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Author: Dr. Debra Muth

Successful Weight Loss

The most successful aging discovery was made in 1935.  History was made when animal studies proved that if fed a calorie restricted diet they achieved an extended mean and maximum life span along with delayed age-related diseases.

Since this study 75 years ago many other studies have validated the evidence that proper nutrition induced profound anti-aging effects.  When humans consume a calorie restricted diet, conventional blood markers of aging such as glucose (blood sugar) and cholesterol levels lower.

We all eat too much

As American’s we have become accustomed to large portion sizes and when if we do not get them we feel we are not getting our money’s worth.  Our diet is high in toxic calorie dense foods.   They are inexpensive and effective advertised everywhere we go.

Excessive calorie intake causes our blood glucose, insulin, cholesterol, fat, homocysteine and other pro-inflammatory hormones to rise.  Consuming excessive calories reduces our life span by the development of age related diseases.

Reduce the Number calories consumed and absorbed

Foods eaten must first be broken down by digestive enzymes before they are absorbed into our bloodstream.  Certain foods are absorbed more quickly than others and some are converted into sugar more quickly, spiking the insulin level.  This process can cause metabolic syndrome over time. 

The first action to prevent age related diseases is to reduce the number of calories one consumes in a day.

Improve your gene expression

Along with the calorie restriction diet, gene expression favors youthfulness.  Overeating induces pathologic gene expression favoring the onset of diseases and accelerating the aging process. 

There are now tests that can assist in identifying nutrients that mimic beneficial gene expression observed during calorie restriction which can assist in successful weight loss and ongoing management.

Moderate calorie restriction –It’s not as difficult as you may think!

For many people overeating has become an addiction no differently than a drug addiction.  There are several medications and nutrients that can assist us in reducing the hunger pains and carbohydrate cravings. 

It does not take long for the cravings disappear and you find yourself enjoying fresh whole foods like fruits and vegetables.

A Functional Medical Approach to Aging

Successful Aging

What defines successful aging?  It is different than anti-aging which refers to reversing the aging process. Successful aging is keeping the body as healthy as possible.  There are many ways to accomplish this, but there is no magic pill. With proper anti-aging approaches, your patients can feel and look 60 years old when they are 80.

These protocols require a commitment to lifestyle and dietary changes, and stress management in order to be successful.

Balancing successful aging

Life cannot be managed without proper balance.  The body needs balance, just as we balance our day. Patients primary concern is how tired they feel; this may be a direct result of hectic lifestyles.  Obviously, fatigue may be caused by physical reasons as well: viruses, bacterial infections, hormonal imbalance, and thyroid dysfunction, are just a few. 

Learning to identify the root cause of patient symptoms and developing individual programs will restore balance to your patient’s lives.


For centuries, traditional medicine has believed that food is thy medicine. One way to attain this goal is to consume organic foods as often as possible. Consuming 50% organic food would significantly assist in the aging process. 

Avoid processed foods as much as possible; this is key to rejuvenation.

Cook at home and eat whole foods at least 80% of the time. 

Last, but certainly not least, it is most important to have FUN!  Laugh daily and enjoy life, doing what brings you pleasure. Learn to relax.


As practitioners, it is important you carry pharmaceutical grade supplements. The quality of products we carry must be tested for ingredients and quality. 

If using supplements to assist in successful aging, the products we use must be exactly what we need. I carry Standard Process, a whole food supplement that assists the body in re-balancing, without depleting one nutrient while building another. 

For some people, vitamins from whole food are not an option; therefore we offer the best of several alternative lines. 

As with other protocols, the nutrients we use are specific to each individual and their conditions. 

To learn more about Standard Process, visit:

If you are interested in implementing functional medicine into your practice and would like to learn more about preserving aging, attend one of our seminars. 

Learn to restore the body completely and naturally, contact Serenity Health Center today.

Science of Success

5 tips for creating positive mental attitude for your business

We respond better to success than we do failures:

  1. Create a positive attitude
  2. Practice success! Don’t let negativity rule
  3. In order to be successful it is important to focus on and understand what went well and the good reasons why it wasn’t successful
  4. Learn to experience success
  5. Celebrate Success

There are millions of documents written on how to succeed from failure.  It is possible to learn great lessons from life’s challenges. Sometimes it takes several attempts at a project before success is achieved.

Have you ever had a golf game that presented with several distinct challenges and it just so happened that everything you do with those challenges went perfectly? Then, the next day, you go to play that same course and all of a sudden every stroke you make leaves you further behind. You can’t seem to get the motion going. 

There is a brain-based reason for this experience. The more aware of it you are, the more you can create success momentum in your business.

Earl Miller of MIT and Mark Histed of Harvard found that our neurons retain memory and become more finely tuned when we succeed, but they don’t when we are unsuccessful.

There is a difference between the absence of success and the presence of failure. For instance, when a mistake leads to a negative consequence, we have a tendency to learn from it and change the response.

In this outcome we don’t necessarily learn what to do, but we learn what not to do.

On the other hand, when there is absence of success with no apparent mistakes (you lose money in the stock market but have nothing tangibly to do with it), nothing appears to change in the brain, and relatively little–if any–learning takes place.

When you’re learning something new and you have a success, even a small one, your brain gets reward from the pleasure neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is used to thicken the neural pathways needed to learn a new skill. Your brain is drawn to activities that will provide you those little pleasures. It is possible to become addicted to success!

The best news is that the more you succeed, the longer your brain retains the proper information to help you succeed again.

The implications can be enormous for you and your business! We now know that when you celebrate success it gets repeated, and the more you celebrate it, the more of that behavior you get.

This can be seen in what is now taught as the Secret or the Vortex. It is now a proven theory known as the law of attraction. Look for ways you can make small success in your business. 

Choose successes that everyone in the business can participate in. This is a good way to get the snowball of success and high morale rolling when things are going badly.

Get your head positively in the game! When you make a mistake, don’t allow negativity to rule you.

Stay positive!

Be excited to get another chance to make it right.

Focus on and plan the next turn.

Put in neuroscience terms, if you become mired in negativity, the stress hormone cortisol bathes your brain and blocks access to the part of the brain that breeds success. You become more and more frustrated and will continue to make mistakes.

Take a break! When you can come at the challenge with a new and positive perspective, you are primed to try it again!

Nothing replaces practice! When you achieve success, mimic the very same behavior again relatively quickly after the last success. You’ll build thicker neural pathways for the successful behaviors. In essence, practice, practice, and practice the art of success.

That’s why you see golfers hit ball after ball on a driving range. Focus on the attempts you get right; ignore the wrong ones.

Celebrate! If you’re trying to teach someone a new skill, you celebrate their successes and ignore their mistakes unless the failure is going to be harmful.

Positive feedback is like cash in the bank. The old adage is true: “People have a tendency to become what we encourage them to be, not what we nag them to be.” As a leader, catch your patients doing things right and make sure you let them know they did a great job, regardless of how small the accomplishment. Give them on-the-spot feedback so that they get a big dopamine hit. Don’t wait for each appointment find ways to compliment their good work on a regular basis. 

Teach your staff to be positive and provide encouraging words.  An important activity as a success chief will be to immediately provide feedback when your staff or patients do something right! Get good and consistent at it!

There are few things as exciting as breeding success, especially when you know you can do it deliberately!  If you want to be the titan of your industry and high rate at success, keep working at it.

Notice when you and others get it right and do it again and again. Good entrepreneur. Celebrate!

Thyroid Dysfunction

Thyroid hormone helps the body convert food into energy, regulates metabolism, and body temperature.  It also assists in proper function of the brain, memory and mood.  Thyroid imbalances can create a wide variety of problems.

Studies show that currently 52 million Americans are affected by Thyroid dysfunction.  Approximately 10% of the population is not diagnosed with Thyroid dysfunction and suffer from clinical symptoms.  This scenario is described as clinical or subclinical thyroid dysfunction.

There are multiple reasons which cause the thyroid to become imbalanced resulting in a reduction in thyroid hormones such as; chemical exposures, autoimmune dysfunction, age, medication, and nutritional deficiencies.

TSH or Thyroid Stimulating Hormone is a test used by all conventionally trained practitioners to determine if thyroid is functioning properly.  This test has been utilized since 1973.  This test actually measures a hormone from the pituitary gland, not the thyroid.  A feedback loop within the body is what determines how much hormone to produce in response to the level of hormone circulating in the bloodstream.

The normal range for TSH has been lowered several times over the years.  Currently, the AACE, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist recommend a TSH level of 0.3-2.0.  Many patients are still not being treated based on these guidelines. Most are being treated based on the old guidelines using a TSH level up to 4.5 or 5.0 as the cut off.  This leaves many people untreated and symptomatic.

If a person suffers from an autoimmune thyroid disease the TSH level can be within the normal range.  The antibodies attack the thyroid causing symptoms of underactive or hypothyroid.  It is estimated that 1out of 5 American’s suffer from thyroid disease.

The human thyroid produces T4, T3, T2, T1 and calcitonin.  For almost 100 years, practitioners have used porcine thyroid to treat the symptoms of thyroid disease.  The treatment was increased until symptoms were relieved.  Today we still use similar treatment protocols, however, caution is taken not to overdose the patient.

In the 1960’s Dr. Broda Barnes proved that when thyroid function was not adequate, cholesterol levels would raise, but once Thyroid hormone replacement was given these levels fell.

Dr. John C. Lowe has documented a clear relationship between fibromyalgia and thyroid function.  Many fibromyalgia patients benefit from thyroid treatment that includes T3 hormone.  It is important for people to receive a combined product that contains both T4 and T3 especially when the body cannot make the appropriate conversion.

The function of the thyroid gland is to take iodine from foods and convert it into thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).  Thyroid cells are the only cells in the body which can absorb iodine.  There is a combination of iodine and the amino acid tyrosine to make T3 and T4, these are then released into the blood stream and are transported throughout the body where they control metabolism.  Every cell in the body depends on these hormones for regulation of various metabolisms.

What is the thyroid gland?

The thyroid gland is a small gland, normally weighing less than an ounce located in the front of the neck.  It is separated into two halves which are known as lobes.  This gland is situated just below the “Adams apple”.

What does the thyroid gland do?

  1. It is responsible for controlling the rate of which energy is converted from food.  It regulates digestion, oxygen consumption, and mobilization from fat storage.
  2. It is involved in every process conducted by the body.  In a healthy balanced body the thyroid gland helps increase the activity of virtually all organs, glands, and cells.
  3. The Thyroid gland assists in regulating body temperature by regulating heat and energy production.
  4. In children, it assists in controlling the body’s rate of growth as well as brain development.  It has a direct affect in determining IQ.
  5. It assists in regulating mood and emotion by balancing brain chemistry.
  6. The thyroid has an important role in immune function.

What are the major effects of thyroid hormone?

Basal metabolism and temperature regulation is controlled by thyroid function.

Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism is affected by thyroid function.

The Nervous system is affected by the various levels of thyroid hormone produced.

Cardiovascular system is balanced with proper thyroid hormone production.  The hearts ability to pump efficiently is affected by the amount of thyroid hormone produced.

The Muscular system is affected by thyroid production.  When the levels are low, muscle weakness and pain is noted.

In the Skeletal system the thyroid assists in maintaining proper growth and maturation of the skeleton.

The Gastrointestinal system is affected by becoming sluggish or over stimulated depending on the amount of hormone being produced.

The Reproductive system is affected by causing irregular ovulation and menstruation based on the amount of hormone produced.

The Integumentary system is balanced with proper hydration based on the amount of hormone produced by the thyroid gland.

Symptoms of Hypothyroid (Low Thyroid) may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight
  • Coarse, dry hair
  • Dry, rough pale skin
  • Hair loss
  • Cold intolerance
  • Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Memory loss
  • Abnormal menstrual cycles
  • Decreased libido

Types of Thyroid Replacement

The oldest type of thyroid supplement is desiccated thyroid, commonly known as Armour Thyroid.  This thyroid replacement contains T4 (Thyroxine) which has four iodine atoms per molecule, and Free T3 the (unbound) portion of triiodothyronine which is believed to be responsible for the biological action. Approximately 20% of T3 is produced by the thyroid gland with the remainder produced through conversion of T4 in the body.  In order for this conversion to be effective the body needs trace minerals and iodine.

Various nutritional deficiencies, medications and diseases can interfere with conversion of the T4/T3 process.  The following chart is an example of things that affect this conversion process.

Nutritional Def. Medications Other
Chromium Beta Blockers Aging
Copper Birth Control Pills Alcohol
Iodine Estrogen Lipoic Acid
Iron Iodinated contrast Diabetes
Iron Lithium Fluoride
Selenium Phyenytoin Lead
Zinc Steroids Mercury
Vitamin A Theophylline Pesticides

T4 is a common thyroid supplement which has been used in conventional practices for over 40 years.  Each of these products should be standardized.  The common drug names for these products are Levothroid, Levoxyl, Synthroid, and Unithroid.  These products contain Inactive ingredients which include cornstarch, lactose, and dyes which contain Aluminum Lake.

Studies show that replacement with T4 known as levothyroxine may not be effective.  If a person cannot convert T4 to T3 patients treated with Levothyroxine have a tendency to be left with many of the symptoms they had prior to treatment.  People may need a combined T4/T3 for optimal management of symptoms.

Products which contain combined T4/T3 are Armour, Naturthroid, Thyrolar, and Westhroid.  These are glandular products that have been around for over a 100 years.   The inactive ingredients include cornstarch.  People with corn sensitivity may not tolerate these natural thyroid products.

Glandular thyroid replacement is a controversial treatment because it was believed to have inconsistent results in controlling the TSH level.  Armour had a dextrose base making it a good sublingual dosing product until 2009 when it was reformulated to contain a cornstarch base.

Cytomel is the most commonly used T3 supplement.  It is not the best T3 supplement because it has a short half life, 95% of the drug is absorbed within four hours.  Therefore it should be dosed three to four times a day to obtain consistent blood levels.  It contains talc as a base which has been known to cause cancer when used in higher amounts.

The Holistic Approach to diagnosing and treating hypothyroidism

Differs from standard conventional model where we rely only on blood tests.  This approach consists of a complete blood panel which includes TSH, T2, T4, and Thyroid Antibodies.  A complete medical history is taken and patients are asked to obtain a minimum of three to four body temperatures so they can be averaged.  If the temperatures are below normal with symptoms the diagnosis for hypothyroid can be made.  A physical exam looking specifically the signs of hypothyroid disease is conducting along with an evaluation of nutrient deficiencies.

Physical signs of hypothyroidism

  • Lack of Eyebrow growth, known as the “Sign of Hertoghe.”
  • Periorbital edema
  • Diminished sweating
  • Cold skin
  • Thick tongue
  • palpitations
  • Slow speech
  • Headaches
  • Coarse hair
  • Ridges on nails
  • Pale skin
  • Weight gain
  • Loss of hair
  • Swollen feet

Individualized Hypothyroid Treatment

Patients who suffer from autoimmune thyroid feel better on a non-corn derived source.  Patients with chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia do better on a non-corn derived source.    Patients who suffer from depression respond better to higher T4 preparations.

Nutritional support is necessary when treating patients with thyroid disease.  The following are the basic nutrients needed.

  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • B-vitamins-non synthetic source
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin A-not Beta Carotene
  • Iodine
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium –non carbonate unavailable calcium adds to hypothyroid

You now have the basic information to assist your patients in restoring thyroid function from a functional medical approach.  Can you imagine helping half of the 52 million people who are currently not treated properly with thyroid disease?  What would that mean to your practice, your revenue, your reputation?  Functional and Nutritional Protocols can be utilized in those patients who are not properly treated for thyroid disease.

If this type of approach interests you but you feel that you need more information on thyroid dysfunction you can either download my MP3 “How Your Thyroid Works” or sign up for my free teleconference on Thyroid disease or attend my seminar “Staying Ahead of Thyroid Disease. ”

Midwest June 3, 2010

Adrenal Fatigue: Diagnosis & Treatment

Are your patients suffering with a sluggish, low energy life? “Are they telling you they are tired or being tired?” Do they complain of cold intolerance, weight gain, poor memory, or sleep disorders?  Are they depressed or overly anxious, with low libido, blood pressure problems, or circulation problems?  Have they been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia or headaches?

If any of these descriptions fit your patients, they may suffer from Adrenal Fatigue, also known as “low metabolic energy syndrome.”  

This condition prevents the body from supplying enough energy, and may be mistaken for thyroid disease, because the symptoms are similar. Often, a thyroid hormone is prescribed; however, many people do not get complete relief from this treatment.

My approach is simple and effective; restore adrenal function.

Patient symptoms range from mild to severe. Patients with mild symptoms need to dedicate three to six months to the Essence of Health and Vitality Program; those with moderate to severe symptoms need to dedicate one to three years.

This commitment can be difficult for patients, as many want a pill “to be better now.”  Adrenal Fatigue is not a quick fix, as the entire body needs to be supported.

In my patient population, 90% suffer from some level of Adrenal Fatigue. When explained, almost all are surprised they have never heard of this, making education imperative.

Once patients complete the Adrenal questionnaire, they recognize the diagnosis is correct, and you should expect sincere commitment from them.

Be prepared for patients to become angry once they begin the treatment protocol and begin to feel better. Angry because they suffered so long, with no other doctor recognizing the problem and treating them. Angry, that they could have felt better with a small change from supplements and lifestyle habits.

This creates a lot of questions about health care in general, providing you with great credibility!

How many of these patients are in your practice?  Do you want to help more people feel better and control their symptoms?  

Learn about balancing Adrenal Fatigue! This can significantly grow your practice and allow you to become the expert in your area!

Click Here to read more on Adrenal Fatigue

Feeling old?

Successful Aging

Are your patients concerned about slowing the aging process? Have they tried all the creams and lotions and still complain about aging?  As an innovative anti-aging and restorative medicine doctor, I offer many protocols and supplements to patients to prevent them from feeling old.  It is true we cannot stop aging, but we can slow the process and control what we look and feel like while we are aging.  This is restorative aging!  Click here to have your patients complete a questionnaire on rapid aging.

What defines successful aging?  Successful aging is keeping the body as healthy as possible;  there is no magic pill.   However, with the Essence of Health and Vitality Program, patients will restore health from the inside out.  When patients eat right, reduce stress, and move the body daily, restorative aging is accomplished.

With proper restorative aging protocols, your patients can look and feel 60 years old when they are 80.  These protocols require a commitment to lifestyle changes.  Most patients are willing to make these changes with support.

How many of these patients are in your practice?  Do you want to help more people feel better and control their symptoms?  Learn about reversing aging.  This can significantly grow your practice and allow you to become the expert in your area.

If you are interested in providing quality nutritional supplements to your patients, knowledge of quality protocols is essential.

CLICK HERE to read more about successful aging

Sexually Imbalanced?

Are your patients dissatisfied with their sex life?  Do they complain of a decreased sex drive?  Would you like to have tools and answers to assist these women and men in restoring their sex life? click here to have your patients complete a questionnaire about sexual imbalance.

I hear this from 50% my female patients on a daily basis!  If you provide women with a safe environment they will share this concern with you. Then all you need to do is listen, they will tell you everything!

For many women it takes more than a willing body for optimum sexual desire.  The mind is actually the most important sex organ in the body!  Little information is provided in the literature regarding the enhancement of a person’s sexual pleasure through power of the mind. 

For that matter, little is available in literature regarding medications or supplements that assist in increasing female sexual desire, or at least anything that really works.

It is my belief that women can have restored sexual function when they take part in the Essence for Health and Vitality program which will teach them to reduce the stress and learn to be comfortable once again. 

Many women have changes in desire after the delivery of their children or during menopause.  I can teach you and your patients in restoring the sexual life they want!

How many of these patients are in your practice?  Do you want to help more people feel better and control of their symptoms?  You need to learn about reversing sexual dysfunction! 

This can significantly grow your practice and allow you to become the expert in your area!

If you are interested in providing quality nutritional supplements to your patients learning quality protocols is essential.

Stop stressing and start living! NOW!

We certainly cannot avoid all of life’s little stressors, but we can definitely outsmart them!  Listed below are five tips to decode the body’s natural stress responses and get started on the path to contentment.

Many of the stressors we experience come from an accumulation of stressful events in a our lives.   Many people have been living under extreme stress for a long time, therefore they do not even realize they are experiencing stress.

We often talk about the cave man days when our primary goals are to find dinner or to avoid being dinner!  Our nervous system could handle this brief period of stress followed by a restful period of time which provided needed recovery.  Today, life is very different.  We have exposure to large amounts of stress daily with minimal to no down time, therefore not allowing the body to recovery.

Women are prone to superstress because women have a greater number of chemical stress receptors, which enable women to be hyperaware of the potential threats to their children.

A key factor to our stress response is the level of cortisol, a hormone excreted by the adrenal glands during events of high stress.  When a person is under stress every day cortisol levels continue to stay high.  When the body can no longer respond to the stressful events, eventually minimal amounts of cortisol is produced minimal to no cortisol.  When the body cannot provide proper cortisol amounts severe fatigue, weight gain and forgetfulness occurs.

Unfortunately, we cannot eliminate stress completely in our lives but we can control our response to stress levels.  Here are five suggestions for handling the biggest stressors.

  1. The warning bell rings!  This is a signal to stop doing what you are doing.  You need a change in lifestyle. This is usually triggered by an illness, anxiety, depression or a list of possible events.
  2. Find a solution to the problems.  It is easier to find a positive solution then focus on the negatives of the problem.  Realize that the solution to a problem does not have to be found immediately.  Many chronic life stressors can be put aside until you can find a positive way to deal with them.
  3. Know when to say “NO!” In today’s society, women especially, have a difficult time saying no.  We take on much more than we can actually accomplish causing more stress.  Our children do not need to be in every activity.  We do not need to be part of every committee.  Most of us are taking care of our parents too.  Our responsibilities for our families are first of course but we still go to work and take in even more projects there!  We need to look at what is important and learn to balance our time accordingly.
  4. Set up rituals that provide enjoyment.  Many of us no longer have fun! We have forgotten how.   It is important to find fun in your life, regardless of how minimal it may seem.  If you enjoy playing in the garden, or taking a causal Sunday afternoon walk.  These are things that should be done to provide you with relaxation thereby help to restore your body.

Keep friends and family close.  Those that do not add to your stress level!  Family and friends can be very helpful to your busy lifestyle.  Sharing chores with family and friends makes life easier and assists in reducing the stress.

Are you suffering from tension?

There appears to be a new disease called Tension!  Many of Americans suffer from this condition.  Many people are tense and anxious, nervous and frustrated.  Do you suffer from dry mouth, or feel like you are suffocating?  Does your stomach feel like its in knots or spasms?  Is chronic muscle cramps part of your daily routine?

The first place to look for a cure is to check for a mineral deficiency.  The simple cure can be mineral nutrition.  Minerals are the major controllers over the nervous system. The alkaline minerals come primarily from greens. 

The primary alkaline minerals are potassium and magnesium. 

These minerals support the parasympathetic nervous system.  The parasympathetic nervous system keeps you calm and helps slow down your body and mind.

The acid minerals come primarily from grains which are part of the typical American Diet.  The predominant acid mineral is phosphorus.  The acid minerals tend to support the sympathetic nervous system. 

This system keeps you going.  Obviously, a balanced nervous system provides a person with plenty of energy, yet allows one to be calm, rested, and peaceful.

We are a country of people who are tense and anxious.  Too many people eat too many grains and too few vegetables.

The common American diet supplies too many acid minerals and too few alkaline minerals, leading to a nation of tense, spastic, dried out, and crampy people.

The treatment of choice for the conventional medical community is tranquilizers.  STOP!  Organically bound minerals can become your next best friend.

Struggling with obesity?

Are your patients obese? Sadly many Americans today suffer from obesity.  It has become an epidemic in our country and for some it becomes a battle not worth fighting.  Many people fall on and off the wagon and engage in fad diets and binge eating, creating more problems. Obesity and weight control is a lifelong commitment!

As Americans we have become accustomed to large portion sizes and if we do not get them, we feel we didn’t get our moneys worth. 

Our diet is high in toxic calorie dense foods. These foods are inexpensive and effectively advertised to all of us. The busy lifestyles that Americans live prevent many from cooking for themselves.  So off to the drive thru they go!

Excessive caloric intake causes our blood glucose, insulin, cholesterol, fat, homocysteine and other pro-inflammatory hormones to rise.  Consuming excessive calories reduces our life span by the development of age related diseases.

If your patients have tried many programs and continue to fall victim to the battle of the bulge you will want to read more about the various metabolic effects of obesity. 

I have used many different programs in my practice over the years and honestly have found only one or two that effectively restores balance to the body.

The Essence of Health and Vitality program includes a purification program that teaches people to eat properly and purify the body.  This is the best purification program I have ever worked with!  This program was created by Standard Process Inc.  

Patients can begin to identify bad habits such as over consumption or making poor food choices and learn new ones.  Patients can complete a questionnaire to determine if they need the purification program.

These protocols can grow your practice by offering your patients weight loss, healthy lifestyle and stellar supplements.  I create a New Year’s program every January when patients are ready to start a diet program. 

It is a cash program so patients are not reluctant because they have not met their deductible yet!

How many of these patients are in your practice?  Do you want to help more people feel better and control their symptoms?  You need to learn about reversing obesity! 

This can significantly grow your practice and allow you to become the expert in your area!

Protocols such as these and many others can grow your practice!  If you are interested in providing quality nutritional supplements to your patients learning quality protocols is essential.

CLICK HERE to read more about a weight loss program that can change lives