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Benefits of IV Nutritional Therapy

Four benefits of IV nutritional therapy you should know about

Four benefits of IV nutritional therapy you should know about

Four benefits of IV nutritional therapy you should know about

The skilled practitioners at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee want you to know about four benefits of IV nutritional therapy. During IV nutritional therapy, vital nutrients, minerals and vitamins are administered through an IV drip in our office. The process takes anywhere from a half hour to six hours, depending on your needs. This therapy is a valuable treatment that helps many of our patients improve their health and quality of life.


Learn more about the four benefits of IV nutritional therapy

If you have a chronic condition or other health problems, you need to know more about IV nutritional therapy.

  1. One of the main benefits of IV nutritional therapy is that it provides important minerals, amino acids, vitamins and nutrients directly to the bloodstream. Delivery to the bloodstream ensures that all the crucial nutrients are absorbed fully into the body where they can be used to improve your health.
  2. IV nutritional therapy allows nutrients to bypass the gastrointestinal (GI) system, so the body absorbs the maximum amount of nutrition. Many patients have a damaged gastrointestinal system that may be inflamed or harmed by viruses or exposure to toxins. Bypassing the damaged system and delivering the nutrients via the bloodstream means that you will receive the maximum benefits of IV nutritional therapy.
  3. IV nutritional therapy allows us to deliver larger doses of nutrients to your body than you could tolerate in oral doses. Higher oral doses of vitamins and other nutrients can enter the GI system and cause stomach problems. Delivery through an IV bypasses the GI tract, allowing us to deliver the maximum amount of nutrients your body needs.
  4. One of the most important benefits of IV nutritional therapy is that it can be used to treat several conditions and chronic health problems.
    • Immune deficiency
    • Damaged GI tract
    • Hydrochloric acid, or digestive enzyme, deficiency
    • Lack of friendly gut bacteria
    • Exposure to toxic metals
    • HIV infection
    • Hypertension
    • Asthma
    • Parkinson’s disease
    • Congestive heart failure

If you are suffering from chronic health problems, and you are not getting relief from your current treatment plan, consider the benefits of IV nutritional therapy. The experienced team at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee can help you feel better. Contact us for an appointment.

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