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Understanding GLP-1: Keys to Effective Weight Loss

GLP-1, or glucagon-like peptide-1, is a naturally occurring hormone in the body that plays a crucial role in regulating appetite, while regulating blood sugar levels. It is released from the intestines in response to food consumption and works by signaling to the brain that you are full, thereby reducing appetite and promoting satiety.

How GLP-1 Works for Weight Loss

  1. Appetite Suppression: GLP-1 helps suppress appetite by signaling to the brain that you are full, therefore, reducing cravings and overeating.
  2. Slowing Gastric Emptying: GLP-1 slows down the rate at which food moves through the stomach and intestines, then leading to increased feelings of fullness.
  3. Regulating Blood Sugar: GLP-1 also plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin secretion and inhibiting glucagon release, leading to improved glucose control and reduced hunger.

The Serenity Health Care Center Weight Loss Program

We offer a comprehensive Weight Loss Program that leverages the power of GLP-1 therapy to help you loose weight. Our program is designed to provide you with personalized support and guidance every step of the way. We want to see you succeed.

What Sets Our Program Apart?

  1. Medical Supervision: Our program is overseen by medical practitioners who specialize in weight management and can provide expert guidance and support.
  2. Personalized Treatment Plans: In fact we tailor our treatment plans to meet your specific goals.
  3. Comprehensive Support: In addition to GLP-1 therapy, our program includes dietary counseling, exercise recommendations, lifestyle modifications, and ongoing support.
  4. Evidence-Based Approach: Our program is grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices, ensuring that you receive safe, effective, and proven treatments.

Is the GLP-1 Weight Loss Program Right for You?

If you’ve struggled with weight loss in the past, our Weight Loss Program may be right for you. Whether you have a few pounds to lose or are dealing with more significant weight management challenges. Our program can help you achieve your goals and improve your overall health and well-being.

Get Started Today

Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, happier you? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our Weight Loss Program. Together, we’ll develop a personalized plan to help you reach your weight loss goals and transform your life. Schedule your appointment today!

The Bitter Truth About Sugar: Separating Myth from Fact

Click on the photo to watch a video on how Dr. Muth talks about
The Bitter Truth About Sugar: Debunking Myths and Unveiling Facts

Sugar has been a controversial topic in the realm of nutrition, often accused of being a silent contributor to various health issues. With numerous myths surrounding its consumption, it’s crucial to debunk misconceptions and unravel the truth. In this blog, we’ll explore The Bitter Truth About Sugar: Separating Myth from Fact.

Myth #1: All Sugars Are Created Equal

One prevalent misconception is that all sugars are the same, regardless of their source. In reality, there are two main types of sugars: natural and sugars. Natural sugars, found in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, come bundled with essential nutrients and fiber, slowing down their absorption. On the other hand, added sugars, prevalent in many processed foods and sugary beverages, lack these beneficial components and can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels.

Myth #2: Sugar Causes Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a complex condition influenced by a combination of genetics, lifestyle, and other factors. Consuming in moderation as part of a balanced diet is unlikely to be the sole culprit behind diabetes. However, consistently making unhealthy food choices can contribute to weight gain, which is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes.

Myth #3: Cutting Out Sugar Completely Is the Solution

Adopting an extreme approach by completely eliminating sugar from your diet may seem like a quick fix, but it’s not a sustainable or necessary solution. Sugar is a source of energy, and certain types of sugars are essential for our bodies to function optimally. Instead of cutting out sugar entirely, focus on reducing processed foods, and choose whole, nutrient-dense foods to meet your energy needs.

Fact #1: Sugar’s Impact on Mental Health

Research suggests a connection between high sugar intake and an increased risk of depression and anxiety. The bitter reality is that the initial pleasure derived from indulging in sugary treats is often followed by a crash, leaving us feeling fatigued and irritable. Understanding this link is crucial for promoting not only physical but also mental well-being.

Fact #2: The Sugar and Inflammation Connection

Inflammation, the body’s natural response to injury, can turn chronic when triggered by factors such as poor diet. The bitter truth about sugar is that it can fuel inflammation, setting the stage for a range of health problems. From joint pain to autoimmune diseases, the impact of unchecked inflammation is profound. Acknowledging the role of sugar in this inflammatory cascade is a crucial step towards reclaiming our health.

Fact #3: Hidden Sugars in Disguise

High-fructose corn syrup, sucrose, maltose – these are just a few of the aliases sugar adopts to infiltrate our diets. Unmasking these hidden sugars requires a vigilant eye and a commitment to reading labels diligently. The bitter truth is that many seemingly healthy products harbor an abundance of added sugars, contributing to our daily intake without our awareness.

Breaking Free from the Sugar Shackles

Adopting a mindful approach to sugar consumption involves reevaluating our relationship with food, making informed choices, and embracing whole, unprocessed alternatives. By reducing our reliance on sugary snacks and beverages, we empower ourselves to take control of our health and break free from the sugar shackles.


As we navigate the landscape of our dietary choices, confronting the bitter truth is an essential step towards a healthier, more balanced life. By understanding its impact on our physical and mental well-being, we empower ourselves to make informed decisions about what we consume. Let this be a wake-up call to reassess our relationship with sugar. The bitter truth may be hard to swallow, but the rewards of a sugar-aware life are worth the effort.

Welcome to Serenity Healthcare Center – Your Partner in Wellness! We are committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive healthcare services. From personalized treatments to cutting-edge medical solutions, our dedicated team is here to guide you on your journey to optimal health. Discover a path to well-being with Serenity Healthcare Center. Schedule your appointment today and experience the difference firsthand. Your health, our priority!

Individualized Weight Loss Plan

3 things you should know about our individualized weight loss plan

Hoping to finally lose weight and keep it off? Have you made that same resolution every year for countless years now? Maybe what you need is an individualized weight loss plan, something exactly tailored and fine-tuned to address your needs.

Our natural medicine clinic in Milwaukee creates a customized plan that finds and addresses the issues that are causing your weight gain, as well as any health issues that you are dealing with as a result of your weight gain.

We would like you to know three important things that make our individualized weight loss plan unique.

  1. We offer supplemental support as part of our individualized weight loss plan. Our individualized weight loss plan includes the support of members of our integrative medicine team. After consulting with you and doing our evaluation, we may suggest nutritional therapy or special supplements. Some people may benefit from our many alternative therapies, such as hypnotherapy or massage therapy. We will help you in every possible way.
  2. Our natural medicine clinic in Milwaukee also offers behavior modification. You may benefit from adding a behavioral modification component to your individualized weight loss plan. This helps you identify and change the behaviors that are causing your weight gain and preventing you from losing weight.
  3. Our bariatric program evaluates health issues that may be affecting your health. Our natural medicine clinic in Milwaukee addresses emotional, behavioral and health issues when devising your individualized weight loss plan. This includes an evaluation of important numbers such as your cholesterol and blood sugar. We may decide that you would benefit from a sleep study to see if sleep apnea could be causing problems with your weight loss.

Our individualized weight loss plans are much more than a simple diet plan

At our natural medicine clinic in Milwaukee, we take your health and weight loss very seriously. We believe in treating the whole person – mind and body – and our individualized weight loss plans reflect this approach. If you are ready to make a change in the way you approach nutrition, weight loss and life choices, contact us today.

The Immune System

The Immune System

The immune system is the body’s defense against infection

When the immune system is functioning properly, people take it for granted because it’s doing its job – preventing illnesses caused by germs, viruses and bacteria. When the immune system becomes compromised, people may suffer from chronic illness that negatively affects their quality of life. At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, our team addresses a compromised immune system from many different angles, always creating an individualized treatment plan for each patient.

Several factors can weaken the immune system

A healthy immune system is comprised of a variety of cells that work together to protect the body from viral infections, fungi, bacteria and parasites; however, there are several factors that can depress the immune system and cause it to function poorly. These include:

  • Stress
  • Exposure to environmental or occupational chemicals or toxins
  • Lack of sleep
  • Excessive alcohol
  • A diet high in saturated fats and/or refined sugar
  • A protein deficiency

Chronic illnesses put extra stress on the immune system

Chronic illnesses, diseases like AIDS and primary immunodeficiency diseases that are caused by genetic abnormalities target the immune system. Other chronic illnesses, diseases and conditions can also weaken the immune system. These include:

The importance of good nutrition and proper supplements

Nutritional deficiencies can also impact the immune system. At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we understand the importance of good nutrition. We create individualized nutrition plans that includes supplements to provide vitamins and nutrients that people are often missing in their diet.

Our team tests patients to determine what nutritional deficiencies exist and need to be addressed.

We employ a variety of tools to strengthen the immune system

When patients come to our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, they can expect to be treated as a whole person, instead of just a series of symptoms. Our team works together to determine what is weakening the immune system and devise a treatment plan to help.

For more information, get in touch or call today (262) 522-8640 to schedule an appointment.

Leptin Called Obesity Hormone

Leptin, often called the obesity hormone, plays a significant role in regulating appetite and body weight. As weight decreases, leptin falls to stimulate your appetite. When body weight increases, levels should decrease to suppress appetite. If your levels are abnormal, it has a negative effect on your weight and overall health.

Learn about leptin and optimizing leptin levels in Dr. Muth’s video.

A disorder could mean that your body is making a lot of leptin that doesn’t work. Your brain doesn’t listen. Thus, there is no decrease in appetite or increase in metabolism. This means your eat more, you gain weight… eat more, you gain weight. This cycle must be broken to regain your appetite signals.

Check out the video or call Serenity Health Care Center for a consultation to find out more about how you can optimize your health.

Managing Chronic Pain

Managing chronic pain can be challenging at best. Yet, living with pain is a way of life for many people. Narcotics simply put you to sleep and take more of a toll on your health. You can’t live an active life when you’re looking through a constant haze. Finding alternative ways to manage your pain can drastically improve the quality of your life.

When my husband was injured on the job, he had acute back pain. Acute pain comes on suddenly. It may be caused by an injury, illness or even an unknown source. Acute pain goes away when the cause is corrected. When the underlying cause cannot be treated, it may lead to chronic pain. This type of pain can last for months or years.

My husband’s initial injury led to chronic pain that affected our emotional well-being for many years. You can read more about our journey in my book, The Dark Side of Injury. Managing chronic pain and your pathway to recovery isn’t an easy road, but the rewards are definitely worth the pursuit.

Tips for Managing Chronic Pain

Managing Chronic Pain is Important
Managing Chronic Pain is Important
  1. Some conditions are affected by dehydration. Drinking enough water to stay well hydrated sometimes reduces the pain. Avoid caffeinated sodas, juices and teas that have a diuretic effect.
  2. Many foods have anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate some of your pain. Low-sugar fruits, leafy greens and soy products are excellent choices. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, walnuts, tuna, etc.) are also good choices.
  3. Some herbs such turmeric have anti-inflammatory products that are known to be beneficial in reducing chronic pain.
  4. Avoid foods that are known to be instigators of inflammation. Some of these include high-fat red meats, wheat products, processed foods, dairy, chocolate and tomatoes.
  5. Get out and move. Exercise and yoga add strength and flexibility. You don’t have to do a lot. Simply walking can decrease stress and combat the depression that often goes hand in hand with managing chronic pain.
  6. Massage therapy, chiropractic treatments and/or other therapy may be beneficial for managing chronic pain.
  7. Individual meditation or group support may reduce some of the stress associated with managing chronic pain. Both are ways to calm your mind.
  8. Take each day as it comes. Do things that you enjoy as much as you can without making the pain worse. Simply doing one thing that you enjoy will lift your spirits.

If you are struggling with managing chronic pain, schedule a consultation at Serenity Health Care. Our medical professionals are well-versed in combining traditional and alternative pain management techniques.

Let us help you put the “spring” in your step again.

Job Stress Causes Injuries

The shift in American business to “do more with less” is taking a significant toll on our health. It is stressful, and job stress causes injuries, health problems and psychological issues. According to statistics reported by the CDC, more than 40 percent of Americans report that their job is “very or extremely” stressful. Is your job putting you at risk?

Heavy workloads in physically demanding jobs can put you at risk. Muscles need breaks. Muscle strains, tears, aches and pains are often ignored in the interest of productivity. Disregarding small injuries can result in further damage, eventually leading to lifelong chronic pain.

Office jobs can tie you to a computer or phone. Many people don’t realize that prolonged sitting, typing or phone use also results in muscle strains. Meeting quotas and hectic work schedules are as stressful as a physically demanding job. You still need to monitor your stress level.

Are you a stay-at-home parent or caregiver? Or, perhaps you combine caregiving responsibilities with a demanding job. Either way, you likely face “do more with less”. It’s stressful to handle multiple responsibilities, so it’s important to find an outlet for your stress.

People are unique, so each person reacts differently in situations. Our innate coping style is part of our personality. So, don’t feel that you should be able to cope better simply because the same situation doesn’t stress your friend. It’s all about finding what stresses you, and then identifying ways to relieve your stress.

If job stress has stretched you to the max, check out my previous blog for ways to manage stress. I’ve walked more than a mile in your stress-filled shoes when my husband was injured on the job. I know what a difficult road it is. That’s why I pulled together a number of resources and checklists to help others deal with stress, doctor’s appointments, worker’s compensation claims and more in my book, The Dark Side of Injury

It’s a must to manage stress before it starts managing you. Job stress causes injuries, and you need to avoid that. Schedule an appointment at Serenity Health Care to find out more about overcoming the stress in your life. Your health depends on it.

Find Your Path to Wellness at Serenity’s Open House

Serenity Health Care is celebrating its 6th anniversary by hosting an open house on Saturday, February 27, 2016. Our doctors are sharing information about vital wellness topics at different times during the open house. Join us and learn more about how you can find your path to wellness.

Serenity Health Care Open House

Saturday, February 27, 2016

12:00 PM to 3:00 PM 

Space is Limited! Call 262.522.8640 to Register.

Adrenal Function

The adrenal glands, stress and fatigue are linked. Adrenal fatigue, left untreated, can also lead to other health problems. Today’s busy lifestyles are filled with stress and poor nutrition. You owe it to yourself to learn about keeping your adrenals healthy on your path to wellness.

12:30 pm – 1:00 pm “You and Your Adrenals” – Amy Hoffman, NP 

Personalized Genetics

A new era brings more options for healing. The knowledge of an individuals’ unique genetics when developing a treatment plan boosts successful results. Personalized genetics can help predict your susceptibility to certain diseases so that you can take preventative actions. Learn and ask questions about how personalized genetics work.

1:00 pm – 1:30 pm “Personalized Genetics and Your Path to Healing” – Sonja Hintz RN


Bio-Terrain is a whole body program to help individuals with chronic issues such as Lyme or PANDAS. Treatment consists of 6 visits over a 14 day period. It includes several components on the path to wellness. The goal of the program is to open pathways in the body by balancing the body’s energy, metabolism and polarity. This allows  the body a chance to heal itself.

1:30 pm – 2:00 pm “Bio-Terrain, Opening the Pathways to Wellness” – Heather King, DC and Wendy Dunbar, LMT 

Bio-Medicine and Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that creates social and communication problems. Common symptoms include disruptive behavior, aggression and hyperactivity. Bio-medicine can treat your child by assessing and treating underlying causes. This treatment method for autism has shown many benefits in language development, improved social awareness and stabilizing behavior. Learn more about the role of bio-medicine and how it’s possible for your child to thrive.

2:00 pm – 2:45 pm “Bio-Medicine and Autism” – Greg Brown, MD

Find Your Path to Wellness

Call 262.522.8640 Today!


Four Steps To Becoming More Assertive

Are you a people pleaser? Do you put yourself out for the preference of others? If so, you may find standing up for yourself challenging. Going against our government systems adds another layer of complexity. But, most of us are willing to step out of our comfort zone if our family is threatened. I’ve been there, and here are four steps that can help you be more assertive when you need it. It all begins with the first step.

Becoming More Assertive

  1. Gain confidence: When my husband suffered a work injury, I found that there are numerous loopholes in Worker’s Compensation. I did my homework. I researched. I read. I talked to attorneys. I talked to doctors. In short, I asked questions to help me gain confidence so I could develop a plan. There are a lot of curves and valleys in uncharted territory, but you do get there if you don’t give up. Get some helpful tools and read more about my journey in my book, The Dark Side of Injury.
  2. Be more assertive. You can question authority while standing up for yourself and your family in ways that are positive and proactive. Convey your ideas and thoughts directly and honestly. Avoid being passive (hiding your feelings), being aggressive (personal verbal attack) or being passive aggressive (giving the silent treatment or doing something behind the scenes). Assertiveness takes practice. It’s worth practicing because you can’t avoid all situations.
  3. Avoid victim mentality. There will probably be times when you are the victim. However, it’s important to work through and resolve the issue. When you accept less than desirable results or take negative experiences personally, you’re letting someone else control your life. Stand up for yourself, even if you need help to do it.
  4. Take action. When life throws you a curve, find a way to transform it into something good. I know that others will be saved some pain and agony through my malpractice actions. I wrote my book to share my family’s journey and tips/tools when working with worker’s comp, malpractice and the court system. You’ll often discover some “gems” by taking action instead of accepting defeat.

Unlearning old habits and standing up for yourself won’t happen overnight. You’ll become more effective and comfortable each time. There’s no time like the present….every journey begins with the first step.

Healthy Resolutions You Can Make Stick

The New Year is a time when many of us reflect and resolve to better ourselves in some way. Health and wellness usually take the top spots for New Year’s resolutions. While at least one-third of Americans make resolutions, only a few stick to their healthy resolutions for three months. Here are some ideas for healthy resolutions that you can actually make stick.

Add Sticking Power to Your Healthy Resolutions

  1. “Short” your exercise. Most resolutions involve 30 to 60 minutes at the gym several times a week. This resolution often fails for busy people. Strive for 10-minute exercise routines. Add exercise to your day by taking the stairs, parking further away, walking during lunch or taking exercise breaks at work. Short calorie bursts add up.
  2. Swap a food. Whether you’re dieting or just eating healthy, it’s challenging to gives up your favorites and stick to a completely new menu. If this year’s resolution is about eating healthier, make a swap. Replace red meat with salmon one night each week. Or, choose berries with yogurt instead of a fast food biscuit. After your first swap becomes a habit, try a second swap. You’ll be surprised at how much healthier you’ll be eating in a few months. Best of all, it’s much easier to stick to one food swap at a time.
  3. Find social activities. Social connections are important in a healthy lifestyle. But, meeting for dinner or drinks isn’t the only way to socialize. Identify common activities that you and your friends enjoy. Tennis, walking, swimming, Yoga, board games, biking, volunteering and more. Mix it up to learn new things from each other.
  4. Kick a habit. Most people have one or two vices that they want to kick. But, it isn’t easy to kick a bad habit, as most of us know from experience. For example, let’s say you want to stop biting your nails. The first step is to identify when you do it. Maybe it’s when you are stressed or bored. Use the “bait and switch” method…replace biting your nails with something else such as celery.
  5. Reduce stress. This is important for your overall health. Check out some of our tips in this video.

Make your healthy resolutions stick this year. If you need a little help in accomplishing your health goals, call Serenity Health Care Center. We are experienced in helping our patients accomplish their health and wellness goals. Here’s to your health in an awesome new year!

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