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Male Menopause

Male Menopause

Male Menopause or andropause, results from aging and decreasing hormones

Men, like women, experience midlife changes caused by a shift in their hormonal balance. This condition that is often labelled male menopause is known in the medical community as andropause.

Symptoms of male menopause

Decreased hormone levels is a natural part of aging, but it may cause uncomfortable symptoms that affect a man’s quality of life. Male menopause symptoms appear more gradually and are less severe than female menopause, but are just as troubling.

Many health professionals in the traditional medical community ignore or dismiss these symptoms because they can be difficult to detect and quantify. At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we not only address male menopause, but we also treat it. We care about quality-of-life issues! Men may experience some or all of the following symptoms.

  • Reduced libido
  • Difficulty with erections
  • Infertility
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Depression
  • Poor concentration
  • Heart disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Prostate enlargement
  • Muscle weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability

Many men are reluctant to discuss these symptoms with their healthcare practitioners and are often sent by their wives or partners. It takes a keen ear and asking the right questions to obtain the pertinent information needed to safely and effectively treat male menopause.

Diagnosing male menopause

Male menopause, or andropause, is diagnosed through laboratory findings and clinical evaluation. We also look for physical signs during a medical examination, such as: decreased muscle strength and size; increased abdominal fat; small wrinkles around the forehead; fatty breast tissue; smaller penis and testes; and lack of body odor.

We begin our evaluation with a detailed questionnaire, which is a good jumping-off point to begin a productive dialogue about any problems or symptoms.

At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we perform blood work to determine hormone levels for testosterone and estrogen. This is important because there are two particular problems that affect males: low T and estrogen dominance. We are experienced at diagnosing and treating both of these conditions. Dr. Debra Muth is a nationally recognized expert in hormone therapies.

We promote a healthy diet as a way of regulating hormone levels

We know that the symptoms of male menopause are caused by hormone imbalances. We also know that dietary deficiencies can contribute to this imbalance. For example, estrogen dominance may be caused by the following dietary substances:

  • Trans-fatty acid intake
  • Fluoridated water
  • Zinc, magnesium deficiency
  • Lack of sulfur-containing amino acids

Testosterone levels can also be affected by diet; for example, a diet high in sugar and fat may reduce testosterone levels. We encourage patients to eat an organic diet high in fruits, vegetables and lean protein.

Male menopause is not a figment of your imagination, and we treat it and you seriously and respectfully. If you are concerned about symptoms of male menopause, contact us.

Leading Men’s Health Problems

Men’s health is important! Yet, it’s often said that men tend to take better care of their car than they do their health. What I believe this means is that many men tend to ignore “little” health symptoms more often than women. If it’s not too much of a problem, men just keep going. Some women do too. Yet, little problems can turn into major health issues when left untreated. Here’s a look at some of the leading health problems men face.

  1. Heart disease ranks as the top cause of death for men and women, but men are usually affected at a younger age. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to heart disease. Identifying and controlling symptoms such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diet and other lifestyle choices can help prevent or control heart problems. When you evaluate men’s health, check heart symptoms.
  2. Prostate cancer is a leading health problem for men. Many are slow growing and treatable. Tests aren’t always definitive, so the best action is to discuss your test results and overall risks regularly with your doctor. Read my article on Dealing with High PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Levels for more information on testing and supplement suggestions.
  3. Type 2 diabetes is a silent health issue that can affect organs, cause strokes, kidney failure and more. This can be a major issue in men’s health. Identifying and controlling this disease is important to helping prevent long-term health complications. Exercise and diet help maintain your target weight, which can help control and/or reduce your chance of developing Type 2 diabetes. Discuss your risk with your health care professional.
  4. Liver disease is another condition that affects men’s health. Many liver diseases can be prevented with lifestyle changes such as eliminating alcohol and tobacco. Talk to your doctor about diet, supplements and lifestyle changes that can help protect your liver.
  5. Skin cancer is a top concern for men. According to the Cancer Foundation statistics, the risk for men over age 50 is more than twice that of a woman. The higher risk is a direct result of wearing less sunscreen, more sun exposure and fewer screenings. Prevention and early detection are the best protection against skin cancer.

Discover what “little” symptoms can mean to men’s health overall, longevity and lifestyle. Schedule a consultation with Serenity Health Care to learn more about optimizing your health so you can continue living your life to the fullest.

Preconception Program

Preconception Program

Serenity Health Care Center is concerned about the increased risk in the U.S. of babies being born in birth defects, preterm, or low birth weight. Currently, 1 out 8 children are born with Autism, this number is so incredible high and our own Dr. Greg Brown knows all too well the effects this has on the parents, families and children themselves.

In 2008, the U.S. infant mortality rate was 6.61 per 1,000 live births. In the 2005 international rankings, the United States ranked 30th in infant mortality, behind other developed countries including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, and most European countries. We want to assist women in preparing the bodies for a healthy pregnancy and give them the best opportunity for a healthy child.

How long is Serenity Health’s Preconception Program?

Our program is in depth and the length of the program can vary based on your current health. It is important to have a healthy diet, start a good exercise program, and take the appropriate dietary supplements. Optimally, we recommend that you plan to participate in the program for 1-2 years prior to conceiving.

What is included in the Preconception Program?

Serenity Health Care Center will perform various blood tests, salivary testing, metabolic testing and heavy metal testing are just a few tests that are obtained. If you have specific genetic issues, further testing may be explored.

How do I get started in the  preconception program?

To get started with the preconception program at Serenity Health Care Center, you will first have a consultation. We will assist you in providing an in depth history and create an individual plan that best fits your situation. Once the consultation is complete, an individualized program will be set up. You will have the opportunity to participant in any testing or chose to opt out of the recommended testing.

If you would like to get your body into the best shape possible prior to pregnancy, call Serenity Health Care Center today to schedule an appointment at 262-522-8640.

IV Nutritional Therapy

IV Nutritional Therapy

IV nutritional therapy provides improved health and a better quality of life

Patients with a variety of chronic health conditions can benefit from IV nutritional therapy at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee. IV nutritional therapy provides valuable nutrients, improves metabolism, boosts energy and offers immune support.

How does IV nutritional therapy work?

IV nutritional therapy consists of a series of IV infusions that take place at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee. Patients receive nutrients through an IV in the arm. The process takes between 30 minutes and six hours, depending on the patient’s needs.

This type of therapy works so well because it delivers vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other critical supplements directly into the bloodstream. IV nutritional therapy allows these nutrients to bypass the gastrointestinal (GI) system. This is significant for two reasons.

  • When nutrients are delivered to the bloodstream, they are fully absorbed, something that cannot happen if the GI system is damaged or inflamed.
  • Bypassing the GI system allows our practitioners to deliver much higher doses of nutrients to the patient than is possible with oral doses.

Why do gastric bypass patients and people with GI tract damage need therapy?

IV nutritional therapy is particularly useful for patients who have had gastric bypass, a surgical weight loss procedure. It can also benefit patients who have suffered damage to their GI tract due to viruses or bacteria, or who have conditions that affect absorption, including hydrochloric acid, or digestive enzyme, deficiency. Patients who lack the friendly gut bacteria needed to aid in proper digestion also benefit from IV nutritional therapy.

Damage, inflammation or deficiencies in the GI system make it nearly impossible for the patient’s body to absorb therapeutic doses of nutrients or medications. Directing the nutrients to the bloodstream ensures that all the nutrients reach the patient at the cellular level, bringing them the health benefits they so desperately need.

What other conditions benefit from this treatment?

Patients who have chronic problems, such as hypertension, asthma, HIV, Parkinson’s disease and congestive heart failure, respond well to IV nutritional therapy. Here are two lesser known conditions that also respond to treatment.

  • Metabolism disorders. People with metabolism disorders may not be able to convert the nutrients from the food they eat into the active form or metabolite. With IV therapy, the active metabolites are delivered directly to the cells without the body having to use energy to activate them.
  • Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS. People with this syndrome may have problems maintaining adequate hydration, but IV NACL can help.

IV nutritional therapy is a valuable treatment for patients with chronic health conditions. Contact us for an evaluation and let the experienced practitioners at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee put you on the path to better health.

Low T

Low Testosterone or Low T

1.  Have you lost your stamina?  Have you lost your motivation, strength and sexual desire? You are not alone!

“Low T” also known as andropause or male menopause, low testosterone happens to many men both young and old. Low T can occur from too much stress in your life, chronic pain, or just plan genetics.

2. Are you not feeling like yourself? Does your wife tell you, you need some help?

When that begins, we need can help you identify how to reach optimal performance and health at the same time.  Low T can be the cause for your irritability, mood changes and lack of desire.

3. Has your body changed? Have you lost muscle mass?

Low T decreases muscle mass, leading to increased body fat. Studies have also shown that proper testosterone levels are necessary to have proper blood sugar control.

If you answered yes to these questions, you can be helped with male hormonal therapy.

What Is Low T?

All hormones are made from cholesterol, this is why it is important to have healthy levels of cholesterol, and without them the body cannot make any hormone. Testosterone is a male hormone (androgen) made by the testes and adrenal glands.

A man is diagnosed with low T, by either a blood or saliva test, or when his testosterone levels fall below 300 ng/dL. A man can also have subclinical low T when the testosterone level is less than 600 ng/dl. Testosterone levels peak at age 20, but rarely do people measure hormone levels at the peak of performance. Because we do not know where a man was at during peak performance, it can be hard to know if you are low simply based on a number. At Serenity Health Care Center, we do not order testosterone therapy based solely on lab values.

How do you treat Low T?

  • Gels/Creams

Bio-identical hormones can be compounded into many forms commonly, Testosterone gels and solutions are applied daily to a thin skin area.

  • Injections
    FDA approved Testosterone injections are often given intramuscular into the arm or upper buttock, and administered every 1-2 weeks.
  • Rapid Dissolve Tablets
    These are bio-identical hormones made in a sublingual form that is placed in the buccal membrane of the mouth, where testosterone is absorbed within about 20 minutes

At Serenity Health Center, we employ various treatment options for treating Low T. These therapies include:

  • Evaluating all hormone levels for optimal balance
  • We evaluate for low growth hormone levels if necessary and amino acid imbalance that can contribute to symptoms of low T.

If you would like to be evaluated for low T, please call and schedule a consultation at 262-522-8640.


Premenstrual Syndrome – PMS

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is the term used to describe a group of symptoms that women may experience about 7-14 days before their period (menstruation). The symptoms usually stop soon after your period starts. For some women the symptoms can be debilitating and can cause lost time from work or school and even can land them in bed for days.

What are some of the common symptoms of PMS?

At Serenity Health Care Center, we often find that women are confused about the symptoms of PMS.  This is because there are 150+ symptoms that can be associated with PMS.  Some of the more commonly noted are:

  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Bloating (water retention)
  • Depression (mild to moderate)
  • Food cravings, especially sugar and carbohydrates
  • Weight gain
  • Breast tenderness

This is quite a list that can and does affect a woman’s quality of life.  There is no need to continue to struggle with PMS, month after month.  Help is available!

What is the difference between mild to moderate to severe PMS?

There are two medically defined categories for PMS.   Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe case of PMS. PMDD can cause extreme mood shifts and a majority of the symptoms note above are heightened. For women suffering with PMDD, at least one of the following emotional symptoms is present:

  • Extreme sadness and feelings of hopelessness
  • Heightened tension and anxiety
  • Marked moodiness
  • Marked anger and irritability

Why do PMS symptoms occur?

Dr. Debra Muth explains that there are two main reasons why PMS symptoms occur; the first and commonly recognized in mainstream medicine is hormonal imbalance.
Hormonal imbalance can easily be evaluated by either saliva or blood testing. What is often found is an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone, two major players in the regulation of the menstrual cycle

The second, less commonly known, is hormone allergies. Hormone allergies are not recognized in mainstream medicine due to the fact that allergies occur after long term low grade exposure to an agent.

Are there any tests that can be used to measure my hormonal imbalance?

At Serenity Health Care Center, we employ a number of tests that are extremely helpful in measuring your hormone levels.  Salvia testing is conducted on day 21 of the menstrual cycle from the comfort of your home, or blood testing can be done.

What treatments are available for PMS?

Treatment for PMS at Serenity Health Care Center are customized for our patients and focused on preventing and minimizing PMS symptoms.  These include a combination of:

  • Evaluation and regulation of birth control pills and contraception
  • Dietary evaluation and nutritional supplementation
  • Herbal remedies
  • Lifestyle changes and adjustments

Weight Loss to Maintain Muscle Mass

Weight Loss

There are many reasons why it is harder to lose body fat and increase muscle mass as we age

The primary reason is the lack of testosterone and imbalance of other anabolic steroid hormones.  It is true that increasing your testosterone level can produce more lean muscle, but it is not the only answer to this well-known aging problem.

Nutritional support is key when trying to increase muscle mass and decrease body fat. It is my opinion that buying over the counter products that “claim” they will boost your testosterone level naturally is a complete waste of money.

Unlike muscle growth, researchers at the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science did find that fluctuations of testosterone within the physiological normal range had significant effects on body fat percentage.

The higher the testosterone levels, the leaner subjects were. And conversely, the lower the testosterone levels, the fatter they were. When researcher’s decreased support and testosterone levels fell to 300 ng/dl they saw a 36% increase in body fat.

Certainly, there is more to increasing lean body mass than just using natural supplements or taking natural testosterone. It is important to have an appropriate individual training program in place as well.

If your weight or body mass index is higher than what you feel can be changed with reasonable diet and exercise, Serenity has dietary programs to help you reach your goal. Call today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Debra Muth at 262-522-8640.

Types of Nutritional IV Therapy

Types of Nutritional IV Therapy

We offer nutritional IV therapy at our Serenity Health Care Center functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee.

Our nutritional IV therapies facilitate wellness through the speedy delivery of natural, restorative, healing ingredients. Intravenous injections of robust infusions comprising vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids bypass the stomach and liver and go directly into the bloodstream, achieving fast, powerful results.

Depending on the infusion mix you select, Serenity’s IV therapies will:

  • Increase your daily energy levels
  • Improve your digestion
  • Help prevent dehydration
  • Reduce cold and flu symptoms
  • Boost your immune system
  • Reduce inflammation

Why Should You Get Nutritional (Vitamin) IV Therapy?

At Serenity Health Care Center, we believe in helping our patients take responsibility for their health. We find that patients who manage their health are empowered to feel and be their best. Our IV therapies support the pursuit of health and wellbeing!

Nutritional IV therapy (sometimes called IV Vitamin Therapy) is about getting important healthy ingredients into the body with no barriers to absorption.

Vitamins delivered intravenously go right into the bloodstream for immediate and maximum absorption. Consider a Vitamin C delivery by IV. It achieves 50 times greater concentration in the blood over Vitamin C that is taken orally and must be processed in the stomach and liver before being dispatched into the bloodstream.

Nutritional IV therapy provides instant absorption and circulation of ingredients.

IV Therapy for Chronic Conditions & Disease

Do you struggle with chronic health issues? Our IV therapies benefit patients who live with diseases and ongoing conditions.

  • Cancer
  • Infection
  • Gut problems: Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Celiac Disease, Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Migraines
  • Asthma
  • Hypertension
  • Lyme Disease
  • Neuropathy
  • Stress
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Epstein Barr Syndrome
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Flu
  • Candida
  • Poor Circulation
  • Heavy Metal Toxicity

Nutritional IV Therapy to Maintain Good Health

Do you feel great? Good. Let us help you maintain that state. Choose the infusion that promotes overall cleansing and the removal of toxins from your body. Prevention and immunity boosts are key to sustaining optimal health and wellbeing.

How Nutritional IV Therapy Works

Nutritional IV Therapy is the intravenous delivery of potent, healthful infusions. These infusions contain the building blocks for robust health, plus warrior agents that fight inflammation and disease.

All-natural ingredients include Vitamin C, Vitamin D, B Vitamins, Zinc, Glutathione, Magnesium, Folic Acid, Amino Acids, NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), and others.

Not all infusions are alike. We offer different cocktails that address the issues listed above, as well as infusions that go to work on:

mental fatigue, lack of focus, anxiety, depression, addictions, collagen deficiency, poor skin quality, headaches, tiredness, soreness, stress, sluggish metabolism, allergies, chemo side effects, body aches, malaise, exhaustion, and more

What Happens During an IV Therapy Session?

Before your nutritional IV therapy session, our professional Serenity staff will run bloodwork (if necessary) to make sure you are a candidate for this type of treatment. (See below for people who may not or should not get Nutritional IV therapy.) Additionally, we evaluate your health history and check your vital signs.

On the day of your therapy, we invite you to dress comfortably. We provide a pleasant, comfortable setting in which you may sit or recline and relax while receiving the IV infusion. You will find healthy snacks and refreshing drinks in the rooms.

Some patients choose to close their eyes and listen to music during their session. Others read, watch movies, or work on their devices. Your activities during the IV session are completely up to you.

One of our trained and experienced nurses administers the IV treatment. The infusion does not hurt. You may feel the initial small prick of the needle, and you may sense a slight weight in your arm as the ingredients begin to flow in. Other than those sensations, most patients feel nothing.

Depending on which infusion you have selected, its delivery lasts from 30 minutes to two hours. After the session, you are free to resume all your normal activities immediately.

Who Should Not Receive Nutritional IV Therapy?

Some people’s bodies cannot tolerate powerful vitamin infusions. These include:

  • Pregnant women
  • Frequent smokers
  • People who suffer from renal or cardiac dysfunction
  • Newly diagnosed cancer patients
  • People with certain genetic factors

Cooperate with Your IV Therapy for Optimal Health

At Serenity Health, we urge our patients to adopt a total lifestyle of selfcare, prevention, and beneficial habits. In conjunction with nutritional IV therapy, these practices facilitate optimal health and wellbeing.

We encourage our patients to:

  1. Drink six 8-ounce glasses of water per day
  2. Limit alcohol consumption (no more than 5 fluid ounces per night)
  3. Be aware of exposure to toxins in food and products; limit this
  4. Avoid processed and refined foods
  5. Avoid sugar as much as possible
  6. Boost consumption of high-quality saturated fats
  7. Move! (your body, that is)



For years, arthritis was considered an inherent part of the aging process and a signal to a patient that it’s time to slow down. But not so anymore. At Serenity Health Care Center, our team provides an anti-aging approach that assists with the inflammation that causes the pain. Recent research and clinical findings show that there is much more to life for arthritis patients than the traditional recommendation of bed rest and drug therapy.

What Is Arthritis?

The word “arthritis” means “joint inflammation” and is often used in reference to rheumatic diseases. Rheumatic diseases include more than 100 conditions, including gout, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and many more. Although arthritis often begins in middle age and is more frequent in the older generation, it can also start at a young age.

Arthritis causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of function in the joints. Several features distinguish rheumatoid arthritis it from other kinds of arthritis:

  • Tender, warm, and swollen joints.
  • Fatigue, sometimes fever, and a general sense of not feeling well.
  • Pain and stiffness lasts for more than 30 minutes after a long rest.
  • The condition is symmetrical. If one hand is affected, the other one is, too.
  • The wrist and finger joints closest to the hand are most frequently affected. Neck, shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, ankle, and feet joints can also be affected.
  • The disease can last for years and can affect other parts of the body, not only the joints.

Arthritis is highly individual. Some people suffer from mild arthritis that lasts from a few months to a few years and then goes away. Mild or moderate arthritis have periods of worsening symptoms (flares) and periods of remissions, when the patient feels better.

People with severe arthritis feel pain most of the time. The pain lasts for many years and can cause serious joint damage and disability.

How is arthritis treated?

There’s no cure for arthritis, but there are treatments that can help you manage the condition:

Ultrasound therapy


Stem Cell Therapy


For more information, get in touch or call today (262) 522-8640 to schedule an appointment.