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Author: Dr. Debra Muth

Struggling with obesity?

Are your patients obese? Sadly many Americans today suffer from obesity.  It has become an epidemic in our country and for some it becomes a battle not worth fighting.  Many people fall on and off the wagon and engage in fad diets and binge eating, creating more problems. Obesity and weight control is a lifelong commitment!

As Americans we have become accustomed to large portion sizes and if we do not get them, we feel we didn’t get our moneys worth. 

Our diet is high in toxic calorie dense foods. These foods are inexpensive and effectively advertised to all of us. The busy lifestyles that Americans live prevent many from cooking for themselves.  So off to the drive thru they go!

Excessive caloric intake causes our blood glucose, insulin, cholesterol, fat, homocysteine and other pro-inflammatory hormones to rise.  Consuming excessive calories reduces our life span by the development of age related diseases.

If your patients have tried many programs and continue to fall victim to the battle of the bulge you will want to read more about the various metabolic effects of obesity. 

I have used many different programs in my practice over the years and honestly have found only one or two that effectively restores balance to the body.

The Essence of Health and Vitality program includes a purification program that teaches people to eat properly and purify the body.  This is the best purification program I have ever worked with!  This program was created by Standard Process Inc.  

Patients can begin to identify bad habits such as over consumption or making poor food choices and learn new ones.  Patients can complete a questionnaire to determine if they need the purification program.

These protocols can grow your practice by offering your patients weight loss, healthy lifestyle and stellar supplements.  I create a New Year’s program every January when patients are ready to start a diet program. 

It is a cash program so patients are not reluctant because they have not met their deductible yet!

How many of these patients are in your practice?  Do you want to help more people feel better and control their symptoms?  You need to learn about reversing obesity! 

This can significantly grow your practice and allow you to become the expert in your area!

Protocols such as these and many others can grow your practice!  If you are interested in providing quality nutritional supplements to your patients learning quality protocols is essential.

CLICK HERE to read more about a weight loss program that can change lives


Are your patients concerned about hot flashes, night sweats, and cognitive dysfunction?  Are they losing sleep?  Experiencing weight gain?  They are suffering from symptoms of female hormone imbalances; ask them to complete the hormone questionnaire.

The transition to menopause can be a time of reflection and inspiration. Although transitions of any kind can be inherently difficult, many women experience a newfound sense of freedom and anticipate personal growth.

“Menopause is a time of great change – it is the adolescence of older age but better than adolescence of youth because menopausal women have confidence and experience.” (unknown)

Women begin to experience hormonal changes beginning in their late 30’s to early 40’s; however, many may not actually notice symptoms until their mid to late 40’s.

Menopause is the topic of discussion these days.  It is estimated that by 2015, 50% of the women in this country will be menopausal.  My practice is made up of 90% menopausal women.  I have created a million dollar practice working with these women, and find it inspiring and rewarding.

I would love to share this opportunity with you and provide  the knowledge and skills needed for you  to create the same thing.  How many of these patients are in your practice?  Do you want to help more people feel better and control their symptoms? 

You need to learn about balancing Female Menopause. This can significantly grow your practice and allow you to become the expert in your area.

If you are interested in providing quality nutritional supplements to your patients, learning quality protocols is essential.

CLICK HERE to purchase Hormones

CLICK HERE to read more about Menopause

FIND OUT more about Dr. Muth’s Menopause Workshop

The most important step to creating a Healthy & Vital Practice is to work from your heart

  1. It is important to get in touch with why you practice.   It is perfectly honorable to say we are in this for financial abundance.  However, most of us work in this field because we believe in what we do and want to help others create a healthy & vital life style.
  2. Create time for yourself!  I believe this is the second most important step to creating the Healthy & Vital Practice.  If you burn out you cannot be present for your patients, every day. It is essential to take time every day for you, even if it is just a few moments.   Take a vacation at least once a year and attend a conference or two to expand your knowledge base.
  3. Imagine your ideal practice!  Then create it! This might mean you work four days a week and see ten patients a day (this might vary depending on your profession).
  4. Find your specialty and then become an expert in that field. To become an expert in the area of your choice attend seminars, read books, and or listen to educational CD’s.
  5. Attract the type of patients you want. There are a number of ways to do this.  An inexpensive way is to network with your colleagues.  Provide them with a brief statement of your practice.  This includes a brief review of the patients your practice cares for, along with success stories.  If you have any events scheduled, invite your colleagues.  It’s important to let your colleagues know how you can help their practice.
  6. Educate your current patients about new services.  This can be done easily by offering free seminars or discussion groups.
  7. If you have not yet introduced supplements this is imperative!  Supplements at the local health food store are not the quality needed to create biochemical changes.  There are companies that create pharmaceutical grade supplements called Nutraceuticals.  These companies only sell to health care practitioners.  As an integrative practitioner it is essential to learn how to use these supplements.  This is how you help your patients create health and vitality.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Hormone Rejuvenation Provided for Women and Men

The transition to menopause can be a time of reflection and inspiration. Although transitions of any kind can be inherently difficult, many women experience a newfound sense of freedom and anticipate personal growth.

“Menopause is a time of great change – it is the adolescence of older age but better than adolescence of youth because menopausal women have confidence and experience.”

Women begin to experience hormonal changes beginning in their late 30’s to early 40’s, however many women will not actually notice symptoms from these changes until their mid to late 40’s.

Some Symptoms experienced with hormonal disruption:

  • Hot Flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
  • Weight Gain
  • Painful Intercourse
  • Decreased Sexual Desire
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Mood Swings
  • Loss of Scalp Hair
  • Increased Facial Hair

An estimated two million women are now benefiting from natural and Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy!

Hormone Replacement Therapy offers a relief from the symptoms caused by hormone depletion they provide protective benefits from age related diseases and establish proper balance of the hormones on a cellular level.

What are Bio-identical Hormones?

Bio-identical hormones have the same molecular structure that human hormones contain and are intended to replicate the same messages sent to the 60 trillion cells and receptors in the body.  Bio-identical hormones are intended to replace decreasing hormones due to the aging process, stress, disease, medication and surgery.

If you are interested in implementing these therapies call Serenity Health Care Center at 262-522-8640. 

If you are curious about what Bio-identical hormone therapy can do for you, please attend one of our seminars to learn more. Get in touch!

Radiation Exposure

Are you concerned about the radiation exposure that is happening in Japan?

Did you know that there are underground nucuelar storage right here in WI? I have had a few calls requesting information about protecting yourself from this exposure. It is true that the winds can blow particles up to 1500 miles away, so it is possible on a windy day for others in different states to become affected by this.

Here are a few suggestions to protect yourself:

  • Take a small amount of iodine daily or eat fresh organic sea vegetables that are high in iodine.
  • If you cannot take iodine a homeopathic remedy called Radium would be helpful for some as well.
  • Please check with your doctor before starting any of these suggestions.