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Does diet affect neurological disorders: Autism, Attention Deficit, Tourette’s and anger disorders?


Does diet affect neurological disorders such as Autism, Attention Deficit, Tourette’s and anger disorders?

There has been a great deal of talk around diet and how it affects neurological disorders. The question is does it work- does diet affect neurological disorders?

The truth is that there is a great deal of research that indicates diets high in sugar, high processed foods and foods that contain dyes increase the symptoms of neurological disorders. People who have taken on the challenge of changing their diets and eliminating these foods from their families diet have seen significant changes.

There are instances that these changes are made but do not see the results they were hoping for and become frustrated, so they give up. It may be that the only thing that is missing is proper balance in the types of foods that are being consumed.

There is a genotype called Apo E that has been linked to heart disease, neurological and metabolically disorders. If you or your child has a variant of this genotype following a gene specific diet may provide you with the results you have been looking for.

Dramatic results have been seen in children that have followed this gene specific diet. We have seen children who could not speak begin talking, anger outbursts have declined and/or completely resolved sometimes in as little as 3 weeks. Does diet affect neurological disorders? This shows that the answer is yes.

Why do some children respond so well to cleaning up the diet? Certain genotypes prevent the body from clearing toxins. Now most people think they do not have toxic exposure but we all do everyday. Nutritionally the traditional American diet is highly toxic. If one is eating an American diet then you are getting toxins from; highly processed, inflammatory diet such as large amounts of chips, candy bars laden with inflammatory trans fats, antibiotics, high-fructose corn syrup, exogenous sex hormones from dairy products and synthetic hormones, pesticides, and herbicides.

If we do not know that the body has an inability to clear toxins coming from processed foods, fast foods, food dyes and high amounts of animal protein this could be contributing to the neurological symptoms that the child is experiencing. It appears that when the genotype is being filled with toxins the neurological system cannot develop well enough to express normal speech, behavior, and sleep patterns; and interact appropriately with parents, sibling’s, or playmates.

I feel it is important for patients facing these medical issues chose an integrative medical approach to reverse the neurological symptoms that they and their children are facing.

Can diet affect neurological disorders? Yes, it can. Call Serenity Health Care Center today to discuss having your genotype testing 262-522-8640.

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