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Author: Dr. Debra Muth

The Dirty Dozen

It is time for all of us to take the issue of toxic food more serious. There are certain foods that are more toxic than others. The growth and development of our unborn children and the health and genetics of our existing population and our great, great, great-grandchildren are in danger.

Please visit for the current list of the Dirty Dozen and share with everyone you know. If it feels right to you consider joining the fight to force our government to enforce rules to protect us.


For over 15 years, the ONDAMED has transformed many thousands of lives throughout the world.

This unique technology locates underlying dysfunction and it simultaneously provides specific treatment for each patient.

ONDAMED’s specific pulsed electro-magnetic fields used in combination with Pulse Biofeedback jump-starts cellular repair and regeneration.

ONDAMED Therapists throughout Europe have been using ONDAMED for over 10 years with great success. Now we have this amazing opportunity to provide this same treatment her in the United States. Serenity’s practitioners have been trained to deliver this unique treatment

“Today was officially the last day of Elijah’s Bio-Terrain Therapy. When he started this therapy, his Lyme was chronic. He had joint and muscle pain that was severe and kept him home bound for the most part. He was like an old man. After just a few of the treatments, he was joking and teasing people. I know that he is much happier and so much more active.

He has such a better attitude as well. His Ondamed scan (a type of pulse biofeedback) did not even note Lyme as an issue which is incredible. He’s still not 100% better, but he has been sick for a very long time and still has much healing and strengthening ahead. This therapy has basically encouraged his body to start healing on its own using bio-magnet pairing. The only side effects for him have been when there is die-off and the toxins struggle to leave his system. This was helped through the ionic foot baths which removed toxins.  I am just so grateful that I have gotten my son back!”  – Bio-Terrain Patient

Ondamed has been used clinical to treat a variety of conditions which include but are not limited to:

  • Chronic and Acute Pain; Fibromyalgia, neuropathy, arthritis, headaches, migraines, nerve pain
  • Mood disorders
  • Addiction
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Osteoporosis
  • Stress reduction
  • Weight management
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Adhesion’s & Scar tissue
  • Digestive Issues; IBS, Constipation
  • Endocrine disorders: Hormones & Glandular imbalance
  • Insomnia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fracture
  • Acute and chronic viral conditions
  • Lyme disease
  • Bronchitis/Colds

These are just a few areas that the Ondamed machine can assist in balancing. Healing is a complex process many modalities are involved in creating a healing environment. Your practitioner can use this biofeedback machine to assist in your healing process.

Call Serenity today to ask how Ondamed can help you as well 262-522-8640 or email us here.

Integrative Health care Symposium

I have had the pleasure of lecturing at the Integrative Health Care Symposium this weekend in NYC. I lectured on the Endocrine Disruptors and how they mimic our hormonal system. I also was part of the Women’s Health Endocrinology panel with Dr. Geer and Dr. Cabeca. This was an awesome experience. I will later post some of my lecture notes for all of you that might be interested in learning about detoxification.

Thank you to IHS and I look forward to speaking next year as well. I have learned so much. I will keep posting different things that I learned this weekend with you all.

Radiation Exposure

Are you concerned about the radiation exposure that is happening in Japan?

Did you know that there are underground nucuelar storage right here in WI? I have had a few calls requesting information about protecting yourself from this exposure. It is true that the winds can blow particles up to 1500 miles away, so it is possible on a windy day for others in different states to become affected by this.

Here are a few suggestions to protect yourself:

  • take a small amount of iodine daily or eat fresh organic sea vegetables that are high in iodine.
  • If you cannot take iodine a homeopathic remedy called Radium would be helpful for some as well.
  • Please check with your doctor before starting any of these suggestions.

What do you think about placing microchips in our pills?

Microchips in our pills?

I just read this article about Novartis working on technology to place microchips into our prescription drugs. By doing this they will be able to track every move we make right down to what we eat, when we sleep, and what we do in the bathroom. I don’t know about you all, but I think this is crazy.

Do you not have any privacy anymore? This is as bad as trying to microchip our arms so we can access our bank accounts. I would love to hear what you think about this concept.

Corporate Wellness

In 2010, mid-size company healthcare costs increased up to 21% and averaged $7200.00 per employee, per year. Investing in a prevention program to assist in minimizing the risk of illness and disease can reduce health care costs. The Surgeon General’s office reported that 70% of all illnesses are due to lifestyle-related causes.  At least 50% of medical costs are attributable to illnesses that can be prevented.

Serenity offers ways for companies to provide fitness services and wellness education today. We customize our programs to meet the needs of your company. Together, we help your employees make the everyday work experience more productive and positive.

If you are interested in learning about our corporate wellness programs please call Serenity to speak with our, Corporate Wellness Coordinator Elise Trasser 262-522-8640.

Weight Management

Serenity Health Care Center will help you to achieve your optimal weight goals.

Many people suffer from obesity in America.  Over the past twenty-five years our diets have changed dramatically.  We have become a fast food society even though we know we should be eating healthier.  There is more to weight loss than calories in calories out.  When the body has been exposed to a lifetime of dieting, large amounts of sugar and carbohydrates damage to the hypothalamus occurs.  It is important to detoxify the body and repair the body from a lifetime of poor habits.

Serenity Health care has several weight loss programs for any person looking to lose the excess weight.  It does not matter if you have ten pounds or one-hundred and ten pounds to lose we will work with you.

Everyone is unique and we want you to be successful. For some of our patients merely getting their hormones in balance, or treating adrenal fatigue and thyroid conditions is enough help for them to lose weight. Others have been challenged with weight issues for many years and require a different type of support.  We offer weight management programs that utilize hypnosis, detoxification, and Dr. Simenon’s protocol using HCG.  Our bariatric program will assist you with all your weight loss needs.

HCG Weight Loss Program

Dr. Muth was one of the first practitioners in Wisconsin to offer the popular diet program developed from Dr. Simeon’s known as the HCG diet.  Dr. Muth has been using this protocol for over five years successfully helping people reach their goal weight.  Our structured program can be adapted to help anyone that is committed to losing weight and changing their lives.

Our staff has been professionally trained and many have personally used this program.  They are happy to reassure interested patients that they do not feel hungry, and they have energy. What is most exciting; this program eliminates your abnormal body fat, targeting those difficult areas.  This program is not for someone with less than ten pounds to lose. The program requires commitment of a restricted diet followed by a maintenance program that will teach you how to maintain your new weight.

At Serenity Health Care Center we offer patient’s the support needed to complete the HCG program. This program is based on a healthy eating approach, detoxification, and a medical evaluation with appropriate follow-up.  For those who struggle with emotional eating Hypnosis and Auricular Acupuncture is offered to assist with any complications that may arise.  Most of all our staff will be there for you every step of the way.

Dr. Oz review HCG see what he has to say.  Dr. Muth follows the same recommendations as the expert Dr. Oz interviewed.

Individual Weight Loss Plans

Serenity Health Care Center is also able to offer weight loss plans that are customized for you.  Our lifestyle coach is happy to work with you. Some plans may include supplemental support; others may just involve behavior modification. Our bariatric program includes evaluation of cholesterol levels, blood sugar and sleep apnea.  We look at all the possibilities that not only cause your weight loss but many of the health problems that are a result of the excess weight.

If you need assistance in reaching your goal weight once and for all feel free to call Serenity to set up an appointment to find the right weight loss program for you, 262-522-8640.

Thyroid Dysfunction

Are you suffering from Hypothyroid?

Are you suffering from thyroid dysfunction and receive treatment, but still not feel balanced? Are you concern of dry hair and nails, fatigue, weight gain, cognitive dysfunction, and more symptoms that are not treated?

My practice includes many patients who suffer from thyroid dysfunction who are not properly managed.  Before coming to me, they were prescribed replacement with synthetic T4 or Synthroid, a common hormone replacement protocol taught to conventional medical practitioners.

For more than 100 years, it has been known that supplementation with a combined T4/T3 product, marketed as Armour, is the better treatment.

I believe supplementing with combined thyroid products and mineral supplements, find their patients obtain balance and relief of symptoms more quickly.

Thyroid disease affects 52 million Americans. Approximately 10% of the population is not diagnosed with thyroid disease, but suffer from clinical symptoms. This scenario is described as clinical or subclinical thyroid dysfunction.

You need to learn about balancing thyroid disease. This can significantly grow your practice and allow you to become a thyroid expert in your area.

Protocols such as these and many others can grow your practice. If you are interested in providing quality nutritional supplements to your patients, learning quality protocols is essential.

CLICK HERE to read more about thyroid issues

Male Menopause

Menopause and aging is not just for women. Men experience midlife changes as well. 

This condition is caused by a shift in hormonal balance; however it involves different hormones than those in women.  Doctors label this condition “Male menopause,” also called “Andropause”.

Decreasing hormones is a natural part of aging and for some, may cause uncomfortable symptoms that affect quality of life. These may include a gradual decline in sexual desire, impotence, moodiness, loss of motivation, competitive edge, and muscle mass.  Unlike women, men do not experience abrupt changes.

Symptoms are more gradual and less severe, making it difficult to determine  what is happening within their bodies.

Symptoms of male menopause

  • Reduced libido
  • Difficulty with erections
  • Infertility
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Depression
  • Poor concentration
  • Heart disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Prostate enlargement
  • Muscle weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability

Studies indicate that 50 percent of men between 50-70 years of age, have testosterone levels that are on the lowest end for a healthy, normal 40 year old.

Testosterone levels fall by 1% a year.  Currently, 95% of men in America are nottreated for hypogonadism. 

Many men are reluctant to discuss these symptoms with their healthcare practitioners and are often sent by their wives. It takes a keen ear and asking the right questions to obtain the pertinent information needed to safely and effectively treat your patients.

Andropause is diagnosed through laboratory findings and clinical evaluation. Laboratory findings will be considered suboptimal and vary between labs.  I recommend looking for normal ranges in the upper one third of the normal range. Physical changes should be present, as well as laboratory findings.

Physical signs that can be seen on exam are:  decreased muscle strength and size, increased abdominal fat, small wrinkles around the forehead, fatty breast tissue, smaller penis and testes, and lack of body odor.

Providing questionnaires in your office is a great way to bring up this subject with male patients. I leave the questionnaire sitting on the counter in the exam room for men to complete in privacy;  they can hand it to me or ask questions about the subject when I enter the room.  I find this works very well.

There are a various reasons why testosterone levels fall.  If men are under chronic stress and  have high cortisol levels chronically, testosterone will be depleted. 

Environmental exposure to xenoestrogens will deplete testosterone and can cause growth of breast tissue. This can be seen daily when we see young boys with breast tissue.  My kids call this man boobs.   Studies show that when testosterone levels are normalized,  there is better control of blood glucose levels in diabetic men.

Various medications can reduce testosterone production or block testosterone from being utilized.

The two highlighted medications are commonly used in the general population and are often not thought to reduce hormone production.

I am concerned with lowering cholesterol levels, because all of the body’s hormones are produced from cholesterol.

The body produces 5-6mg of testosterone per day, but when cholesterol levels are lowered, the body is unable to make even this small amount of testosterone.

  • Spironolactone
  • Cimetidine
  • Ketoconazole
  • Long-acting Gonadotropin (lupron)
  • Chronic opiate use
  • Corticosteroids
  • Megace
  • Antihypertensive
  • SSRI’s

Testosterone is responsible for the development of genitals, puberty, bone growth, muscle mass, strength, and CNS effects.

Organ systems also directly affected by testosterone include the prostate, liver, kidneys, larynx, blood, immune system, and breast tissue.

Most of the circulating testosterone is bound to other substances, making it unavailable for use by the body.  Free testosterone consists of about 2-3% of total testosterone.

SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) typically increases with age.  Estrogen is another hormone which increases the body’s production of SHBG.  High levels of estrogen can depress the production of SHBG.

When testosterone levels are low, higher amounts of testosterone bind to SHBG.

Estrogen dominance occurs from environmental exposures as well as obesity. Despite diet and exercise changes, midabdominal obesity ini particular contributes to estrogen dominance.  

A lack of testosterone and a rise in SHBG cripples the effectiveness of the hormone, causing weight gain and increased estrogen.  Higher amounts of estrogen can have a neutering effect on men.

Estrogen dominance occurs for a variety of reasons:

  • Insulin resistance
  • Trans-fatty acid intake
  • Chronic stress
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Fluoridated water
  • Environmental Xenoestrogens
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Zinc deficiency
  • Progesterone deficiency
  • Sedentary life style
  • Cadmium toxicity
  • Lack of sulfur-containing amino acids
  • Lack of good exercise
  • Magnesium deficiency
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Testosterone deficiency

Many patients present to our office taking several prescribed medications, which can cause higher estrogen levels.  

Commonly prescribed drugs such as: acetaminophen, NSAIDS, ASA, antibiotics, anti-fungal agents, antidepressants, and antacids also raise estrogen levels in men.

To reduce high estrogen levels, I use a product called Chezyn, which is essential for proper control of estrogen.  A study conducted by Metametrix looking at Cruciferous Complete and the benefits of metabolizing 2/16 hydrox ratio, proved to lower these estrogen metabolites.  Wheat germ oil is used for proper steroid production.  B6 niacinamide is used for proper zinc absorption.

Tribulus is a fantastic herb to support healthy DHEA & testosterone production.  The American diet must change, in order to balance testosterone levels.  Diets higher in sugar and fat reduce testosterone levels.  Encouraging patients to consume an organic diet high in fruits and vegetables, with lean protein, assists in balancing testosterone and estrogen levels.   

Exercising the large muscles causes immediate and prolonged levels of testosterone; men should incorporate daily physical activity into their routine. 

If the adrenal function is not addressed, any type of support for testosterone will be unsuccessful.  Relaxation should also be incorporated to the daily program.

If you are interested in helping the men in your practice feel better and regain their life, start by having them complete the Andropause questionnaire and talkto them about their hormone imbalance. 

If you have patients you would like to get started with immediately and are unsure where to go, feel free to contact me for a consultation or attend my seminar on Andropause.