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Happy Breast Clinic: Thermography and Myofascial Self-Care

Taking care of your breasts is important to your long-term health. That’s why we are hosting a breast clinic. Understanding breast disorders is vital for early detection. You need to know what feels or looks different from normal. Join our “Happy Breasts” clinic portion at Serenity Health Care in Waukesha so that you can give your breasts the best care.

Our “Happy Breasts” clinic will start with a breast thermogram. This procedure produces a regional temperature map of your breasts for early disease detection. Then, there will be instruction on Myofascial self-care for your breasts.

  • Thermography’s role in breast disorders is to help in early detection and monitoring of abnormal physiology and the establishment of risk factors for the development or existence of disease. This non-invasive treatment can provide needed information in order for your provider to create a specific health plan to assist in preventing disease.
  • Myofascial Release self-care will teach you how you can positively change the breast tissue (improve mobility and decrease scarring). New studies are showing that “gentle mechanical forces alone can revert and stop the out-of-control growth of cancer cells”. Come and learn a noninvasive way to treat your breasts by giving them a healthy squeeze.

Breast Clinic Information 

Appointment required:

Call Jane at 262.746.9090 to reserve your time.

Looking forward to seeing you at our breast clinic!

5 Ways to Manage Stress

Stress is normal in today’s world. It seems to parade in front of most of us on a daily basis. When you or your loved ones are dealing with an injury or illness, your stress level gets a boost. My husband’s on-the-job injury resulted in fighting our way through worker’s compensation, medical complications and more. My stress level zoomed through the roof! Here are five ways I coped with stress along the way.

  1. Let go of what you can’t control. Stress is always worse when you when you try to control the uncontrollable. That’s easier said than done. You need to force yourself to focus on what you can control so you can move forward. When my husband was injured, stress became almost paralyzing. I had to force myself to take each step. Moving onward, even if it’s a small success, is empowering and reduces stress.
  2. Use exercise and hobbies as stress reducers. Don’t give up exercise, hobbies or nutrition. You must take care of YOU before you can take care of others. Make time to exercise. Do something fun. It’s easier to manage a stressful situation…and even ongoing stress…. when there’s something you enjoy doing on the horizon.
  3. Reduce extracurricular activities that you don’t enjoy. Trim activities that you don’t have to do and don’t enjoy from your “to do” list. Replace activities that are just taking up your time with things that you must do or enjoy doing. Freeing up time for other things reduces stress.
  4. Manage your time to reduce stress. If you’re letting you to-do list grow, it will soon overwhelm you. I did this when my husband was injured. Looking back, all I can say is: Wow, why did I allow myself to do that! I’m a good manager of time, so I can do a lot. But, there’s a limit on what any person can do. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Pick and choose so that you manage your time well.
  5. Attitude is gratitude. Look for the “pearls of wisdom” in situations. There’s always a benefit or something that you can learn, even if it’s not readily apparent. People who take the time to be grateful exude a more positive attitude. And, there’s your stress reducer.

Stress was such a big part of my life in the years following my husband’s injury that I decided to share my story to help others. You can read my story and learn more about how I coped during this time in my life in “The Dark Side of Injury”.

Causes and Treatments of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a dangerous health condition that leads to cardiovascular disease and many other illnesses. While the exact cause isn’t always known, there are many underlying factors that contribute to the development of high blood pressure. These lifestyle choices can make a positive difference.

Weight Gain Can Cause High Blood Pressure: Being overweight or obese can drive your blood pressure upward. Even losing a few pounds can have tremendous health benefits.

Lifestyle is Important in Controlling High Blood Pressure

Foods Play a Role in High Blood Pressure: Many people are aware that too much salt in a diet is detrimental for blood pressure. But most people don’t know that sugary foods and coffee can increase it too. Too much alcohol is another culprit. Plus, lots of packaged and canned foods have hidden salt and sugar. Know what you’re eating and strive for fresh foods when possible to help control blood pressure.

Lack of Activity Can Lead to Blood Pressure Problems: Today’s technology often enables an inactive lifestyle at both work and play. Physical activity can help control your blood pressure, reduce stress and manage your weight. Opting for daily exercise could be one of the best health decisions you make!

Medications Can Raise Blood Pressure: If you take medications, it’s important to learn about interactions and side effects. Supplements and over-the-counter drugs count too. On the other hand, olive leaf extract has been tested to reduce blood pressure. Learn more about it in High Blood Pressure and Olive Leaf Extract. You are in charge, so understand the health issues and benefits of drugs and supplements.

Stopping Smoking Can Lower Blood Pressure: Research has shown the multiple health benefits of stopping smoking. Lowering blood pressure is on the benefit list. Putting down your cigarettes is worth the effort. You don’t have to go it alone. Ask about our smoking cessation program at Serenity Health Care.

Genetics and Aging Play a Role in Blood Pressure: While you may be genetically inclined to have blood pressure issues, making the right lifestyle choices helps. Staying in good physical condition and following a healthy diet keeps many physical ailments at bay as you get older.

Call Serenity Health Care for an appointment to identify existing or potential blood pressure problems. It’s especially important to start early if your lifestyle or family history puts you at greater risk. Take action immediately if your blood pressure starts inching upward. It could save your life!

Improvements Needed in Medical Errors

In 2013, research by The Leapfrog Group showed that medical errors were considered the third leading cause of death in the United States. The 2015 report on Hospital Safety Scores shows that while hospitals have made significant safety improvements, there’s not much improvement in preventing errors, infections and accidents. Frightening statistics for our country! It’s little wonder that malpractice cases are skyrocketing.

Medical Errors Can Have Devastating Health Results

Medical Errors Have Devastating Effects
Medical Errors Have Devastating Effects

When a mistake is made assembling a car, it’s usually easy to correct at the dealership. Many medical errors aren’t that easy to correct. Mistakes in health care can often create long-term health problems, disability or even patient death. Let’s look at some of the more common medical errors that result in malpractice suits.

Missed Diagnosis: If a doctor initially diagnoses an illness or injury incorrectly, appropriate treatment is delayed. Although the correct diagnosis may come later, a delay in treatment can result in major problems. Think about cancer. Many cancers are aggressive, so any delay in treatment could be fatal. If you were misdiagnosed to have cancer, you could undergo painful treatments that you didn’t need. Whether the diagnosis is wrong or delayed, the patient suffers. It’s no wonder that missed or delayed diagnosis is one of the leading malpractice claims.

Surgical Errors: There are many malpractice claims for medical errors made by surgeons. Wrong implant, wrong material, wrong procedure performed, wrong patient, wrong body part, and the list can go on. My husband was the victim of a surgical error that caused a great deal of pain and suffering. You can read about our journey through malpractice and find information to help you file a malpractice claim in my book, “The Dark Side of Injury”.

Drug Mistakes: Prescribing medications requires expertise and accuracy. Patients react differently to medicines, so monitoring for allergic reactions and correct dosages is essential. It’s also important to document and communicate how to take medications. A side effect of many drugs, especially antidepressants, is suicide. Prescribe it and forget it can and does cause patient fatalities. Like many of the medical errors, some drug mistakes can’t be corrected.

Sometimes, medical errors are blamed on hurried doctors. It can also be lack of training, poor communication, different languages, and kickbacks from drug companies. Regardless of the underlying factors, improvement is still needed. Too many patients still pay the price of medical errors.

At Serenity Health Care, you’ll find that we take the time to discuss your case and answer your questions. Our team of integrative health practitioners works with you to optimize your health.

Schedule an appointment and start taking control of your health today.

Leading Men’s Health Problems

Men’s health is important! Yet, it’s often said that men tend to take better care of their car than they do their health. What I believe this means is that many men tend to ignore “little” health symptoms more often than women. If it’s not too much of a problem, men just keep going. Some women do too. Yet, little problems can turn into major health issues when left untreated. Here’s a look at some of the leading health problems men face.

  1. Heart disease ranks as the top cause of death for men and women, but men are usually affected at a younger age. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to heart disease. Identifying and controlling symptoms such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diet and other lifestyle choices can help prevent or control heart problems. When you evaluate men’s health, check heart symptoms.
  2. Prostate cancer is a leading health problem for men. Many are slow growing and treatable. Tests aren’t always definitive, so the best action is to discuss your test results and overall risks regularly with your doctor. Read my article on Dealing with High PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Levels for more information on testing and supplement suggestions.
  3. Type 2 diabetes is a silent health issue that can affect organs, cause strokes, kidney failure and more. This can be a major issue in men’s health. Identifying and controlling this disease is important to helping prevent long-term health complications. Exercise and diet help maintain your target weight, which can help control and/or reduce your chance of developing Type 2 diabetes. Discuss your risk with your health care professional.
  4. Liver disease is another condition that affects men’s health. Many liver diseases can be prevented with lifestyle changes such as eliminating alcohol and tobacco. Talk to your doctor about diet, supplements and lifestyle changes that can help protect your liver.
  5. Skin cancer is a top concern for men. According to the Cancer Foundation statistics, the risk for men over age 50 is more than twice that of a woman. The higher risk is a direct result of wearing less sunscreen, more sun exposure and fewer screenings. Prevention and early detection are the best protection against skin cancer.

Discover what “little” symptoms can mean to men’s health overall, longevity and lifestyle. Schedule a consultation with Serenity Health Care to learn more about optimizing your health so you can continue living your life to the fullest.

Chiropractic Care for Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a health issue for 100 million Americans, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Two-thirds of these people suffer from moderate to severe pain that interferes with their daily lives. In addition leaving you feeling foggy and disconnected, pain medications often interfere or create additional health issues. This is why more and more people turn to chiropractic care for chronic pain.

Chiropractic care for chronic pain is effective

What is Acute Pain vs. Chronic Pain?

Acute pain is normal for injuries and soft tissue damage. This type of pain lessens and disappears as the underlying cause heals. Chronic pain is very different from acute pain. Chronic pain often last for months or throughout your lifetime. Moderate to debilitating chronic pain characterizes diseases such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, spinal stenosis, migraines and many other health conditions. Old injuries and aging can also result in chronic pain. Other times, the origin of the pain isn’t known. However, chronic pain prevents sufferers from participating in many day-to-day activities that most of us take for granted.

Chiropractic Care for Chronic Pain

Many studies, including one funded by NIH, have shown that chiropractic treatment is effective for pain management. Due to extensive musculoskeletal training, a chiropractor can identify abnormal movement patterns and irregular functions. A treatment plan for chronic pain goes beyond manual adjustments to correct misalignment. Chiropractic care for chronic pain is a customized program that may include regular treatments, exercises, supplements and nutrition. Because the treatment plan is tailored for your condition, it also addresses nerve, muscle and organ dysfunction to reduce and manage chronic pain. For more information on how chiropractic care for chronic pain, read our article, “Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic Care”.

Living with Chronic Pain

Foods play a major role in chronic pain. Some foods exacerbate pain, and others have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain. Staying hydrated and following a diet free of processed and “trigger” foods can help manage chronic pain. At Serenity Health, we’ve found that leafy greens, asparagus, low-sugar fruits and soy products often help reduce inflammation that leads to pain. Foods that can instigate inflammation include dairy, chocolate, wheat, tomatoes, red wine, coffee and soda.

If you face daily pain, it’s time to improve your quality of life. Contact Serenity Health for a customized plan for chronic pain. You can manage your pain and return to the life you once knew.

Choosing a Worker’s Compensation Lawyer

Do your homework if you’ve been injured at work and need a worker’s compensation lawyer. You need someone who has experience in your specific situation. An attorney with expertise in worker’s compensation in your state. Referrals are a great place to start your research. Just keep in mind that the attorney you need is usually not the lawyer who did your will or documents for your friend’s business.

Research Before Choosing a Worker's Compensation Lawyer
Research Before Choosing a Worker’s Compensation Lawyer

One chapter of my book, The Dark Side of Injury, is dedicated to the pros and cons of working with an attorney. Engaging a worker’s compensation lawyer changes your relationship with your employer. However, some circumstances require the help of an attorney to resolve.  Some of these are:

  • The insurance carrier denies your worker’s compensation claim
  • Your employer fires you after you file a worker’s comp claim
  • Your employer takes disciplinary action against you after you file a worker’s comp claim
  • You don’t receive the correct payment amount from the worker’s comp insurance

I recommend starting your attorney research with your state’s Department of Licensing. Consultations with an attorney are usually free, so take the time to interview several experienced worker’s compensation lawyers. Ask about past cases, outcomes and fees. It’s also important to ask if his/her personal network includes experts who may be applicable to your situation.  There’s a checklist in my book to help you develop a list of questions when you interview an attorney.

You’ll want to keep a detailed log of your attorney visits. I repeat this in every blog because it is so important. Working through the worker’s compensation system takes time, and there’s no way to remember all the dates and specifics without a detailed log.

Check out my book, The Dark Side of Injury, for more checklists and tools to help you work with a worker’s compensation lawyer. I wish you the best possible outcome on your worker’s compensation journey.

Heel Pain Relief…Understanding Plantar Fasciitis

By: Heather King, DC

Plantar fasciitis or “heel pain syndrome” affects nearly 2 million people!  Plantar fasciitis is inflammation and pain in the band of tissue that connects the heel to the toes, and forms the arch of the foot.  It can come on slowly over time or be a sudden sharp pain.  It can affect one foot or possibly both, and it can develop in both runners and non-runners.

Relief from Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain)
Relief from Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain)

My patients that suffer from plantar fasciitis often describe the pain as being more intense first thing in the morning after they have been off their feet for an extended period of time.  Pain may lessen somewhat after movement but doesn’t completely go away. It is important to have a proper diagnosis to determine the source of your heel pain. Treatment options can vary.  Most common choices are injections, anti-inflammatory medications, orthotics, chiropractic treatment, splinting and physical therapy for those suffering from plantar fasciitis.

Chiropractic treatment consists of restoring normal joint mechanics followed by stretching and sometimes the use of modalities such as ultrasound. An article published in Dynamic Chiropractic in March 2000, states that adjustments of the foot and ankle joints with emphasis on the subtalar joint (calcaneus or heel bone) proves to be most useful in combination with other therapies to treat plantar fasciitis.

Recovery from plantar fasciitis is slow and on average, it takes 6-9 months to fully recover and be pain free.  Unfortunately, for some individuals it can be a life long struggle to control and continued or regular therapy is needed.

We can help relieve your pain and put you on the road to recovery and/or managing this syndrome! Take action today so you can return to the lifestyle you enjoy.

Schedule an appointment with me to discuss your heal pain by calling Serenity Health Care Center at 262-522-8640.

Worker’s Compensation Surveillance

Expect worker’s compensation surveillance when you file a claim! My family found out just how intrusive worker’s compensation surveillance is after my husband was injured at work. It prompted me to write a book, “The Dark Side of Injury”. My hope is that if you walk a few miles in my shoes as you read my story, you’ll learn some things that will make filing a worker’s comp claim easier for you.

Expect Worker's Compensation Surveillance When You File a Claim
Expect Worker’s Compensation Surveillance When You File a Claim

Employers and insurance companies commonly hire multiple private investigators for worker’s compensation surveillance to track activities of injury victims. Companies count on “a picture is worth a thousand words,” as they attempt to prove that you are not injured. While insurance companies claim worker’s compensation surveillance stops fraud, it’s more about denying benefits to save money.

Worker’s compensation surveillance is everywhere. While investigators aren’t allowed on your private property, they can park across the street from your house. They can follow you in a vehicle. Detectives climb trees, hide behind shrubbery and corners. Because they are in plain clothes and switch shifts, you never know when you’re being videoed or photographed. Private eyes are watching you—close your window blinds if you don’t want them to see you nude, bathing or having sex.

Worker’s compensation surveillance extends beyond just keeping an eye on your activities. Private investigators monitor your Internet activity, especially on social media sites where people share and post pictures about what they are doing. Be on guard about posting content or pictures that can be misinterpreted. It’s all too easy for innocent pictures to be misconstrued when taken out of context. Limiting online activities is a good idea.

Even when you aren’t doing anything wrong, it’s uncomfortable to be under a magnifying glass. While you are cautious about following all the restrictions set by your doctor, you never know when something will send the wrong impression. I found that keeping a detailed surveillance log was helpful. This log helps you remember the happenings on a specific day so that you can respond to erroneous charges.

Take charge of your life. Don’t allow an insurance company to unfairly deny your workers compensation benefits. Fight back. Get the tools and tips to navigate the worker’s compensation system in “The Dark Side of Injury”.  And, talk to your attorney about worker’s compensation surveillance and laws in your state.

4 Worker’s Comp Roadblocks When Your Claim is Denied

Worker’s comp roadblocks can multiply! If you are injured on the job, worker’s compensation is supposed to pay medical expenses that are necessary to diagnose and treat your injury. In addition, it should also provide disability payments while you can’t work. It may pay for retraining and other benefits if you can’t return to work due to the injury. But, the worker’s compensation system is far from straightforward. There are roadblocks on every corner at a time when you need it most.

Worker's Comp Roadblock On Every Corner
Worker’s Comp Roadblock On Every Corner

Worker’s Comp Roadblock No. 1 occurs when an employer says your injury didn’t happen on the job. Or, they can report that you suffered the injury while you were violating company policy. When worker’s comp denies the claim, you’re facing an uphill battle. An attorney is your first line of defense.

Worker’s Comp Roadblock No. 2 can appear after you’ve hired the attorney. Suddenly, your employer can’t accommodate your work restrictions, so you’re laid off. While you may receive unemployment, it’s not enough to see you through. You lose all your work-related benefits, including medical insurance.

Worker’s Comp Roadblock No. 3 looms just around the corner when you find that you can’t even pay your living expenses while you’re fighting the claims. In addition, medical bills are escalating. A major illness is a setback even for people who feel they are set financially. Creditors may be closing in as bankruptcy nears.

Worker’s Comp Roadblock No. 4 begins when you start living under a microscope. In many states, worker’s compensation can hire investigators to watch your every move. The idea behind this is to disprove your injury. It’s no longer your word vs. your employer’s word. The worker’s compensation system is set up to challenge you on every corner.

Disability insurance helps keep you afloat if you had the foresight to purchase it before the injury. Unfortunately, many people don’t recognize the importance or feel they can’t afford it. After the injury, it’s too late.

Document every conversation. Document every medical appointment. Document everything. Documentation will help you navigate around the roadblocks. My book, The Dark Side of Injury, outlines the steps and resources you need to work with the worker’s comp roadblocks. If you’re facing a battle with worker’s compensation, don’t walk blindly into the meetings. Read my book so you’ll know what to do.