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Low-T and Bioidentical Hormones

What men should know about low-T and bioidentical hormones

What men should know about low-T and bioidentical hormones

What men should know about low-T and bioidentical hormonesAt our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, our experienced hormone providers are knowledgeable about low-T and bioidentical hormones. Low-T can affect men’s quality of life and health.

The basics of low-T and bioidentical hormones

To understand low-T and bioidentical hormones, you have to understand what happens when men have testosterone levels that are less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). There are several symptoms of low-T.

  • Low sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Irritability or depression
  • Fatigue or lower energy levels
  • Sleep problems
  • Reduction in lean muscle mass
  • Weight gain
  • Gynecomastia, or enlarged breasts

Three things men need to understand about low-T and bioidentical hormones

Our hormone providers urge men to learn more about low-T and bioidentical hormones. Here are three facts men should know.

    1. Bioidentical hormones can help relieve most symptoms in six to eight weeks.

      Although every patient’s experience is different, many patients will receive relief from sleep problems after the first week. After the third week of treatment, men may notice an increase in their energy levels, and many men will find about 80% of their symptoms are relieved after six to eight weeks of therapy.

    2. Treatment is available in different forms.

      Often, the variety of treatment methods surprises men who are learning about low-T and bioidentical hormones. Testosterone is available in various forms.

      • Skin patches that are applied every 24 hours
      • Gels that require daily use
      • Tablets to be used twice daily
      • Injections given each week or every two weeks
    3. Bioidentical hormones are better than synthetic hormones.

      Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular composition as the testosterone a male’s body makes naturally and are created from natural plant substances, helping to reduce side effects. Synthetic hormones can cause side effects, including aches, pains, allergies and urinary tract pain, because they don’t resemble the composition of a male’s natural testosterone. They are made with synthetically created substances and additives that can cause problems.

Men suffering from the possible symptoms of low testosterone levels benefit from learning more about low-T and bioidentical hormones. For more information or an appointment at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, contact us.

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