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7 Possible Causes of Crashing Fatigue (and How to Fix It)

It doesn’t matter how much sleep you get. You are physically exhausted. You may also be mentally and emotionally exhausted. You suffer from chronic fatigue. But what causes your crashing fatigue? What can you do to fix it? At Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI, we firmly believe in collaborating with our clients to help their bodies heal themselves. Today, we look at seven possible causes of chronic fatigue and what we can do together to fix it.

7 Potential Causes of Crashing Fatigue

1. Dehydration

Dehydration may be the leading cause of crashing fatigue. Many people suffer from dehydration because they only drink when they are thirsty. Unfortunately, when you wait until you are thirsty to drink, it is already too late. By the time you notice your thirst, you have already lost between 2 and 3% of your body fluid. This makes you physically lethargic. It also starves your brain of adequate nutrients and oxygen, making the task of focusing next to impossible.

Unfortunately, fixing dehydration it isn’t as straightforward as you think. With IV nutritional therapy, you get all the fatigue-busting benefits of hydration, plus the added bonus of essential nutrients your body needs to keep itself hydrated and heal itself. For example, without sodium, the water will run right through you and not hydrate you. At the same time, your body would flush out potassium, calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients required to keep your bones and muscles healthy and strong. Here are a few benefits, besides energy revitalization, provided by IV nutritional therapy:

  • Gut support
  • Migraine relief
  • Asthma recovery
  • Cancer support
  • Infection recovery
  • Infection defense booster

2. Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances, such as perimenopause, menopause, and low testosterone, are also a common cause of extreme fatigue.

Perimenopause and menopause can contribute to fatigue directly. Or, these conditions may cause symptoms, like night sweats and insomnia, which cause fatigue. Estrogen, progesterone, adrenal hormones, and thyroid hormones can all result in you feeling mentally and physically exhausted. Men go through something similar to menopause, known as andropause when testosterone levels decrease, and estrogen levels increase.

Hormone therapy may be just what the doctor ordered if you suffer from crashing fatigue, and your hormone levels are imbalanced. After the first week of bioidentical hormone therapy, people can generally expect relief from anxiety and insomnia (another cause of extreme fatigue). After the third week, both men and women often enjoy a drastic improvement in cognitive function, as well as increased energy. Here are some other potential benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy to treat extreme fatigue:

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Weight gain
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive nighttime urination
  • Hair loss
  • Memory loss
  • Impaired cognitive function

3. Thyroid Dysfunction

Remember, imbalanced thyroid hormones can result in “menopausal fatigue.” Even if you’re not going through perimenopause, menopause, or andropause, it is possible to have imbalanced thyroid hormones. There are two types of thyroid dysfunction, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a medical condition characterized by an underactive thyroid. In other words, your thyroid does not produce enough of the hormones your body needs for optimal operation.

The thyroid hormone plays an important role in several critical functions, including carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, basal metabolism and temperature regulation, proper GI functioning (sluggish or hyperactive GI can cause fatigue), and nervous system activity. When you’re nervous system is not functioning efficiently, you will feel fatigued. A great nutritional boost during your hypothyroidism recovery can be achieved by supplementing zinc, selenium, natural B vitamins, vitamins E, D, and A (not Beta Carotene), iodine, and non-carbonate calcium. Here are some other benefits of treatment:

  • Improved skin pigmentation
  • Weight loss
  • Thicker hair
  • Warm skin
  • No more excessive sweating
  • Improved speech
  • Headache relief
  • Smoother hair
  • Edema relief

4. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a condition that goes far beyond being constantly tired. The level of fatigue interferes with your daily life to the point you can no longer care for your loved ones or hold down a job. Some people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome even become disabled to the point of being bedridden, suffering from chronic pain, and other flu-like symptoms.

Currently, there is no cure for chronic fatigue syndrome. However, scientists are working hard on developing a cure. In the meantime, based on our understanding of the condition, there is treatment available. Affecting primarily women in their 40s and 50s with a family history of the condition, chronic fatigue syndrome can be treated by evaluating infectious processes and identifying via biofeedback any other conditions.

5. Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s disease is a medical condition typically considered to be a thyroid disease. While this disease affects the thyroid, it is primarily an immune reaction. This disease can lead to either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. If your immune system is attacking your thyroid gland as if it is a foreign body, you suffer from Hashimoto’s disease.

In 90% of cases, the symptoms of autoimmune thyroid disease can be improved with vitamin D supplementation. Other methods for improving symptoms include lemon balm, green tea and grape seed extracts, licorice, and other natural supplementation. Moreover, depending on which part of your immune system is hyperactive, you will benefit significantly from balancing your levels of TH-1 and TH-2 cytokines. Unfortunately, once the gene for this autoimmune disease is activated, it cannot be deactivated. Here are some added benefits of treating Hashimoto’s disease:

  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • High cholesterol
  • Constipation
  • Weight gain
  • Hair loss

6. Adrenal Fatigue

Conventional medicine does not recognize or treat the symptoms caused by adrenal fatigue. This syndrome is characterized by chronic fatigue, low libido, infertility, low blood pressure, and several other symptoms. However, this syndrome is diagnosable via blood and saliva testing. The blood test identifies the body’s production of progesterone, aldosterone, testosterone, and DHEA. The saliva test identifies the abundance of cortisol in the body.

If you suffer from adrenal fatigue, there are several treatment options available to you. Depending on your hormone levels, you may need to receive a bio-identical cortisol supplement. Alternatively, you may need to supplement your body’s production of pregnenolone or DHEA. Moreover, you may find that you benefit from lifestyle changes and dietary supplements to help you restore your overall health and wellness. Examples include:

  • Whole grains
  • Bio-available protein
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Dairy
  • Sea salt
  • Healthy fats (coconut oil, grapeseed oil)
  • Legumes
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Lean meats

7. Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an under-researched, debilitating disease spread by the bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi. In adults, symptoms include fatigue, rashes, achy joints, flu-like symptoms, sleep disorders, cognitive impairment, impaired vision, heart conditions, and more.

To treat extreme fatigue caused by Lyme disease, detoxify the endotoxins caused by the bacteria, restore your body’s natural biochemistry, receive IV nutritional therapy as you are recovering, and take herbal supplements to support your recovery process.

Learn More About Causes and Treatments for Fatigue Today

Is crashing fatigue preventing you from living life to the fullest? Depending on the cause of your fatigue, you may also suffer from several other quality of life-impairing symptoms. There is hope.

Call us today at Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI at (262) 522-8640 or book an appointment online. Dr. Debra Muth, ND, Dr. Greg Brown, MD, and the rest of the staff at Serenity Health Care Center believe strongly that by forming a partnership with you, we can help your body heal itself.

Doxycycline for Lyme: Why Antibiotics Alone Aren’t Enough

Lyme Disease is a complex and challenging disease to manage. Scientists and doctors are still learning about how it works and how to best treat it. There are approximately 427,000 new cases of Lyme a year, but there are still no proper and effective protocols on how to best treat the disease. While doxycycline is often used to help combat the early stages of Lyme, it isn’t enough. You can access the best and most current treatments for Lyme at Serenity Health Care, conveniently located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Dealing With Lyme Disease

One of the reasons Lyme is so difficult to diagnose is because it mimics other illnesses. Often, patients are diagnosed with a whole host of illnesses in an attempt to explain the symptoms of what is actually Lyme. Common misdiagnoses are fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The easiest way to diagnose Lyme Disease is via a bullseye-shaped rash. However, doctors who aren’t familiar with Lyme often overlook this rash. And while this rash is a clear indicator of Lyme, it doesn’t show up on everyone who has Lyme. Practitioners may be trained to look for this rash as an indicator of Lyme, and when they don’t see it, they move on to other possible illnesses.


Lyme Disease is transmitted when a tick infected with a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi bites a human and spreads the disease. Once Lyme Disease is introduced to the human body, it can cause symptoms like fevers, chills, sweats, muscle, and joint pain, and fatigue. However, it’s important to remember that Lyme can present differently in different people. It’s a very individualized disease and is capable of affecting people in unique ways.

Because these symptoms seem flu-like, many individuals who have been newly infected with Lyme Disease write it off as simply the flu. Lyme can be treated effectively within the first weeks of infection; however, if Lyme isn’t treated within the first month, the symptoms often progress into the more serious Chronic Lyme Disease. Chronic Lyme symptoms worsen over time, and once Lyme progresses into Chronic Lyme, you can’t get rid of it.


One of the reasons Lyme is so difficult to diagnose is because there isn’t any simple test. There are a handful of tests to choose from, and it’s best to use as many tests as possible to get a full look at what is happening in the patient’s body. Rather than use the PCR, a common, but less accurate, test often used to identify Lyme, we use the Western blot test, and I spot testing.

We also use Ondamed Biofeedback testing and thermography evaluations to get a holistic view of what is happening in our patients’ bodies. Using a combination of diagnostic methods, we are able to look at how Lyme is affecting all of your body’s systems. It’s only with this knowledge that we can form a plan of action to best help you on your way back to health.

Why Doxycycline Alone Isn’t Enough

Because Lyme Disease is a result of the spreading of the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, it makes sense that a common response is antibiotics. Antibiotics like doxycycline, amoxicillin, and cefuroxime axetil are some of the most commonly used antibiotic treatments for the spread of Lyme Disease.

Antibiotics can be effectively used as a prophylactic dose to reduce the risk of acquiring Lyme Disease immediately after a high-risk tick bite. However, antibiotic treatment helps such a fraction of individuals living with Lyme Disease that it doesn’t make sense for this to be the primary treatment. When it comes to treating Chronic Lyme Disease, doxycycline, and other antibiotics, just aren’t enough; and that’s because of the nature of Borrelia.

Borrelia: A Stealthy Bacteria

The bacteria Borrelia clears the blood quickly, and it uses its unique corkscrew shape to deeply penetrate the tissues of the joints, cartilage, brain, and nerves. Once it’s hidden inside these tissues, the antibiotics and immune system can’t reach it. It can even roll up into a dormant cyst and wait until the antibiotics are gone to reappear.

Slow Growing

Antibiotics are most effective on bacterium and microbes that grow rapidly and are densely concentrated in localized areas of the body. For instance, pneumonia is concentrated in the lungs, and this is part of the reason that it responds well to antibiotics. Borrelia, however, is very slow-growing and exists throughout the body in low concentrations.

Borrelia in the Microbiome

The microbiome is the congregate of all the microbes in the body, and Borrelia is great at blending in with them, becoming a part of the microbiome. Unlike other bacteria, it doesn’t want to overwhelm the human hos; it just needs enough resources to survive. This makes it very difficult to both diagnose and treat.

Antibiotics Can Disrupt the Microbiome

The frequent use of antibiotics doesn’t just kill the bad bacteria you’re trying to get rid of, but it also kills all the good bacteria that our bodies need to function properly. Killing off the good bacteria gives space for the overgrowth of pathogens that aren’t affected by the body. These pathogens can be just as dangerous as the microbes that cause Lyme Disease. Chronic use of antibiotics doesn’t do much harm to the Borrelia because it can simply crawl inside a cell to stay safe, so the antibiotics end up harming your system without actually getting the result you’re looking for.

Antibiotics Can Disrupt the Immune System

Up to 70% of our immune system functions are actually located in the gut, meaning that disruption of the microbiome can have huge effects on our immune system. When your body and immune system are already being run down by Lyme, causing even more harm to them with antibiotics is the wrong move.

Antibiotics Can Damage Mitochondria

The mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell because they give us energy. Although they are now present in the cells of every higher life form, they were, at one point, a primitive bacteria, and they still have bacteria-like characteristics. Because of this, antibiotics effect and can damage mitochondria.

An Integrative Solution

Our functional medicine clinic works to find treatment options for Lyme Disease on an individual basis. We offer a Lyme Disease detox that removes the endotoxins that Borrelia releases into the body. We use Lyme Free Bio Terrain Therapy that helps define a patient’s biochemistry so that we can create a personalized treatment plan. Our IV Nutritional Therapy delivers vital nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly to the bloodstream. Lastly, we use herbal supplements to help patients get to a better state of health and treat co-infections of Lyme.

Don’t Let Lyme Stop You

Lyme Disease is one of the most misunderstood diseases. So misunderstood, in fact, that even doctors have a difficult time detecting and diagnosing Lyme Disease. Furthermore, once it has been diagnosed, there isn’t a clear treatment protocol for doctors to follow. That’s why you need to choose a medical clinic with Lyme Disease specialists who understand the difficulty of living with this disease.

Our medical detectives have years of experience in identifying this disease where other doctors have failed, and in treating even the most trying cases. Don’t settle for doxycycline; find real relief with our clinic today. For more information on Lyme Disease, or to schedule a consultation, contact us at Serenity Health Care in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

What Is A Brain Neurotransmitter Lab?

What Is A Brain Neurotransmitter Lab?

Serenity Health Care Center offers Brain Neurotransmitter testing at it’s functional medical clinic in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

  • Are you a busy woman who is loosing herself?
  • Struggling with insomnia?
  • Are you getting anxiety?
  • Are you forgetting things or do you feel like you have ADHD?
  • Are you depressed or just feel like you have lost your happiness in life?
  • Are you craving sweets, salts, and caffeine?
  • Do you have times that you feel like you could eat everything in sight but then could care a less about eating at all?
  • Are you wondering what has happened to your creativity, drive and desire to conquer your dreams?
  • Do you toss and turn all night?
  • Are you gaining weight despite following a clean diet?
  • Are you experiencing OCD symptoms and it is getting in the way of your daily routine?
  • Do you suffer from autism or neurogenic condition like Parkinson’s?
  • Do you have ADHD or a learning disability?

What Can A Brain Neurotransmitter Lab Do?

  • Neurotransmitter testing can identify the reason your symptoms are present.
  • By knowing what neurotransmitters are high or low natural or specific approaches can be implemented.
  • You can support the neuroendocrine system, which can prevent disease.

Brain Health

Brain Health

Serenity Health Care Center treats a variety of brain health issues and their symptoms. We utilize a holistic approach, focused on treating the whole person and dedicated to improving our patient’s quality of life, relationships, focus and productivity.

What Can Cause Brain Health Issues?

There are a variety of conditions that cause mild to severe cognitive decline. Inflammation is a contributing factor. Neurodegenerative conditions can be caused by environmental toxins, infection, diet, and genetics.

What Brain Health Issues Does Serenity Treat?

  • Brain Fog
  • Memory Loss
  • ADHD/Attention & Focus
  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Mood Swings/Oppositional Defiance
  • Addiction
  • Concussion/Traumatic Brain Injury (past and current)
  • Insomnia
  • Poor Focus
  • Impulsiveness
  • Irritability
  • Mood Swings
  • Migraines

What Treatment Is Available?

  • Neurotransmitter Testing
  • Medications & Supplements
  • Diet & Nutrition
  • IV Therapies
  • SPECT Scan Analysis

Mind Your Memory – Cognitive Screening Test

Serenity Health Care Center is an official testing center for Mind Your Memory cognitive screening test. Mind Your Memory is a simple, computer-based test that can be completed in about 30 minutes. No computer skills are required— this is an interactive test program.

Brain Neurotransmitter Lab

Brain Neurotransmitter Lab testing can identify the reason your symptoms are present. By knowing what neurotransmitters are high or low natural or specific approaches can be implemented.

Gut Health

Gut Health

Serenity Health Care Center treats a variety of gastrointestinal issues and symptoms, ranging from leaky gut and IBS, to small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO) and abdominal pain.

Our providers utilize a holistic approach looking to treat the whole body, by utilizing detoxification, nutrition, stool and food sensitivity testing, alongside supplements and vitamins, to restore gut health, eliminate harmful bacteria, reduce pain, regulate bowel movements and optimize digestive function.

What Can Cause GI Issues?

Gut health is the number one cause of systemic illness. There are few key components that lead to imbalance, which can cause major disruption in function. Bacterial overload such as SIBO, IBS or IBD are the result. Improper function with digestive enzymes can cause GERD, Ulcers or stomach pain. 

Types of GI Issues Serenity Treats

  • Overall Gut Health
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • IBS
  • Food Allergies
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO)
  • APOE
  • Acid Reflux
  • Skin Rashes
  • Gut Dysbiosis
  • Candida/Yeast Overgrowth
  • Parasite Cleanse
  • Digestion
  • Absorption of Nutrients

How Does Serenity Treat GI Issues?

  • Nutrition & Dietary Changes
  • Detoxification
  • Supplements, Medications & Vitamins
  • Stool Testing
  • Food Sensitivity Testing
  • ONDAMED Biofeedback

Labs & Panels

Stool testing is the window into your entire body and immune system. The microbiome is everything to a healthy body. Stool testing can tell us how many good and bad bacteria is present. With GI testing we can see the immune markers, inflammation and if the tight junctions are a problem. Not all stool testing is the same; in order to really determine what is going on in the intestinal tract, you need a test that is sensitive and specific.

Food sensitivities occur in so many fashions. They can be delayed or immediate. Our immediate foods we recognize, but it is the delayed foods that are harder to identify. Getting food sensitivity testing can finally give you the answers about what foods cause problems for you.

Have you ever wondered if the supplements you are taking are really being absorbed? Once you have micronutrient testing done, it can tell you exactly what supplements you need. What form is best for you. We know if you have an absorption issue from the GI tract.

What Is A Microbiome Stool Panel?

What Is A Microbiome Stool Panel?

Stool testing is the window into your entire body and immune system. The microbiome is everything to a healthy body. Stool testing can tell us how many good and bad bacteria is present. With GI testing we can see the immune markers, inflammation and if the tight junctions are a problem.

Not all stool testing is the same; in order to really determine what is going on in the intestinal tract you need a test that is sensitive and specific. 

What the gut lining reveals is what the brain barrier reveals.

  • Do you have gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea?
  • Better known as Irritable bowel disease?
  • Do you have mid-abdominal weight gain?
  • Do you have fatigue?
  • Have you traveled outside of the country?
  • Do you have chronic infections?
  • Do you have rectal itching, especially at night?
  • Do you have chronic skin itching or rashes?
  • Do you have an autoimmune disease?
  • Do you have chronic pain?
  • Do you have thyroid disease?
  • Do you have ADHD?
  • Have you been exposed to mold?
  • Do you have anxiety?

What Can A Microbiome Stool Panel Do?

  • Once we know what type of bacteria’s, viruses, or parasites are present in the GI tract we can create a specific plan for you.
  • Have you been struggling with chronic illness but haven’t been able to find the reason why? GI bacteria can be the reason for chronic illness.
  • GI Bacteria can be a reason for fatigue and allergies.

What Is A Food Sensitivities Lab?

What Is A Food Sensitivities Lab?

Food sensitivities occur in so many fashions. They can be delayed or immediate. Our immediate foods we recognize but is the delayed foods that are harder to identify.

Food sensitivities are often caused by something called “leaky gut”. Leaky gut is a term used when the tight junctions of the GI tract become compromised. This can happen for a variety of reasons including infection be it bacterial, parasitic, or viral. It is when these junctions become loose that food particles can move through and come in contact with the immune system. This can cause delayed food allergies to occur.  

  • Do you have bloating, constipation, and diarrhea?
  • Do you have irritable bowel disease?
  • Do you have fatigue, especially after you eat?
  • Do you crave certain foods?
  • What are your 5 most hated foods?
  • Do you have skin rashes or itching?
  • Do you have mood changes after you eat?
  • Do you have depression?
  • Do you have anxiety?
  • Do you have swelling?
  • Do you have frequent urination?
  • Do you have unexplained weight gain?
  • Do you have migraines or headaches?
  • Do you have autoimmune disease?

What Can A Food Sensitivities Lab Do?

  • Getting food sensitivity testing can finally give you the answers about what foods cause problems for you
  • Once you have food sensitivity testing done you will know which foods benefit or harm you
  • This gives us an idea of what is going on with your immune system

What Is A Hormone Panel?

What Is A Hormone Panel?

Serenity Health Care Center offers hormone panels for anyone looking to learn more about their hormones and hormonal function.

Hormone testing is a great test for anyone to get a baseline before there are symptoms. This allows us to identify which hormone type you are.

  • Are you high estrogen? Body type as a pear shape.
  • Are you high testosterone? Body type as a box.

Being a driven, high-powered person who is burning the candle at both ends can initially bring energy and drive, but once you have been doing this for a while the opposite happens. You become burnt out, irritable, stressed out and lose vitality for life. Ultimately, bringing you unhappiness and a feeling of being lost.

  • Are you tired of being tired?
  • Are you tired of being irritable?
  • Are you tired of the weight gain around the mid-section?
  • Are you tired of not having the sex drive you want?
  • Are you tired of brain fog?
  • Are you tired of feeling like you are aging rapidly?
  • Are you achy?
  • Are you having trouble sleeping?
  • Do you have PMS?
  • Do you have joint pain?
  • Do you have irregular menstrual cycles?
  • Do you have migraines?
  • Do you have anxiety?

What Can A Hormone Panel Do?

  • Identifies your hormonal pattern and determines if you are living with too much or too little cortisol
  • Keeps you from guessing what your hormones are doing
  • Shows you how and what needs to be replaced
  • Allows you to monitor the aging process



Its History And Some Of Its Many Health Benefits

Introduction to Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha has been used as an herbal remedy for hundreds of years. It has many applications, and has been used by Native Americans and Africans to treat inflammation, fevers, and to protect against infection or illness. It has also been used to boost the immune system, improve memory, and to promote overall wellness.

Ashwagandha is a shrub that flourishes in India and North America. The roots of the ashwagandha plant have been employed for millennia by Ayurvedic healers. Ashwagandha has many beneficial elements, including flavonoids and members of the withanolide class. Numerous modern studies have found that ashwagandha shows great promise for being effective in reducing inflammation, decreasing stress, increasing mental activity, invigorating the body, and as an antioxidant.

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

Scholars at Banaras Hindu University, located in Varanasi, India, have conducted research that has shown that many of the elements of ashwagandha are antioxidants. The researchers looked at the effects these elements have on the brains of test animals and found that ashwagandha led to larger amounts of three different natural antioxidants: superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase. The scholars conclude, “These findings are consistent with the therapeutic use of W. somnifera as an Ayurvedic rasayana (health promoter). The antioxidant effect of active principles of W. somnifera may explain, at least in part, the reported anti-stress, cognition-facilitating, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects produced by them in experimental animals, and in clinical situations.”

For years, Indians have prescribed ashwagandha as a treatment for cerebral disorders in the elderly, including memory loss. Scholars from the University of Leipzig looked at the effects of ashwagandha on the brain. They dosed rats with ashwagandha and then looked at their brains to see if ashwagandha affected neurotransmitters. The research showed that ashwagandha led to more acetylcholine receptor activity. The scholars concluded that the increase of activity in that particular neurotransmitter could account for the increase in cognitive ability and memory that is attributed to ashwagandha.

Researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center also looked at the effects of ashwagandha. They found that extracts of the shrub had activity that was similar to GABA, which could explain why the plant is effective in reducing anxiety.

Another study, conducted in 2002, found that ashwagandha leads to increased growth of axons and dendrites. Another study in 2001 found that the plant can enhance memory. A 2000 project indicated that ashwagandha reduced anxiety and depression in animals.

Wine & Glyphosphate

Wine & Glyphosphate


The advocacy group Moms Across America sent 10 samples of wine in to be tested by Microbe Infotech Lab in St. Louis.

The samples came from vineyards of all sizes—from very small to very large operations… The vineyards included those that use modern agricultural practices—as well as those that are “organic.”

They ALL tested positive for glyphosates.

Even the ones that had never been sprayed with Roundup (the trade name of Monsanto/Bayer’s toxic glyphosate herbicide).

Levels were much higher in crops that were sprayed directly with pesticides and herbicides—but even those that did fall victim to the reckless use of these toxins on our food supply.

Here’s another interesting tidbit:

Glyphosate is patented as an antibiotic. So, now it is not only going to be in our food source, it could be used as an antibiotic. We know that the glyphosate damages tissues, we can also be sure that it’s also disrupting our microbiomes.

Studies have shown that it favors harmful bacteria growth while inhibiting the good stuff.

Obviously, it’s becoming harder and harder to avoid glyphosates without sourcing food from remote farms—far away from “modern” agricultural practices.

With the good weather coming, I would encourage you to go to farmer’s markets and talk to farmers about how they grow their foods and what they use – so you know exactly what happens to your food.

Avoid processed foods wherever you can.