What you need to know about food allergies and weight management
Many patients who come to our alternative medicine clinic near Milwaukee are surprised when we talk to them about food allergies and weight management. Food allergies may be the culprit behind many of their weight problems. Our team identifies the foods they need to eliminate from their diets with allergy testing and a rotation/elimination diet.
Eliminating inflammation is the key to food allergies and weight management
It’s important to understand the connection between inflammation, food allergies and weight management. When you eat a food that causes food allergies or food sensitivities, it causes inflammation. Inflammation causes several problems. It causes bloating, water retention and other digestive issues. Inflammation also causes insulin resistance, causing your body to produce higher levels of insulin. This can lead to weight gain.
Uncovering your food allergies
Allergy testing is the first step to address food allergies and weight management. Our alternative medicine clinic near Milwaukee offers three types of food allergy testing.
Rotation/elimination diet. You will need to keep a food diary to record your reactions as you eliminate certain foods, usually for 14 days. After that, you reintroduce the foods, and if you have an allergy, you will notice adverse reactions and know to eliminate that food from your diet.
Oral challenge testing. The tester feeds you certain foods in measured amounts, waiting to see if you develop symptoms. If you do have a reaction, you stop eating that food. This test helps diagnose food allergies.
IgG testing. Our practitioners perform IgG testing by taking a blood sample. This test checks for 50 or more food allergies.
Weight management is more successful once food allergies are diagnosed
Once you know which foods cause you problems, you can eliminate them from your diet. Avoiding these foods eliminates the inflammation in the body that is causing your insulin resistance and weight gain.