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7 Possible Causes of Crashing Fatigue (and How to Fix It)

It doesn’t matter how much sleep you get. You are physically exhausted. You may also be mentally and emotionally exhausted. You suffer from chronic fatigue. But what causes your crashing fatigue? What can you do to fix it? At Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI, we firmly believe in collaborating with our clients to help their bodies heal themselves. Today, we look at seven possible causes of chronic fatigue and what we can do together to fix it.

7 Potential Causes of Crashing Fatigue

1. Dehydration

Dehydration may be the leading cause of crashing fatigue. Many people suffer from dehydration because they only drink when they are thirsty. Unfortunately, when you wait until you are thirsty to drink, it is already too late. By the time you notice your thirst, you have already lost between 2 and 3% of your body fluid. This makes you physically lethargic. It also starves your brain of adequate nutrients and oxygen, making the task of focusing next to impossible.

Unfortunately, fixing dehydration it isn’t as straightforward as you think. With IV nutritional therapy, you get all the fatigue-busting benefits of hydration, plus the added bonus of essential nutrients your body needs to keep itself hydrated and heal itself. For example, without sodium, the water will run right through you and not hydrate you. At the same time, your body would flush out potassium, calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients required to keep your bones and muscles healthy and strong. Here are a few benefits, besides energy revitalization, provided by IV nutritional therapy:

  • Gut support
  • Migraine relief
  • Asthma recovery
  • Cancer support
  • Infection recovery
  • Infection defense booster

2. Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances, such as perimenopause, menopause, and low testosterone, are also a common cause of extreme fatigue.

Perimenopause and menopause can contribute to fatigue directly. Or, these conditions may cause symptoms, like night sweats and insomnia, which cause fatigue. Estrogen, progesterone, adrenal hormones, and thyroid hormones can all result in you feeling mentally and physically exhausted. Men go through something similar to menopause, known as andropause when testosterone levels decrease, and estrogen levels increase.

Hormone therapy may be just what the doctor ordered if you suffer from crashing fatigue, and your hormone levels are imbalanced. After the first week of bioidentical hormone therapy, people can generally expect relief from anxiety and insomnia (another cause of extreme fatigue). After the third week, both men and women often enjoy a drastic improvement in cognitive function, as well as increased energy. Here are some other potential benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy to treat extreme fatigue:

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Weight gain
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive nighttime urination
  • Hair loss
  • Memory loss
  • Impaired cognitive function

3. Thyroid Dysfunction

Remember, imbalanced thyroid hormones can result in “menopausal fatigue.” Even if you’re not going through perimenopause, menopause, or andropause, it is possible to have imbalanced thyroid hormones. There are two types of thyroid dysfunction, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a medical condition characterized by an underactive thyroid. In other words, your thyroid does not produce enough of the hormones your body needs for optimal operation.

The thyroid hormone plays an important role in several critical functions, including carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, basal metabolism and temperature regulation, proper GI functioning (sluggish or hyperactive GI can cause fatigue), and nervous system activity. When you’re nervous system is not functioning efficiently, you will feel fatigued. A great nutritional boost during your hypothyroidism recovery can be achieved by supplementing zinc, selenium, natural B vitamins, vitamins E, D, and A (not Beta Carotene), iodine, and non-carbonate calcium. Here are some other benefits of treatment:

  • Improved skin pigmentation
  • Weight loss
  • Thicker hair
  • Warm skin
  • No more excessive sweating
  • Improved speech
  • Headache relief
  • Smoother hair
  • Edema relief

4. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a condition that goes far beyond being constantly tired. The level of fatigue interferes with your daily life to the point you can no longer care for your loved ones or hold down a job. Some people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome even become disabled to the point of being bedridden, suffering from chronic pain, and other flu-like symptoms.

Currently, there is no cure for chronic fatigue syndrome. However, scientists are working hard on developing a cure. In the meantime, based on our understanding of the condition, there is treatment available. Affecting primarily women in their 40s and 50s with a family history of the condition, chronic fatigue syndrome can be treated by evaluating infectious processes and identifying via biofeedback any other conditions.

5. Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s disease is a medical condition typically considered to be a thyroid disease. While this disease affects the thyroid, it is primarily an immune reaction. This disease can lead to either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. If your immune system is attacking your thyroid gland as if it is a foreign body, you suffer from Hashimoto’s disease.

In 90% of cases, the symptoms of autoimmune thyroid disease can be improved with vitamin D supplementation. Other methods for improving symptoms include lemon balm, green tea and grape seed extracts, licorice, and other natural supplementation. Moreover, depending on which part of your immune system is hyperactive, you will benefit significantly from balancing your levels of TH-1 and TH-2 cytokines. Unfortunately, once the gene for this autoimmune disease is activated, it cannot be deactivated. Here are some added benefits of treating Hashimoto’s disease:

  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • High cholesterol
  • Constipation
  • Weight gain
  • Hair loss

6. Adrenal Fatigue

Conventional medicine does not recognize or treat the symptoms caused by adrenal fatigue. This syndrome is characterized by chronic fatigue, low libido, infertility, low blood pressure, and several other symptoms. However, this syndrome is diagnosable via blood and saliva testing. The blood test identifies the body’s production of progesterone, aldosterone, testosterone, and DHEA. The saliva test identifies the abundance of cortisol in the body.

If you suffer from adrenal fatigue, there are several treatment options available to you. Depending on your hormone levels, you may need to receive a bio-identical cortisol supplement. Alternatively, you may need to supplement your body’s production of pregnenolone or DHEA. Moreover, you may find that you benefit from lifestyle changes and dietary supplements to help you restore your overall health and wellness. Examples include:

  • Whole grains
  • Bio-available protein
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Dairy
  • Sea salt
  • Healthy fats (coconut oil, grapeseed oil)
  • Legumes
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Lean meats

7. Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an under-researched, debilitating disease spread by the bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi. In adults, symptoms include fatigue, rashes, achy joints, flu-like symptoms, sleep disorders, cognitive impairment, impaired vision, heart conditions, and more.

To treat extreme fatigue caused by Lyme disease, detoxify the endotoxins caused by the bacteria, restore your body’s natural biochemistry, receive IV nutritional therapy as you are recovering, and take herbal supplements to support your recovery process.

Learn More About Causes and Treatments for Fatigue Today

Is crashing fatigue preventing you from living life to the fullest? Depending on the cause of your fatigue, you may also suffer from several other quality of life-impairing symptoms. There is hope.

Call us today at Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI at (262) 522-8640 or book an appointment online. Dr. Debra Muth, ND, Dr. Greg Brown, MD, and the rest of the staff at Serenity Health Care Center believe strongly that by forming a partnership with you, we can help your body heal itself.

What Is a Parasite Cleanse?

Most people have no idea that parasites reside in their bodies. These microscopic life forms live off of the resources in our tissues, organs, and digestive systems. They cause a host of symptoms, including cramps, headaches, and fatigue. You don’t have to travel to the tropics to pick up parasites. They originate right here in Waukesha—in the foods we eat, the liquids we drink, and the air we breathe. Parasite cleanse programs can help rid the body of these noxious pests, increasing health and vitality. Parasite cleansing is available at Serenity Health Center in Waukesha, WI.


What Is a Parasite Cleanse?

Parasite cleanses are dietary supplements that work to detoxify the human body of parasitic infections. These cleansing programs cure harmful parasitic infestations without the need for prescription medications. After taking the appropriate round of supplements, clients feel more energetic, focused, and positive.


What Are Parasites?

Parasites are tiny creatures that infest the bodies of other living beings. They live by consuming the biological resources in the host’s body. In extreme cases, parasites make the host weak and sick. The worst types of parasites can kill the host. Thankfully, there are few killer parasites in modern America, but the invaders we do have cause illness, fatigue, and disease.


Parasitic infections occur when the invaders grow and reproduce. When this occurs, they can damage organs and other body systems, causing serious illness. Common human parasitic infections found in the United States include the following:

  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Giardiasis
  • Cryptosporidiosis
  • Trichomoniasis

Parasitic Infection Symptoms

Most parasites travel into the human body through contaminated liquids or foods. Symptoms depend on the type of parasite and what body systems are infested. Some common parasitic infection symptoms include the following:

  • Upset stomach
  • Stomach cramps
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Excessive dehydration
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fever
  • Excessive gas
  • Severe or persistent diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Aches and pains
  • Persistent Itching

Diagnosis of Parasitic Infections

Most parasitic infections are diagnosed through a stool sample. Often, several samples must be taken at different times for a correct diagnosis. In some cases, certain mild parasitic infections may go away on their own. This is most often the case in people who have strong immune systems and eat a balanced diet.

Parasite Cleanse Treatment

a picture with lots of star anis

Most natural health practitioners understand that a large percentage of the U.S. population unknowingly carries parasites. Regular parasite cleanses wash away these tiny invaders and keep our bodies functioning at healthy and optimal levels.

Many herbal supplements work as home remedies for general, regular detoxification. Some of the most effective detoxification herbs include the following:

  • Anise
  • Barberry
  • Berberine
  • Black walnut
  • Clove oil
  • Curled mint
  • Goldthread
  • Goldenseal
  • Grapefruit seed extract
  • Propolis
  • Oregano oil
  • Oregon grape
  • Wormwood

Natural Medicines That Cleanse Specific Body Systems

yellow and purple flower that shows natural medicines that cleanse the body

To cleanse specific bodily systems of parasites, naturally-based, plant-derived medicines provide the most effective approach because they target certain areas, cleaning out unhealthy objects. Your natural health practitioner can recommend remedies for various systems, including the intestines, liver, and specific areas of the digestive tract. In addition, natural health practitioners can provide homeopathic therapies that drive specific types of parasites from your body.

During your consultation, your natural health practitioner will recommend herbs that help with detoxification without interacting with any medications you are taking. Most herbs are gentle and have no serious side effects. Your naturopath can advise which supplements are easiest on the body. Most herbal detox programs last for two weeks on, two weeks off until the problem is cleared up, but some programs last up to a month at a time.


Parasitic Cleanse Diet

Following a carefully prescribed diet is an important facet of a parasite cleanse. During the cleanse, the diet should be balanced and include unprocessed, high-nutrient foods without refined sugars.


High fiber intake is extremely important. Fiber encourages regular bowel movements, which are an important part of the cleansing process. High nutrient intake helps support immunity, another key part of the cleanse. Immunity also helps prevent recurring infections, as does the inclusion of probiotics in the cleanse diet.

Natural health practitioners also recommend their clients limit gluten, wheat, dairy, and alcohol. These foods become food for the parasites once inside the body, which can make getting rid of the invaders that much harder. Also, it’s important to avoid foods that cause you digestive issues, as they may weaken the immune system. In addition, a diet balanced between moderate intake of protein, fat, and carbs provides the best results for most people.

Garlic, honey, pumpkin seeds, and papaya seeds all help fight parasites, so efforts should be made to include them in an anti-parasite diet.

How to Prevent Parasitic Infection When Traveling Abroad

a hand holding a small world globe

When we travel to other regions of the globe, we encounter parasites our bodies have no exposure to. Our immunity to them may be nonexistent, so picking up a parasite is a frequent occurrence with foreign travel. When abroad, use these following techniques to avoid coming home with an unwelcome guest:

  • Avoid water that isn’t purified or bottled
  • Decline ice
  • Don’t eat fruit you can’t peel
  • Never swim or bathe in fresh water
  • Pass up foods prepared by street vendors

Signs You Picked Up a Parasite While Abroad

If you travel to the far corners of the globe, to places such as China, India, and Africa, it’s possible to bring a parasite home despite your best efforts. Even trips to well-established resort communities, such as Cancun, Mexico, come with parasite risk, particularly if you drink non-bottled water. While non-bottled water is fairly easy to avoid, you have to eat, and even well-prepared foods can contain parasites.

In typical cases, parasite victims will return from their trips, experiencing stomach pains and dysentery. According to the CDC, persistent travelers’ diarrhea is a positive sign for parasitic infection. If you return from an overseas trip and find your intestines hurting and need to use the bathroom too frequently, make sure to get tested for a parasitic infection. Once diagnosed, your naturopath can prescribe the herbs and diet that will repel the invaders.

Before the Cleanse

Prior to starting the cleanse, start a high-fiber diet and ensure you have regular bowel movements. If you are constipated, postpone the cleanse, eat plenty of fiber and wait until bowel movements become consistent. With intestinal parasite cases, high-fiber diets are especially important. The fiber helps force intestinal parasites out of the body.

Natural Cures for Parasite Infections Provide Non-Drug Relief

Parasites can do more than wreck a vacation to a foreign country. They can infest vital bodily systems, lingering for years, and damaging health. Many parasites can also be contracted right here in Wisconsin. Many of these parasites cause recurrent diarrhea, upset stomachs, low energy, headaches, and other symptoms that make us feel drained. The problem is the parasites are sucking away our biological resources, leaving us weakened and vulnerable to disease.

Parasite cleanses rid the body of these pests, so we can feel our best. Combined with a high-fiber, high nutrition diet devoid of sugars and excessive alcohol, these natural treatments provide the best means of ridding the body of uninvited guests permanently. To learn more about how natural medicine can ride you of parasite problems, call Serenity Health Care Center, located in Waukesha, WI.

ADHD Disorders and ADD


ADHD disorders are brain connected disorders that cause a variety of issues for children and adults. The symptoms range in severity from mild to severe. Conventional medicine treats these disorders with medical management and behavioral therapy. At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we take a different approach – we treat the whole child with biomedical treatment to help us discover any underlying medical issues.

Our functional approach to ADHD, also known as ADD, includes biomedical treatment, nutritional therapy and other alternative treatment.

There are three types of ADHD disorders

In the past, people referred to ADHD disorders as either ADD, or attention deficit disorder, and ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) now defines three types of ADHD disorders.

  • Inattentive only—formerly referred to as ADD. This is the most common form of ADHD in females.
  • Hyperactive/impulsive—the least common type of the ADHD disorders. When a child has this type, they are able to pay attention, but exhibit hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. This disorder frequently occurs in young children.
  • Combined inattentive/hyperactive/impulsive—the type of disorder formerly called ADHD. With this disorder, a child will exhibit several behaviors.

Children with ADHD disorders exhibit several behaviors, including difficulty paying attention; problems interacting with peers and family members; learning problems; impulsive acts that can be dangerous; and the need for constant motion.

Our biomedical treatment and functional approach

Greg Brown, M.D., is a board-certified internist who began practicing integrative medicine in 2008, combining conventional medicine with a functional medicine approach. Dr. Brown employs biomedical treatment to help children with ADHD disorders. A biomedical treatment approach diagnoses and treats underlying medical issues that can affect children with ADHD disorders.

No one knows exactly what causes autism, but researchers are looking at four areas that they believe impact ADHD disorders.

Gastrointestinal problems – Problems we see include diarrhea, constipation, bloating, reflux and more. These problems can be caused by yeast, “leaky gut,” or other medical issues.

Nutritional imbalances and deficiencies – A child may be underweight or overweight, show signs of malnutrition or specific deficiencies. We address nutritional issues associated with ADHD disorders with special diet recommendations and nutritional supplements known as amino acid therapy, which assists in balancing the chemicals that cause ADHD/ADD symptoms.

Immune dysfunctions – These dysfunctions can be caused by genetics or environmental issues. The child may have rashes or other skin problems, bowel problems, fevers or other health issues due to immune problems. We uncover these issues, often ignored by conventional medicine

Detoxification irregularities – Toxins are almost always ignored by conventional medicine, but toxins can build up and cause neurological problems. We test for the presence of toxins when doing a biomedical workup on children with ADHD disorders.

If the conventional medicine approach to ADHD isn’t offering what you want for your child, contact us at our Functional Medicine Clinic near Milwaukee or call to schedule a consultation at 262-522-8640.