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Food Allergies

Food Allergies

Do you suffer from intestinal problems? Do you have headaches, mood swings, weight gain, and fatigue or muscle pain? Do you suffer from attention issues? These can all be signs of food allergies. There are different types of allergies, immediate and delayed.  Immediate allergies are commonly known like peanut or seafood allergies. What about delayed allergies? These are allergies where the symptoms are not acute but subtle and can take up to 14 days to appear. We often see behavioral changes in children with allergies to food dyes and colors. These can all be easily treated and managed

Common symptoms of food allergies

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Skin rashes
  • Behavioral problems

Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha uses several approaches to identify and manage food allergies, including:

  • IGG testing
  • Oral challenge testing
  • Rotation/elimination diet to see if symptoms will result after eating suspected allergenic food.

In all, we test for 50 of the most common food allergens, including wheat, corn, eggs, milk, yeast, and soybeans.

Most food allergies can be easily treated using the rotation/elimination diet or sublingual immunotherapy, also known as “drop therapy”. Fixed food allergies, such as shellfish or peanuts, are enduring allergies. These food allergies are determined by history. The only current treatment for fixed food allergies is the complete elimination of the offending foods.

The IGG blood test is a comprehensive blood test that helps identify foods that are causing delayed reactions. The IGG food panel will test 50 or more different foods, and you will receive a report with these foods divided into three reaction categories ranging from mild, moderate and severe reactions.

By making healthy changes in your eating program, you can minimize many of the symptoms caused by food allergies. Our treatment for food allergies using the rotation/elimination diet is 100% natural, convenient, safe and effective. For those foods that you cannot totally eliminate, you can use sublingual immunotherapy, which relieves symptoms and assists in healing the immune system.

Visit Serenity’s Kitchen for our food allergy recipes, tried and true.

Call 262-522-8640 for help to manage food allergies.


Environmental Allergies

If you have environmental allergies, you may be dealing with symptoms such as; sniffling, sneezing, coughing, itching, brain fog or even headaches. It is not all in your head, it’s your surroundings that are causing the problem. The good news is that you are not doomed to days of misery. The key is to avoid or eliminate airborne allergens, but sometimes you cannot avoid them.

What are some of the most common environmental allergens, and what can I do to limit exposure?

Pollen Allergens

  • Pollen, can be from grass, trees, hay fever, or weeds, it is the most common allergen that triggers symptoms, and it is very difficult to avoid.

Indoor Allergens

  • Though pollen allergy is likely to attack when you’re outdoors, indoor allergens such as dust mites puts you at risk of experiencing symptoms while you’re indoors, including in your own home. One way to combat dust allergens is to use an air purifier, dust covers on your mattress and pillows. Carpet should be removed and floors should be vacuumed or wet mopped daily to reduce the dust load.

Pet Dander Allergens

  • Pet dander is a common allergen, and it is not just dogs and cats, people can be allergic to horses, rabbits and even gerbils. You don’t necessarily have to part with your pet in order to lower your exposure to this environmental allergen. Keeping the pet out of your bedroom and off your bed is first and foremost with an allergen. Treating animal allergens can help you keep your pet.

Mold Allergens

  • Mold allergies can act up during the fall months, they may be caused by mold and mildew. To reduce your exposure to outside mold spores, avoid piles of leaves and thin out vegetation. Mold allergens can be very problematic if there are high amounts of mold spores in your home as well. You should inspect your home for mold growth in your basement, bathrooms and on the outer walls of the homes. Black mold is a toxic form of mold that can make you very ill and affect the nervous system. Special mold remediation should be done in the home to make it safe.

Environmental Factors

Cigarette smoke is usually more of an irritant than an allergen, but it can increase symptoms if you have other environmental allergies.

Cockroaches have been documented to cause severe asthma and bad allergies, and are very common.

Diagnosis and Treatment

At Serenity Health Care Center, our healthcare practitioners individualize treatments for patients based on seasonal and environmental allergies, or those with more complex allergies. Serenity Health Care Center is one of the few practices that offer sublingual immunotherapy for allergy treatment.

A precise diagnosis is needed to customize treatments and provide environmental risk factor reductions.

For more information on sublingual antigen therapy, visit Treatments for Airborne allergies.

Call,  262.522.8640 schedule your consultation today for a complete allergy evaluation and for Sublingual Drop Therapy.

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