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A burden that is yours to Lose…Uncommon Factors That Hinder Weight Loss


The goal for the New Year is to create a new you. We all have goals and areas of our lives that need to be improved. Often the New Year is the time of the year a majority of Americans uses to examine their lives and set goals. Whether it is work related, home life or other areas many resolutions and goals are often set.

With this evaluation, time comes a frequently asked question, “am I happy with my current health?” In this discussion, we often come back to the subject of weight. Why is it we take this evaluation, make a complex issue, and “scale” it back to a number that stares up at us when we get on a scale? It is not that simple, just put “weight loss” into any search engine in the Internet! When I did this, I had 350,000,000 results in 0.49 seconds! If losing weight were as simple as eating less and exercising more, I would have some people in my practice ecstatic, because they are faithfully doing this but can’t see a return. Why would that be? Let’s first explore the current beliefs about weight.

Common factors that most people know which contribute to weight gain include:

  • Eating too many calories
  • Getting too little exercise
  • Genetics and family history
  • Some medication
  • Unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as skipping breakfast and not getting enough sleep.

Our beliefs around weight needs be expanded further and in doing that we begin to understand there are other factors, which contribute to weight gain. A successful weight loss program is formulated when the uncommonly thought off factors s to weight gain are addressed.

What is Body Composition?

At Serenity Healthcare Center’s clinical experience, we have seen the following uncommonly thought of factors that have contributed to our patient’s weight gain and lack of success when following all rules of diet and exercise:

  • Toxic exposure
  • Delayed food allergies
  • Consuming foods high in Glycemic value
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Poor adrenal function
  • Chronic infection
  • Thyroid imbalance and gastrointestinal dysbiosis

Our clinical experience demonstrates that these factors can contribute to weight. By looking at some of these underlying issues and addressing them, weight loss is easier to obtain.

Furthermore, the environment we live in exposes us too many chemicals that our body has to deal with. If our process of detoxification is not efficient in eliminating toxins, these harmful toxins can be stored in our fat tissue. If the fat tissue starts to break up with weight loss, the body does not want to deal with this load; weight loss can stall until this is addressed. We also see success with the supporting the genetics of detox. A gene called MTHFR plays a role in not only detox but also how we metabolize medications.

Delayed food allergies play a big role in the ability to lose weight. If a food that causes inflammation, irritation is consumed on a “special diet” to lose weight and your body can’t properly break this down this will also imped your progress.

Hormone imbalance is also a role.

Poor adrenal function impacts our base metabolic rate and by using adaptogens and adrenal support products energy and focus improve along with adjusting your metabolic weight. When the adrenals are not functioning this can contribute to poor sleep at night as well. The thyroid gland also plays a big role in the metabolic set point of our body. If the thyroid is not properly supported or sluggish, this contributes to inability to lose weight.

Want to learn more? Schedule a consultation as we can you help you achieve your health and weight loss goals.

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