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Our Experienced Hormone Providers

Our experienced hormone providers administer hormone therapy

Patients at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee benefit from the expertise of our experienced hormone providers. These dedicated women work with patients to determine whether their hormones have declined and need to be supplemented. Once our practitioners complete the diagnostic process, they develop an individualized hormone therapy plan for each patient.

Our experienced hormone providers strive to improve patients’ health

When hormones decline, patients experience a variety of symptoms. They may suffer from menopausal issues, problems caused by low-T or conditions such as osteoporosis. Our hormone providers will design a program that provides patients with the bioidentical hormones their bodies need to get back to optimal health.

How bioidentical hormone therapy works

Several glands that secrete hormones make up the endocrine system. These hormones play vital roles in every bodily process, from sexual reproduction to digestion. When these hormones are unbalanced, it can cause a variety of problems that need to be diagnosed and treated. This is where the experienced hormone providers at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee come in.

Bioidentical hormones are plant-derived hormones that are molecularly identical and have the same chemical structure as the hormones produced by the body. Our providers believe that bioidentical hormones are superior to the synthetic hormones that are often used in traditional medicine because synthetic hormones are chemically altered and unlike your body’s hormones.

Meet our bioidentical hormone providers

Debra Muth ND and Amy Hoffman NP have the specialized knowledge to assess patients’ hormonal deficits and design a program of hormone therapy for each woman or man. Our experienced hormone providers have exemplary qualifications.

Debra Muth ND is a leader in the field of administering bioidentical hormones for healing the human body. She has specialized in hormone therapies since 1998. Dr. Muth has several credentials to her credit.

  • Naturopathic doctor (ND)
  • Board Certified Anti-Aging Specialist (BAAHP)
  • Lyme Literate Practitioner for Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease
  • Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner (WHNP)

Dr. Muth founded Serenity Healthcare Center in 2011, and it has gone on to become one of the foremost integrative clinics.

Another of our experienced hormone providers is Amy Hoffman NP. She is a holistic practitioner and a board certified nurse practitioner. Amy has a Master of Science in nursing and a bachelor’s degree in psychology. She believes in treating patients as whole people, not just a list of symptoms. She is dedicated to preventing age-related diseases and the onset of chronic disease by creating bioidentical hormone therapies for patients.

Patients who are looking for personalized, specialized care benefit from a visit to our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee to visit our hormone providers. Contact us for an appointment.

Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical Hormones

At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we provide bioidentical hormones for men and women. Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to the hormones our bodies naturally produce. Patients who are suffering from symptoms caused by age-related hormone loss may benefit from this type of hormone therapy. Because each individual is unique, hormone therapy should only be administered by trained practitioners who can assess each person’s health to determine whether hormone therapy is right for them.

What are bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are created from natural plant sources such as yams. They have the same chemical composition as the hormones that our bodies produce naturally. They are not the same as synthetic hormones derived from sources such as equine urine. Synthetic hormones do not have the same structure as natural hormones.

At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we only provide bioidentical hormones because we believe they are superior to synthetic ones.

We also utilize compounded hormone therapy because it allows our practitioners to individualize a treatment protocol for each person. Our compounded hormones are only produced by reliable, accredited compounding pharmacies. The formulations are developed and based on saliva or blood tests that assess an individual’s hormone levels and needs.

What symptoms do these hormones treat?

Bioidentical hormones can be administered to women who are experiencing menopausal symptoms caused by estrogen loss. It is also helpful for men who exhibit andropause symptoms caused by decreases in testosterone as they age. The hormones can help treat several symptoms.

Women’s symptoms

  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Sexual dysfunction such as loss of desire
  • Pain that occurs during sex
  • Sleep problems
  • Night sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Mood changes
  • Memory loss and foggy thinking
  • Energy loss and fatigue

Men’s symptoms

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Weight gain
  • Erectile dysfunction and lower sex drive
  • Hair loss
  • Sleep problems and fatigue
  • Gynecomastia, or enlarged breasts

How are bioidentical hormones administered?

Bioidentical hormones are administered in several different forms. These include patches, gels, creams, pills and injections. The trained professionals at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee will decide the best method of administering the hormones for each patient. Our practitioners will determine the proper dose and then adjust it as needed as therapy progresses.

These individual hormones are safe and FDA-approved. Compounded hormones are not FDA-tested, but we believe that they are safe and effective when compounded by the accredited compounding pharmacies we recommend.

People who are suffering from the problems caused by aging and hormone loss may benefit from bioidentical hormones at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee. Contact us for an appointment.

Low-T and Bioidentical Hormones

What men should know about low-T and bioidentical hormones

What men should know about low-T and bioidentical hormonesAt our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, our experienced hormone providers are knowledgeable about low-T and bioidentical hormones. Low-T can affect men’s quality of life and health.

The basics of low-T and bioidentical hormones

To understand low-T and bioidentical hormones, you have to understand what happens when men have testosterone levels that are less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). There are several symptoms of low-T.

  • Low sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Irritability or depression
  • Fatigue or lower energy levels
  • Sleep problems
  • Reduction in lean muscle mass
  • Weight gain
  • Gynecomastia, or enlarged breasts

Three things men need to understand about low-T and bioidentical hormones

Our hormone providers urge men to learn more about low-T and bioidentical hormones. Here are three facts men should know.

    1. Bioidentical hormones can help relieve most symptoms in six to eight weeks.

      Although every patient’s experience is different, many patients will receive relief from sleep problems after the first week. After the third week of treatment, men may notice an increase in their energy levels, and many men will find about 80% of their symptoms are relieved after six to eight weeks of therapy.

    2. Treatment is available in different forms.

      Often, the variety of treatment methods surprises men who are learning about low-T and bioidentical hormones. Testosterone is available in various forms.

      • Skin patches that are applied every 24 hours
      • Gels that require daily use
      • Tablets to be used twice daily
      • Injections given each week or every two weeks
    3. Bioidentical hormones are better than synthetic hormones.

      Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular composition as the testosterone a male’s body makes naturally and are created from natural plant substances, helping to reduce side effects. Synthetic hormones can cause side effects, including aches, pains, allergies and urinary tract pain, because they don’t resemble the composition of a male’s natural testosterone. They are made with synthetically created substances and additives that can cause problems.

Men suffering from the possible symptoms of low testosterone levels benefit from learning more about low-T and bioidentical hormones. For more information or an appointment at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, contact us.

Hormonal Disruption

Chemicals and genetics cause hormonal disruption

Dr. Muth is asked everyday why do so many people have issues with hormone and thyroid function? Certainly looking back over the past century it appears people are experiencing more symptoms with menopause and certainly more thyroid disease. There can be several causes for these changes.

First, we are more open about discussing our medical conditions compared to fifty years ago. But there are distinct problems that can cause the hormonal system to malfunction. The chemicals in the environment are more prevalent. There are more people using these chemicals that enter our water system through typical disposal down our drains and toilets. There are many more chemicals than ever before being used, according to World Meters. Over 10 million tons of chemicals are disposed of every year into our environment. Over 2 Million of these are cancer-causing chemicals.

Many of these chemicals are known as endocrine disruptors, which is defined as chemicals that, at certain doses, can interfere with endocrine (or hormone) systems. This means they can disrupt the natural function or the production of the hormones.

The million-dollar question is why do some people have problems with these chemicals and others do not? We believe this has to do more with genetics than exposure. The more we know about genetics, the more this comes to light on how people react to various exposures. There are known genes that prevent one from excreting hormones like estrogen. This can be a significant problem if one takes estrogen and is not supporting their body to get rid of the excess.

MTHFR (Methytetrahydrate Folate Reductase) is just one gene that many are familiar with that assists in detoxification. But there are several others that are equally or even more important such as; SOD, COMT, NAT, that assist the body in creating amino acids necessary to remove these toxins. Diseases like Fibromyalgia, Cancer and Thyroid disease can occur when these genes are blocked.

What Can We Do About Endocrine Disruption?

What Can We Do About Endocrine Disruption?

A variety of symptoms occur when chemical exposures cause “endocrine disruption”

The following is a short list that can correlate with many different disorders: fatigue, pain, brain fog, weight gain, irritability, depression, anxiety, cancer, chemical sensitivity, numbness, tingling, ear ringing, memory loss, PMS, or premature menopause are just a few symptoms that can occur as a result.

Now that you know some of the things that can cause the body to lose balance, the more important thing to discuss is how do we get balance back?

Keeping our environment free of as many chemicals as possible is the first step. Eating organic can be very expensive and when you are trying to feed a large family it can feel impossible. A few tips for that are: purchase from the local farmers market or a local CSA allows you the opportunity to talk directly to the person growing your food. You can ask what chemicals they are using. Practice canning or freeze items for the winter. Pay particular attention to the “Dirty Dozen” this is a list of foods you should always eat organically. Here is a link that will provide you fantastic information on this topic:

Get your genetics tested you can use it is inexpensive and your information can be used for research or kept private. I would caution you, do not ever let a health care provider keep a copy of this information because you can be denied life insurance or other health related insurance based on these results. Once these results are obtained you want to have an experienced person review these results so you can create a plan to support the genetic detox issues that you have. These treatment plans are usually life long because your genes do not change.

Use clean chemicals for house cleaning. There are good premade products that can be purchased in many stores or you can make your own with essential oils. Companies like Young Living Oils or doTerra are happy to share information on how to mix essential oils together. You can also use these in lotions instead of the chemical based products on the market. You can also make a Baking Soda scrub and vinegar and water great cleaning products.

Detox is Key

Practicing regular detox is key. Using sauna therapy Far Infarred is what we recommend by a company called, (if you mention our name you can get a discount). I would recommend following instructions based on your health. Detox footbaths are another great source for cleansing the body of chemicals. If you can tolerate these you should use them a few times a week.

These various detox methods mentioned so far involve a series of enzymatic reactions that neutralize and solubilize toxins; homeopathic remedies can be added to assist in transporting the toxins to the secretory organs (like the liver or kidneys), so that they can be excreted from the body. These should be chosen individually based on your health. Sometimes we use products to move through the liver or kidneys and these organs have to be functioning properly before you start this process. Some people recommend Detox Programs with herbs; this can be helpful but again talk to your health care provider first. One tip: you may not feel well for the first few days; this is a good indication you are toxic.

Excess hormones, vitamins, inflammatory molecules, and signaling compounds, among others, are typically eliminated from the body by the same enzymatic detoxification systems that protect the body from environmental toxins, or clear prescription drugs from circulation. Metabolic detoxification reactions, therefore, are not only important for protection from the environment, but also central to homeostatic balance in the body.

In certain cases we need to eliminate more toxins because of illnesses like Parkinson’s disease. In those cases we will use IV amino acids to assist in more extensive detox methods. This can be used when people have bacterial overloads as well.

This information is not meant to cause fear but to provide a basic understanding of how the body can be affected and give you a basis for correcting the problems. Do some homework on what chemicals you have in your home that you are exposing your family to and make small changes to start with and grow your knowledge from there.

Infections and Endocrine Disruption

Infections & Endocrine Disruption

Various bacterial, fungal and viral infections can cause endocrine disruption and are not commonly evaluated.

I have encountered numerous women who experienced premature menopause or perimenopause because of exposures to bacterial infections like; Lyme disease, mycoplasma and mold toxicity. Rarely do I see any of these conditions evaluated in women who are experiencing hormonal imbalance.

Mold is especially toxic to the endocrine system and often times will cause thyroid disorders that can go undetected for years. Thyroid labs will often be normal, but the patient will be symptomatic. Evaluating for autoimmune thyroid disease can be helpful in identifying these patients and providing treatment. Unfortunately, for many people, they do not receive treatment until the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone or TSH is abnormal. Many people will suffer for 5-10 years before they receive treatment.

When autoimmune disease is an issue, it is a dysfunction of the immune system that is present and support to rebuild the immune system is necessary. Without support, the immune system can often attack another part of the body, such as developing Rheumatoid Arthritis years later.

Chronic bacterial infections cause both men and women to produce fewer hormones. Blood or saliva testing can identify this. A variety of symptoms occurs and both men and women share some; fatigue, decreased sex drive, hair loss, and irritability, loss of creativity and motivation or better put a zest for life! Men can experience loss of muscle tone and strength, erectile dysfunction and loss of their competitive drive. Women will experience irregular periods or loss of periods, PMS, weight gain, bloating, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, night sweats and loss of sexual desire and thinning of the skin. This certainly is not an exhaustive list of symptoms, but you can see the symptoms that can occur.

Functions of Female Hormones

Functions of Female Hormones

Libido, Energy Levels, Mood & More

Some women are symptomatic and others feel no change during the hormonal shifts that occur during their lifetimes. To understand the significance of these changes, it’s important to understand the functions of female hormones. Dr. Muth and the team at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee are hormone experts. We take every factor of a woman’s lifestyle and her health concerns into consideration when treating symptoms caused by hormonal shifts.

Basics about female hormones and how they function

Many systems of a woman’s body are affected by the functions of female hormones. Hormones are chemical “notes” that are formed by an orchestra of eight glands. These are the biochemical “conductors” of the female body that communicate with neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, that are produced in the brain. Neurotransmitters affect a person’s mood, energy level, dietary cravings and sleep.

The functions of female hormones and their effects on the body change throughout a woman’s lifetime. Typically, hormones peak at age 20 and begin to fluctuate at approximately age 35. For example, at about age 40, estrogen levels begin to decrease as the body prepares for menopause.

If we think of hormones as an orchestra, then even one hormone that is out of balance will throw off the performance. Lifestyle, diet, toxic exposure and medications can all have direct effects on the functions of female hormones.

Functions of estrogen and progesterone

The functions of female hormones become very apparent when estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate.


  • Causes breast and uterine tissue to grow
  • Fortifies the collagen layer of the skin
  • Affects cognitive function and mood
  • Affects libido
  • Lubricates vaginal tissue
  • Affects energy


  • Balances estrogen
  • Maintains pregnancy
  • Bolsters fetal brain and nervous system development
  • Stimulates bone growth
  • Helps calm and focus the brain
  • Helps burn fat and energy

Hormone testing

When we investigate health issues, we always consider the functions of female hormones and their effects. At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we often recommend hormone testing. We often test for estrogen, progesterone and testosterone (yes, women need this male hormone), DHEA-S and cortisol. We can also test melatonin, serotonin, norepinephrine and epinephrine levels.

At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we use bioidentical hormones to treat imbalances and improve the functions of female hormones, especially during menopause and other transitional periods of life. We have the expertise and knowledge to address hormonal issues and other health problems that are affecting your quality of life. Contact us for an appointment.

Estrogen Dominance in Men

Estrogen Dominance In Men

Many men may be surprised to learn that their bodies produce estrogen as well as testosterone. There are several factors that can lead to estrogen dominance in men, which means that the male’s body is producing too much estrogen and his hormones are out of balance. Our natural medicine clinic in Milwaukee will narrow down what is causing your hormones to be imbalanced and provide male hormone therapies as needed.

What are the symptoms of estrogen dominance in men?

There are a variety of signs and symptoms that a man’s estrogen levels may be too high. He may experience mood swings, depression or irritability. Some men are fatigued or have sleep disturbances. Other symptoms you may notice are short-term memory loss, sugar cravings, weight gain or water retention. It varies from man to man.

What causes the imbalance?

Several factors can cause estrogen dominance in men.

  • As a man ages, he produces less testosterone and estrogen levels rise.
  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  • Obesity
  • Exposure to xenoestrogens, or estrogens from a foreign source

Men are exposed to xenoestrogens every day from sources such as chicken, beef or pork; chemicals; spermicides; plastics; pesticides; and other substances.

How can it be prevented?

Take steps to avoid excess estrogen exposure that may lead to estrogen dominance in men.

  • Buy grass-fed, organic meat and chicken
  • Eat organic produce
  • Avoid spermicides in condoms
  • Avoid chemical cleaning products and detergents
  • Use glass containers
  • Don’t heat your food in plastic containers in the microwave
  • Avoid exposure to pesticides when doing yard work
  • Do not use excessive amounts of alcohol

Our natural medicine clinic in Milwaukee treats men with hormone therapy

One of the most important ways to deal with estrogen dominance in men is to seek treatment from an integrative medicine provider, such as our natural medicine clinic in Milwaukee. Our team will diagnose and pinpoint the reasons that your hormones are imbalanced and design a treatment protocol just for you. This is an individual problem that has to be treated in a way that is uniquely suited to your needs.

Estrogen dominance in men can make you feel unhealthy, and even the idea may make you uncomfortable. Our caring and knowledgeable integrative team will support you with compassion and expertise. Contact us to learn more.

Male Menopause

Male Menopause

Male Menopause or andropause, results from aging and decreasing hormones

Men, like women, experience midlife changes caused by a shift in their hormonal balance. This condition that is often labelled male menopause is known in the medical community as andropause.

Symptoms of male menopause

Decreased hormone levels is a natural part of aging, but it may cause uncomfortable symptoms that affect a man’s quality of life. Male menopause symptoms appear more gradually and are less severe than female menopause, but are just as troubling.

Many health professionals in the traditional medical community ignore or dismiss these symptoms because they can be difficult to detect and quantify. At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we not only address male menopause, but we also treat it. We care about quality-of-life issues! Men may experience some or all of the following symptoms.

  • Reduced libido
  • Difficulty with erections
  • Infertility
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Depression
  • Poor concentration
  • Heart disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Prostate enlargement
  • Muscle weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability

Many men are reluctant to discuss these symptoms with their healthcare practitioners and are often sent by their wives or partners. It takes a keen ear and asking the right questions to obtain the pertinent information needed to safely and effectively treat male menopause.

Diagnosing male menopause

Male menopause, or andropause, is diagnosed through laboratory findings and clinical evaluation. We also look for physical signs during a medical examination, such as: decreased muscle strength and size; increased abdominal fat; small wrinkles around the forehead; fatty breast tissue; smaller penis and testes; and lack of body odor.

We begin our evaluation with a detailed questionnaire, which is a good jumping-off point to begin a productive dialogue about any problems or symptoms.

At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we perform blood work to determine hormone levels for testosterone and estrogen. This is important because there are two particular problems that affect males: low T and estrogen dominance. We are experienced at diagnosing and treating both of these conditions. Dr. Debra Muth is a nationally recognized expert in hormone therapies.

We promote a healthy diet as a way of regulating hormone levels

We know that the symptoms of male menopause are caused by hormone imbalances. We also know that dietary deficiencies can contribute to this imbalance. For example, estrogen dominance may be caused by the following dietary substances:

  • Trans-fatty acid intake
  • Fluoridated water
  • Zinc, magnesium deficiency
  • Lack of sulfur-containing amino acids

Testosterone levels can also be affected by diet; for example, a diet high in sugar and fat may reduce testosterone levels. We encourage patients to eat an organic diet high in fruits, vegetables and lean protein.

Male menopause is not a figment of your imagination, and we treat it and you seriously and respectfully. If you are concerned about symptoms of male menopause, contact us.

Preconception Program

Preconception Program

Serenity Health Care Center is concerned about the increased risk in the U.S. of babies being born in birth defects, preterm, or low birth weight. Currently, 1 out 8 children are born with Autism, this number is so incredible high and our own Dr. Greg Brown knows all too well the effects this has on the parents, families and children themselves.

In 2008, the U.S. infant mortality rate was 6.61 per 1,000 live births. In the 2005 international rankings, the United States ranked 30th in infant mortality, behind other developed countries including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, and most European countries. We want to assist women in preparing the bodies for a healthy pregnancy and give them the best opportunity for a healthy child.

How long is Serenity Health’s Preconception Program?

Our program is in depth and the length of the program can vary based on your current health. It is important to have a healthy diet, start a good exercise program, and take the appropriate dietary supplements. Optimally, we recommend that you plan to participate in the program for 1-2 years prior to conceiving.

What is included in the Preconception Program?

Serenity Health Care Center will perform various blood tests, salivary testing, metabolic testing and heavy metal testing are just a few tests that are obtained. If you have specific genetic issues, further testing may be explored.

How do I get started in the  preconception program?

To get started with the preconception program at Serenity Health Care Center, you will first have a consultation. We will assist you in providing an in depth history and create an individual plan that best fits your situation. Once the consultation is complete, an individualized program will be set up. You will have the opportunity to participant in any testing or chose to opt out of the recommended testing.

If you would like to get your body into the best shape possible prior to pregnancy, call Serenity Health Care Center today to schedule an appointment at 262-522-8640.