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Author: Dr. Debra Muth

Are You Too Tired To Tango?

If a man has problems getting or maintaining an erection up to 20 percent of the time he has sex, that’s considered normal. If problems occur more often than that, it’s best to seek medical help. A doctor can usually diagnose situational erectile dysfunction by checking a patient for physical problems and going over his health history. A monitor that measures the penis for erections while the patient sleeps can also be prescribed.

Not having or desiring sex as often as you did when you were younger is not a sign of a sexual problem. “For many older guys, having sex a few times a month may be enough, and is perfectly normal,” says Dr. Wheeler.

There are many potential causes of situational ED. “Occasional erectile dysfunction is common in younger men who still have lots of anxiety about first encounters,” notes Montague. And older men “may find that fatigue affects their ability to have an erection more than when they were young,” he continues.

Situational factors that can hamper sexual performance include:

  • Stress. Stress causes the release of brain chemicals that can keep an erection from even getting started. The classic example is performance anxiety. “One erection failure can lead to fear and anxiety that can produce a temporary problem with erectile dysfunction,” says Montague.
  • Fatigue. Sometimes you may just be too tired to tango. “Fatigue can decrease the desire for sex, and trying to have sex when you are fatigued is a common cause of ED,” Montague notes. This may be especially true if you usually have sex in the evening.
  • Alcohol. Alcohol is a common culprit in cases of short-term ED. Although a drink or two may dispel stress and anxiety, too much alcohol depresses your sexual response. “Older men may find that alcohol interferes with sex more than it did when they were younger, but any man who is inebriated is unlikely to have a good experience,” warns Wheeler.
  • Drugs. Many common medications, including over-the-counter medications, can cause short-term ED. Cold medications with antihistamines, some blood pressure drugs, prescription pain relievers, sleep aids, and pills for depression or anxiety are all possible triggers. “A common drug given for prostate enlargement called tamsulosin (Flomax) may also cause erectile dysfunction,” notes Wheeler.
  • Condom problems. Unfamiliarity with how to use a condom, or having to interrupt the flow of sex to put on a condom, can cause an erection deflation and temporary erectile dysfunction, especially for younger men. “For older men, condoms can be a cause of erectile dysfunction because they cut down on the stimulation needed to maintain an erection, or to achieve orgasm,” says Montague.
  • Relationship troubles. “Relationships change over time, and it takes two people interested in sex to have a good sexual experience,” notes Montague. Poor communication, unresolved anger, and other relationship issues can result in situational erectile dysfunction.

Treatment of Situational Erectile Dysfunction

  • Try positive lifestyle changes: Quit smoking, limit alcohol to two drinks a day, get plenty of exercise, and eat a healthy diet.
  • Plan sexual activity for a time when you have both energy and time for sex. “Try having sex in the morning instead of at the end of a busy day,” Montague suggests. “Take a vacation to recharge your relationship.”
  • Avoid over-the-counter medications that may cause ED, and ask your doctor whether any of your prescription medications could be causing a problem.
  • Talk to your partner about any anxiety you have about ED. For good communication, try talking openly about what arouses each of you, and keep in mind that intimacy can relieve performance anxiety.
  • If you feel you need help to improve your psychological outlook, or to work on your relationship, consult a mental health professional — individual therapy and couples therapy are two options.



Lymphatic Enhancement

Lymphatic Enhancement

What is Lymphatic Enhancement Technology?

Lymphatic Enhancement Technology (L.E.T.) is a non-invasive, gentle detoxification therapy used to improve lymphatic integrity and restore lymphatic flow and function. Using glass pyrex bulbs that emit low-energy, vibrational frequencies, L.E.T. encourages toxins, excess fluid, cellular waste and proteins accumulated between the cells to safely exit through the body’s natural elimination channels. When combined with proper nutrition, diet and moderate exercise, L.E.T. increases an overall feeling of well-being and can help restore your lymphatic system to optimal health within a few sessions.

What is the Lymphatic System, and why is it important to my health?

The lymphatic system is a key component of your immune system. This system consists of lymphatic ducts, vessels and capillaries, lymph nodes and lymph (fluid). The tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are also part of the lymphatic system. Its primary function is to transport lymph, a clear to milky fluid, through a vast network of over 600 lymph nodes. Lymph fluid carries specialized cells throughout your body that search out and destroy viruses, bacteria, toxins and waste products. The lymphatic system also helps circulate fluids, proteins, hormones and immune cells throughout the body that are vital to maintaining total body well-being and balance.

Our lymphatic system is like a transportation highway; as long as cars are moving freely, everybody can easily get to their destination. But what happens if there is an accident? Lane closures? Cars are now stuck on the highway with no way to exit. Cars quickly begin to pile up, creating traffic congestion and road blockades. Similar to a free flowing highway that comes to a stop, lymph, a clear watery fluid, becomes cloudy and thick with toxic waste products when the body cannot eliminate “traffic jams.” This lymphatic congestion can lead to swollen lymph nodes, a variety of chronic symptoms, illnesses and even cancer. L.E.T. helps clear the roadway wreckage, opens the freeway and allows traffic to flow again.

How does my Lymphatic system become congested?

Unlike the heart for the circulatory system, the lymphatic system is not pressurized by a muscle or “pump”. Therefore, lymphatic fluid does not flow at the same speed as blood. Without a “pump” the flow of lymph throughout the body is naturally slow and can easily get congested. Modern lifestyles substantially add to impaired lymph function, ranging from inactivity, poor diet and stress to environmental toxins and bodily injuries. When this state of congestion is long-lasting, blockages can form and cause a backup in free lymphatic flow. As a result, the lymphatic system needs greater assistance in clearing congestion and maintaining optimal health.

What factors affect my Lymphatic Health?

Normal, everyday stressors have an impact on our Lymphatic health. The most common stressors on the lymphatic system include:

*Poor Nutrition & Diet
*Insufficient daily water   intake
*Wearing clothing that is   too tight, including bras,   neck-ties and   compression garments
*Food allergies or   sensitivities
*Lack of exercise /   sedentary lifestyles
*Environmental toxins   including pollution,   heavy metals, pesticides   & herbicides

*Hormonal imbalances
 Infections & illness
*Normal aging process
*Traumatic injuries &   surgeries

Are there other types of Lymphatic problems?

Yes, some people are born with primary lymphatic diseases. But most of us have lymphatic issues related to modern lifestyles, poor health habits, trauma and surgeries.

How do I know if I need Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy?

Most everyone can benefit from Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy! The following common symptoms and conditions can be alleviated within a few sessions of Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy.

*Constipation & Bloating
*Sinus Problems & *Congestion
*Chronic Joint Pains &   Body Pains
*Asthma & Lung   Conditions
*Frequent occurrence of   Cold & Flu
*Persistent Swollen   Lymph Nodes
*Edema / Excess Water   Retention
*Fibrocystic & Tender   Breasts
*Appearance of Cellulite
 Enlarged Prostate

What can I expect from a Lymphatic Enhancement Session?

L.E.T. is a non-invasive body therapy that requires clients to lay on a massage table, under sheets with some clothing/garments removed. The therapist then administers the body work by placing ionized glass bulbs directly on the skin which are then glided over the skin in rhythmic motions, stimulating lymphatic flow and directing lymphatic fluid to the appropriate sites of drainage. Sessions may include work on the face, arms, chest and/or breasts, abdomen, legs and back. Clients are appropriately draped throughout the session, as various body areas are worked. Soft, tranquil music is played in the room and lights are dimmed for an enjoyable experience. Most clients find the experience very relaxing and often fall asleep on the table.

How long are lymphatic sessions and how many sessions will I need to help with my condition?

Typical appointments are 60 minutes in length, depending on your areas of concern. Our therapists have found that several, consistent sessions (1-2x weekly) over a shorter period (6-8 weeks) of time generally produces the best results. L.E.T. maintenance sessions are generally recommended for optimal lymphatic health. Your lymphatic system is as unique as you are, therefore, individual treatment plans are available for your specific health goals and concerns.

How will I feel during or after my Lymphatic Enhancement session?

Most clients find Lymphatic Enhancement sessions to be very relaxing. Post treatment some people are highly energized for hours while others may feel the need to rest. Each individual is unique and may react differently, but similar to other gentle detoxification therapies, you may have an increase in bladder and/or bowel activity or a mild healing reaction as toxins exit through the natural pathways of the body.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare for my Lymphatic Enhancement session?

Drinking adequate amounts of water (6-8 glasses) is recommended before and after each L.E.T. session to assist in the cleansing process. We also ask you to refrain from applying any lotions, oils, creams or perfumes to the body prior to your session in order to achieve the best results.

Is there anyone who should NOT use Lymphatic Enhancement with the Lymphstar Pro?

While L.E.T. is beneficial for many clients, there are a few contraindications for this therapy. Contraindications include:

*Individuals with   Pacemakers, other   Implanted   Medical/Electrical   devices, or medicine   pumps
*Congestive Heart Failure
*Individuals with known   blood clots or history of   blood clots
*Undiagnosed lumps or   tumors
*Some cosmetic implants   and cosmetic injections/   fillers (such as Botox) for   cosmetic or medical   purposes
*Active skin infections, or open wounds at time of treatment
Your health and wellness is important to us. Disclosure of all medical conditions and health concerns prior to your first session will assist our Lymphatic therapists in determining if L.E.T. is an appropriate therapy for your individual needs and concerns.

Certain pre-diagnosed conditions may require you to obtain a doctor’s approval prior to treatment. Get in touch or call us to book an appointment.

Erectile Dysfunction Therapy

What is our treatment method?

Our ED treatment method is based on a series of over 30 clinical studies showing a greater than 75% success rate in treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED).

Our ED treatment method utilizes high frequency, low-intensity soundwaves to improve blood flow to the penis, remove micro-plaque, and stimulate the growth of new blood vessels and uses a specific protocol designed to optimize efficacy, safety and results.

Our ED treatment method is based on a series of over 30 clinical studies showing a greater than 75% success rate in treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED).

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Prostate Health Secrets for Men

What Is Prostate Cancer?

The prostate gland is a male reproductive gland located in the lower abdomen that produces seminal fluid. It is about the size of a golfball in younger men, but once a man is over 40 years of age, the gland typically starts to grow.

Prostate cancer occurs when an abnormal growth of cells (known as a tumor) forms in the prostate. Cancer can then spread to other areas of the body.

Prostate cancer is typically categorized by the speed with which it spreads. In aggressive prostate cancer, the tumor develops and grows quickly, and cancer then spreads to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes and bones. Conversely, with nonaggressive prostate cancer, the tumor either grows very slowly or doesn’t grow at all.

Who’s Most at Risk?

Certain factors increase your risk of getting prostate cancer. Risk factors include:

Age (men 65 and older are at highest risk)

Family history of the disease (especially first-degree relatives)

Certain ethnicities (African-American men are at greatest risk)

Weight (obese men are at increased risk)

Geographic location (men living in disadvantaged or rural areas are at greater risk)

What Are the Symptoms?

While there are often no symptoms with nonaggressive prostate cancer, symptoms can occur with the aggressive form of this cancer. One common symptom is urinary urgency, difficulty starting the stream of urine, bleeding with urination, urinary frequency. This is usually the first sign of prostate cancer.

Sexualy dysfunction can be another problem. Men can experience erectile dysfunction. Also, in cases in which intercourse is impossible, prostate cancer can cause blood in the semen. Additionally, when cancer spreads to other parts of the body, the person can experience pain in the pelvic region, lower back, hips, upper thighs, or chest. In severe cases in which cancer has metastasized in the spinal cord, feeling in the legs can be lost.

What Are the Screening Recommendations?

Men who are experiencing any of the described symptoms should be screened for prostate cancer. Also, it’s recommended that men with risk factors, such as age and ethnicity, should get a prostate screening even if they don’t have symptoms. While the risk of prostate cancer is highest for men over 65 years of age, it’s recommended that annual screenings start at the age of 50 for normal men and 40 for men in high-risk groups.

Screening can be done with a Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test that measures PSA levels in the bloodstream. PSA is a protein produced by the prostate, and it becomes elevated when a man develops prostate cancer. However, an elevated PSA level can also be caused by other conditions, so follow-up testing is often needed. Additional testing can include a Prostate Health Index test, a digital rectal exam, a prostate biopsy, and possibly medical imaging procedures such as a CT scan, an MRI, an ultrasound, or a bone scan.

We also recommend having testosterone levels drawn on an annual basis. Testosterone levels can decline after the age of 40. There is a new testosterone therapy used for treatment of prostate cancer that is only done by special physicians.

Prostate cancer is a risk that all men need to be aware of. Because it’s the second most common cancer for men, it’s important to know your risk factors, seek help if any symptoms occur, and start having annual screenings as you age. Thankfully, when prostate cancer is diagnosed and treated early, the outlook is generally positive.

Natural Remedies and Herbs for a Healthy Prostate 

If you suffer from prostate enlargement then it’s important to be aware of the nutritional supplements that support the prostate. These herbs support the body and assist in decreasing  symptoms and slow the disease progression. Here are some of the top prostate herbal remedies:

  • Cat’s Claw – Has been used to support prostate cancer naturally, cat’s claw can help to improve the immune system through a natural compound called pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids (POAs). POA’s enhance immune activity to fight cancer cells.
  • Oregano – Oregano contains an active ingredient that can help our immune system fight cancer. Take oregano herbs for prostate health.
  • Pumpkin Seed – Pumpkin seed can help reduce the swelling of the prostate it has a high zinc content, which is important for prostate health. Pumpkin seed oil specifically may help to combat prostate tumors.
  • Baking Soda – Baking soda is an alkalizing ingredient, which may help to reduce prostate tumors.
  • Milk Thistle – Milk thistle main ingredient called silymarin, which supports liver function and assists the body with detoxification. 
  • Ginger – Ginger is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that can help to reduce the swelling of the prostate. It is also good at assisting with nausea and stomach discomfort. 

For men that are experiencing issues without cancer shockwave therapy can be beneficial in improving the blood flow to the pelvis. 

If you have questions about men’s health, testosterone therapy, or shockwave contact Serenity Health Care Center at 262-522-8640. contact our hormone experts at Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI now to schedule an appointment.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy

At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, our practitioner team combines expertise across health disciplines for leveraged knowledge that benefits every patient. As we assist patients in your pursuit of health and wellness, we offer varied therapies and treatments.

What Is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy is the delivery of pure oxygen into the bloodstream. The reactive properties of this form of oxygen collaborate with the body’s natural abilities to heal itself. Essentially, medical grade ozone, or oxygen, stimulates healing and other beneficial activities.

Health practitioners around the world have used ozone therapy for over 50 years. It is especially effective in Western countries where people have become increasingly sedentary.

Lack of activity and shallow breathing as a result of sedentary lifestyles leads to a depleted oxygen supply in the blood. Less oxygen in the blood means less oxygen available for all important bodily functions, from processing at the cellular level to brain power to output of major organs.

Ozone Therapy and the Immune System

Low levels of oxygen in the bloodstream compromise the immune system’s ability to perform. A lackluster immune system can lead to it turning on itself and attacking healthy cells. Autoimmune diseases result from this kind of destructive behavior.

A poor immune system may not recognize dangerous invaders and thus not fight them. This is another way some diseases get a foothold and spread throughout the body. Think cancer and fibromyalgia. 

Ozone therapy infuses the immune system with super-charged oxygen. The “booster shot” resets the immune system, energizing it to function normally. It is better able to recognize and fight off foreign bodies and less likely to turn on itself

How is Ozone Therapy Administered?

Ozone treatments are most often administered by IV into the arm. Prior to the delivery, half a pint of blood is taken from the patient. A trained Serenity Health professional mixes ozone into the blood and then runs the blood/ozone mixture back into the patient. This completes the treatment.

In some cases, ozone therapy may also be administered through the ears, vagina, rectum, and bladder.

The Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Medical grade ozone promotes restorative activity in the body.

  • It optimizes the ability of cells to utilize oxygen
  • It naturally detoxifies the body by binding to and neutralizing toxins
  • It helps reduce the presence of harmful organisms
  • It promotes the growth factors that help regenerate joints
  • It boosts the immune system’s power to fight infection
  • It influences pain receptors and can help eliminate chronic pain
  • It may decrease lung inflammation and regulate lung circulation in the treatment of COVID-19
  • It aids the body in managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, hepatitis, and macular degeneration
  • It helps mitochondria (bodies inside cells) produce more energy
  • It improves blood circulation and cell motility
  • It helps decrease the presence of uric acid

What Conditions and Diseases Does Ozone Therapy Help?

  • Digestion disorders
  • Bowel disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Insulin resistance
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Heart Disease
  • Lung inflammation
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Headaches
  • Bladder problems
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Allergies
  • Autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Psoriasis
  • Vasculitis
  • Cancer
  • Sports injuries
  • Memory loss

Who Should Not Get Ozone Therapy?

Some patients are not candidates for ozone therapy. These include people who suffer from:

  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Recent disc herniation
  • Thrombocytopenia (blood clotting disorder)
  • Ozone allergies
  • G6PD deficiency (the breakdown of red blood cells)

Additionally, pregnant women may not receive ozone therapy, or people who are intoxicated or actively bleeding. Recent heart attack victims and those with recent disc herniations also should not get ozone therapy. Ozone therapy should not be administered directly into artificial joints.

9 Symptoms That May Be Corrected With Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

At Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI, we offer several medical treatments to address a number of medical conditions, including chronic illness, erectile dysfunction, adrenal and chronic fatigue, Lyme disease, obesity-related illness and more. Today, we’re talking about one of our most popular services: bioidentical hormone therapy.

9 Symptoms That Can Be Corrected With Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

1. Weight Gain

One of the most universal signs of imbalanced hormones is weight gain. Weight gain occurs as you age because, while your diet hasn’t changed in years, your body simply doesn’t need as much fuel to operate and maintain its weight. However, the appropriate solution to weight gain isn’t to start eating less. It’s to bring your hormone levels back in balance to restore your metabolism.

If you are experiencing unexplained weight gain, we strongly encourage you to come in for an initial consultation and have your serum hormone levels tested. If you let your weight gain go unchecked, you will increase your risk of numerous medical conditions associated with excess fat, including: 

  • Type II diabetes
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Renal failure
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 

2. Low Bone Density

Another incredibly common sign that your body isn’t producing enough sex hormones is low bone density. Testosterone tells osteoblasts to make more trabecular bone and supports osteocytes in the prevention of trabecular bone loss. When either your osteoblasts or osteocytes are too few in number, brittle bones and other bone disorders can occur. When both are too few in number, it is only a matter of time before your bones become weakened significantly.

It is of the utmost importance that you test your bone density and serum hormone levels if you have a family history of osteoporosis or osteopenia. Having a member of your immediate family suffer from one of these bone disorders puts you in a much higher risk category of developing the condition yourself. Unfortunately, muscle weakness, loss of muscle mass, and balance issues caused by low hormones increase your risk of falling and fracturing a bone.

3. Major Depressive Disorder

When you think of the signs of aging, you may not think about your mental health. However, sex hormones play a critical role in keeping your mood stable. In fact, testosterone is so important for your mental health that a low level of serum testosterone can result in major depressive disorder.

Major depressive disorder affects everyone differently. Some people become so apathetic about life that they don’t have the motivation to cook and eat, either losing weight through extended periods of fasting or gaining weight due to eating prepared high-caloric density foods. Furthermore, depression can cause such side effects as fatigue, making exercise nearly impossible. If you have recently noticed signs of depression, come in to get your hormone levels checked.

4. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Another mood disorder that may crop up due to imbalance hormone levels is a generalized anxiety disorder. This mood disorder nearly always causes abdominal fat gain because stress increases the level of cortisol, aptly also known as the stress hormone.

Cortisol is responsible for several functions, including instructing your body to store visceral fat (the most dangerous kind of fat there is), increasing your body’s production of ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and decreasing your body’s production of leptin (the satiety hormone). All of this is a recipe for a drastically increased risk of heart disease and similar medical conditions.

5. Excessive Nighttime Urination

There are many things you should be doing for your health. One of the most important things for overall health is adequate sleep. Unfortunately, women going through menopause and men going through andropause often struggle to get an adequate night of rest regularly.

There are many symptoms of imbalanced hormones that can make adequate rest challenging. Among these are excessive nighttime urination, insomnia, hot flashes, and night sweats. All of these can be treated with an appropriate hormone replacement program. This way, you do not have to sacrifice adequate hydration for the opportunity to sleep through the night.

6. Cognitive Decline 

Cognitive decline is one of the scariest signs of imbalanced sex hormones because it can also be a sign of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and other serious medical conditions. However, if you don’t have a family history of such disorders, your first call should be to a hormone expert.

Cognitive decline due to imbalanced sex hormones affects everyone differently. However, the most common sign of cognitive decline is forgetting where you put important objects. For example, you may forget where you put your car keys. Similarly, you may put your wallet in the freezer and leave your frozen burrito in your desk drawer. Other common signs that you are experiencing cognitive decline include: 

  • Forgetting important dates
  • Forgetting words you use commonly
  • Losing your train of thought
  • Struggling to hold a conversation 
  • Difficulty forming new memories

7. Mood Swings

If you suffer from a major depressive disorder or generalized anxiety disorder, your feelings will probably remain constant throughout the day. For example, you may feel fleetingly excited for an event, but for the most part, you feel apathetic, sad, hopeless, or helpless. Similarly, if you suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, you may feel anything from on edge to anxious throughout the day with very few moments of reprieve.

The primary exception to this general rule is that generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, can cause mood swings. What we mean by this is one potential result of living with GAD is mental and emotional exhaustion. It feels virtually impossible to fight through life when you are constantly on edge. This mental and emotional exhaustion can lead to you snapping occasionally, becoming irritable or angry over something small. Bioidentical hormone replacement can help with that.  

8. Loss of Muscle Mass

Yet another symptom of imbalanced hormones that can be treated by bioidentical hormone therapy is the loss of muscle mass. There are several reasons why it is crucial to maintain your muscle mass or build more muscle. The most compelling argument for maintaining your muscle mass is mass loss leads to strength loss. Strength loss can lead to falls and bone fractures.

Another extremely compelling argument for maintaining your muscle mass is that muscle is roughly three times more metabolically active than white fat. In other words, a pound of muscle will burn approximately three times more calories than a pound of fat when your body is at rest. This makes it easier to maintain weight without changing your diet too much as your overall metabolism slows with age.

9. Hair Loss

The final symptom of imbalanced sex hormones that we’d like to address today is hair loss. One of the most common causes of hair loss is imbalanced hormones. If you notice more hair than usual in your hairbrush or hair tie, you may suffer from imbalanced hormones and benefit from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

Learn More About the Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Today

If you are experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms of imbalanced hormone levels, you can benefit greatly from bioidentical hormone therapy. However, the symptoms discussed today are only a portion of the symptoms that can be relieved with this therapy. To learn more about the benefits of treatment, contact our hormone experts at Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI now to schedule an appointment.

10 Signs You May Need to Get Lyme Disease Treatment

Lyme disease is one of today’s most challenging healthcare problems. In addition to being difficult to prevent, the condition’s wide range of symptoms and individualized presentation also makes it difficult to diagnose. Worse, many people suffer inadequate treatment after a diagnosis, with long-term effects that can be disastrous to their health. Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI offers exceptional, specialized expertise in Lyme disease and the most complete Lyme disease treatment available.  

10 Signs You May Need to Get Lyme Disease Treatment

There are both acute signs of Lyme disease, which show up in a few days or weeks following transmission, and also symptoms of chronic Lyme disease, which develops over time when the disease hasn’t been treated right away. The symptoms of Lyme disease often mimic the symptoms of other diseases or discomforts we might experience in everyday life, such as fatigue or joint pain.

This “masquerade effect” makes Lyme disease easy to overlook, which can be extremely dangerous. The first five signs on the following list are acute symptoms that show up sooner than later. Left untreated, the second five signs are an indication that the disease may have been resident for months or longer:

1) The Bull’s Eye Rash

About a week after Lyme disease infection, 20-30% of people develop a telltale rash somewhere on their body. It’s not generally itchy or painful, but it grows larger over the course of a few days. As it grows, it sometimes looks like a target – a discolored circle of skin with a bull’s eye in the middle that looks like a bite.

2) Fever and Chills

These days we’re all especially concerned with fever and the need to monitor our temperature when we’re not feeling well. Ticks don’t travel through the air; they lurk in grasses. If you’re experiencing fever even when you’ve stayed safe in every other respect, you may have Lyme disease.

3) Joint Pain

Left untreated, Lyme disease can wreak havoc on the body’s joints and become a spearhead for painful chronic arthritis that lasts a lifetime. If you’re experiencing an unusual new pain or stiffness in one or more of your joints, it may well be a symptom of Lyme disease and you should be examined.

4) Headaches

We all get the occasional headache for a variety of reasons, so it’s easy to miss this sign. If headaches become persistent or have unusual intensity, it’s time to question why. Unfortunately, Lyme disease is extremely prevalent in our region.

5) Unusual Fatigue 

This is another symptom that’s easy to overlook. We live in busy, stressful times and stress is a natural lever for fatigue. However, if you’re feeling notably more tired each day than you think you ought to be, it may not be ordinary fatigue. Feeling inordinately tired is also a frequent symptom of Lyme disease.

6) Joint Inflammation

Moving beyond stiffness into severe inflammation and pain around the joints, later Lyme disease brings on arthritis, which is a chronic condition that can only be managed rather than cured. If your knees, ankles or other large joints are swollen and painful, Lyme disease may be the culprit.

7) Facial Disfigurement

Left untreated, Lyme disease induces a form of palsy on the facial muscles. If you’ve noticed that the skin or muscles around your mouth, cheeks or eyes have become numb or misshapen in any way, you may need to seek Lyme disease treatment.

8) Shortness of Breath

This symptom is one that everyone is aware of these days and should never be taken lightly under any circumstances. Respiratory changes, which lead to dizziness and contribute to fatigue, are a common effect of entrenched Lyme disease.

9) Ocular Infections

The bacteria in Lyme disease can interact with and even empower other harmful pathogens in our body. One of the most vulnerable organs is the eye, and eye infections, including conjunctivitis (pinkeye) are frequent advanced symptoms. These diseases are painful and contagious, and can permanently damage vision.

10) Heart Problems

Palpitations and irregular heart rhythms may be signs that the Lyme disease has attacked the heart muscle. This syndrome, called Lyme carditis, is a deeply serious condition that can be fatal if not treated. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Lyme carditis appears in 1 of every 100 patients.

Thorough Treatment: More Than You Think

Most people who are familiar with Lyme disease assume that treatment is simple and the disease is completely cured with a course of antibiotics. The truth is actually much more complex. Clinical evidence shows that the typical antibiotic treatment does of course kill the Lyme disease parasite. However, it does not kill the toxic residue that the Lyme disease cells release when they’re destroyed.

This leftover after-effect, known as an “endotoxin,” remains a health hazard to the patient even after antibiotic treatment. The body needs to be detoxified, and its tools for discarding harmful toxins should be strengthened with vitamins and complementary therapies.  

An Integrated Approach

In considering the most effective Lyme disease treatment, antibiotics on their own are inadequate and leave many patients still-vulnerable to the disease’s effects. Our bodies have outstanding capabilities for fighting infections and eliminating harmful toxins. Lyme disease places tremendous strain on these systems, which require assistance during treatment and rebuilding once the antibiotics have run their course.

Beyond immediate therapy that destroys the bacteria at the root of Lyme disease, an integrated approach ensures that the body heals itself from the damages and symptoms that the disease has inflicted.

State-of-the-Art Treatment for Lyme Disease

Lyme disease should not be taken lightly. The disease is not only virulent, its symptoms often resemble other physical complaints, so they get overlooked. Many Lyme disease patients are misdiagnosed, and many that are diagnosed correctly are often treated incompletely. Effective treatment requires more than pills. Thorough recoveries are achieved through a holistic approach that engages the entire body

Detox and Rejuvenation 

A full approach for treatment includes a detoxification process that helps the body flush the harmful residue through its natural elimination processes. In order to do this, our Lyme disease experts map the patient’s specific body chemistry and needs in a finding called a “bio terrain,” so that an individualized treatment plan can be formulated.

Bodily depletions caused by Lyme disease can be rebuilt through an individualized regimen of intravenous nutrients and supplements. These therapies assist the body’s immune system and allow its regenerative abilities to operate at peak capacity. Finally, a considered selection of herbal supplements helps restore and retain overall wellness, without the need for additional medications.  

How Do I Get Started?

Lyme disease can be effectively dealt with, but early detection is critical. The longer the disease is present, the more damage it does and the more difficult it becomes to treat. If you suspect you may have Lyme disease because you’ve seen a telltale rash or connected the dots to other symptoms, you should seek medical treatment immediately.

Our practitioners are experts in Lyme disease treatment. We offer the most accurate testing systems and an investigative approach that finds the Lyme disease that’s hiding behind other symptoms. If you think you may have Lyme disease, schedule an appointment today with Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI, serving the greater Milwaukee area.

Is HCG Weight Loss Right for You? 5 Things to Know

If you’re sick and tired of disliking what you see in the mirror, you may be the perfect candidate for HCG weight loss at Serenity Health Care Center in Wisconsin.

Today, we reveal five things you need to know about this program to help you determine if it is the appropriate solution for your needs.

5 Things You Need to Know About the HCG Weight Loss Program

1. You Will Lose Weight Rapidly

Our HCG weight loss program is probably appropriate for your weight loss needs if you need or want to lose weight rapidly. Whether you’re looking to mitigate your risk of life-threatening illnesses caused by obesity or you just want to fit comfortably into your favorite jeans again, this program will help you lose weight faster than you’ve ever lost weight in your life.

There are several reasons for this. However, the most significant driving factor of weight loss is the diet involves eating between 500 and 1,000 calories daily, depending on how quickly you want to lose weight. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the average American woman burns between 1,600 and 2,400 calories daily, and the average American man burns between 2,000 and 3,000 calories daily.

hCG 1000 Calorie Diet

If you’re an average American woman and burn 2,000 calories daily, but you only eat 500 calories daily, you will experience a net loss of 1,500 calories per day. To lose a pound of fat, you need to create a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories.
If you’re achieving a net loss of 1,500 calories daily, you’re achieving a weekly net loss of three pounds weekly.

If you want to eat 1,000 calories daily while on the HCG diet, you will achieve a daily fat loss of 2/7 of a pound and, subsequently, lose two pounds of fat weekly nearly effortlessly.

Keep in mind, it is perfectly safe for you to exercise on the HCG diet, so you can lose weight even faster without cutting too much food out of your diet.

2. Not All of the Initial Weight Loss Will Be Fat

We feel you must know that not all of the initial weight loss will come from burning excess adipose tissue for fuel. In fact, quite a lot of the initial weight loss will come from water loss. If you lose seven pounds in the first week, remember that for every gram of stored carbohydrates that your body burns for fuel, it also purges itself of two to three grams of water.

We also find it crucial to note that you will not lose muscle mass on this diet. There is a common misconception that if you eat fewer than 1,200 calories daily your body will catabolize healthy muscle mass. This isn’t true. Your body only catabolizes dead or damaged muscle cells so they can be replaced with stronger, healthier muscle cells.

The Bottom Line

The only way to lose muscle mass on a diet is to cause your muscles to atrophy due to inactivity. In other words, if you maintain your daily routine of walking, shopping, cooking, cleaning, and working, your muscles will not atrophy.

It’s also important to note that the water weight loss you experience may be permanent. Your body only stores glycogen when you eat more carbohydrates than you need for fuel. Once you’ve gone into ketosis, your body uses dietary and stored fat for fuel. You may find that you have so much energy and mental clarity on ketosis that you don’t want to go back to the sluggishness and brain fog of significant carbohydrate consumption.

3. You Won’t Feel Hunger

One of the most common reasons people fail at their diets is that they feel like they’re starving. They ignore this sensation for as long as they can and then start to binge on quick carbs. As if the initial binge wasn’t bad enough for their weight loss goals, quick carbs provide little-to-no satiety beyond physically filling the stomach.

This leads to more hunger, more attempted discipline, and more binges.

You don’t have to worry about feeling hungry on the HCG diet. HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is sometimes known as the pregnancy hormone because it is the hormone that is identified by pregnancy tests.

This hormone, among other functions, revs your overall metabolism, boosts your fat metabolism and helps to keep your hunger at bay.

4. It Is Divided Into Three Stages

The HCG diet is divided into three simple, yet effective, stages.

Phase 1 of hCG Diet

The first stage of the diet, also known as the loading phase, lasts for 48 hours and involves the administration of the HCG. We offer HCG supplementation in the form of injection. During this phase of the diet, you are encouraged to eat as much high-fat food as you want to while limiting carbohydrate consumption. This helps your body enter ketosis.

Phase 2 of hCG Diet

The second stage of the HCG diet, also known as the weight loss phase takes place over the course of three to six weeks. During this phase you will eat a significant amount of fat and protein to keep you full and focused while teaching your brain to listen to your body’s hunger cues.

Phase 3 of hCG Diet

The third and final phase of the HCG diet lasts for six weeks and may lead to starting the first phase again.

5. You May Struggle a Little at First

Another important thing you have to know about the HCG diet is it may not be easy at first.

While you don’t feel hunger, in part because you are put into ketosis, many people find it hard to resist the temptation to eat carbs, anyway. If you feel tempted to binge on carbs, go for a walk, drink some water, play a video game, or put together a puzzle. The temptation will wane.

One of the most exciting things about the HCG diet is that one of the effects of the HCG supplementation is that your hunger is quelled. Combined with the fact that ketosis also quells hunger and boosts mood, if you’re truly ready to lose weight, you won’t struggle too much on the diet. It becomes even easier once you see the progress you are making.

Helpful Tip

If you find your carbohydrate cravings are making you irritable, journal.
If you’re considering HCG weight loss, you want to change your life. Pull out your journal or the Notes app on your phone and write about a time you felt happy, healthy, and strong.
If you can’t remember what that feels like, journal about what you will do when you are happy, healthy,- and strong.

Discover How to Change Your Life for Good Today

If you’re ready to make a permanent change in your eating habits, our HCG weight loss program can help. You will lose weight rapidly, you will not feel hunger and you will learn how to reshape your eating habits so you can maintain your lower weight for the rest of your life.

If this sounds like a program you could stick to, contact us now at Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI to schedule an appointment.

We will review your medical history and discuss your aesthetic goals to customize our HCG weight loss program to meet your needs most effectively.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Adrenal Fatigue: What Causes It, and How to Treat It

With the world undergoing drastic changes and our individual lives feeling tossed around, many people feel stressed. This stress can build up and zap energy. It can also lead to adrenal fatigue. If you have been feeling exhausted even after sleeping well, are having headaches or dizziness for no reason, or are feeling depressed or anxious without cause, Serenity Health Care Center in the Milwaukee-Waukesha, Wisconsin can help heal your adrenal glands.

What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal gland fatigue is the name of several signs and symptoms that happen when your adrenal glands stop functioning at the normal level. Your adrenal glands produce important hormones that affect almost every organ in your body. If your glands are functioning at a lower level than necessary, your whole body will feel the weight and impact. This syndrome has had many other names through the years, such as non-Addison’s hypoadrenia, neurasthenia, and adrenal apathy.

The most common and debilitating symptom is in the name: fatigue. Fatigue is a tiredness that doesn’t ease with rest or sleep. It can be so debilitating that you may only be able to get out of bed for a couple of hours at a time. You may feel like you need to live on coffee or other energy drinks just to make it through a day. You may also have other symptoms such as feeling dizzy, generally unwell, depressed or experiencing headaches. 

Typically, it follows intense stress, but chronic infections can also cause it. It is not something to take lightly. It can affect every part of your body, from your heart to your metabolism to even your sex drive. Left untreated, it can become debilitating for some people. However, it is treatable. If you feel you are experiencing adrenal gland fatigue, you can make some simple lifestyle changes to begin healing it.

The Theory of Adrenal Fatigue

When you are under stress, your body’s immune system kicks into action. Your body produces hormones like cortisol and adrenaline when your brain signals a “flight or fight” mode. These hormones increase your heart rate and blood pressure. That helps you when you are in a high-stress moment, such as saving a child from a burning building or escaping a hungry bear. However, this mode can hurt us when we are intensely stressed for long periods of time.

Your adrenal glands sit on top of your kidneys and produce cortisone and adrenaline. When your body is over-producing them, it can wear your glands out and cause fatigue. Your adrenal glands can’t produce the necessary hormones properly and your body will feel exhausted. Adrenal fatigue can also be related to decreased thyroid function. It’s important to get properly tested. Anyone can experience it, even a completely healthy person who has suddenly gone through an intensely stressful period.

What Causes It?

This condition is caused typically by intense periods of prolonged stress. As the stress demands the production of the hormones, your adrenal glands slow and wear. They begin to be unable to meet the demands. This can also commonly occur after chronic infections, a type of immune stress, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, or the flu. 

Stress can manifest in a few different ways. You can experience emotional stress, such as after losing a job or a loved one. You can also have physical stress, such as when dealing with a chronic illness or after a surgery. Intense stress can come from a single moment or from a set of repeated chronic stresses which build over time. If your glands are unable to keep up with production or maintain homeostasis, that’s when they are becoming fatigued from the stress. 


Whenever you feel you may have a syndrome or disorder, the best thing to do is consult a doctor. When testing for adrenal gland fatigue, seeking out a holistic medical practitioner may be your best bet. Conventional practitioners often overlook this syndrome, causing patients to suffer for years before being properly diagnosed. Testing can help your practitioner find the right diagnosis for you and help them create a treatment plan. 

Adrenal testing can be done using saliva or blood. The main hormone tested in adrenal testing is cortisone. It can be tested at home using a simple saliva test. If your body is producing too much or too little cortisone, it can be a sign of adrenal fatigue. You should also test other hormones such as DHEA, testosterone, aldosterone, and progesterone. These can be tested during an office visit or at a lab through a blood test or using a saliva test. If these other hormones are also out of homeostasis, it may be time to seek treatment.


There are many different ways to treat adrenal gland fatigue. Many of them are things you can begin doing right in your home. The most important place to begin in helping your body heal itself is relieving stress. If you do not relieve your stress, your adrenal glands will only become more fatigued and your syndrome worsen. Yoga, warm baths, meditation, and other alternative therapies can help you destress. Sleeping well is also vital for your health.

Nutrition is another big one. If your body isn’t getting the right nutrition, it won’t have the proper building blocks to heal itself. A good place to start is cutting out junk food and caffeine. A low-sugar diet will also help with your energy levels. Boosting your vitamins and minerals by eating colorful fruits and veggies will help your body get back to healthy. You can also seek vitamin supplement recommendations or hormone supplements from your holistic physician.

Related Health Issues

Chronic illness can place intense stress and demands on your adrenal glands. Chronic illnesses are chronically stressful to your body. This means if you have a chronic health issue, such as arthritis, cancer, fibromyalgia, etc., you may also have adrenal fatigue. The fatigue of the adrenal glands can follow chronic infections as well. Even certain medical treatments can decrease adrenal gland function. 

Thyroid and other hormone deficiencies are also related to adrenal deficiency. These can include syndromes like Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism. Your thyroid and adrenal glands both produce hormones that control most of your bodily functions. When either of these systems is out of homeostasis, it can affect the other system. This means thyroid issues can create adrenal wear and vice versa. 

If you think you may be experiencing adrenal gland fatigue, you don’t have to worry. While it can be a debilitating syndrome if left untreated, you can also make simple changes to your life today to begin the healing process. Emotional and physical stress can cause it, but eating well, sleeping well, exercising, and getting some stress relief are all important to treating fatigue.

Get the Help You Need

Some conventional doctors may overlook your adrenal symptoms, but adrenal testing from a holistic practitioner can help you determine what you have and get you the treatment that’s right for you. Visit us at Serenity Health Care Center in the Milwaukee-Waukesha metropolitan area, where we believe in creating optimal health and wellness to help your body heal itself.

You May Need Allergy Testing if You Have These Symptoms

If you’re not sure whether or not allergy testing is right for you, Serenity Health Care Center is here to help. Our team puts the focus where it fully belongs: on full health and wellness as well as tried-and-true holistic methods that help the body to heal itself. Allergies pose a problem for a considerable segment of the population and can seriously hamper your quality of life.

Getting tested for allergies can be the difference between living a full life and one that is overshadowed by common allergy symptoms.

Do You Have These Symptoms?


Hives look a bit like blisters and can form on any part of your body as part of an allergic reaction. Often they are painless, but they can be itchy and appear rapidly out of nowhere. Hives are a very common symptom of allergic reactions. They generally go away themselves after a certain period of time.


Like hives, rashes are common side-effects of your body coming into contact with an allergen. Rashes are sometimes itchy and raised and other times are flush to the skin.


Food allergies often manifest themselves in mouth tingles, and you might find that your tongue or lips are itchy and feel funny after coming into contact with an offending food.


Allergic reactions can make parts of your body swell up. If you notice swelling, be on the lookout for shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, or dizziness. These could be signs of anaphylaxis, a life-threatening reaction that you must seek immediate medical care for.

Anaphylaxis Can Be Life-Threatening

Anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock, is a serious reaction to an allergen and requires medical care and often hospitalization. Your body is trying to fight off the allergen and shutting down in the process. If you experience any of the following symptoms, call emergency services right away:

  • Extreme dizziness or fading in and out of consciousness
  • Trouble breathing
  • Rapid heartbeat

People with severe allergies often carry around Epi-Pens to administer emergency care to themselves. Understanding how to use an Epi-Pen properly and understanding your allergies save lives, which is why it’s essential that you get allergy testing.

Things That People Are Commonly Allergic To

Although you can be allergic to a whole host of different things, there are few elements that people are typically allergic to. Understanding your allergens and triggers will better equip you to be able to live a happy and fulfilled life.


Many people have insect allergies, and most don’t even know it until they have been stung. Common insect offenders include bees, hornets, and wasps, although you can be allergic to virtually any different type of stinging insect. Many people with insect allergies carry around Epi-Pens because they never know what the severity of their allergy may be.


Unfortunately, there are plenty of people out there who are allergic to our best friends in the animal kingdom; cats and dogs. If you get the sniffles around common household animals, you most likely have some kind of allergy. The good news is that there are hypoallergenic dogs and cats that allergic animal-lovers can adopt.


Shellfish, peanuts, milk, wheat, and soy are common foods that people are allergic to. The degree of the allergy will differ from person to person, but it can strengthen over time. That’s why it’s essential to understand if you have an allergy to any foods.

The Danger of Untreated Allergies

Untreated allergies can cause more than just discomfort. If left to their own devices, allergies can cause chronic problems like skin rashes, breathing difficulties, or other ailments. Additionally, some allergies can get worse as time goes on, making them much more dangerous in the long run. It’s better to identify and deal with the allergy instead of brushing it under the rug. It will only exacerbate the situation and become more irritating and potentially harmful as time goes on.

Allergy Tests Are Easy, Quick, and Painless

A fifth of the population deals with allergies. They are, by far, one of the most significant chronic complaints in the country. Fortunately, testing is quick and painless and can usually be done in a matter of a few minutes. Our expert team at Serenity Health Care Center can test you for multiple allergens without taking up too much of your time or putting your body under undue stress. There is no downside to getting an allergy test, but they can improve your life in meaningful ways.

Once you are diagnosed with an allergy, you can start to treat it properly. Knowledge is half the battle. There are plenty of different medications that you can take to combat the allergy, and you can start to avoid encountering it. If your allergy is severe, you can get an Epi-Pen to prepare for the worst-case scenario of anaphylactic shock. Allergy tests can make your life far easier and more comfortable. In some cases, they might even be able to save it.

Natural Allergy Testing

Our expert team embraces the power of natural medicine and employs body-friendly testing as part of our care plan. We use a treatment called intradermal testing to thoroughly vet your body and find out precisely what is causing the allergic reaction. The test is virtually painless and merely requires a short and concise injection right below the first layer of the skin.

You will get your results within ten minutes. Unlike many other types of allergy tests, our version is exceptionally accurate and will give you a clear picture of your health right away. Since the treatment is so rapid, you will be able to get back to your life almost immediately after your appointment. Most people find the treatment to be nearly painless, and there is no recovery time needed whatsoever.

Personal Care and Consultation

We treat every single one of our patients with personal care and consultation. After the allergy testing is completed, we will sit down with you and deliver the results of your diagnosis. Most people develop allergic symptoms right away, but sometimes our patients have adverse effects to the allergens after they get home. If you experience any such symptoms, we encourage you to consult a member of our staff, and we can help you address the problem and adjust your diagnosis accordingly.

If you have any questions before, after, or during your appointment, we are here to help you. Our goal is to increase your quality of life and help you enjoy an allergy-free existence.

Enjoy a Better Quality of Life Today

With allergy testing, you can enjoy a better quality of life today. There’s no reason why you should suffer from headaches, hives, or itchy skin. Learn more about your body’s reactions and take control of your life now. You will wish that you had gotten your testing done sooner and be amazed by how much richer your life can be. Contact Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, Wisconsin today!