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Author: Dr. Debra Muth

Lyme Disease in Wisconsin

Lyme Disease In Wisconsin

Lyme disease in Wisconsin is a growing problem. When winters are warmer, the tick population increases, creating more risk. The Wisconsin Department of Health reports that there were 38,000 cases reported in the state between 1980 and 2015. We treat many people in our region for this disease at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee.

Lyme disease is transmitted to humans by infected black legged or deer ticks. The ticks get the disease from biting infected animals. Lyme disease in Wisconsin and the rest of the country is usually caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacterial spirochete. In 2013, health department officials noted that a rare species of bacteria, Borrelia mayonii, was also causing some infections.

Diagnosing Lyme disease in Wisconsin is still difficult

Even though our state has one of the highest rates of Lyme disease, practitioners still have difficulty diagnosing Lyme disease in Wisconsin. The bacteria that invade humans after they have been bitten can affect the skin, muscles, joints, nervous system, cardiovascular system, ocular tissue, sinus tissue, gastrointestinal tract and lungs.

Lyme disease is known as the great mimicker, and practitioners who are not very familiar with the disease often make the wrong diagnosis. To further complicate things, the disease affects each person differently, leading to many missed diagnoses of Lyme disease in Wisconsin and across the country.

We specialize in Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment

Debra Muth, N.D., is one of the few Lyme literate practitioners in the state. She is an expert in this field and approaches Lyme disease from a functional medicine mindset, meaning she treats each individual as a whole person, not just a “case” or a set of symptoms.

Dr. Muth tests for Lyme disease using the more accurate Western blot test, instead of the conventional PCR testing favored by much of the conventional medicine community. She treats Lyme disease in Wisconsin with plans that are not available from a conventional medical doctor.

When a person is bitten by a tick that carries Lyme disease, they may also have coinfections. There are other diseases that the tick may carry, including:

  • Babesiosis
  • Anaplasmosis
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Tularemia
  • Powassan virus

These coinfections must be addressed in addition to Lyme disease. Patients who are dealing with Lyme disease in Wisconsin need to find a Lyme literate practitioner who understands this devastating disease and is willing to work diligently to help them regain their health and quality of life.

Dr. Muth and the staff at our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee treat patients from the Midwest and other parts of the country who have Lyme disease. Contact us today to get help.

A Tribute to Dr. John Gregory Hoffman, a Pioneer in Lyme Disease Treatment

Dr. Hoffman passed away on May 7, 2017. He was nationally recognized as a leader in the treatment of Lyme disease. Dr. Debra Muth, who offers specialized treatment for Lyme disease at her functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, benefited from his time and knowledge about Lyme disease. Dr. Muth explains his legacy to the Lyme disease community:

“Dr. Hoffman was one of the founders of Lyme disease treatment in our area. He was an amazing doctor who went out of his way to care for as many patients as he could. He also went out of his way to educate practitioners who were interested in Lyme disease treatment. He was always willing to share knowledge and information and was very supportive and encouraging. Dr. Hoffman was all about treating the patient.”

Integrative Treatment for H. Pylori

Helicobacter pylori (h.pylori)

What is Helicobacter pylori?

H. Pylori are a bacterium that infects the human stomach and duodenum (upper part of the small intestine).  It is one of the most common infections found in the human worldwide.  It is the bacteria that are strongly linked to the development of stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and stomach cancer.

Most people who have this infection acquire it during childhood.  It is thought that is spread from person to person and can sometimes be found in several members of the same family.  The majority of the people with the infection (80%) are without noticeable symptoms.  However, those with symptoms usually develop inflammation of the stomach, which leads to ulcers.  Once the infection is present, it persists for many years, if not for life.

What can cause H. pylori infection?

  • Family history of stomach cancer can increase your risk
  • Low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria), which can be caused by aid-suppressing medication for GERD
  • Antacid use
  • Lifestyle factors (such as smoking, alcohol, coffee, diets high in sugar and trans fats and stress can increase your risk for the development of an ulcer from H. Pylori.
  • Low nutrient status (low levels of Vitamin C and E can promote growth of H. pylori
  • Lowered immune system activity

How is H. pylori usually treated?

In most cases, it is detected when an ulcer develops in the small intestine or stomach.  Conventional medial therapy usually involves a one-week “triple therapy,” consisting of an acid-blocking medication along with two or three different antibiotics.  Even though this therapy is effective, there is increasing concern due to the growing number of infected individuals found to have antibiotic-resistant bacteria.  Frequent (or prolonged) antibiotic therapy also eliminates beneficial bacteria in the gut.  Anytime the balance of intestinal organisms is disrupted, harmful organism have an advantage, which can lead to systemic consequences (such as dysregulation of the immune system).  This can be avoided by using probiotics during and after the use of antibiotic therapy.

What are some complementary and integrative medicine treatments for H. pylori?

  • Lifestyle and diet changes
  • Bismuth: Prevents from attaching to the stomach wall and prevents the organisms from multiplying.
  • Beta Carotene, Vitamin C and E, minerals and NAC:  Encourages the protection of mucus that lines and protects the stomach
  • Mastic gum: Protects the lining of the stomach from ulceration and inhibits the GROWTH of
  • DGL: Strengthens the protective mucus layer of the stomach, stimulates the immune system and heals ulcers
  • Zinc Carnosine: This special form of zinc allows for a slow release of zinc within the stomach, allowing for higher local concentrations of zinc.
If you want to read more Serenity Health Care Center related news GERD article.

Treating Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s Disease is a form of autoimmune thyroid disease

Hashimoto’s disease is an immune reaction, not just a thyroid disease. This should not be confused with overt thyroid dysfunction. One can have an over active or underactive thyroid function as a result of a disease process, chemical or toxic exposure causing them to need some form of hormone support for the rest of their life.  Hashimoto’s disease, however, is an immune response it is important to treat the immune system not just the thyroid.

History of Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s disease was first published in 1912 in a German publication.  Approximately one in five people suffer from some form of autoimmune disease. Some estimates say that 75 percent of those affected, or about 30 million of those people, are women. Autoimmune thyroid disease is the most common of all autoimmune disorders, affecting 7-8 percent of the U.S. population. In the U.S. alone, autoimmune disease accounts for approximately 90 percent of adult hypothyroidism, mostly due to Hashimoto’s.

During this autoimmune response, the body begins to attack the thyroid tissue as a foreign entity. This attack causes a person a variety of symptoms:


  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Weight gain
  • Memory Loss
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • High Cholesterol


  • Heart Palpitations
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Weight Loss
  • Night Sweats
  • Internal Tremors
  • Increased appetite

When someone experiences Hashimoto’s the symptoms can fluctuate between overactive and underactive.  Which can make things very confusing to diagnose, treat and to live with.

Blood testing is needed to determine if the person has overt thyroid disease or if they are having an immune reaction.  Common tests ordered to determine this condition are: TSH, T4, FT4, T3, FT3, TPO, and TGB.

When should you suspect autoimmune thyroid disease?

If you are someone who takes his or her thyroid hormone regularly and feels worse or needs continued adjusting of the thyroid medicine.  A perfect scenario is someone who forgets their thyroid hormone only to realize they really do not feel any better without the medication.

Autoimmune disease can attack various tissues, organs, joints, hormones, or brain tissues.  It’s not always possible to find the exact reason a gene turns on to attack the immune system.  Alternative medicine practitioners suspect a weakening of the immune barrier in the lining of the intestinal tract known as “leaky gut”, respiratory tract, and the blood brain barrier.  When these barriers are healthy and strong, intruders cannot pass through, so only the occasional emergency and maintenance work such as clearing out dead and dying cells musters the immune system. When health weakens from poor diet, unstable blood sugar, gut infections, chronic stress and adrenal disturbance these barriers weaken and become porous resulting in disease.

Once the gene for autoimmune disease has been turned on, it cannot be turned off.  The only thing that works to treat the condition is to turn down the volume on the immune response by restoring balance.  It is important to determine which side of the immune system is more active to the natural killer and cytotoxic T-cells or the side that deploys B cell antibodies.  TH-1 and TH-2 cytokines affect thyroid function beyond driving Hashimoto’s disease: Elevated TH-1 or TH-2 cytokines also block thyroid receptor sites.  This prevents thyroid hormone from getting into the cells, thus causing symptoms of low thyroid activity.  It is important to balance the TH-1 and TH-2 system.

Using vitamin D is helpful, and more than 90 percent of people with autoimmune thyroid disease have a genetic defect affecting their ability to process the nutrient.

Other herbs used to support the immune system and the thyroid are Glutathione, Astragalus, Echinacea, Maitake mushroom, Licorice, and lemon balm.  Green tea extract, Grape seed extract, Pine bark ad willow bark.  A knowledgeable practitioner should prescribe these so that they can be adjusted based on the cytokine response.

Call Serenity Health Care Center to discuss treatment of your illness, 262-522-8640

Male Menopause

Male Menopause

Male Menopause or andropause, results from aging and decreasing hormones

Men, like women, experience midlife changes caused by a shift in their hormonal balance. This condition that is often labelled male menopause is known in the medical community as andropause.

Symptoms of male menopause

Decreased hormone levels is a natural part of aging, but it may cause uncomfortable symptoms that affect a man’s quality of life. Male menopause symptoms appear more gradually and are less severe than female menopause, but are just as troubling.

Many health professionals in the traditional medical community ignore or dismiss these symptoms because they can be difficult to detect and quantify. At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we not only address male menopause, but we also treat it. We care about quality-of-life issues! Men may experience some or all of the following symptoms.

  • Reduced libido
  • Difficulty with erections
  • Infertility
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Depression
  • Poor concentration
  • Heart disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Prostate enlargement
  • Muscle weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability

Many men are reluctant to discuss these symptoms with their healthcare practitioners and are often sent by their wives or partners. It takes a keen ear and asking the right questions to obtain the pertinent information needed to safely and effectively treat male menopause.

Diagnosing male menopause

Male menopause, or andropause, is diagnosed through laboratory findings and clinical evaluation. We also look for physical signs during a medical examination, such as: decreased muscle strength and size; increased abdominal fat; small wrinkles around the forehead; fatty breast tissue; smaller penis and testes; and lack of body odor.

We begin our evaluation with a detailed questionnaire, which is a good jumping-off point to begin a productive dialogue about any problems or symptoms.

At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we perform blood work to determine hormone levels for testosterone and estrogen. This is important because there are two particular problems that affect males: low T and estrogen dominance. We are experienced at diagnosing and treating both of these conditions. Dr. Debra Muth is a nationally recognized expert in hormone therapies.

We promote a healthy diet as a way of regulating hormone levels

We know that the symptoms of male menopause are caused by hormone imbalances. We also know that dietary deficiencies can contribute to this imbalance. For example, estrogen dominance may be caused by the following dietary substances:

  • Trans-fatty acid intake
  • Fluoridated water
  • Zinc, magnesium deficiency
  • Lack of sulfur-containing amino acids

Testosterone levels can also be affected by diet; for example, a diet high in sugar and fat may reduce testosterone levels. We encourage patients to eat an organic diet high in fruits, vegetables and lean protein.

Male menopause is not a figment of your imagination, and we treat it and you seriously and respectfully. If you are concerned about symptoms of male menopause, contact us.

Thyroid Tests

Thyroid Testing

Have you been treated with Thyroid hormone for more than six months, but still have symptoms of thyroid imbalance?

This is a common problem among people with hypothyroidism. At Serenity Health Care Center, we have found that many patients feel better when they use Armour Thyroid instead of the synthetic thyroid hormones such as Levothyroxine or Levothyroid.

It is true for a while Armour was not available in the United States, but that has changed, and it is available through the pharmacy. Another option to Armour is Compounded Thyroid that can be formulated specifically for each patient. This option allows the practitioner to change the dosage of T4 and T3 based on exactly what the patient needs.

In order for the practitioner to know exactly what hormones to replace, blood testing is necessary. The thyroid tests you want to request are TSH, FT4, FT3, and Thyroid Antibodies. More recently, it has become popular to order Reverse T3 as well. These thyroid tests can be ordered from a local lab and taken to an Integrative Medical Practitioner for evaluation. An Integrative doctor will look at these tests differently than your general practitioner. Conventionally, practitioners were trained to only look at FT4 and TSH this does not always show the entire picture. It is also important that your doctor is up to date with the normal ranges for thyroid tests. If your thyroid tests are being evaluated based on old data, then you can wait many years for treatment to begin.

TSH or Thyroid Stimulating Hormone is a test used by all conventionally trained practitioners to determine if the thyroid is functioning properly. This test has been utilized since 1973. This test actually measures a hormone from the pituitary gland, not the thyroid. A feedback loop within the body is what determines how much hormone to produce in response to the level of hormone circulating in the bloodstream.

FT4 is a measurement to determine the level of thyroid in the blood stream. FT3 is the hormone used to determine how much hormone is available on a cellular level. Often times the FT3 can be low, and you can have all the symptoms of disease, but the other hormones can be normal. Functional medicine doctors will treat patients who have a low FT3 even if all the other hormones are normal.

Symptoms of Hypothyroid (Low Thyroid)

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight
  • Coarse, dry hair
  • Dry, rough pale skin
  • Hair loss
  • Cold intolerance
  • Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Memory loss
  • Abnormal menstrual cycles
  • Decreased libido

If you have any of the symptoms below and are receiving treatment for thyroid disease, you may benefit from choosing a different type of treatment. If you are not being treated and have these symptoms, we recommend that you have your blood evaluated for thyroid disease.

Adrenal Fatigue Testing

Adrenal Fatigue Testing

Simple Saliva Or Blood Test

The practitioners at our alternative medicine clinic near Milwaukee perform adrenal fatigue testing if they suspect a patient is suffering from adrenal fatigue syndrome. Adrenal fatigue can cause chronic fatigue, headaches, dizziness, anxiety and depression. Conventional medicine doesn’t acknowledge this syndrome, so patients may suffer for months or even years before receiving a diagnosis.

Cortisol levels should always be tested as part of adrenal fatigue testing

Cortisol is the most important hormone tested during adrenal fatigue testing. A simple saliva test performed at home can determine cortisol levels. Cortisol is controlled by the hypothalamus, adrenal glands and pituitary gland. Cortisol receptors exist on almost every cell in the body. This hormone controls several important bodily processes.

  • Balances blood sugar levels
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Produces lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell
  • Impacts central nervous system functions that affect behavior and mood
  • Contributes to weight gain
  • Influences sex drive

When the body produces too much or too little cortisol, people can develop the symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

It’s helpful to test other hormone levels

Often, during adrenal fatigue testing, the practitioners at our alternative medicine clinic near Milwaukee suggest testing hormone levels, such as testosterone, DHEA, progesterone and aldosterone. Blood or saliva tests can also assess these hormone levels.

If cortisol or other hormone levels are abnormal, our practitioners can recommend hormone supplements. Our alternative medicine clinic provides patients with bioidentical hormones, which are molecularly identical to the hormones the body creates. The hormones are not synthetic because they are created from substances that exist in nature.

Lifestyle changes are also important

If adrenal fatigue testing results point to a diagnosis of adrenal fatigue, our practitioners recommend lifestyle changes to help patients improve their symptoms.

  • Stress relief is very important. Yoga, meditation or alternative therapies are helpful.
  • Improving nutrition habits can lead to symptom improvement.
  • Exercise is helpful for overall health, fitness and can help with weight loss.
  • A good night’s sleep is vital to recovery. In addition to taking hormone supplements, patients should avoid too much caffeine and develop a good sleep routine.

Adrenal fatigue testing is an important diagnostic tool. Unlike conventional medicine, our alternative medicine clinic near Milwaukee recognizes how adrenal fatigue affects patients’ quality of life. For testing, diagnosis and treatment, contact us

Allergy Drops

Allergy Drops

Allergy drops, or sublingual immunotherapy, offer customized treatment for each patient based on his or her allergy diagnosis. Our natural medicine clinic near Milwaukee uses the La Crosse Method™ to develop allergy drops for our patients.

What is the La Crosse Method™ and what is its approach to allergy drops?

The La Crosse Method™ is the most widely used in the United Sates for diagnosis and treatment with allergy drops. It’s a comprehensive protocol that provides a convenient, safe, effective, affordable and versatile solution for many people who suffer from allergies.

One of the main benefits to this protocol is that it can be customized to treat both seasonal and environmental allergies. Our allergy drops can also treat patients with more complex allergies, such as mold, chemicals and food allergies, or even associated health conditions such as asthma or eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis.

What are the benefits of treatment with allergy drops?

Other clinics use injection immunotherapy for the majority of patients; however, we choose to exclusively use allergy drops in our natural medicine clinic near Milwaukee. This method offers several benefits.

  • Reduced time spent at your doctor’s office
  • The advantage of taking immunotherapy at home or on the go
  • The ability to treat a broader array of allergies and conditions
  • Reduced need for allergy medications while being treated with allergy drops

How we diagnose allergies

Once again, we follow the La Crosse Method™ to diagnose the patient before we decide whether or not he or she would benefit from treatment with allergy drops. We perform thorough diagnostics. We discuss your environment at home, work or school, and your personal and family medical history. We ask you to complete a questionnaire at your first appointment, which provides us with the essential information we need to make a precise diagnosis. Once we have diagnosed an allergic disorder, we may order allergy testing. Once testing is complete, we can create your customized allergy drops.

The treatment process

Allergy drops are administered by placing the drops under the tongue. First, there is a build-up phase, during which the patient receives the drops in doses that gradually increase until he or she reaches the full strength dose. The build-up phase is followed by a maintenance phase. During this phase, patients take their allergy drops as directed.

Our team is committed to helping patients with allergies achieve a better quality of life through diagnosis and treatment. If you are interested in finding out if allergy drops will help you or your family member, contact us.

HCG Weight Loss

HCG Weight Loss

hcg weight loss tailored to your needs. Serenity health care center

Serenity Health Care Center was one of the first clinics in Wisconsin to offer hCG weight loss

As each year passes, almost everyone tends to gain weight. How much weight you gain has to do with your genetics and lifestyle.

Some of the common culprits:

  • Your metabolism naturally slows down with age
  • Maintaining muscle mass takes more effort than before
  • Work and family eat into time for self-care 
  • Both men and women suffer from hormonal changes after 30

If you are committed to losing weight, Serenity wants to introduce you to our proven hCG protocol

For over 20 years, our popular diet program adapts according to your blood test results, medical history, dieting experience, and body composition. 

What is most exciting about this program is that it eliminates your “abnormal body fat,” targeting the most challenging areas:

  • Belly
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Neck

The hCG plan is not for someone with less than ten pounds to lose.
Our protocol requires you to commit to a restricted diet, followed by a maintenance program, to teach you how to maintain your new weight.

Make an appointment to lose unhealthy fat with hCG

Serenity’s professionally trained staff is certified to administer hCG injections

At Serenity Health Care Center, we offer the support needed to complete the hCG program successfully. This program includes a healthy eating approach, detoxification, and a medical evaluation with appropriate follow-up. Most of all, our staff will be there for you every step of the way.

It doesn’t matter if you have ten pounds or 110 lbs to lose. Serenity wants to work with you to reach your optimal weight. Your health is at stake.

Before Starting the HCG Diet
Just 1 Month After Starting the HCG Diet in Waukesha*
Before Starting the HCG Diet
Just 1 Month After Starting the HCG Diet in Waukesha*
I want to try hCG injections to lose weight

Start seeing real diet results in just under a month with hCG weight loss

The average weight loss is .5 to 1 pound daily with weekly low-dose hCG injections. In addition, our Integrative Health Care approach to weight loss helps you obtain your goals in minimal time. Serenity is committed to positively changing lives with diet results – one patient at a time.

How much weight loss can I expect with hCG?

hCG allows you to burn between 2500-4000 calories per day and intake only 500-800 calories. As a result, you won’t feel extreme hunger or energy loss and don’t need to exercise. 

Essentially, your body will eat its own fat to keep you from experiencing hunger. 

Once on the hCG diet, the hypothalamus, a master gland in the brain, resets your body metabolism to support the new body weight. This resetting enables you to eat a normal, healthy, well-balanced diet and not regain weight.

What is hCG?

hCG, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is a hormone that the body naturally produces. The hCG injection allows the hypothalamus to function at a higher capacity to access abnormal fat, which is not achievable with dieting alone

hCG alternative diet plans for weight loss

The hCG weight loss program supports a healthier lifestyle by tailoring a diet plan that matches your body and goals. We combine the hCG injections with:

  • Weight loss medications that curb hunger and uplift your energy
  • Nutrition planning to adjust your habits
  • Keto Diet because it normalizes your hormones
  • Special diets if you have the ApoE Gene or suffer from Diabetes
  • Cleansing and detox treatments
  • Vitamin B injections and IVs for energy and immune support
  • Skin firming, and cellulite reduction with Serenity MedSpa

5 Reasons why the hCG diet is ideal for weight loss

1. hCG resets the hypothalamus

hCG is a hormone that regulates the hypothalamus, located in the brain. hCG allows the hypothalamus to control the breakdown of abnormal fat reserves – such as those found on hips, buttocks, and abdomen – leading to a quick reduction of body size and weight loss.

2. hCG resets your metabolism

When your body’s natural levels of hCG return, the hypothalamus triggers to burn excessive amounts of fat that contribute to obesity. Your metabolism also resets, giving your body the boost needed to burn fat quickly. If you have struggled for years with a sluggish metabolism, an hCG deficiency might keep you from experiencing weight loss.

3. hCG controls hunger pains

Because your body draws energy from burning excess fat, you can maintain a low-calorie diet without feeling hungry between meals.
With the hCG diet, you learn to recognize when you are full, which trains you to stop overeating. The hCG program teaches this crucial weight-management skill to maintain weight loss for the rest of your life.

4. hCG increases energy

Unlike diet pills that rely on caffeine and other substances to boost energy, hCG gives you an all-natural energy kick. As your body burns the excess fat, you’ll notice your energy level increasing.  Whereas many low-calorie diets can make you feel malnourished and weak, the hCG diet enables your body to unlock natural energy stores as you lose weight.

5. hCG is natural and safe

hCG is a naturally occurring hormone that commonly depletes within the body over time due to the chemicals in our food and environment.  hCG does not interact with other medications. Also, the diet plan does not require consuming chemical-laden diet shakes or food bars –  only a healthy, well-balanced diet (vegetables, fresh fruits, and lean meats).

Try hCG injections to lose weight

Serenity’s 6-week maintenance phase keeps your weight off for good!

With Serenity’s expert guidance, your weight loss accomplishments endure.

After reaching your ideal weight, you can eat foods you avoided during rapid weight loss. 

But we monitor you when you introduce different types of carbohydrates and fats. We can determine which foods your body negatively reacts to. 

If the scale increases by just one pound, we jump into action!

We will guide you with a one-day plan to lose the pound. Also, we provide you with a handy maintenance booklet for easy reference.

These final six weeks of maintenance are when your metabolism finally resets for good. This is the most critical stage of your weight loss journey, and Serenity is there for you.

Serenity’s integrative approach will help you to achieve your optimal weight goals

Many people suffer from obesity in America.  Over the past twenty-five years, our diets have changed dramatically. We have become a fast-food society even though we have enough information to know we should eat healthier.
However, there is more to weight loss than “calories in, calories out.”

A lifetime of dieting and large amounts of sugar and carbohydrates damages the hypothalamus.

Serenity knows it is vital to detoxify and repair the body from long periods of poor habits.
Everyone is unique, and we want you to be successful.

Sometimes, merely getting your hormones in balance or treating adrenal fatigue and thyroid conditions is enough to help you to lose weight.

Sometimes, long-term weight challenges require additional solutions

Serenity can offer you detoxification, genetic testing, nutritional planning, weight loss medications, MedSpa treatments, and the hCG protocol.

Our bariatric program includes an evaluation of cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and sleep apnea. 

Also, our lifestyle coach is happy to work with you. Some plans may include supplemental support; others may involve behavior modification.

“We look at all the possibilities that not only cause your weight gain but many of the health problems resulting from excess weight.”

Dr. Debra Muth

Our HCG diet plan is ideal if you are committed to losing weight. Be amazed to see actual results in just under a month with our HCG for weight loss program.

I want to try losing weight with Serenity’s support

Weight Management

Weight Management

Achieve your health and weight loss goals

Our alternative medicine clinic near Milwaukee offers several tools to help patients with weight management. Weight management is more important than ever because the majority of Americans are overweight or obese. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 70.2% of men and women are overweight or obese in the United States.1

Every patient is unique. Our clinic offers a variety of services and testing that facilitate weight loss and better health.

Our weight loss programs aide in weight management

Our alternative medicine clinic near Milwaukee offers several organized weight loss programs that help patients with weight management.

  • HCG Weight Loss. Debra Muth ND was one of the first practitioners in Wisconsin to offer this quick weight loss program. The program has three phases. It starts with a calorie-restricted phase, moves to a less-restricted phase, and finishes with a maintenance phase to follow for life.
  • Transformations. Transformations is our newest addition for weight management. This plan began as a program for diabetic patients. When it worked so well for these patients, it transitioned into a plan to help anyone get healthy. Transformation focuses on a clean diet that helps stabilize blood sugar and reduce cholesterol levels.
  • The APO E Gene Diet. This plan is customized to suit your genetic blueprint. Apolipoprotein E, or ApoE, is a gene that determines how your body metabolizes cholesterol and other foods. ApoE determines whether a person has a risk of developing obesity, diabetes or other conditions. Every patient’s ApoE genetic profile tells our staff the best way to approach weight management.

No matter which weight loss program patients choose, they schedule one-on-one visits with our professional staff and receive personalized care.

Personalized care addresses issues that may be hindering weight loss

Every patient who comes to our alternative medicine clinic near Milwaukee for weight management receives individual attention, whether they are following one of our organized weight loss programs or seeing us for individualized weight loss. Our practitioners address several issues that may be hindering a patient’s ability to lose weight.

Alternative therapies can also help with weight loss. If a patient is an emotional eater, we may recommend hypnotherapy. If a patient is stress eating, we may suggest massage therapy to help with relaxation.

During weight management, the experienced and caring staff at our alternative medicine clinic near Milwaukee is with patients every step of the way. Contact us and get started on a journey to better health.


Second Opinion

Four Areas to Cover with a Second Opinion

Our medical detective work provides you with an expert second opinion

If you’ve been searching for a valuable second opinion, as well as the answers to your medical problem, you need the medical detective work that our integrated medicine clinic near Milwaukee provides. Our health care professionals spend quality time with you, digging into your symptoms and health history to uncover the real root cause of your issue.

Our integrative approach makes our second opinion unique and valuable

Dr. Debra Muth has assembled an expert team of highly respected integrative health professionals from a variety of disciplines who apply multiple skill sets to your second opinion diagnosis. Our team is known for their skill as diagnosticians, often uncovering the source of problems that other professionals have missed for many years.

We take the time to truly listen to you, while asking questions that you may have never been asked before about your lifestyle, your home and work environment and your medical history. These questions go beyond the notes we receive from your previous medical doctors.

We tackle four critical issues that many health professionals ignore

When providing a second opinion, the traditional medical community doesn’t always consider problems like Lyme disease as an underlying cause of various medical problems. Our integrated medicine clinic near Milwaukee possesses unique knowledge about Lyme disease, toxic mold and the importance of investigating hormonal balances and underlying genetic issues.

Lyme Disease

People often get a tick bite without even knowing it. Lyme disease can cause symptoms that mimic many other medical conditions. Early on, you may experience flu-like symptoms such as fever, aches and pains and headaches. Left undiscovered, the disease progresses and causes changes in your heart rate, joint pain and other more serious health problems that can cause you to seek a second opinion.

Toxic Mold

Toxic mold creates illness by producing mycotoxins that can cause mold allergies and illnesses. Mold allergies cause annoying symptoms such as sneezing, congestion and watery eyes, but mold illnesses are more serious. Traditional health care providers often fail to investigate toxic mold when you come to them with respiratory problems, digestive problems, muscle pain and other issues.

Hormone Balancing

Hormones play a very important role in your overall health. Our team treats men and women, testing their hormones to discover deficiencies. Dr. Muth is nationally known for her expertise in bioidentical hormone treatment.


Often when providing a second opinion, the team at our integrated medicine clinic near Milwaukee performs genetic testing to identify anomalies in your genetic code that may be creating health issues, including the following: amino acid metabolism disorders; biotinidase deficiency disorders; fatty acid oxidation disorders; and more.

A second opinion from Serenity Health Care Center is never second best; in fact, for many people, it’s the answer they’ve been seeking for several years. Our second opinion team includes highly regarded providers.

Contact us for the finest in medical detective work.