individuals succumb to a sense of despair in this situation, or they resolve to live with uncomfortable and unhealthy issues. It is easy to understand this inclination because it is very frustrating to brainstorm and apply methods for improving your health and not see results. Through a clinical evaluation of a stool sample, we have a great capacity for diagnosing and correcting a wide variety of issues. You can almost think of it as a tune-up for your whole body.

6. Headaches and Fevers

Headaches and fevers are two of the body’s primary warning signs that something is amiss. Unfortunately, these symptoms are as vague as a ringing alarm bell. One of the best things you can do for your personal wellness is to take it seriously when you have a headache or a fever. With the demands of work and family, we are all under enormous pressure to push through a minor illness and continue with our daily obligations. However, if you are in the early stages of a serious health issue, the sooner you receive treatment, the better off you’ll be in the long run.

Everyone is different, and some people might not even recognize that they are suffering from a fever. The next time you find yourself suffering from a headache, don’t just take a couple of Ibuprofen and try to push through the rest of the day. Take a second and check your temperature. It could be that you are suffering from a gastrointestinal ailment that is manifesting other symptoms you’ve just learned to live with. Come in, and we can help you get on the path to a healthier life.

Take Care of Yourself

If the check engine light came on in your car, you’d probably take that vehicle into the mechanic, right? Why is it that when the check engine light comes on in your body, you’re tempted to push through and act as if nothing is wrong? You’re worth more than that, and there’s no reason to learn to live with pain, illness, or intestinal discomfort. Contact Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI today, where we offer sensitive and specific stool testing, which can provide us with critical insight into your overall health.

What Is A Brain Neurotransmitter Lab?

What Is A Brain Neurotransmitter Lab?

Serenity Health Care Center offers Brain Neurotransmitter testing at it’s functional medical clinic in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

  • Are you a busy woman who is loosing herself?
  • Struggling with insomnia?
  • Are you getting anxiety?
  • Are you forgetting things or do you feel like you have ADHD?
  • Are you depressed or just feel like you have lost your happiness in life?
  • Are you craving sweets, salts, and caffeine?
  • Do you have times that you feel like you could eat everything in sight but then could care a less about eating at all?
  • Are you wondering what has happened to your creativity, drive and desire to conquer your dreams?
  • Do you toss and turn all night?
  • Are you gaining weight despite following a clean diet?
  • Are you experiencing OCD symptoms and it is getting in the way of your daily routine?
  • Do you suffer from autism or neurogenic condition like Parkinson’s?
  • Do you have ADHD or a learning disability?

What Can A Brain Neurotransmitter Lab Do?

  • Neurotransmitter testing can identify the reason your symptoms are present.
  • By knowing what neurotransmitters are high or low natural or specific approaches can be implemented.
  • You can support the neuroendocrine system, which can prevent disease.