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The Integral Role of Holistic Skin Care

In the realm of holistic skin care, the concept of wholeness extends beyond the physical body to encompass the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Our skin, often regarded as the body’s largest organ, plays a pivotal role in this holistic framework, serving as a reflection of our inner health and vitality. In this blog, we’ll explore the profound connection between skin health and holistic care, highlighting how nurturing our skin contributes to overall well-being and balance.

Skin as a Reflection of Inner Health:

Our skin serves as a mirror, reflecting the state of our internal health and well-being. Imbalances within the body, whether caused by stress, poor nutrition, hormonal fluctuations, or environmental factors, can manifest on the skin in the form of acne, dryness, inflammation, or premature aging. By addressing the root causes of these imbalances and nurturing our skin from within, we can achieve a harmonious balance that radiates throughout our entire being.

The Importance of Inner Health for Skin:

Our skin is a reflection of our overall health, and its condition is influenced by various factors beyond topical treatments. From diet and hydration to stress management and sleep quality, every aspect of our lifestyle plays a role in skin health. By prioritizing inner wellness, we can address the root causes of common skin concerns and achieve long-lasting results.

Nutrition for Radiant Skin:

A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is the cornerstone of healthy skin. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids all play key roles in supporting skin health and function. Incorporating nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats into our diet can provide the building blocks our skin needs to repair, regenerate, and maintain its youthful appearance.

Nutrients for Skin Rejuvenation:

IV therapy formulations tailored for skin health often include a combination of vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin B complex, as well as minerals like zinc and selenium. These nutrients play crucial roles in supporting collagen production, promoting skin hydration, reducing inflammation, and protecting against oxidative damage.

Benefits for Skin Health:

  1. Enhanced Hydration: IV therapy provides direct hydration to the skin cells, helping to plump and firm the skin from within.
  2. Improved Collagen Production: Nutrients such as vitamin C and amino acids support collagen synthesis, leading to smoother, more youthful-looking skin.
  3. Reduced Inflammation: Anti-inflammatory nutrients like vitamin E and zinc help calm redness, irritation, and acne flare-ups, promoting a clearer complexion.
  4. Antioxidant Protection: Vitamins and minerals with antioxidant properties help neutralize free radicals, preventing premature aging and sun damage.
  5. Boosted Radiance: By nourishing the skin from the inside out, IV therapy can enhance skin radiance, leaving you with a healthy, glowing complexion.

Stress Management and Skincare:

Chronic stress can take a toll on our skin, contributing to inflammation, breakouts, and premature aging. Implementing stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness can help reduce stress levels and promote a more balanced, radiant complexion. Prioritizing self-care and relaxation is not only beneficial for our mental well-being but also for our skin.

Quality Sleep for Skin Renewal:

Quality sleep is essential for skin renewal and repair. During sleep, our body undergoes a natural regeneration process, producing collagen, repairing damaged cells, and combating oxidative stress. Prioritizing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and optimizing sleep environment can support skin health and promote a youthful, refreshed appearance.


At Serenity Health Care, we are dedicated to promoting holistic wellness and nurturing the body’s innate healing capacity. Central to our philosophy is the belief in naturopathic holistic skin care, which recognizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in achieving optimal skin health. We encourage you to speak with one of our skin care professionals about your skin today! Schedule you’re appointment today!

Navigating Your Weight Loss Journey: What to Look for When Researching Weight Loss Clinics

Embarking on a weight loss journey can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially with the plethora of options available, including weight loss clinics. However, not all Health Care Centers are created equal, and finding the right one for your needs is crucial for success.

Credentials and Expertise:

Start by asking around for results driven health care centers. Then verify the credentials and expertise of the healthcare professionals involved. Look for clinics staffed by Holistic Health Practitioners, registered dietitians, and other qualified healthcare providers with specialized training in weight management and nutrition.

We are proud to have Dr. Debra Muth, a renowned Naturopathic Doctor, as part of our team. Dr. Muth is dedicated to providing personalized care and empowering patients to achieve optimal health and vitality. And we’re delighted to introduce Charity Prager, a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, to our team. With her dedication to holistic wellness and personalized care, Charity is committed to guiding our patients to improved health and well-being.

Comprehensive Assessment and Personalized Plans:

Serenity will conduct a thorough assessment of your health status, including medical history, current medications, lifestyle factors, and goals. We’ll provide personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs, preferences, and health concerns. We emphasize a comprehensive approach to weight loss, addressing factors such as diet, exercise, behavior modification, and psychological support.

Currently we offer GLP-1:

Semaglutide injection: Belongs to a class of drugs called GLP-1 receptor agonists, which work by mimicking the effects of a hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). This hormone helps regulate blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin release, slowing down digestion, and reducing appetite.

Tirzepatide injections: A novel medication used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. They belong to a class of drugs known as dual glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RA). This dual action helps to regulate blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin release and reducing glucagon secretion.

Avoid quick-fix solutions, extreme diets, or unproven supplements that may pose health risks or lead to unsustainable results. Instead, opt for clinics that emphasize gradual, sustainable weight loss through healthy lifestyle changes and behavior modification.

Supportive Environment and Accountability:

Successful weight loss often requires ongoing support, guidance, and accountability. When scheduling your initial Nutrition Consultation be sure to ask about our support group and customized meal plans. Serenity offers a supportive environment where you will feel comfortable discussing your challenges, receiving encouragement, and tracking your progress. We offer both individual counseling and group sessions. We will help you stay motivated and accountable throughout your journey.

Our integrative nutrition team offers holistic and individualized approaches to help clients achieve sustainable weight loss and improve their overall health and quality of life.

Schedule your Nutrition Consultation Today!

Exploring Holistic Healing: Alternative Medicine Doctors in Wisconsin

Click on photo to watch the video.

In the heartland of America, Wisconsin stands out not only for its picturesque landscapes and vibrant communities but also for its embrace of alternative medicine. As conventional healthcare approaches continue to evolve, an increasing number of individuals in Wisconsin are turning to alternative medicine doctors for a holistic approach to health and wellness. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of alternative medicine doctors in Wisconsin, exploring the practices, benefits, and the dedicated professionals shaping the landscape.

Holistic Health Philosophy:

Alternative medicine, often referred to as holistic or integrative medicine, emphasizes treating the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—rather than just addressing specific symptoms. This approach encourages a partnership between the patient and practitioner and often combines traditional medical practices with complementary therapies.

Wisconsin’s Alternative Medicine Doctor Scene:

Wisconsin boasts a diverse and thriving community of alternative medicine practitioners. From chiropractors and acupuncturists to naturopathic doctors and herbalists, the state offers a range of services catering to those seeking natural and non-invasive healing methods. So, let’s explore a few popular alternative therapies gaining traction in Wisconsin.

  1. Thermography: Unlock the unseen with Thermography – where cutting-edge technology meets your body’s unique signature. Embrace a proactive approach to health through thermal imaging, revealing insights for a personalized wellness journey.
  2. Medical Weight Loss: Chiropractors in Wisconsin focus on aligning the spine to enhance overall health. They use manual adjustments and other techniques to relieve pain and improve the body’s natural ability to heal.
  3. Naturopathic Medicine: Naturopathic doctors in Wisconsin blend modern scientific knowledge with traditional healing methods. They emphasize on the root cause using natural therapies, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to promote wellness.
  4. Herbal Medicine: Elevate your well-being with nature’s bounty at our herb-dominant supplement store – where every product is a blend of botanical excellence and holistic health. Discover the power of herbs for a naturally vibrant life.
  5. I.V. Therapies: Many I.V. formulations include B vitamins and amino acids that can enhance energy levels, reduce fatigue, and support overall vitality.

The Benefits of Alternative Medicine Doctors:

While many Wisconsinites are drawn to alternative medicine due to its focus on individualized care, fewer side effects, and an emphasis on preventive measures. All-in-all Serenity patients appreciate the personal connection with our practitioners.

Finding Alternative Medicine Practitioners:

The alternative medicine doctors in the community are diverse, and finding the right practitioner may require some research. Local directories, online reviews, and word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family can be valuable resources when seeking a health practitioners.

As the demand for holistic solutions grow, alternative medicine doctors in Wisconsin play a vital role in providing innovative care. Serenity Health Care Center is your go to, whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, aiming to improve your mental well-being.

Serenity Healthcare Center is your Partner in Wellness, additionally we are committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive healthcare services. From personalized treatments to cutting-edge medical solutions, our dedicated team is here to guide you on your journey to optimal health. Discover a path to well-being with Serenity Healthcare Center. Schedule your appointment today and experience the difference firsthand. Your health, our priority!

The Bitter Truth About Sugar: Separating Myth from Fact

Click on the photo to watch a video on how Dr. Muth talks about
The Bitter Truth About Sugar: Debunking Myths and Unveiling Facts

Sugar has been a controversial topic in the realm of nutrition, often accused of being a silent contributor to various health issues. With numerous myths surrounding its consumption, it’s crucial to debunk misconceptions and unravel the truth. In this blog, we’ll explore The Bitter Truth About Sugar: Separating Myth from Fact.

Myth #1: All Sugars Are Created Equal

One prevalent misconception is that all sugars are the same, regardless of their source. In reality, there are two main types of sugars: natural and sugars. Natural sugars, found in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, come bundled with essential nutrients and fiber, slowing down their absorption. On the other hand, added sugars, prevalent in many processed foods and sugary beverages, lack these beneficial components and can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels.

Myth #2: Sugar Causes Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a complex condition influenced by a combination of genetics, lifestyle, and other factors. Consuming in moderation as part of a balanced diet is unlikely to be the sole culprit behind diabetes. However, consistently making unhealthy food choices can contribute to weight gain, which is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes.

Myth #3: Cutting Out Sugar Completely Is the Solution

Adopting an extreme approach by completely eliminating sugar from your diet may seem like a quick fix, but it’s not a sustainable or necessary solution. Sugar is a source of energy, and certain types of sugars are essential for our bodies to function optimally. Instead of cutting out sugar entirely, focus on reducing processed foods, and choose whole, nutrient-dense foods to meet your energy needs.

Fact #1: Sugar’s Impact on Mental Health

Research suggests a connection between high sugar intake and an increased risk of depression and anxiety. The bitter reality is that the initial pleasure derived from indulging in sugary treats is often followed by a crash, leaving us feeling fatigued and irritable. Understanding this link is crucial for promoting not only physical but also mental well-being.

Fact #2: The Sugar and Inflammation Connection

Inflammation, the body’s natural response to injury, can turn chronic when triggered by factors such as poor diet. The bitter truth about sugar is that it can fuel inflammation, setting the stage for a range of health problems. From joint pain to autoimmune diseases, the impact of unchecked inflammation is profound. Acknowledging the role of sugar in this inflammatory cascade is a crucial step towards reclaiming our health.

Fact #3: Hidden Sugars in Disguise

High-fructose corn syrup, sucrose, maltose – these are just a few of the aliases sugar adopts to infiltrate our diets. Unmasking these hidden sugars requires a vigilant eye and a commitment to reading labels diligently. The bitter truth is that many seemingly healthy products harbor an abundance of added sugars, contributing to our daily intake without our awareness.

Breaking Free from the Sugar Shackles

Adopting a mindful approach to sugar consumption involves reevaluating our relationship with food, making informed choices, and embracing whole, unprocessed alternatives. By reducing our reliance on sugary snacks and beverages, we empower ourselves to take control of our health and break free from the sugar shackles.


As we navigate the landscape of our dietary choices, confronting the bitter truth is an essential step towards a healthier, more balanced life. By understanding its impact on our physical and mental well-being, we empower ourselves to make informed decisions about what we consume. Let this be a wake-up call to reassess our relationship with sugar. The bitter truth may be hard to swallow, but the rewards of a sugar-aware life are worth the effort.

Welcome to Serenity Healthcare Center – Your Partner in Wellness! We are committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive healthcare services. From personalized treatments to cutting-edge medical solutions, our dedicated team is here to guide you on your journey to optimal health. Discover a path to well-being with Serenity Healthcare Center. Schedule your appointment today and experience the difference firsthand. Your health, our priority!

Nourish Your Heart with Keto Goodness

Nourish your heart

Let’s dive into the intricacies of heart disease, explore the ketogenic diet’s impact on cardiovascular health, and shed light on the causes and preventive measures you can take. Let’s embark on you can nourish your heart with Keto Goodness

February is National Heart Health Month, and in this blog, we dive into the intricacies of heart disease, explore the ketogenic diet’s impact on cardiovascular health, and shed light on the causes and preventive measures you can take. Let’s embark on a journey towards a healthier heart!

Nourish Your Heart with Keto: Unlocking the Power of Healthy Fats

One of the pillars of the ketogenic diet is embracing healthy fats. Avocados, olive oil, fatty fish, and nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats, which have been associated with reducing bad cholesterol levels and promoting heart health. Discover delicious keto recipes that not only satisfy your taste buds but also nourish your heart.

Balancing Macros to Nourish Your Heart Health: Beyond Genetics

The keto diet involves a careful balance of macronutrients—low carbs, moderate protein, and high healthy fats. This balance helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and potentially lower the risk of heart disease. Learn more about crafting heart-healthy keto meals that support your cardiovascular well-being.

Unraveling the Causes of Heart Disease: Challenging the Saturated Fat Myth

While genetics can play a role, lifestyle factors often take center stage in the development of heart disease. Sedentary habits, poor dietary choices, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to cardiovascular issues. Delve into the factors influencing heart health and gain insights into making positive lifestyle changes.

Recent research challenges the conventional belief that saturated fats alone are the main culprits behind heart disease. We explore the evolving understanding of fats and how choosing the right sources can be crucial for maintaining a healthy heart.

The Path to Heart Health: Holistic Approaches to Wellness

Beyond diet, maintaining a healthy heart involves a holistic approach. Discover the importance of regular exercise, stress management, and personalized medical guidance in your journey toward heart health. We share practical tips and expert advice to empower you in taking charge of your cardiovascular well-being.

Knowledge is the first step to nourish your heart. Stay tuned for more heart health tips, recipes, and expert insights in the coming editions. Your heart matters, and we’re here to guide you on the path to a vibrant, heart-healthy life.

Wishing you good health and a happy heart!

Welcome to Serenity Healthcare Center – Your Partner in Wellness! We are committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive healthcare services. From personalized treatments to cutting-edge medical solutions, our dedicated team is here to guide you on your journey to optimal health. Discover a path to well-being with Serenity Healthcare Center. Schedule your appointment today and experience the difference firsthand. Your health, our priority!

What Is A Food Sensitivities Lab?

What Is A Food Sensitivities Lab?

Food sensitivities occur in so many fashions. They can be delayed or immediate. Our immediate foods we recognize but is the delayed foods that are harder to identify.

Food sensitivities are often caused by something called “leaky gut”. Leaky gut is a term used when the tight junctions of the GI tract become compromised. This can happen for a variety of reasons including infection be it bacterial, parasitic, or viral. It is when these junctions become loose that food particles can move through and come in contact with the immune system. This can cause delayed food allergies to occur.  

  • Do you have bloating, constipation, and diarrhea?
  • Do you have irritable bowel disease?
  • Do you have fatigue, especially after you eat?
  • Do you crave certain foods?
  • What are your 5 most hated foods?
  • Do you have skin rashes or itching?
  • Do you have mood changes after you eat?
  • Do you have depression?
  • Do you have anxiety?
  • Do you have swelling?
  • Do you have frequent urination?
  • Do you have unexplained weight gain?
  • Do you have migraines or headaches?
  • Do you have autoimmune disease?

What Can A Food Sensitivities Lab Do?

  • Getting food sensitivity testing can finally give you the answers about what foods cause problems for you
  • Once you have food sensitivity testing done you will know which foods benefit or harm you
  • This gives us an idea of what is going on with your immune system

Wine & Glyphosphate

Wine & Glyphosphate


The advocacy group Moms Across America sent 10 samples of wine in to be tested by Microbe Infotech Lab in St. Louis.

The samples came from vineyards of all sizes—from very small to very large operations… The vineyards included those that use modern agricultural practices—as well as those that are “organic.”

They ALL tested positive for glyphosates.

Even the ones that had never been sprayed with Roundup (the trade name of Monsanto/Bayer’s toxic glyphosate herbicide).

Levels were much higher in crops that were sprayed directly with pesticides and herbicides—but even those that did fall victim to the reckless use of these toxins on our food supply.

Here’s another interesting tidbit:

Glyphosate is patented as an antibiotic. So, now it is not only going to be in our food source, it could be used as an antibiotic. We know that the glyphosate damages tissues, we can also be sure that it’s also disrupting our microbiomes.

Studies have shown that it favors harmful bacteria growth while inhibiting the good stuff.

Obviously, it’s becoming harder and harder to avoid glyphosates without sourcing food from remote farms—far away from “modern” agricultural practices.

With the good weather coming, I would encourage you to go to farmer’s markets and talk to farmers about how they grow their foods and what they use – so you know exactly what happens to your food.

Avoid processed foods wherever you can.

Foods That Are Aphrodisiacs

Foods That Are Aphrodisiacs

Food and sex can be an erotic mix – if you know what you’re doing!

Food and sex can be a seriously erotic mix if you know what you’re doing, so getting to grips with aphrodisiac foods this Valentine’s Day will be really worth it.

For some people the idea of foodie foreplay is just a big NO, chocolate body paint won’t float everyone’s boat. But squirting whipped cream-on-body-parts isn’t what we’re getting at here, although that is a fun idea. We are going to explore foods that are known as aphrodisiacs all by themselves.

Even the NHS says aphrodisiac foods can help bring couples closer both physically and emotionally. It’s got to be a good thing!

So if you’re intrigued here’s our A-W list of aphrodisiac foods… how you enjoy them is up to you!


The almond has been a symbol of fertility and an aphrodisiac through various ages and some believe that just the smell can stimulate women sexually. Sprinkle them with a little seasoning and they are ready to pop in your mouth and let it water.

Apricot Brandy

Long considered an aphrodisiac drink. In a Midsummer Night’s Dream the fairies are told of the efficacy of apricot and Shakespeare seems to have been drawing on an established folk tradition. Dried Apricots steeped in sweet Muscat wine for a week or two are favorite sweetmeat with which lovers can feed each other.


The Aztecs allegedly called the avocado “ahuacatl” – their word for ‘testicle’… but if that doesn’t turn you on (it doesn’t do much for us either) avocados are at least a treasure trove of vitamins and good stuff.

They contain vitamin B6, which is said to increase production of male hormones, as well as potassium, which helps to regulate the female thyroid gland – not sexy but at least you’ll look and feel pretty good.


The humble asparagus spear is a powerful aphrodisiac – not only does it look a bit phallic but it also contains vitamin E, which makes you gorgeous (think healthy skin, hair and nails) and is also said to be a sex hormone booster. Delicious.


Phallic again – use your imagination this is enough to get the sexy going on the aphrodisiac list. In the case of the banana it’s also making an appearance due its levels of potassium and B vitamins that aid your sex hormone production.

These beauties are a great source of instant and long-lasting energy – so have one before sex to give you the staying power to satisfy your significant other.

Bananas are excellent at regulating blood pressure, too. High blood pressure can lead to erectile dysfunction and that’s no fun on Valentine’s Day (or any other day for that matter).

So whack out those bananas and away you go!

Bone Marrow

According to the ancient Romans produces pheromones that stimulate our sense of smell that attracts us to our lovers. 


Testosterone is great for your sex life – it makes both men and women more randy and sexually stimulated. Zinc, found in caviar, stimulates the formation of testosterone so it stands to reason that posh fish eggs are in fact an aphrodisiac!


Not a universally loved veg but apparently it gets women going. Celery contains androstenone, a hormone that researchers believe attracts females when it’s secreted through sweat. Nice.


Champagne is the drink of love often the mere presence of that expensive bottle will get you going. Champagne reaches the blood stream rapidly. Drinking too much, however, might change the outcome so drink responsibly.

Chili Peppers

Hot chili’s are thought to release endorphins that give our bodies a high. Many hot foods fall into this category but chili’s also contain the chemical capsaicin, which stimulates our nerve endings and raises our pulses for a greater sense of touch.

A little tip we have is to put a tiny bit of chili in your cocktails. Honestly, it works wonders!


Nothing says, “I love you” like a box of chocolates, at least for me that is a way to my heart!

It contains a stimulant called phenylethylamine, and a substance called Theobromine which is thought to act on the neurotransmitters of the brain to give you a natural high with a sense of well-being and excitement.

Use dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, as this is what makes the magic happen.


You stand on your doorstep at the end of the perfect date, and think of saying “want to come in and tear my clothes off with your teeth?” but that’s perhaps a little forward.

Instead you murmur: “would you like to come in for coffee?”… the meaning behind the message is the same.

Coffee’s actually on the list for its stimulating qualities but it’s earned its reputation as a sexy beverage by the power of suggestion alone. Make sure you drink it in a sexy manner!


Cream doesn’t have any nutritional value, but as an aphrodisiac it gets it’s merit by sex food play! It can be a bit messy but isn’t that what sex is all about? If you want to clean up easy get the shower curtain out for this one!


We all are aware of the coconuts health benefits as a healthy oil, but did you know it make a great massage oil and an even better natural lubricant with a great flavor or oral sex.


Cucumber is certainly phallic in appearance, but its aphrodisiac reputation is not based on looks alone. From a nutritional standpoint, cucumbers provide several nutrients essential to maintaining sexual health, including Vitamin C and magnesium. It also helps to decrease water retention and bloating so enjoy.


This one’s for your partner – ask them to open a ripe fig and eat it seductively in front of you. This is supposed to be a powerful aphrodisiac because the fruit’s insides look like female genitalia.


A circulatory system stimulant, ginger eaten raw, preserved or cooked is said to increase sexual powers and desire. Ginger omelets are a great way to start the day.


Often found in Asian cuisines such as Chinese and Korean, ginseng is believed by many to increase sexual appetite for both men and women. Consuming Ginseng tea or shred some raw root onto a salad.


Oysters are probably the world’s most well-known aphrodisiac and they’ve been top of the sexy food list since the age of the ancient Greeks.

They’re full of zinc that helps in production of testosterone, which not only acts on male libido but is also great for the female libido too. Raw oysters are best served with a glass of cold Champagne.

Pine Nuts

Like oysters and caviar, pine nuts are full of zinc that is great for producing sperm and for increasing the libido.

Pumpkin Seeds

More zinc! You can eat these toasted or raw and they’re great on a sexy salad with cucumbers, apples, raisins and almonds.


Egyptian pharaohs were all about radish when they wanted to up the ante in the royal chamber. It’s thought that their spicy taste could stimulate the palate and of course the shape are supposed to turn you on.


Succulent red fruits that are perfect for feeding to your lover and are especially good when dipped into melted chocolate – an aphrodisiac two-for-one!

They’re red which is meant as a stimulating color that indicates we are excited which our brains are programed to notice as stimulating. They are high in vitamin C, which may not turn you on but will sure keep your healthy.


Even back in the first century A.D. they were using rocket (or arugula) leaves to boost flagging sex drives. But were as they used it with grated orchid bulbs and parsnips, we recommend toasted pine nuts, almonds and pistachios for a more palatable sexy salad!

Sweet Basil

Maybe it’s the smell, but some people think that basil has the power to stimulate your sex drive and boost your fertility – so don’t be too annoyed if he turns up with a takeaway pizza this Valentine’s Day.


For all the same reasons raspberries are on the list! Pop one in your champagne glass, dip them in some lush melted chocolate… strawberries are sensual, sexy and I know this is cliché but feed them in a sensual way to your partner.


Truffles are one of the most extravagant foods out there and this point alone is sometimes enough to turn a women on.

They may not look so appealing but trust us these babies pack a punch. Drizzle a little truffle oil on some pasta, or put a few shavings on some risotto.

Their delicious taste and musky aroma certainly stimulates the palate which can lead to arousal elsewhere.


Drinking wine can be quite an erotic experience. Drinking in moderation can help to ease inhibitions and promote relaxation but alcohol is also a depressant and we all know that too much never did anyone any good.

Your Valentine’s Day or romantic date will be memorable for all the wrong reasons if you have one to many rosés! Wondering why Roses are so sexy? In part it is sacred to the love goddess in all the mythological traditions. The evocative shape of the petals and the intense perfumes make it the archetypal female emblem. It is the scents of the rose that are an aphrodisiac. Enjoy them put the petals on the bed…. Use the rose petal to gently stroke them across your lover’s body. Use your imagination and enjoy!

Benefits of IV Nutritional Therapy

Four benefits of IV nutritional therapy you should know about

Four benefits of IV nutritional therapy you should know about

The skilled practitioners at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee want you to know about four benefits of IV nutritional therapy. During IV nutritional therapy, vital nutrients, minerals and vitamins are administered through an IV drip in our office. The process takes anywhere from a half hour to six hours, depending on your needs. This therapy is a valuable treatment that helps many of our patients improve their health and quality of life.


Learn more about the four benefits of IV nutritional therapy

If you have a chronic condition or other health problems, you need to know more about IV nutritional therapy.

  1. One of the main benefits of IV nutritional therapy is that it provides important minerals, amino acids, vitamins and nutrients directly to the bloodstream. Delivery to the bloodstream ensures that all the crucial nutrients are absorbed fully into the body where they can be used to improve your health.
  2. IV nutritional therapy allows nutrients to bypass the gastrointestinal (GI) system, so the body absorbs the maximum amount of nutrition. Many patients have a damaged gastrointestinal system that may be inflamed or harmed by viruses or exposure to toxins. Bypassing the damaged system and delivering the nutrients via the bloodstream means that you will receive the maximum benefits of IV nutritional therapy.
  3. IV nutritional therapy allows us to deliver larger doses of nutrients to your body than you could tolerate in oral doses. Higher oral doses of vitamins and other nutrients can enter the GI system and cause stomach problems. Delivery through an IV bypasses the GI tract, allowing us to deliver the maximum amount of nutrients your body needs.
  4. One of the most important benefits of IV nutritional therapy is that it can be used to treat several conditions and chronic health problems.
    • Immune deficiency
    • Damaged GI tract
    • Hydrochloric acid, or digestive enzyme, deficiency
    • Lack of friendly gut bacteria
    • Exposure to toxic metals
    • HIV infection
    • Hypertension
    • Asthma
    • Parkinson’s disease
    • Congestive heart failure

If you are suffering from chronic health problems, and you are not getting relief from your current treatment plan, consider the benefits of IV nutritional therapy. The experienced team at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee can help you feel better. Contact us for an appointment.

What you need to know about food allergies and weight management

What you need to know about food allergies and weight management

Many patients who come to our alternative medicine clinic near Milwaukee are surprised when we talk to them about food allergies and weight management. Food allergies may be the culprit behind many of their weight problems. Our team identifies the foods they need to eliminate from their diets with allergy testing and a rotation/elimination diet.

Eliminating inflammation is the key to food allergies and weight management

It’s important to understand the connection between inflammation, food allergies and weight management. When you eat a food that causes food allergies or food sensitivities, it causes inflammation. Inflammation causes several problems. It causes bloating, water retention and other digestive issues. Inflammation also causes insulin resistance, causing your body to produce higher levels of insulin. This can lead to weight gain.

Uncovering your food allergies

Allergy testing is the first step to address food allergies and weight management. Our alternative medicine clinic near Milwaukee offers three types of food allergy testing.

  • Rotation/elimination diet. You will need to keep a food diary to record your reactions as you eliminate certain foods, usually for 14 days. After that, you reintroduce the foods, and if you have an allergy, you will notice adverse reactions and know to eliminate that food from your diet.
  • Oral challenge testing. The tester feeds you certain foods in measured amounts, waiting to see if you develop symptoms. If you do have a reaction, you stop eating that food. This test helps diagnose food allergies.
  • IgG testing. Our practitioners perform IgG testing by taking a blood sample. This test checks for 50 or more food allergies.

Weight management is more successful once food allergies are diagnosed

Once you know which foods cause you problems, you can eliminate them from your diet. Avoiding these foods eliminates the inflammation in the body that is causing your insulin resistance and weight gain.

Our alternative medicine clinic near Milwaukee can help you with food allergies and weight management and individualized weight loss. Contact us for an appointment today and get on the road to good health.