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Weight Loss to Maintain Muscle Mass

Weight Loss

There are many reasons why it is harder to lose body fat and increase muscle mass as we age

The primary reason is the lack of testosterone and imbalance of other anabolic steroid hormones.  It is true that increasing your testosterone level can produce more lean muscle, but it is not the only answer to this well-known aging problem.

Nutritional support is key when trying to increase muscle mass and decrease body fat. It is my opinion that buying over the counter products that “claim” they will boost your testosterone level naturally is a complete waste of money.

Unlike muscle growth, researchers at the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science did find that fluctuations of testosterone within the physiological normal range had significant effects on body fat percentage.

The higher the testosterone levels, the leaner subjects were. And conversely, the lower the testosterone levels, the fatter they were. When researcher’s decreased support and testosterone levels fell to 300 ng/dl they saw a 36% increase in body fat.

Certainly, there is more to increasing lean body mass than just using natural supplements or taking natural testosterone. It is important to have an appropriate individual training program in place as well.

If your weight or body mass index is higher than what you feel can be changed with reasonable diet and exercise, Serenity has dietary programs to help you reach your goal. Call today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Debra Muth at 262-522-8640.

Menopause in Women

Menopause in Women

Menopause is a time of change that actually begins with perimenopause. Perimenopause is the transitional period that can last between eight and 12 years before menopause, the time when a woman stops menstruating. At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we help women make this important transition, so they can enjoy a good quality of life.

We think it’s important to listen to women – to let them tell us their story – so we can work with them to heal their body and offer a natural way to help them feel better.

Symptoms of menopause

Menopause is different for every woman. Some women experience severe symptoms, while others notice little change after a shift in hormone balance. A woman may experience one or more of the symptoms listed below, particularly after having a drop in estrogen.

  • Hot flashes, which can be brief or long, and may occur as often as several times a day.
  • Sleep issues, including insomnia and night sweats
  • Emotional issues, including brain fog and mood swings
  • Issues with sex, including reduced libido and vaginal dryness
  • Weight gain

At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we treat every woman as an individual and tailor our therapy to treat her menopausal symptoms.

We take an individualized approach to hormone therapy for menopause

Since the 1930s, hormone therapy has been recommended as a treatment for menopause, particularly during the past 30 years. The hormones that physicians in conventional medicine use are synthetic hormones, which have presented problems.

  • In the 1970s, researchers discovered that the synthetic estrogen physicians were using to treat menopause increased a woman’s risk for uterine cancer.
  • In 2002, the Women’s Health Initiative study of combined synthetic hormone therapy (combining estrogen and progestin), was shown to increase the risk of breast cancer. As a result, many women shied away from hormone therapy altogether, which caused many of them to suffer a decreased quality of life.

At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we use bioidentical hormones, instead of synthetic hormones, to treat the symptoms of menopause. These hormones are made from wild yam and are chemically the same as what your own body produces. These natural hormones help prevent many side effects that women experience when taking synthetics. They also allow for a flexible application of doses, which are individualized for each patient.

At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we have the tools and the skills needed to help you make the transition to menopause and beyond. There’s no need to suffer through this natural transitional phase of life. Contact us today for an appointment.

Low T

Low Testosterone or Low T

1.  Have you lost your stamina?  Have you lost your motivation, strength and sexual desire? You are not alone!

“Low T” also known as andropause or male menopause, low testosterone happens to many men both young and old. Low T can occur from too much stress in your life, chronic pain, or just plan genetics.

2. Are you not feeling like yourself? Does your wife tell you, you need some help?

When that begins, we need can help you identify how to reach optimal performance and health at the same time.  Low T can be the cause for your irritability, mood changes and lack of desire.

3. Has your body changed? Have you lost muscle mass?

Low T decreases muscle mass, leading to increased body fat. Studies have also shown that proper testosterone levels are necessary to have proper blood sugar control.

If you answered yes to these questions, you can be helped with male hormonal therapy.

What Is Low T?

All hormones are made from cholesterol, this is why it is important to have healthy levels of cholesterol, and without them the body cannot make any hormone. Testosterone is a male hormone (androgen) made by the testes and adrenal glands.

A man is diagnosed with low T, by either a blood or saliva test, or when his testosterone levels fall below 300 ng/dL. A man can also have subclinical low T when the testosterone level is less than 600 ng/dl. Testosterone levels peak at age 20, but rarely do people measure hormone levels at the peak of performance. Because we do not know where a man was at during peak performance, it can be hard to know if you are low simply based on a number. At Serenity Health Care Center, we do not order testosterone therapy based solely on lab values.

How do you treat Low T?

  • Gels/Creams

Bio-identical hormones can be compounded into many forms commonly, Testosterone gels and solutions are applied daily to a thin skin area.

  • Injections
    FDA approved Testosterone injections are often given intramuscular into the arm or upper buttock, and administered every 1-2 weeks.
  • Rapid Dissolve Tablets
    These are bio-identical hormones made in a sublingual form that is placed in the buccal membrane of the mouth, where testosterone is absorbed within about 20 minutes

At Serenity Health Center, we employ various treatment options for treating Low T. These therapies include:

  • Evaluating all hormone levels for optimal balance
  • We evaluate for low growth hormone levels if necessary and amino acid imbalance that can contribute to symptoms of low T.

If you would like to be evaluated for low T, please call and schedule a consultation at 262-522-8640.


Premenstrual Syndrome – PMS

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is the term used to describe a group of symptoms that women may experience about 7-14 days before their period (menstruation). The symptoms usually stop soon after your period starts. For some women the symptoms can be debilitating and can cause lost time from work or school and even can land them in bed for days.

What are some of the common symptoms of PMS?

At Serenity Health Care Center, we often find that women are confused about the symptoms of PMS.  This is because there are 150+ symptoms that can be associated with PMS.  Some of the more commonly noted are:

  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Bloating (water retention)
  • Depression (mild to moderate)
  • Food cravings, especially sugar and carbohydrates
  • Weight gain
  • Breast tenderness

This is quite a list that can and does affect a woman’s quality of life.  There is no need to continue to struggle with PMS, month after month.  Help is available!

What is the difference between mild to moderate to severe PMS?

There are two medically defined categories for PMS.   Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe case of PMS. PMDD can cause extreme mood shifts and a majority of the symptoms note above are heightened. For women suffering with PMDD, at least one of the following emotional symptoms is present:

  • Extreme sadness and feelings of hopelessness
  • Heightened tension and anxiety
  • Marked moodiness
  • Marked anger and irritability

Why do PMS symptoms occur?

Dr. Debra Muth explains that there are two main reasons why PMS symptoms occur; the first and commonly recognized in mainstream medicine is hormonal imbalance.
Hormonal imbalance can easily be evaluated by either saliva or blood testing. What is often found is an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone, two major players in the regulation of the menstrual cycle

The second, less commonly known, is hormone allergies. Hormone allergies are not recognized in mainstream medicine due to the fact that allergies occur after long term low grade exposure to an agent.

Are there any tests that can be used to measure my hormonal imbalance?

At Serenity Health Care Center, we employ a number of tests that are extremely helpful in measuring your hormone levels.  Salvia testing is conducted on day 21 of the menstrual cycle from the comfort of your home, or blood testing can be done.

What treatments are available for PMS?

Treatment for PMS at Serenity Health Care Center are customized for our patients and focused on preventing and minimizing PMS symptoms.  These include a combination of:

  • Evaluation and regulation of birth control pills and contraception
  • Dietary evaluation and nutritional supplementation
  • Herbal remedies
  • Lifestyle changes and adjustments