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Ondamed Biofeedback

Understanding Biofeedback: A Mind-Body Technique

Biofeedback is a technique that utilizes visual or auditory feedback to help individuals gain control over their involuntary bodily functions. It can help you gain voluntary control over your heart rate, muscle tension, blood flow, pain perception, and blood pressure. This technique involves using device sensors to monitor specific bodily functions and provide feedback to the user.

Understanding Biofeedback and Its Benefits

Biofeedback is a technique that involves making subtle changes to the body, resulting in the desired effect. These changes may involve relaxing specific muscles, slowing down heart rate or respiration, or reducing feelings of pain. By doing this, people can improve their physical, emotional, and mental health. Biofeedback can also help individuals manage the symptoms of an underlying condition.

According to the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, biofeedback is a process that allows people to modify their physiological activity to enhance their health or performance. With the help of precise measuring instruments, information about the body’s functions is relayed to the individual.

By using this information in conjunction with changes in thinking, emotions, and behavior, desired physiological changes can be achieved. The changes can be sustained over time even without continued use of the instrument.

Biofeedback’s Versatile Applications

Biofeedback’s Versatile Applications:
Some of the areas where biofeedback has been used include:
  • Treating tension headaches, migraines, and other pain

  • Controlling high and low blood pressure

  • Alleviating digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome

  • Helping patients control physical reactions to stress or anxiety

  • Aiding in relaxation and stress management

  • Chronic pain-back and muscle pain, gastrointestinal issues

  • EEG feedback has also been shown to be beneficial in managing symptoms of certain brain injuries

    and attention deficit disorder, and there is some evidence suggesting it might be efficacious in depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Identifies imbalances in the body

  • Identifies thousands of substances that negative impact your body and health

  • Discover the Supplements, Herbs, and Minerals That Are Right for Your Body

Managing Stress and Its Symptoms with Biofeedback

Biofeedback can be a highly effective tool in managing stress and in treating conditions that can be worsened by stress. Therapists often use biofeedback to help patients regulate their responses to stress. Chronic stress can lead to a multitude of negative health outcomes, such as heart disease, weakened immunity, depression, digestive issues, and sleep disorders. By learning how to control the stress response through biofeedback, patients can reduce the negative physical and psychological effects of stress.

Biofeedback Machines

Biofeedback devices are designed to measure muscle tension, breathing patterns, or brain waves, using a combination of advanced physiological recording equipment and audio-visual teaching display systems.

How Does Ondamed Work?

ONDAMED: A Biophysics Induction Device for Improved Healing

The ONDAMED is a specialized device that uses focused pulsed electromagnetics and biofeedback to treat the body. Practitioners use functional medicine to uncover hidden physiological and emotional symptoms, pinpoint their precise location in the body, and apply systemic therapeutic stimulus accordingly. With customized treatment methods, the ONDAMED can kickstart the body’s immune function and healing process, leading to improved overall health.


BioScan, is a cutting-edge, automated software-based analysis tool designed to identify over 285,000 types of imbalances, disorders (both physical and psychological), destructive substances (poisons, toxins, bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, allergens), and deficiencies in an objective manner. This non-intrusive test can pinpoint weaknesses in the body, including those that are genetically inherited, by analyzing a hair sample.

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The Differences Between Acute and Chronic Lyme Disease

What patients need to know about the differences between acute and chronic Lyme disease

What patients need to know about the differences between acute and chronic Lyme disease

The Lyme literate practitioners at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee understand the differences between acute and chronic Lyme disease. Many conventional medical practitioners do not even acknowledge that chronic Lyme disease exists. Our experienced staff has seen thousands of patients with Lyme disease, both acute and chronic, and they know how to diagnose and treat this complicated and misunderstood condition.

It’s important to understand the differences between acute and chronic Lyme disease

When a patient is seeking a diagnosis, it’s crucial to see a Lyme literate provider who has a complete understanding of the differences between acute and chronic Lyme disease. When a person receives treatment within six to eight weeks of exposure to Borrelia burgdorferi or, to Borrelia mayonii, and suffers no residual effects after treatment, the diagnosis is acute Lyme disease. Patients who are not treated at least two months after exposure and harbor the untreated disease for months or even years often develop chronic Lyme disease.

There are two problems that the conventional medicine community doesn’t recognize regarding the differences between acute and chronic Lyme disease.

  • Even patients who are treated for acute Lyme disease in a timely manner may go on to suffer from symptoms of chronic Lyme disease.
  • Many patients do not seek treatment or receive an accurate diagnosis in time to receive treatment for acute Lyme disease, and that leads to chronic symptoms.

Untreated and undiagnosed chronic Lyme disease can cause serious health problems

When patients consult medical practitioners who are not familiar with Lyme disease, they are often misdiagnosed. The chronic symptoms of Lyme disease resemble many other conditions, and inexperienced providers who do not recognize the differences between acute and chronic Lyme disease often misdiagnose these patients and treat them for conditions like fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis or mental illnesses. These patients experience a variety of symptoms that get worse the longer they are left untreated, including serious neurological symptoms.

Patients who come to our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee can rely on the fact that our medical team is on the case. They are experts at uncovering and diagnosing conditions that other medical providers miss, and they fully understand the differences between acute and chronic Lyme disease. Contact us for an appointment.



Hypothyroidism can cause a variety of symptoms

  • Have you approached your doctor, complained of fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, high cholesterol, depression, hair loss, dry skin, hair and nails, menstrual abnormalities and a loss of libido?
  • Have you tried to tell your doctor that you think you have a thyroid imbalance?
  • Have you had a blood test only to be told that your results were within the “normal range”?

At Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, Wisconsin, we use a multi-tiered approach to treating hypothyroidism. We will perform a blood test to measure all the thyroid hormones as well as thyroid antibodies to determine if you have an autoimmune condition.

We look at total cholesterol and LDL levels because these are often elevated in patients with hypothyroidism. However, our primary criteria for diagnosis and evaluating the effects of hypothyroidism treatment are how the patient feels.

Your history combined with our medical examination and tests determine if thyroid supplementation may be of benefit to you. If this is the case, then we will recommend desiccated thyroid, known as Armour thyroid, a well-established, safe and effective thyroid medication, rather than synthetic thyroid drugs that contain only T4, the inactive form of the thyroid hormone.

If you experience clinical symptoms of hypothyroidism, we may recommend a therapeutic trial of desiccated thyroid, unless you have a health condition that prevents the use of this medication. We will monitor you and incrementally adjust your dose, checking your thyroid lab values, until your hypothyroid symptoms are resolved.

For additional information on hypothyroidism and low thyroid, click here.

Get tested to help determine if you may need treatment for hypothyroidism.

Speak with our patient care expert today

We can understand and see your pain with Inflammation Thermography

woman's knee photo showing a red halo as if it was painful due to inflammation

Inflammation is part of your natural healing process in response to infections and injuries. Your inflammatory response is a healthy way for your body to dispose of pathogens. Inflammation also isolates the injury by preventing adjacent tissues from damage. Inflammation flushes and cleans because the process helps your cells get rid of debris. 

In other words, your body repairs itself with inflammation – which is a good thing. 

Nevertheless, chronic low-grade inflammation is scientifically proven to cause cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other deadly diseases. Inflammation involves chemical reactions and cellular function, and prolonged artery, capillary, and vein dilatation can tax your system and cause long-term health concerns.

By allowing inflammation to go unchecked, your entire body kicks into high gear to help combat illness. Unfortunately, sometimes your body goes overboard in the process and weakens over time – which is when more complex health problems arise. 

So, inflammation is not only an indicator of a health abnormality but also the cause of disease. Serenity wants to help you identify and control inflammation.

What is Thermography for Inflammation?

Using our Thermography camera detector, this technique precisely records the energy emitted in the infrared spectrum. Thermography uses infrared radiation (photons) emitted by your body into electrical signals that form a digital image on a monitor.

Even at a distance and without any direct contact, Serenity can measure the temperature of your inflamed area using the infrared detector because areas with increased blood flow indicate inflammation. Inflammation appears in red, while areas with little blood flow activity show in cooler colors. 

So, if we can see your health problem, we can help get it under control – and sometimes even reverse illness!

What can Thermography detect based on your inflammation levels?

Thermography not only detects illness based on inflammation but also measures the severity of the disease process. 

Inflammation is visible on Thermography scans with a variety of health concerns, including:

If you are a woman, Serenity is particularly interested in helping you fight against the risk of Breast Cancer. 

Thermography is helpful in the detection of Breast Cancer. It offers many benefits, including detecting Breast Cancer 7-10 years earlier than a mammogram. This is because mammograms are not prescribed to younger women and also because inflammation begins in the early stages of Breast Cancer.

Continue reading our blog to learn more about Breast Thermography Screening

Can Thermography detect infection?

Thermography can detect viral and bacterial infections because these invaders activate your immune system. Your immune system uses inflammatory cells and cytokines (substances that stimulate more inflammatory cells).  The job of these cells is to trap bacterial or viral intruders and activate your natural healing powers. These cells can cause pain, swelling, bruising, or redness – all of which are visible on a Thermography scan.

Why is Thermography used in medical diagnosis?

The temperature of a body or object correlates to the amount of infrared radiation emitted. Infrared radiation is invisible to the human eye. 

Thermography is expanding in diverse sectors such as engineering, rescue, meteorology, astronomy, public safety, electronics, meteorology, industry, and ecological analysis. 

Medical applications for this technology are making great strides; nevertheless, Serenity has been using Thermography for over a decade for the diagnosis and prognosis of our patients.

In case of infection and inflammation, the increase in temperature is clearly visible. However, depending on the severity of the lesion and the length of time of the problem, there may be a decrease in local temperature. This is because the body has given up its attempt to heal, or the lesion is so ingrained that no blood reaches the area anymore.

Continue reading our blog to learn more about: What is Medicine Thermography?

How can Serenity tell what your Inflammation Thermography results mean?

Body heat constantly dissipates from the skin by radiation, convection, conduction, or evaporation. Pathologies produce variations in blood circulation, which affect skin temperature. Due to these heat losses, the skin temperature is 5 °C lower than the internal body temperature. Thermographic imaging quantifies the skin’s surface temperature but also senses that of the deep tissues.

One crucial factor Serenity detects is symmetry. Both sides of a healthy body tend to emit similar color mapping. A marked difference requires further investigation and testing. 

Our experienced staff knows what typical heat emissions for organs look like. Trained professionals easily detect abnormalities.

To read Thermography results, certified professionals need at least ten years of training!

Serenity can even detect hidden Inflammation to avoid future health problems

Thermography reveals the primary area of injury and helps recognize secondary points of pain too. 

Secondary inflammation may not always appear in a clinical examination – but it also needs to be addressed with Integrative Medicine protocols. 

A significant advantage of this technique is that it allows early diagnosis of pathologies such as tendinitis or degenerative joint disease. 

Thermographic alterations are frequently evident before physical ones. 

Thermography can detect lesions 1 or 2 weeks before limps or pain manifest, which athletes often leverage the technology.

Once treatment begins, thermography can monitor progress. Your provider’s prescribed holistic treatment should produce the desired circulatory change. 

For example, if visible red hot inflammation is present with your baseline Thermography, then in subsequent scans, a decrease in temperature to normal levels will prove your healing progress.

In Summary

Serenity patients like you benefit from our experience with Thermography. We’ve provided this state-of-the-art technology to our patients for over a decade.

Thermography imaging technology, provides our skilled practitioners with valuable information that helps them accurately diagnose your wellness concerns and symptoms.

Book your Thermography Scan today!

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Benefits of Thermography

Learn the benefits of thermography

Learn the benefits of thermography

We want you to know about the benefits of thermography, a technology we offer at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee.

Thermography imaging technology, DITI, employs digital infrared thermal imaging. This technology creates a visual image or map that shows us your body temperature. The various colors indicate the level of infrared radiation that your skin’s surface emits. We use your map, or thermogram, for various medical reasons.

  • To create a baseline image
  • To help diagnose a condition, disease, injury or infection
  • To identify areas of inflammation

Five benefits of thermography

  1. Thermography is a noninvasive procedure. A thermogram does not require any contact with your body so there is no discomfort.
  2. Unlike other imaging procedures, thermography doesn’t emit any radiation.
  3. Thermography serves as an additional diagnostic tool for many conditions. Digital infrared thermal imaging, or DITI, is sensitive to changes in your body, especially in the musculoskeletal and vascular systems.
  4. Breast cancer thermography is a helpful addition to breast cancer screening tests. One of the most exciting benefits of thermography is its applications in breast cancer screening. DITI is very sensitive to subtle changes in breast tissue. For example, the technology can detect the extra blood supply that may be feeding a small malignant tumor. Early detection saves lives.
  5. Sports medicine thermography not only helps diagnose injuries, but also helps assess a patient’s progress during treatment. Thermography is helpful if you have sports-related injuries, such as sprains, inflamed tendons and pain syndromes. Diagnosing pain syndromes is one of the lesser known benefits of thermography. If you develop this difficult to diagnose syndrome, you may suffer from pain for six months or longer after an injury. Thermography helps diagnose the problem so that you can receive treatment.

Discover how you can benefit from thermography

Whether you or your family members are working toward achieving optimal health or are suffering from a medical condition, the benefits of thermography can help you. For more information, contact us at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee.

What Causes Low “T” Testosterone (Male Hypogonadism)

a clinical form to diagnose Low Testosterone levels
Low Testosterone

Why causes low testosterone? Injury, radiation, chemotherapy, and prostate cancer can affect testosterone levels. 

Testosterone naturally starts to declines at age 30 and continues to decline by 1.6% per year. As men age, It becomes more prevalent. By the time men are in their fifties about 12% of men have low testosterone. About 19% of men in their 60’s have low testosterone and the older men get the lower testosterone levels.

The American Urologic Association states that a low testosterone level is 300 or less. We often see symptoms in men with levels between 300 – 450 or less. It is important to screen testosterone levels in the 20’s and 30’s so that we have baseline levels to compare to men get older. 

Low Testosterone Causes:


Low ambition

Loss of muscle mass

Decreased sexual desire

Loss of body hair

Weight gain


Erectile Dysfunction


How Common Is Low “T”, Testosterone

Low testosterone level is common in 40% of men aged 45 years or older. Testosterone levels fluctuate during the day and can be affected by (BMI) Body Mass Index, certain medications, and infections.

Chronic illness and infections can cause an issue with testosterone production. Lyme disease, fungal infections, mold exposure, and autoimmune diseases lower testosterone levels. This often takes time even after treating the infections to get the testosterone levels back up and in some cases the levels never get back to normal. It is important to seek treatment for these chronic conditions early on and treat the underlying issues to limit the long-term effects.

What Causes Low “T”, Testosterone




Pituitary Gland Issues

Alcohol Abuse

Estrogen Dominance

Inflammatory Conditions


Sleep Apnea

Anabolic Steroid Use

Trauma (head)

Sports Injury

How Is Low Testerone Level Diagnosed?

Low testosterone is diagnosed by collecting a morning blood test to measure the testosterone level. It may take several blood tests to determine low testosterone since these levels change throughout the day. The highest level of testosterone is in the morning. Often times it is requested to draw blood at 8 a.m.

How Is Low Testosterone Level Treated?

Low testosterone, is treated with testosterone replacement therapy, which can be given in several different ways.

Intramuscular injection or IM

Testosterone patches, creams, gels, or oils

(Oral testosterone supplementation is not recommended or FDA approved)

Turn up your testosterone

What Are The Benefits of Testosterone Replacement

Body fat loss

Increased bone density

Improved mood function

Improved sexual functional

Increased cognitive function

Increased muscle mass

Is COVID affecting you in the bedroom:

Enjoy Love Making Again

Erectile Dysfunction and COVID

Is COVID causing issues in the bedroom? Men have additional reasons for being concerned about their love life after being infected with Coronavirus. It isn’t just affecting the lungs. Men are experiencing ED after being infected with COVID.  

Studies reveal proof of blood vessel injury within the penis of the COVID-19 patients, compared to men who have not been affected with COVID-19. Studies reveal that there is blood vessel damage in the penis of the COVID-19 patients, compared to men who have not been affected with COVID-19. Researchers reported May 7, 2021, in the World Journal of Men’s Health.

Coronavirus can injure the blood vessels of the penis. The blood vessels cannot produce enough blood to enter the penis to create a good erection. According to Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, director of the reproductive urology program at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine. Found that the virus affects the blood vessels that supply the penis, causing erectile dysfunction. “The blood vessels themselves malfunction and are not able to provide enough blood to enter the penis for an erection.”

We have worked with men that did not have ED prior to contracting COVID-19. There are studies that have also reported ED post coronavirus infection. COVID-19 can cause hyperinflammation throughout the body after coronavirus infection or CV-19 vaccine making the passage of the blood flow to the penis narrowed or blocked.

Cardiovascular Risks

ED may be an early sign of cardiovascular dysfunction. We have seen cardiac inflammation called myocarditis post-Covid -19 vaccine which can create an increase in ED. 

COVID-19 has also been linked to endothelial dysfunction. This causes the blood vessels to stiffen commonly called hardening of the arteries. This can cause issues with blood flow to the penis making it difficult to get or keep an erection.

Stress and ED

The stress that COVID-19 can have on people is significant. There is shame, anxiety, depression, and chronic fatigue. These psychological complications can cause neurotransmitters to become imbalanced which can lead to sexual dysfunction. 

Is Low T Causing Problems in the bedroom?

Testosterone levels can also be affected by COVID-19. The virus can infect the testes where testosterone and sperm are made in men. Lower testosterone levels not only affect erectile function but also can affect fertility. It is important to know if there is low T by testing hormones.

Shockwave Therapy Can Help

Shockwave therapy is a treatment option that is completely non-invasive and has the potential to improve blood vessel function leading to improvement or resolution of ED. Shockwave therapy uses low-frequency acoustic waves to open blood vessels in the penis and stimulate new blood vessel growth. It can also eliminate micro plaque buildup in the penis which can improve erectile function.

Are You Too Tired To Tango?

If a man has problems getting or maintaining an erection up to 20 percent of the time he has sex, that’s considered normal. If problems occur more often than that, it’s best to seek medical help. A doctor can usually diagnose situational erectile dysfunction by checking a patient for physical problems and going over his health history. A monitor that measures the penis for erections while the patient sleeps can also be prescribed.

Not having or desiring sex as often as you did when you were younger is not a sign of a sexual problem. “For many older guys, having sex a few times a month may be enough, and is perfectly normal,” says Dr. Wheeler.

There are many potential causes of situational ED. “Occasional erectile dysfunction is common in younger men who still have lots of anxiety about first encounters,” notes Montague. And older men “may find that fatigue affects their ability to have an erection more than when they were young,” he continues.

Situational factors that can hamper sexual performance include:

  • Stress. Stress causes the release of brain chemicals that can keep an erection from even getting started. The classic example is performance anxiety. “One erection failure can lead to fear and anxiety that can produce a temporary problem with erectile dysfunction,” says Montague.
  • Fatigue. Sometimes you may just be too tired to tango. “Fatigue can decrease the desire for sex, and trying to have sex when you are fatigued is a common cause of ED,” Montague notes. This may be especially true if you usually have sex in the evening.
  • Alcohol. Alcohol is a common culprit in cases of short-term ED. Although a drink or two may dispel stress and anxiety, too much alcohol depresses your sexual response. “Older men may find that alcohol interferes with sex more than it did when they were younger, but any man who is inebriated is unlikely to have a good experience,” warns Wheeler.
  • Drugs. Many common medications, including over-the-counter medications, can cause short-term ED. Cold medications with antihistamines, some blood pressure drugs, prescription pain relievers, sleep aids, and pills for depression or anxiety are all possible triggers. “A common drug given for prostate enlargement called tamsulosin (Flomax) may also cause erectile dysfunction,” notes Wheeler.
  • Condom problems. Unfamiliarity with how to use a condom, or having to interrupt the flow of sex to put on a condom, can cause an erection deflation and temporary erectile dysfunction, especially for younger men. “For older men, condoms can be a cause of erectile dysfunction because they cut down on the stimulation needed to maintain an erection, or to achieve orgasm,” says Montague.
  • Relationship troubles. “Relationships change over time, and it takes two people interested in sex to have a good sexual experience,” notes Montague. Poor communication, unresolved anger, and other relationship issues can result in situational erectile dysfunction.

Treatment of Situational Erectile Dysfunction

  • Try positive lifestyle changes: Quit smoking, limit alcohol to two drinks a day, get plenty of exercise, and eat a healthy diet.
  • Plan sexual activity for a time when you have both energy and time for sex. “Try having sex in the morning instead of at the end of a busy day,” Montague suggests. “Take a vacation to recharge your relationship.”
  • Avoid over-the-counter medications that may cause ED, and ask your doctor whether any of your prescription medications could be causing a problem.
  • Talk to your partner about any anxiety you have about ED. For good communication, try talking openly about what arouses each of you, and keep in mind that intimacy can relieve performance anxiety.
  • If you feel you need help to improve your psychological outlook, or to work on your relationship, consult a mental health professional — individual therapy and couples therapy are two options.



Lymphatic Enhancement

Lymphatic Enhancement

What is Lymphatic Enhancement Technology?

Lymphatic Enhancement Technology (L.E.T.) is a non-invasive, gentle detoxification therapy used to improve lymphatic integrity and restore lymphatic flow and function. Using glass pyrex bulbs that emit low-energy, vibrational frequencies, L.E.T. encourages toxins, excess fluid, cellular waste and proteins accumulated between the cells to safely exit through the body’s natural elimination channels. When combined with proper nutrition, diet and moderate exercise, L.E.T. increases an overall feeling of well-being and can help restore your lymphatic system to optimal health within a few sessions.

What is the Lymphatic System, and why is it important to my health?

The lymphatic system is a key component of your immune system. This system consists of lymphatic ducts, vessels and capillaries, lymph nodes and lymph (fluid). The tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are also part of the lymphatic system. Its primary function is to transport lymph, a clear to milky fluid, through a vast network of over 600 lymph nodes. Lymph fluid carries specialized cells throughout your body that search out and destroy viruses, bacteria, toxins and waste products. The lymphatic system also helps circulate fluids, proteins, hormones and immune cells throughout the body that are vital to maintaining total body well-being and balance.

Our lymphatic system is like a transportation highway; as long as cars are moving freely, everybody can easily get to their destination. But what happens if there is an accident? Lane closures? Cars are now stuck on the highway with no way to exit. Cars quickly begin to pile up, creating traffic congestion and road blockades. Similar to a free flowing highway that comes to a stop, lymph, a clear watery fluid, becomes cloudy and thick with toxic waste products when the body cannot eliminate “traffic jams.” This lymphatic congestion can lead to swollen lymph nodes, a variety of chronic symptoms, illnesses and even cancer. L.E.T. helps clear the roadway wreckage, opens the freeway and allows traffic to flow again.

How does my Lymphatic system become congested?

Unlike the heart for the circulatory system, the lymphatic system is not pressurized by a muscle or “pump”. Therefore, lymphatic fluid does not flow at the same speed as blood. Without a “pump” the flow of lymph throughout the body is naturally slow and can easily get congested. Modern lifestyles substantially add to impaired lymph function, ranging from inactivity, poor diet and stress to environmental toxins and bodily injuries. When this state of congestion is long-lasting, blockages can form and cause a backup in free lymphatic flow. As a result, the lymphatic system needs greater assistance in clearing congestion and maintaining optimal health.

What factors affect my Lymphatic Health?

Normal, everyday stressors have an impact on our Lymphatic health. The most common stressors on the lymphatic system include:

*Poor Nutrition & Diet
*Insufficient daily water   intake
*Wearing clothing that is   too tight, including bras,   neck-ties and   compression garments
*Food allergies or   sensitivities
*Lack of exercise /   sedentary lifestyles
*Environmental toxins   including pollution,   heavy metals, pesticides   & herbicides

*Hormonal imbalances
 Infections & illness
*Normal aging process
*Traumatic injuries &   surgeries

Are there other types of Lymphatic problems?

Yes, some people are born with primary lymphatic diseases. But most of us have lymphatic issues related to modern lifestyles, poor health habits, trauma and surgeries.

How do I know if I need Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy?

Most everyone can benefit from Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy! The following common symptoms and conditions can be alleviated within a few sessions of Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy.

*Constipation & Bloating
*Sinus Problems & *Congestion
*Chronic Joint Pains &   Body Pains
*Asthma & Lung   Conditions
*Frequent occurrence of   Cold & Flu
*Persistent Swollen   Lymph Nodes
*Edema / Excess Water   Retention
*Fibrocystic & Tender   Breasts
*Appearance of Cellulite
 Enlarged Prostate

What can I expect from a Lymphatic Enhancement Session?

L.E.T. is a non-invasive body therapy that requires clients to lay on a massage table, under sheets with some clothing/garments removed. The therapist then administers the body work by placing ionized glass bulbs directly on the skin which are then glided over the skin in rhythmic motions, stimulating lymphatic flow and directing lymphatic fluid to the appropriate sites of drainage. Sessions may include work on the face, arms, chest and/or breasts, abdomen, legs and back. Clients are appropriately draped throughout the session, as various body areas are worked. Soft, tranquil music is played in the room and lights are dimmed for an enjoyable experience. Most clients find the experience very relaxing and often fall asleep on the table.

How long are lymphatic sessions and how many sessions will I need to help with my condition?

Typical appointments are 60 minutes in length, depending on your areas of concern. Our therapists have found that several, consistent sessions (1-2x weekly) over a shorter period (6-8 weeks) of time generally produces the best results. L.E.T. maintenance sessions are generally recommended for optimal lymphatic health. Your lymphatic system is as unique as you are, therefore, individual treatment plans are available for your specific health goals and concerns.

How will I feel during or after my Lymphatic Enhancement session?

Most clients find Lymphatic Enhancement sessions to be very relaxing. Post treatment some people are highly energized for hours while others may feel the need to rest. Each individual is unique and may react differently, but similar to other gentle detoxification therapies, you may have an increase in bladder and/or bowel activity or a mild healing reaction as toxins exit through the natural pathways of the body.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare for my Lymphatic Enhancement session?

Drinking adequate amounts of water (6-8 glasses) is recommended before and after each L.E.T. session to assist in the cleansing process. We also ask you to refrain from applying any lotions, oils, creams or perfumes to the body prior to your session in order to achieve the best results.

Is there anyone who should NOT use Lymphatic Enhancement with the Lymphstar Pro?

While L.E.T. is beneficial for many clients, there are a few contraindications for this therapy. Contraindications include:

*Individuals with   Pacemakers, other   Implanted   Medical/Electrical   devices, or medicine   pumps
*Congestive Heart Failure
*Individuals with known   blood clots or history of   blood clots
*Undiagnosed lumps or   tumors
*Some cosmetic implants   and cosmetic injections/   fillers (such as Botox) for   cosmetic or medical   purposes
*Active skin infections, or open wounds at time of treatment
Your health and wellness is important to us. Disclosure of all medical conditions and health concerns prior to your first session will assist our Lymphatic therapists in determining if L.E.T. is an appropriate therapy for your individual needs and concerns.

Certain pre-diagnosed conditions may require you to obtain a doctor’s approval prior to treatment. Get in touch or call us to book an appointment.