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Long Haul COVID

Treatment for Long Haul COVID

Are you still feeling the effects of COVID?

We are treating a record number of patients experiencing post-COVID symptoms that have been told by other doctors previously to “wait it out.”

The good news is that Serenity’s cytokine testing, gut microbiome testing, and neurotransmitter testing helps effectively diagnose for long-haulers… We then prescribe treatment options that include herbs, IV therapy, amino acid therapy, IVM, immune support for a significant improvement in patients’ symptoms.

Signs & Symptoms

Long Haul COVID symptoms start within 3 to 11 weeks post-COVID and are present in 49% of people who have had COVID. 

What are the symptoms of Long Haul COVID?

  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog 
  • Joint pain
  • Memory loss
  • Concentration
  • Anxiety
  • Hair loss
  • PTSD
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Nasal congestion
  • Migratory pain
  • IBS

To date, fifty-five symptoms are documented, including damage to the lungs, the endothelial layer of the heart, and organs. In addition, there is an increase in diseases such as stroke, crohn’s colitis and diabetes mellitus.

The loss of taste and smell may persist for months after COVID illness. Chronic cough and lung abnormalities also linger. 

Worse, autoimmune disease is often triggered or made more acute. Some COVID symptoms accompanying autoimmune conditions are weight loss, palpitations, renal failure, mood disorders, throat pain and sputum, myocarditis, arrhythmia, OCD, intermittent fever, digestive problems and more.

According to Dr Bruce Patterson, a pioneer in figuring out COVID and Long Haul syndromes, these same symptoms are also reported months after being vaccinated.

If the long-term effects of the coronavirus have caused havoc on you or someone close to you, don’t hesitate to contact our office to schedule an appointment.

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Treatments to alleviate Long Haul COVID symptoms

Test results can help guide your treatment. Serenity will provide you with an individualized program using the various experts on our team.

A program might include various treatments, such as:

  • IV Ozone
  • Photonx (light therapy)
  • Antiviral medications and herbs
  • Exosome therapy
  • Biofeedback
  • Ultrasound Therapy
  • Peptide therapy

These are just a few therapies used to reverse the damage from COVID infection.


If you have suffered from symptoms either after COVID illness or after the vaccine, we will test for Cytokines and S1 (Spike Protein) to identify Long Haul or Vaccine injury along with GI MAP, Advanced Auto Immune Panel for a reliable diagnosis. 

These tests can also help identify other infections causing your symptoms.

In addition, depending on your case, we may also request cardio metabolic and hormone tests.

Causes of Long Haul COVID

The causes of Long Haul symptoms caused by COVID – and sometimes the COVID vaccine too – is circulating spike protein from the illness or vaccine itself.

Initial findings indicate that the spike protein remains high in various organs, creating inflammation, and leading to further disease.

A recent study found Epstein Barr virus reactivated in 73% of long haulers and blamed this for chronic fatigue, Raynaud’s phenomenon and other related symptoms in long haulers.

As discovered by Texas Tech University, the culprits in long-lasting gene changes and prolonged syndromes may well be spike proteins 
“Long Haul COVID syndrome likely represents a low-grade unresolved smoldering COVID infection with the same kind of spike protein persistence and clinical impact as is seen in many individuals after their COVID vaccinations.”

  • Mendelson et al., 2020; Aucott and Rebman, 2021; Raveendran, 2021)

Remember: You can trust Serenity Health Care Center to study the leading-edge information regarding COVID and its persistent symptoms and provide an equally up-to-date holistic treatment plan that meets your needs.

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Are You Too Tired To Tango?

If a man has problems getting or maintaining an erection up to 20 percent of the time he has sex, that’s considered normal. If problems occur more often than that, it’s best to seek medical help. A doctor can usually diagnose situational erectile dysfunction by checking a patient for physical problems and going over his health history. A monitor that measures the penis for erections while the patient sleeps can also be prescribed.

Not having or desiring sex as often as you did when you were younger is not a sign of a sexual problem. “For many older guys, having sex a few times a month may be enough, and is perfectly normal,” says Dr. Wheeler.

There are many potential causes of situational ED. “Occasional erectile dysfunction is common in younger men who still have lots of anxiety about first encounters,” notes Montague. And older men “may find that fatigue affects their ability to have an erection more than when they were young,” he continues.

Situational factors that can hamper sexual performance include:

  • Stress. Stress causes the release of brain chemicals that can keep an erection from even getting started. The classic example is performance anxiety. “One erection failure can lead to fear and anxiety that can produce a temporary problem with erectile dysfunction,” says Montague.
  • Fatigue. Sometimes you may just be too tired to tango. “Fatigue can decrease the desire for sex, and trying to have sex when you are fatigued is a common cause of ED,” Montague notes. This may be especially true if you usually have sex in the evening.
  • Alcohol. Alcohol is a common culprit in cases of short-term ED. Although a drink or two may dispel stress and anxiety, too much alcohol depresses your sexual response. “Older men may find that alcohol interferes with sex more than it did when they were younger, but any man who is inebriated is unlikely to have a good experience,” warns Wheeler.
  • Drugs. Many common medications, including over-the-counter medications, can cause short-term ED. Cold medications with antihistamines, some blood pressure drugs, prescription pain relievers, sleep aids, and pills for depression or anxiety are all possible triggers. “A common drug given for prostate enlargement called tamsulosin (Flomax) may also cause erectile dysfunction,” notes Wheeler.
  • Condom problems. Unfamiliarity with how to use a condom, or having to interrupt the flow of sex to put on a condom, can cause an erection deflation and temporary erectile dysfunction, especially for younger men. “For older men, condoms can be a cause of erectile dysfunction because they cut down on the stimulation needed to maintain an erection, or to achieve orgasm,” says Montague.
  • Relationship troubles. “Relationships change over time, and it takes two people interested in sex to have a good sexual experience,” notes Montague. Poor communication, unresolved anger, and other relationship issues can result in situational erectile dysfunction.

Treatment of Situational Erectile Dysfunction

  • Try positive lifestyle changes: Quit smoking, limit alcohol to two drinks a day, get plenty of exercise, and eat a healthy diet.
  • Plan sexual activity for a time when you have both energy and time for sex. “Try having sex in the morning instead of at the end of a busy day,” Montague suggests. “Take a vacation to recharge your relationship.”
  • Avoid over-the-counter medications that may cause ED, and ask your doctor whether any of your prescription medications could be causing a problem.
  • Talk to your partner about any anxiety you have about ED. For good communication, try talking openly about what arouses each of you, and keep in mind that intimacy can relieve performance anxiety.
  • If you feel you need help to improve your psychological outlook, or to work on your relationship, consult a mental health professional — individual therapy and couples therapy are two options.



Lymphatic Enhancement

Lymphatic Enhancement

What is Lymphatic Enhancement Technology?

Lymphatic Enhancement Technology (L.E.T.) is a non-invasive, gentle detoxification therapy used to improve lymphatic integrity and restore lymphatic flow and function. Using glass pyrex bulbs that emit low-energy, vibrational frequencies, L.E.T. encourages toxins, excess fluid, cellular waste and proteins accumulated between the cells to safely exit through the body’s natural elimination channels. When combined with proper nutrition, diet and moderate exercise, L.E.T. increases an overall feeling of well-being and can help restore your lymphatic system to optimal health within a few sessions.

What is the Lymphatic System, and why is it important to my health?

The lymphatic system is a key component of your immune system. This system consists of lymphatic ducts, vessels and capillaries, lymph nodes and lymph (fluid). The tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are also part of the lymphatic system. Its primary function is to transport lymph, a clear to milky fluid, through a vast network of over 600 lymph nodes. Lymph fluid carries specialized cells throughout your body that search out and destroy viruses, bacteria, toxins and waste products. The lymphatic system also helps circulate fluids, proteins, hormones and immune cells throughout the body that are vital to maintaining total body well-being and balance.

Our lymphatic system is like a transportation highway; as long as cars are moving freely, everybody can easily get to their destination. But what happens if there is an accident? Lane closures? Cars are now stuck on the highway with no way to exit. Cars quickly begin to pile up, creating traffic congestion and road blockades. Similar to a free flowing highway that comes to a stop, lymph, a clear watery fluid, becomes cloudy and thick with toxic waste products when the body cannot eliminate “traffic jams.” This lymphatic congestion can lead to swollen lymph nodes, a variety of chronic symptoms, illnesses and even cancer. L.E.T. helps clear the roadway wreckage, opens the freeway and allows traffic to flow again.

How does my Lymphatic system become congested?

Unlike the heart for the circulatory system, the lymphatic system is not pressurized by a muscle or “pump”. Therefore, lymphatic fluid does not flow at the same speed as blood. Without a “pump” the flow of lymph throughout the body is naturally slow and can easily get congested. Modern lifestyles substantially add to impaired lymph function, ranging from inactivity, poor diet and stress to environmental toxins and bodily injuries. When this state of congestion is long-lasting, blockages can form and cause a backup in free lymphatic flow. As a result, the lymphatic system needs greater assistance in clearing congestion and maintaining optimal health.

What factors affect my Lymphatic Health?

Normal, everyday stressors have an impact on our Lymphatic health. The most common stressors on the lymphatic system include:

*Poor Nutrition & Diet
*Insufficient daily water   intake
*Wearing clothing that is   too tight, including bras,   neck-ties and   compression garments
*Food allergies or   sensitivities
*Lack of exercise /   sedentary lifestyles
*Environmental toxins   including pollution,   heavy metals, pesticides   & herbicides

*Hormonal imbalances
 Infections & illness
*Normal aging process
*Traumatic injuries &   surgeries

Are there other types of Lymphatic problems?

Yes, some people are born with primary lymphatic diseases. But most of us have lymphatic issues related to modern lifestyles, poor health habits, trauma and surgeries.

How do I know if I need Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy?

Most everyone can benefit from Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy! The following common symptoms and conditions can be alleviated within a few sessions of Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy.

*Constipation & Bloating
*Sinus Problems & *Congestion
*Chronic Joint Pains &   Body Pains
*Asthma & Lung   Conditions
*Frequent occurrence of   Cold & Flu
*Persistent Swollen   Lymph Nodes
*Edema / Excess Water   Retention
*Fibrocystic & Tender   Breasts
*Appearance of Cellulite
 Enlarged Prostate

What can I expect from a Lymphatic Enhancement Session?

L.E.T. is a non-invasive body therapy that requires clients to lay on a massage table, under sheets with some clothing/garments removed. The therapist then administers the body work by placing ionized glass bulbs directly on the skin which are then glided over the skin in rhythmic motions, stimulating lymphatic flow and directing lymphatic fluid to the appropriate sites of drainage. Sessions may include work on the face, arms, chest and/or breasts, abdomen, legs and back. Clients are appropriately draped throughout the session, as various body areas are worked. Soft, tranquil music is played in the room and lights are dimmed for an enjoyable experience. Most clients find the experience very relaxing and often fall asleep on the table.

How long are lymphatic sessions and how many sessions will I need to help with my condition?

Typical appointments are 60 minutes in length, depending on your areas of concern. Our therapists have found that several, consistent sessions (1-2x weekly) over a shorter period (6-8 weeks) of time generally produces the best results. L.E.T. maintenance sessions are generally recommended for optimal lymphatic health. Your lymphatic system is as unique as you are, therefore, individual treatment plans are available for your specific health goals and concerns.

How will I feel during or after my Lymphatic Enhancement session?

Most clients find Lymphatic Enhancement sessions to be very relaxing. Post treatment some people are highly energized for hours while others may feel the need to rest. Each individual is unique and may react differently, but similar to other gentle detoxification therapies, you may have an increase in bladder and/or bowel activity or a mild healing reaction as toxins exit through the natural pathways of the body.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare for my Lymphatic Enhancement session?

Drinking adequate amounts of water (6-8 glasses) is recommended before and after each L.E.T. session to assist in the cleansing process. We also ask you to refrain from applying any lotions, oils, creams or perfumes to the body prior to your session in order to achieve the best results.

Is there anyone who should NOT use Lymphatic Enhancement with the Lymphstar Pro?

While L.E.T. is beneficial for many clients, there are a few contraindications for this therapy. Contraindications include:

*Individuals with   Pacemakers, other   Implanted   Medical/Electrical   devices, or medicine   pumps
*Congestive Heart Failure
*Individuals with known   blood clots or history of   blood clots
*Undiagnosed lumps or   tumors
*Some cosmetic implants   and cosmetic injections/   fillers (such as Botox) for   cosmetic or medical   purposes
*Active skin infections, or open wounds at time of treatment
Your health and wellness is important to us. Disclosure of all medical conditions and health concerns prior to your first session will assist our Lymphatic therapists in determining if L.E.T. is an appropriate therapy for your individual needs and concerns.

Certain pre-diagnosed conditions may require you to obtain a doctor’s approval prior to treatment. Get in touch or call us to book an appointment.

7 Possible Causes of Crashing Fatigue (and How to Fix It)

It doesn’t matter how much sleep you get. You are physically exhausted. You may also be mentally and emotionally exhausted. You suffer from chronic fatigue. But what causes your crashing fatigue? What can you do to fix it? At Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI, we firmly believe in collaborating with our clients to help their bodies heal themselves. Today, we look at seven possible causes of chronic fatigue and what we can do together to fix it.

7 Potential Causes of Crashing Fatigue

1. Dehydration

Dehydration may be the leading cause of crashing fatigue. Many people suffer from dehydration because they only drink when they are thirsty. Unfortunately, when you wait until you are thirsty to drink, it is already too late. By the time you notice your thirst, you have already lost between 2 and 3% of your body fluid. This makes you physically lethargic. It also starves your brain of adequate nutrients and oxygen, making the task of focusing next to impossible.

Unfortunately, fixing dehydration it isn’t as straightforward as you think. With IV nutritional therapy, you get all the fatigue-busting benefits of hydration, plus the added bonus of essential nutrients your body needs to keep itself hydrated and heal itself. For example, without sodium, the water will run right through you and not hydrate you. At the same time, your body would flush out potassium, calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients required to keep your bones and muscles healthy and strong. Here are a few benefits, besides energy revitalization, provided by IV nutritional therapy:

  • Gut support
  • Migraine relief
  • Asthma recovery
  • Cancer support
  • Infection recovery
  • Infection defense booster

2. Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances, such as perimenopause, menopause, and low testosterone, are also a common cause of extreme fatigue.

Perimenopause and menopause can contribute to fatigue directly. Or, these conditions may cause symptoms, like night sweats and insomnia, which cause fatigue. Estrogen, progesterone, adrenal hormones, and thyroid hormones can all result in you feeling mentally and physically exhausted. Men go through something similar to menopause, known as andropause when testosterone levels decrease, and estrogen levels increase.

Hormone therapy may be just what the doctor ordered if you suffer from crashing fatigue, and your hormone levels are imbalanced. After the first week of bioidentical hormone therapy, people can generally expect relief from anxiety and insomnia (another cause of extreme fatigue). After the third week, both men and women often enjoy a drastic improvement in cognitive function, as well as increased energy. Here are some other potential benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy to treat extreme fatigue:

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Weight gain
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive nighttime urination
  • Hair loss
  • Memory loss
  • Impaired cognitive function

3. Thyroid Dysfunction

Remember, imbalanced thyroid hormones can result in “menopausal fatigue.” Even if you’re not going through perimenopause, menopause, or andropause, it is possible to have imbalanced thyroid hormones. There are two types of thyroid dysfunction, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a medical condition characterized by an underactive thyroid. In other words, your thyroid does not produce enough of the hormones your body needs for optimal operation.

The thyroid hormone plays an important role in several critical functions, including carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, basal metabolism and temperature regulation, proper GI functioning (sluggish or hyperactive GI can cause fatigue), and nervous system activity. When you’re nervous system is not functioning efficiently, you will feel fatigued. A great nutritional boost during your hypothyroidism recovery can be achieved by supplementing zinc, selenium, natural B vitamins, vitamins E, D, and A (not Beta Carotene), iodine, and non-carbonate calcium. Here are some other benefits of treatment:

  • Improved skin pigmentation
  • Weight loss
  • Thicker hair
  • Warm skin
  • No more excessive sweating
  • Improved speech
  • Headache relief
  • Smoother hair
  • Edema relief

4. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a condition that goes far beyond being constantly tired. The level of fatigue interferes with your daily life to the point you can no longer care for your loved ones or hold down a job. Some people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome even become disabled to the point of being bedridden, suffering from chronic pain, and other flu-like symptoms.

Currently, there is no cure for chronic fatigue syndrome. However, scientists are working hard on developing a cure. In the meantime, based on our understanding of the condition, there is treatment available. Affecting primarily women in their 40s and 50s with a family history of the condition, chronic fatigue syndrome can be treated by evaluating infectious processes and identifying via biofeedback any other conditions.

5. Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s disease is a medical condition typically considered to be a thyroid disease. While this disease affects the thyroid, it is primarily an immune reaction. This disease can lead to either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. If your immune system is attacking your thyroid gland as if it is a foreign body, you suffer from Hashimoto’s disease.

In 90% of cases, the symptoms of autoimmune thyroid disease can be improved with vitamin D supplementation. Other methods for improving symptoms include lemon balm, green tea and grape seed extracts, licorice, and other natural supplementation. Moreover, depending on which part of your immune system is hyperactive, you will benefit significantly from balancing your levels of TH-1 and TH-2 cytokines. Unfortunately, once the gene for this autoimmune disease is activated, it cannot be deactivated. Here are some added benefits of treating Hashimoto’s disease:

  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • High cholesterol
  • Constipation
  • Weight gain
  • Hair loss

6. Adrenal Fatigue

Conventional medicine does not recognize or treat the symptoms caused by adrenal fatigue. This syndrome is characterized by chronic fatigue, low libido, infertility, low blood pressure, and several other symptoms. However, this syndrome is diagnosable via blood and saliva testing. The blood test identifies the body’s production of progesterone, aldosterone, testosterone, and DHEA. The saliva test identifies the abundance of cortisol in the body.

If you suffer from adrenal fatigue, there are several treatment options available to you. Depending on your hormone levels, you may need to receive a bio-identical cortisol supplement. Alternatively, you may need to supplement your body’s production of pregnenolone or DHEA. Moreover, you may find that you benefit from lifestyle changes and dietary supplements to help you restore your overall health and wellness. Examples include:

  • Whole grains
  • Bio-available protein
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Dairy
  • Sea salt
  • Healthy fats (coconut oil, grapeseed oil)
  • Legumes
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Lean meats

7. Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an under-researched, debilitating disease spread by the bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi. In adults, symptoms include fatigue, rashes, achy joints, flu-like symptoms, sleep disorders, cognitive impairment, impaired vision, heart conditions, and more.

To treat extreme fatigue caused by Lyme disease, detoxify the endotoxins caused by the bacteria, restore your body’s natural biochemistry, receive IV nutritional therapy as you are recovering, and take herbal supplements to support your recovery process.

Learn More About Causes and Treatments for Fatigue Today

Is crashing fatigue preventing you from living life to the fullest? Depending on the cause of your fatigue, you may also suffer from several other quality of life-impairing symptoms. There is hope.

Call us today at Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI at (262) 522-8640 or book an appointment online. Dr. Debra Muth, ND, Dr. Greg Brown, MD, and the rest of the staff at Serenity Health Care Center believe strongly that by forming a partnership with you, we can help your body heal itself.

Foods That Are Aphrodisiacs

Foods That Are Aphrodisiacs

Food and sex can be an erotic mix – if you know what you’re doing!

Food and sex can be a seriously erotic mix if you know what you’re doing, so getting to grips with aphrodisiac foods this Valentine’s Day will be really worth it.

For some people the idea of foodie foreplay is just a big NO, chocolate body paint won’t float everyone’s boat. But squirting whipped cream-on-body-parts isn’t what we’re getting at here, although that is a fun idea. We are going to explore foods that are known as aphrodisiacs all by themselves.

Even the NHS says aphrodisiac foods can help bring couples closer both physically and emotionally. It’s got to be a good thing!

So if you’re intrigued here’s our A-W list of aphrodisiac foods… how you enjoy them is up to you!


The almond has been a symbol of fertility and an aphrodisiac through various ages and some believe that just the smell can stimulate women sexually. Sprinkle them with a little seasoning and they are ready to pop in your mouth and let it water.

Apricot Brandy

Long considered an aphrodisiac drink. In a Midsummer Night’s Dream the fairies are told of the efficacy of apricot and Shakespeare seems to have been drawing on an established folk tradition. Dried Apricots steeped in sweet Muscat wine for a week or two are favorite sweetmeat with which lovers can feed each other.


The Aztecs allegedly called the avocado “ahuacatl” – their word for ‘testicle’… but if that doesn’t turn you on (it doesn’t do much for us either) avocados are at least a treasure trove of vitamins and good stuff.

They contain vitamin B6, which is said to increase production of male hormones, as well as potassium, which helps to regulate the female thyroid gland – not sexy but at least you’ll look and feel pretty good.


The humble asparagus spear is a powerful aphrodisiac – not only does it look a bit phallic but it also contains vitamin E, which makes you gorgeous (think healthy skin, hair and nails) and is also said to be a sex hormone booster. Delicious.


Phallic again – use your imagination this is enough to get the sexy going on the aphrodisiac list. In the case of the banana it’s also making an appearance due its levels of potassium and B vitamins that aid your sex hormone production.

These beauties are a great source of instant and long-lasting energy – so have one before sex to give you the staying power to satisfy your significant other.

Bananas are excellent at regulating blood pressure, too. High blood pressure can lead to erectile dysfunction and that’s no fun on Valentine’s Day (or any other day for that matter).

So whack out those bananas and away you go!

Bone Marrow

According to the ancient Romans produces pheromones that stimulate our sense of smell that attracts us to our lovers. 


Testosterone is great for your sex life – it makes both men and women more randy and sexually stimulated. Zinc, found in caviar, stimulates the formation of testosterone so it stands to reason that posh fish eggs are in fact an aphrodisiac!


Not a universally loved veg but apparently it gets women going. Celery contains androstenone, a hormone that researchers believe attracts females when it’s secreted through sweat. Nice.


Champagne is the drink of love often the mere presence of that expensive bottle will get you going. Champagne reaches the blood stream rapidly. Drinking too much, however, might change the outcome so drink responsibly.

Chili Peppers

Hot chili’s are thought to release endorphins that give our bodies a high. Many hot foods fall into this category but chili’s also contain the chemical capsaicin, which stimulates our nerve endings and raises our pulses for a greater sense of touch.

A little tip we have is to put a tiny bit of chili in your cocktails. Honestly, it works wonders!


Nothing says, “I love you” like a box of chocolates, at least for me that is a way to my heart!

It contains a stimulant called phenylethylamine, and a substance called Theobromine which is thought to act on the neurotransmitters of the brain to give you a natural high with a sense of well-being and excitement.

Use dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, as this is what makes the magic happen.


You stand on your doorstep at the end of the perfect date, and think of saying “want to come in and tear my clothes off with your teeth?” but that’s perhaps a little forward.

Instead you murmur: “would you like to come in for coffee?”… the meaning behind the message is the same.

Coffee’s actually on the list for its stimulating qualities but it’s earned its reputation as a sexy beverage by the power of suggestion alone. Make sure you drink it in a sexy manner!


Cream doesn’t have any nutritional value, but as an aphrodisiac it gets it’s merit by sex food play! It can be a bit messy but isn’t that what sex is all about? If you want to clean up easy get the shower curtain out for this one!


We all are aware of the coconuts health benefits as a healthy oil, but did you know it make a great massage oil and an even better natural lubricant with a great flavor or oral sex.


Cucumber is certainly phallic in appearance, but its aphrodisiac reputation is not based on looks alone. From a nutritional standpoint, cucumbers provide several nutrients essential to maintaining sexual health, including Vitamin C and magnesium. It also helps to decrease water retention and bloating so enjoy.


This one’s for your partner – ask them to open a ripe fig and eat it seductively in front of you. This is supposed to be a powerful aphrodisiac because the fruit’s insides look like female genitalia.


A circulatory system stimulant, ginger eaten raw, preserved or cooked is said to increase sexual powers and desire. Ginger omelets are a great way to start the day.


Often found in Asian cuisines such as Chinese and Korean, ginseng is believed by many to increase sexual appetite for both men and women. Consuming Ginseng tea or shred some raw root onto a salad.


Oysters are probably the world’s most well-known aphrodisiac and they’ve been top of the sexy food list since the age of the ancient Greeks.

They’re full of zinc that helps in production of testosterone, which not only acts on male libido but is also great for the female libido too. Raw oysters are best served with a glass of cold Champagne.

Pine Nuts

Like oysters and caviar, pine nuts are full of zinc that is great for producing sperm and for increasing the libido.

Pumpkin Seeds

More zinc! You can eat these toasted or raw and they’re great on a sexy salad with cucumbers, apples, raisins and almonds.


Egyptian pharaohs were all about radish when they wanted to up the ante in the royal chamber. It’s thought that their spicy taste could stimulate the palate and of course the shape are supposed to turn you on.


Succulent red fruits that are perfect for feeding to your lover and are especially good when dipped into melted chocolate – an aphrodisiac two-for-one!

They’re red which is meant as a stimulating color that indicates we are excited which our brains are programed to notice as stimulating. They are high in vitamin C, which may not turn you on but will sure keep your healthy.


Even back in the first century A.D. they were using rocket (or arugula) leaves to boost flagging sex drives. But were as they used it with grated orchid bulbs and parsnips, we recommend toasted pine nuts, almonds and pistachios for a more palatable sexy salad!

Sweet Basil

Maybe it’s the smell, but some people think that basil has the power to stimulate your sex drive and boost your fertility – so don’t be too annoyed if he turns up with a takeaway pizza this Valentine’s Day.


For all the same reasons raspberries are on the list! Pop one in your champagne glass, dip them in some lush melted chocolate… strawberries are sensual, sexy and I know this is cliché but feed them in a sensual way to your partner.


Truffles are one of the most extravagant foods out there and this point alone is sometimes enough to turn a women on.

They may not look so appealing but trust us these babies pack a punch. Drizzle a little truffle oil on some pasta, or put a few shavings on some risotto.

Their delicious taste and musky aroma certainly stimulates the palate which can lead to arousal elsewhere.


Drinking wine can be quite an erotic experience. Drinking in moderation can help to ease inhibitions and promote relaxation but alcohol is also a depressant and we all know that too much never did anyone any good.

Your Valentine’s Day or romantic date will be memorable for all the wrong reasons if you have one to many rosés! Wondering why Roses are so sexy? In part it is sacred to the love goddess in all the mythological traditions. The evocative shape of the petals and the intense perfumes make it the archetypal female emblem. It is the scents of the rose that are an aphrodisiac. Enjoy them put the petals on the bed…. Use the rose petal to gently stroke them across your lover’s body. Use your imagination and enjoy!

Our Hormone Supplements

Hormone Supplements

Patients at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee rely on the fact that our hormone supplements are produced from the safest raw materials at PCCA-accredited pharmacies. Our experienced hormone providers, Debra Muth ND and Amy Hoffman NP, work with each patient to determine which supplements will best address their health problems.

Our hormone supplements are created with pure raw materials

Our hormone supplements come from pharmaceutical-grade raw materials. Bioidentical hormones are created from natural sources like soy and yams. These plant sources possess molecules that can be converted in a lab into bioidentical hormones that have an identical molecular structure to hormones produced by the human body.

It’s important for patients to understand that not all hormone supplements are created equal. It begins with the raw materials. Our hormone supplements meet pharmaceutical-grade standards. Pharmaceutical-grade supplements must be 99% pure and contain no dyes, binders, fillers, excipients or other unknown substances.

PCCA-accredited pharmacies ensure quality

Bioidentical hormones are manufactured in compounding pharmacies. All of our hormone supplements are created in PCCA-accredited pharmacies. Since 1981, this organization has provided its member compounding pharmacies with training, high-quality chemicals and lab equipment. Our expert providers strive to ensure that our patients’ supplements will provide the most effective treatment.

Our providers know the best methods for administering hormone supplements

Some patients have come to our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee after having a bad experience with hormone supplement pellets. Pellets can cause side effects and are expensive. Our providers believe that pellets are not the best way to administer our hormone supplements. Instead, we prefer creams, gels, oral medications or the transdermal method.

The transdermal method delivers bioidentical hormones via a patch. This method is adjustable and inexpensive. Every person is unique, and our providers individualize treatment to ensure that the delivery method is exactly right.

Our hormone therapies help men and women improve their quality of life

Patients who receive hormone therapies with our hormone supplements may experience symptom relief as early as the first week of treatment. Each person’s response to therapy varies.

Bioidentical hormones can help relieve symptoms caused by menopause, PMS, male menopause and Low-T. Our providers also employ hormone therapies for anti-aging.

Women and men who need help with their health should contact us for an appointment. The knowledgeable providers at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee utilize our hormone supplements and therapies to improve people’s quality of life.

Benefits of IV Nutritional Therapy

Four benefits of IV nutritional therapy you should know about

Four benefits of IV nutritional therapy you should know about

The skilled practitioners at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee want you to know about four benefits of IV nutritional therapy. During IV nutritional therapy, vital nutrients, minerals and vitamins are administered through an IV drip in our office. The process takes anywhere from a half hour to six hours, depending on your needs. This therapy is a valuable treatment that helps many of our patients improve their health and quality of life.


Learn more about the four benefits of IV nutritional therapy

If you have a chronic condition or other health problems, you need to know more about IV nutritional therapy.

  1. One of the main benefits of IV nutritional therapy is that it provides important minerals, amino acids, vitamins and nutrients directly to the bloodstream. Delivery to the bloodstream ensures that all the crucial nutrients are absorbed fully into the body where they can be used to improve your health.
  2. IV nutritional therapy allows nutrients to bypass the gastrointestinal (GI) system, so the body absorbs the maximum amount of nutrition. Many patients have a damaged gastrointestinal system that may be inflamed or harmed by viruses or exposure to toxins. Bypassing the damaged system and delivering the nutrients via the bloodstream means that you will receive the maximum benefits of IV nutritional therapy.
  3. IV nutritional therapy allows us to deliver larger doses of nutrients to your body than you could tolerate in oral doses. Higher oral doses of vitamins and other nutrients can enter the GI system and cause stomach problems. Delivery through an IV bypasses the GI tract, allowing us to deliver the maximum amount of nutrients your body needs.
  4. One of the most important benefits of IV nutritional therapy is that it can be used to treat several conditions and chronic health problems.
    • Immune deficiency
    • Damaged GI tract
    • Hydrochloric acid, or digestive enzyme, deficiency
    • Lack of friendly gut bacteria
    • Exposure to toxic metals
    • HIV infection
    • Hypertension
    • Asthma
    • Parkinson’s disease
    • Congestive heart failure

If you are suffering from chronic health problems, and you are not getting relief from your current treatment plan, consider the benefits of IV nutritional therapy. The experienced team at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee can help you feel better. Contact us for an appointment.

Our Experienced Hormone Providers

Our experienced hormone providers administer hormone therapy

Patients at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee benefit from the expertise of our experienced hormone providers. These dedicated women work with patients to determine whether their hormones have declined and need to be supplemented. Once our practitioners complete the diagnostic process, they develop an individualized hormone therapy plan for each patient.

Our experienced hormone providers strive to improve patients’ health

When hormones decline, patients experience a variety of symptoms. They may suffer from menopausal issues, problems caused by low-T or conditions such as osteoporosis. Our hormone providers will design a program that provides patients with the bioidentical hormones their bodies need to get back to optimal health.

How bioidentical hormone therapy works

Several glands that secrete hormones make up the endocrine system. These hormones play vital roles in every bodily process, from sexual reproduction to digestion. When these hormones are unbalanced, it can cause a variety of problems that need to be diagnosed and treated. This is where the experienced hormone providers at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee come in.

Bioidentical hormones are plant-derived hormones that are molecularly identical and have the same chemical structure as the hormones produced by the body. Our providers believe that bioidentical hormones are superior to the synthetic hormones that are often used in traditional medicine because synthetic hormones are chemically altered and unlike your body’s hormones.

Meet our bioidentical hormone providers

Debra Muth ND and Amy Hoffman NP have the specialized knowledge to assess patients’ hormonal deficits and design a program of hormone therapy for each woman or man. Our experienced hormone providers have exemplary qualifications.

Debra Muth ND is a leader in the field of administering bioidentical hormones for healing the human body. She has specialized in hormone therapies since 1998. Dr. Muth has several credentials to her credit.

  • Naturopathic doctor (ND)
  • Board Certified Anti-Aging Specialist (BAAHP)
  • Lyme Literate Practitioner for Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease
  • Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner (WHNP)

Dr. Muth founded Serenity Healthcare Center in 2011, and it has gone on to become one of the foremost integrative clinics.

Another of our experienced hormone providers is Amy Hoffman NP. She is a holistic practitioner and a board certified nurse practitioner. Amy has a Master of Science in nursing and a bachelor’s degree in psychology. She believes in treating patients as whole people, not just a list of symptoms. She is dedicated to preventing age-related diseases and the onset of chronic disease by creating bioidentical hormone therapies for patients.

Patients who are looking for personalized, specialized care benefit from a visit to our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee to visit our hormone providers. Contact us for an appointment.

Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical Hormones

At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we provide bioidentical hormones for men and women. Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to the hormones our bodies naturally produce. Patients who are suffering from symptoms caused by age-related hormone loss may benefit from this type of hormone therapy. Because each individual is unique, hormone therapy should only be administered by trained practitioners who can assess each person’s health to determine whether hormone therapy is right for them.

What are bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are created from natural plant sources such as yams. They have the same chemical composition as the hormones that our bodies produce naturally. They are not the same as synthetic hormones derived from sources such as equine urine. Synthetic hormones do not have the same structure as natural hormones.

At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we only provide bioidentical hormones because we believe they are superior to synthetic ones.

We also utilize compounded hormone therapy because it allows our practitioners to individualize a treatment protocol for each person. Our compounded hormones are only produced by reliable, accredited compounding pharmacies. The formulations are developed and based on saliva or blood tests that assess an individual’s hormone levels and needs.

What symptoms do these hormones treat?

Bioidentical hormones can be administered to women who are experiencing menopausal symptoms caused by estrogen loss. It is also helpful for men who exhibit andropause symptoms caused by decreases in testosterone as they age. The hormones can help treat several symptoms.

Women’s symptoms

  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Sexual dysfunction such as loss of desire
  • Pain that occurs during sex
  • Sleep problems
  • Night sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Mood changes
  • Memory loss and foggy thinking
  • Energy loss and fatigue

Men’s symptoms

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Weight gain
  • Erectile dysfunction and lower sex drive
  • Hair loss
  • Sleep problems and fatigue
  • Gynecomastia, or enlarged breasts

How are bioidentical hormones administered?

Bioidentical hormones are administered in several different forms. These include patches, gels, creams, pills and injections. The trained professionals at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee will decide the best method of administering the hormones for each patient. Our practitioners will determine the proper dose and then adjust it as needed as therapy progresses.

These individual hormones are safe and FDA-approved. Compounded hormones are not FDA-tested, but we believe that they are safe and effective when compounded by the accredited compounding pharmacies we recommend.

People who are suffering from the problems caused by aging and hormone loss may benefit from bioidentical hormones at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee. Contact us for an appointment.

Hormonal Disruption

Chemicals and genetics cause hormonal disruption

Dr. Muth is asked everyday why do so many people have issues with hormone and thyroid function? Certainly looking back over the past century it appears people are experiencing more symptoms with menopause and certainly more thyroid disease. There can be several causes for these changes.

First, we are more open about discussing our medical conditions compared to fifty years ago. But there are distinct problems that can cause the hormonal system to malfunction. The chemicals in the environment are more prevalent. There are more people using these chemicals that enter our water system through typical disposal down our drains and toilets. There are many more chemicals than ever before being used, according to World Meters. Over 10 million tons of chemicals are disposed of every year into our environment. Over 2 Million of these are cancer-causing chemicals.

Many of these chemicals are known as endocrine disruptors, which is defined as chemicals that, at certain doses, can interfere with endocrine (or hormone) systems. This means they can disrupt the natural function or the production of the hormones.

The million-dollar question is why do some people have problems with these chemicals and others do not? We believe this has to do more with genetics than exposure. The more we know about genetics, the more this comes to light on how people react to various exposures. There are known genes that prevent one from excreting hormones like estrogen. This can be a significant problem if one takes estrogen and is not supporting their body to get rid of the excess.

MTHFR (Methytetrahydrate Folate Reductase) is just one gene that many are familiar with that assists in detoxification. But there are several others that are equally or even more important such as; SOD, COMT, NAT, that assist the body in creating amino acids necessary to remove these toxins. Diseases like Fibromyalgia, Cancer and Thyroid disease can occur when these genes are blocked.