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Job Stress Causes Injuries

The shift in American business to “do more with less” is taking a significant toll on our health. It is stressful, and job stress causes injuries, health problems and psychological issues. According to statistics reported by the CDC, more than 40 percent of Americans report that their job is “very or extremely” stressful. Is your job putting you at risk?

Heavy workloads in physically demanding jobs can put you at risk. Muscles need breaks. Muscle strains, tears, aches and pains are often ignored in the interest of productivity. Disregarding small injuries can result in further damage, eventually leading to lifelong chronic pain.

Office jobs can tie you to a computer or phone. Many people don’t realize that prolonged sitting, typing or phone use also results in muscle strains. Meeting quotas and hectic work schedules are as stressful as a physically demanding job. You still need to monitor your stress level.

Are you a stay-at-home parent or caregiver? Or, perhaps you combine caregiving responsibilities with a demanding job. Either way, you likely face “do more with less”. It’s stressful to handle multiple responsibilities, so it’s important to find an outlet for your stress.

People are unique, so each person reacts differently in situations. Our innate coping style is part of our personality. So, don’t feel that you should be able to cope better simply because the same situation doesn’t stress your friend. It’s all about finding what stresses you, and then identifying ways to relieve your stress.

If job stress has stretched you to the max, check out my previous blog for ways to manage stress. I’ve walked more than a mile in your stress-filled shoes when my husband was injured on the job. I know what a difficult road it is. That’s why I pulled together a number of resources and checklists to help others deal with stress, doctor’s appointments, worker’s compensation claims and more in my book, The Dark Side of Injury

It’s a must to manage stress before it starts managing you. Job stress causes injuries, and you need to avoid that. Schedule an appointment at Serenity Health Care to find out more about overcoming the stress in your life. Your health depends on it.

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